If medical instruments are disinfected using the contact method, then bactericidal lamps are used to clean the air and rooms. To perform the main function of this type of equipment, an air flow is sufficient, the particles of which are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Everything that is in the air, including dust and microorganisms, is rendered harmless. This is especially true for medical, children's, institutions, institutions, catering, where there are high requirements for the cleanliness of rooms and work surfaces.

Where applicable
TUV germicidal lamps can be used not only in domestic or industrial environments to purify water or air. In medical institutions, represented by dispensaries, treatment and massage rooms, operating rooms, postoperative rehabilitation wards, as well as in public and private pools, different types of lamps are used. For example, mixed ones can be used for air disinfection both in the presence of people and in their absence. The operating mode is adjusted manually, the interval between switching on is at least 3 hours. In housesnursing homes, hospices, childcare facilities, such devices are also used to strengthen the immune system (especially in the cold season), since ultraviolet radiation promotes the production of vitamin D in human skin, prevents the appearance and development of rickets, strengthens ligaments and bones. To do this, the device is turned on for a time, no more than 20 minutes, and reapplied after 2-3 hours. This is especially true for people living in countries and regions with low air temperatures and few sunny days. Sunbathing for newborns and toddlers under 1-2 years of age is essential, but if you can't use a natural way to get UV, a UV germicidal lamp will help.
Many who have suffered or are prone to ENT diseases probably remember that with tonsillitis, sinusitis, and a runny nose, they were prescribed ultraviolet irradiation in the physiotherapy room. The main requirement that patients make during such procedures is not to look at the bright light burning inside the device. This warning is made to protect curious patients from accidental burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Working principle
Bactericidal lamps have almost the same device as fluorescent ones: it is a glass tube sealed on both sides, inside which is argon, neon or krypton (or a mixture of them). The difference is this: phosphorus mixed with other substances releases ultraviolet light instead of absorbing it. If earlier such devices were used in industrial andlarge-scale strategic facilities, they can currently be installed in houses and apartments.
What does the lamp do?
UV germicidal lamp allows you to clean the room and water, spending a minimum of resources. The material for the walls of the tube is a special uviolet glass that transmits UV waves. The quartz bactericidal lamp is made of quartz glass, capable of transmitting the full spectrum of radiation generated by mercury. For this reason, such a device is more dangerous for contact with microorganisms: when the quartz lamps are turned on, you cannot stay in the room. Upon completion of the procedure, the room is ventilated.

Germicidal lamps are classified on several grounds:
- Mobility - fixed and mobile.
- Design type - open and closed.
- Installation location - floor, wall, ceiling, desktop.
- Power - low, medium, high power.
Each type is used depending on what needs to be decontaminated. Most of the range available on the market is occupied by lamps designed for sterilizing indoor air. Consumers make a choice in favor of a particular model based on the size of the room, the frequency of disinfecting procedures. The operation of a bactericidal lamp of a closed type allows you to carry out hygiene procedures without subsequent ventilation of the room, which is mandatory when using quartz analogs.
Home use
Bactericidal lamp for home is used to disinfect water or air. In the first case, the device is installed in water supply units: water, passing through the irradiated area, is purified from harmful impurities and dangerous microorganisms. To purify the air, a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp is selected depending on factors such as the presence of small children and animals in the house, the time of year, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, etc.

Key Features
Regular use of the device will make it possible to secure children's rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, etc. Among the characteristics under consideration, the following are distinguished:
- Guaranteed service life (in hours). For example, Philips TUV germicidal lamps have a lifespan of more than 8,000 hours.
- Dimensions.
- Power consumption.
- The current inside the lamp.
- The value of the bactericidal flux - a 30w bactericidal lamp has an indicator of more than 5 W.
- Bactericidal power reduction during the warranty period.
- Massa and others.
Against which microorganisms bactericidal emitters are used
The main purpose is cleaning and disinfection. It is noted that ultraviolet radiation directly affects the DNA of microorganisms in the form of bacteria and viruses, which destroys them from the inside. A germicidal lamp for the home, even a relatively low power, can effectively act on mold, slowing down its growth and destroying new cells.
Datadevices have proven themselves in relation to the following types of microorganisms:
- Tuberculosis, diphtheria, Escherichia coli, cholera.
- Staphylococci.
- Streptococci.
- Fungal infections.
- Viruses.

Functioning nuances
These devices are highly sensitive to voltage drops. An increase in voltage in the network reduces the service life, and a decrease to 20% leads to the termination of the lamps. If the voltage is increased by 20%, then the duration of work is reduced by half. The amount of UV radiation flux is related to the duration of use and the number of times the lamps are switched on - at high values \u200b\u200bof these indicators, the ability to emit radiation decreases.
In addition to the duration of operation and mode of operation, air temperature and air circulation also affect the functioning of the lamps. Devices of a closed type practically do not change the radiation power when the ambient temperature changes. Open-type lamps cannot boast of such stability: at room temperatures below 10 degrees, they do not turn on at all. This is due to the fact that when the temperature drops, the level of sputtering of the electrodes increases, thereby reducing the life of the device.
Open lamps
Bactericidal lamps of open type are most often stationary, that is, installed in a certain permanent place, and are used for air disinfection. The UV waves they emit are scattered throughout the room, but duringit is not recommended to stay indoors during their work, because such radiation has a negative effect on the retina of the eyes. Depending on the installation location, the devices are also divided into wall and ceiling. When working with open-type mobile lamps, it is necessary to use protective ammunition in the form of goggles, gloves and face masks in order to avoid burns.

Enclosed lamps
Ultraviolet lamps of a closed type are called recirculators due to the nature of their work. The air is drawn into the radiating device, where it is disinfected by means of ultraviolet radiation and, after purification, is brought out. Thanks to this, closed-type lamps can be installed in any room, regardless of the presence of people or animals. Recirculators are installed in close proximity above the heating devices so that the air flow goes in the right direction, warmed and cleaned.
How to properly install and maintain
Height 2 meters from the floor surface - the standard location of wall-mounted recirculators. When several devices are working at the same time, they are placed at an equal distance from each other around the entire perimeter of the room.
To increase the service life of any equipment requires care. All devices equally poorly tolerate dust and moisture. Therefore, bactericidal lamps show careful monitoring of the state of not only the electrical network, but also the external working conditions. In accordance with the established schedule, the technical staff performs activities todust removal of flasks and lamp monitors. In no case should you wipe the dust on the devices connected to the network - this is equally dangerous for both the device and the technician. A favorite trick of unscrupulous supermarket owners is to interrupt the expiration date of the goods on the packaging; in the case of bactericidal equipment, it will not lead to anything good. To conduct objective control over the service life, the following methods are used:
- Electric meters showing total hours worked.
- Radiometers detecting declines in UV radiation.
In accordance with the instructions for use, before turning on the lamp, the correct direction of the radiation flux is set. Due to the high sensitivity to voltage indicators, the operation of stabilizers should be monitored.
Any manipulation of the lamps is appropriate only if the power supply is completely disconnected. To remove dust, use soft sponges without water. In each institution where such devices operate, a special journal of a bactericidal lamp is kept, this allows you to keep track of the duration of operation and the load on the devices. As the required number of hours is reached, the lamps must be replaced immediately.
Safety requirements
When working with mobile open-type lamps, it is necessary to use protective ammunition in the form of goggles, gloves and face masks in order to avoid burns. Care should always be taken to ensure that the ultraviolet radiation flux does not directly fall on a person or anyanother living being. This is dangerous for the skin (melanoma can be provoked) and eyes (up to loss of vision). If, for any reason, the presence of a person is necessary at the time of operation of the devices, the lamps are covered with opaque reflective screens that direct the radiated flux up to the ceiling. The slightest appearance of dust on the surface of devices or screens reduces the period and quality of work, therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness in the irradiated room.
Mobile irradiators after use are stored in a separate place, covered with thick covers. If the lamp is damaged or broken for some reason, you should immediately leave the danger area so as not to inhale mercury vapor.
When open-type lamps are turned on, a light sign with a warning inscription turns on, this will keep the curious at a distance while the bactericidal treatment of the room is in progress.
During the operation of the device, it is not recommended to exceed the norm for switching on time, since the release of ozone is dangerous for human he alth, especially those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.

How to choose
The main parameter is the size of the irradiated area and the purpose of the room. Operating theaters and delivery rooms require a high power lamp for perfect disinfection.
For rooms with less stringent requirements for the level of disinfection, choose lamps with lower bactericidal flux. If powerful bactericidalirradiators, then a large area is required for the operation of such devices.
For domestic use, a lamp with a Russian-made bactericidal lamp has been developed. It is compact in size and convenient in design. The device sequentially changes the inclusion of bactericidal and fluorescent lamps, there is the possibility of automatic or manual switching. Convenient mountings allow you to install the device in any suitable place.