Various kinds of inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity manifest themselves in the form of many symptoms, including impaired diction, fever, and many others. Swollen gums are also definitely haunting. If these symptoms are detected, you should seek help from a specialist without much delay, because the diagnosis can be very serious.

Swollen gums. Primary Reasons
The most common gum disease in medicine is considered to be the so-called gingivitis. However, this is far from the only reason why swollen gums can bother you. On the other hand, it is a symptom of injury to some tissues and their subsequent infection. Also, such an unpleasant problem arises due to the reaction of the body to the presence of a foreign body, for example, the most common filling. Swollen gums can cause a lot of inconvenience during the natural process of digestion, when talking, and even while sleeping. In any case, you should definitely visit a dentist who will find out the truethe cause of this problem and prescribe the subsequent treatment. It is also worth following the recipes of traditional medicine after consulting with a specialist.
Swollen gums. Treatment with conservative methods

It should be noted that therapy, as a rule, is complex, therefore, it includes a number of activities. So, the sanitation of the entire oral cavity is mandatory by removing plaque on the teeth, stones and treating caries. In addition, the doctor must remove all inflammatory symptoms with the help of medications in order to subsequently avoid a relapse. As a rule, special pastes with a high fluoride content and rinse solutions are used. For severe pain, the well-known drugs "Analgin" and "Tempalgin" are used, as well as gargling with potassium permanganate and furatsilin.
Swollen gum near the tooth. Traditional medicine
With the strongest swelling of the gums, it often happens that there are no painkillers at hand. In this case, the recipes of our grandmothers come to the rescue. Let's look at just a few of them.
So, the most common are chamomile, sage, yarrow and oak bark. It is allowed to rinse with decoctions of these plants, both individually and together. Ready dried plants for sure every housewife has at home. Two tablespoons of the dry mixture is enough. They are filled with 400 ml

water and boil for five minutes. After you needwait until the prepared decoction has completely cooled down, and start rinsing until the appearance of the gums is completely normal.
However, not all plants should be boiled. For example, chamomile is simply enough to pour boiling water over, cool and also rinse your mouth. The proportions in this situation will be slightly different. You will need about 8-10 teaspoons of the mixture per cup of boiling water.
So, in this article we looked at the easiest ways to get rid of such a problem as swollen gums. We hope that these recipes will help you and your loved ones. Stay he althy!