Drugs 2024, October

Sodium chloride solution: instructions for use, reviews

Sodium chloride solution: instructions for use, reviews

Sodium chloride belongs to the group of drugs intended for rehydration and detoxification. This pharmacological agent is produced in the form of transparent, colorless solutions. 1 liter of the drug contains 9 g of the active compound in the form of sodium chloride. Water for injection is used as an additional component

"Rabeprazole": analogues, description, application, features

"Rabeprazole": analogues, description, application, features

"Rabeprazole" is taken for gastroesophageal reflux, duodenal and stomach ulcers, effectively fights microorganisms that provoke these diseases. If the patient is allergic to any component that contains Rabeprazole, analogues may well replace this drug

Medical rubber-fabric lined oilcloth: purpose, operation features, advantages

Medical rubber-fabric lined oilcloth: purpose, operation features, advantages

Medical rubber-fabric lined oilcloth is widely used not only in specialized medical organizations to cover beds, but also in social services, private clinics, boarding houses, beauty salons, and at home. This material is used in dental practice, surgery, during massage and physiotherapy procedures

The best cure for sore throat at home

The best cure for sore throat at home

A sore throat can reveal itself in the morning (most often) or at any other time of the day when a person makes a habitual reflex swallow. Since then, swallowing has turned from a previously imperceptible reflex into a real torture, which has to be subjected to regularly after a short period of time

The drug "Prosulpin": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

The drug "Prosulpin": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

The drug "Prosulpin" is positioned by the instructions for use as a powerful antipsychotic agent that is used in the treatment of various disorders of the nervous system and other diseases. Read more about the above drug

"Flamax forte": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Flamax forte": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Flamax Forte is positioned by many experts as a wonderful remedy that instantly relieves unpleasant pain, prevents the development of the inflammatory process and lowers body temperature. Experts often recommend it to patients who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Read more about this drug

Vietnamese medicines: list, names and reviews

Vietnamese medicines: list, names and reviews

Vietnam is known throughout the world as a power that has kept its unique traditions and secrets for centuries. Quite curious are the approaches to medicine practiced in this country, where non-traditional directions of treatment are still very strong. Tinctures and roots are not what they treat in Vietnam; such simple remedies have been replaced by specialized industrial Vietnamese medicines, very different from what is available to us. Consider the features of these funds

Latest generation NSAIDs: reviews, list, prices

Latest generation NSAIDs: reviews, list, prices

Many pathological changes that occur in the body accompany the pain syndrome. To combat such symptoms, NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, have been developed. However, the drugs have a large number of side effects. This limits their use in some patients. Modern pharmacology has developed the latest generation of NSAIDs. Such drugs are much less likely to cause unpleasant reactions, but they remain effective drugs

Fibrinolysis inhibitors: drugs, mechanism of action, indications

Fibrinolysis inhibitors: drugs, mechanism of action, indications

The word "fibrinolysis" in Greek means "decomposition" or "dissolution". This process of splitting blood clots and thrombi, which is part of homeostasis and is accompanied by clotting. For a person, this is a natural protective reaction of the body. It prevents thrombosis and promotes cell recovery after heavy blood loss. Fibrinolysis inhibitors - a group of drugs that have a hemostatic effect

How to take "Phosphalugel" and "De-nol" together: instructions for use, scheme and recommendations

How to take "Phosphalugel" and "De-nol" together: instructions for use, scheme and recommendations

When treating diseases of the digestive tract, it is important to know how to take "Phosphalugel" and "De-nol" together and separately. In the course of treatment, it is necessary to take into account all indications and restrictions for certain groups of the population

The use of boric acid for medicinal purposes: instructions, reviews

The use of boric acid for medicinal purposes: instructions, reviews

Each family keeps a first aid kit at home, which must contain an antiseptic. That's just, treating the wound, try not to aggravate! Boric acid, which has long been known for its weak acidic action, will help in this matter

Antiretroviral drugs: list and indications. Highly active antiretroviral therapy

Antiretroviral drugs: list and indications. Highly active antiretroviral therapy

Antiretroviral drugs help improve the condition of patients infected with HIV. The doctor will help you choose the right remedy

Neuromidin preparation. Analogues, indications, contraindications

Neuromidin preparation. Analogues, indications, contraindications

The article describes the tablet and injection form of the drug "Neuromidin", indicates its analogues, features of their use

"Hofitol": indications for the use of this drug

"Hofitol": indications for the use of this drug

The article describes the drug "Hofitol", indicates its pharmacological effect, indications for use and features of administration during pregnancy

Drug "Fulflex". Reviews, application features, therapeutic effect

Drug "Fulflex". Reviews, application features, therapeutic effect

The article describes the drug "Fulflex", indicates its therapeutic properties, composition, as well as features of use in diseases of the joints

Which is better - "Nurofen" or "Paracetamol": comparison, composition, indications for use, instructions

Which is better - "Nurofen" or "Paracetamol": comparison, composition, indications for use, instructions

Parents face a choice - to use a drug based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Of course, the best option is to select the drug together with the local pediatrician. This will help to avoid side reactions and get an effective means of combating high temperatures. Before using Nurofen or Paracetamol, you should carefully study the attached instructions and strictly observe the frequency and duration of use of the antipyretic

Jerusalem artichoke in diabetes: benefits and harms

Jerusalem artichoke in diabetes: benefits and harms

Variety of cooking methods and rich chemical composition make Jerusalem artichoke an excellent tool to combat diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, Jerusalem artichoke can reduce the number of insulin injections needed and improve the condition of the body. The beneficial effect of inulin from Jerusalem artichoke on the gastrointestinal tract improves immunity and cleanses the microflora

"Odeston": reviews of patients and doctors about the drug

"Odeston": reviews of patients and doctors about the drug

Drug "Odeston" - a choleretic agent. For a full description of the drug, side effects and compatibility with alcohol, read this article

What and how to take antibiotics for intestinal infections?

What and how to take antibiotics for intestinal infections?

Various intestinal infections are widespread, especially in children. It is very important to start the right treatment on time and prevent dehydration. In recent years, the attitude towards the use of various drugs in such diseases has been revised. For example, antibiotics for intestinal infections are not always prescribed. After all, in some cases they can be not only useless, but even harmful

Best Sore Throat Remedies for Kids: Drug Review

Best Sore Throat Remedies for Kids: Drug Review

A child's throat can hurt for various reasons. And it is not always considered the result of a viral or infectious disease. Burning and dry throat or tingling are sometimes associated with drinking too hot drinks or cold food, breathing dirty air, crying or screaming for a long time

Spray "Aquamaris": analogue. How to replace "Aquamaris" for children and adults?

Spray "Aquamaris": analogue. How to replace "Aquamaris" for children and adults?

"Aquamaris" - instructions for use, analogues. Cheap analogues of the drug for children and adults, release forms

Insecticide "Deltsid": instructions for use, indications and features of use

Insecticide "Deltsid": instructions for use, indications and features of use

Today, the defeat of animals by parasites is easy to eliminate using "Deltsid". Instructions for use explains the features of the use of this tool. It can be purchased not only for processing animals, but also for apartments, houses or other outbuildings that contain four-legged

"Sydex": general characteristics and detailed instructions for use. "Sydex" for the aquarium

"Sydex": general characteristics and detailed instructions for use. "Sydex" for the aquarium

"Sidex" is a disinfectant for wide use. In medicine, for the sterilization of inventory and in the aquarium trade, "Sydex" is used as a means to combat algae. Instructions for use contains detailed information on the application

Kailas Jeevan: instructions for use, description and properties

Kailas Jeevan: instructions for use, description and properties

A unique and multifunctional drug that can cure the most common diseases is Kailas Jeevan cream. Instructions for use will tell you how to use it, and for what violations it is advisable to take the product of Indian healers

Javel Absolute disinfectant: instructions for use, effectiveness and reviews

Javel Absolute disinfectant: instructions for use, effectiveness and reviews

The unique disinfectant "Javel Absolute" has high disinfecting properties. It is used for the treatment of various surfaces in institutions for various purposes

Vishnevsky's ointment: application, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

Vishnevsky's ointment: application, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

The drug has been used for decades and is popular among both young and old patients. The ointment is an affordable and effective remedy with an antiseptic effect, which is produced by several pharmaceutical companies at once and is intended for external use

"Nadroparin Calcium": instructions, indications, side effects

"Nadroparin Calcium": instructions, indications, side effects

In what form is Nadroparin Calcium produced? The release form of this medication is presented in this article

Ointment "Solcoseryl": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Solcoseryl": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Solcoseryl ointment is considered an effective drug for healing wounds, cracks, cuts. The Swiss drug belongs to stimulants for skin regeneration. It effectively affects the restoration of the skin from various mechanical and thermal damage. And also it is used in modern cosmetology in the fight against wrinkles

Stomach pain? Choosing the right medicine for the stomach

Stomach pain? Choosing the right medicine for the stomach

The article talks about how to choose the right medicines for the stomach, remedies for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea, etc

The drug "Phosphalugel": reviews. "Phosphalugel": indications for use

The drug "Phosphalugel": reviews. "Phosphalugel": indications for use

Fast food, hasty snacks, overeating at night, alcohol abuse, irregular meals, intestinal infections, the negative effects of various drugs, including antibiotics, and other factors are the causes of common disorders of the digestive system. Modern pharmacology can offer many drugs that help to cope with diseases of the stomach and intestines. One of them is the drug "Phosphalugel", about which we will go

Analogue "Lyoton": instructions for use, reviews

Analogue "Lyoton": instructions for use, reviews

Among the drugs for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, Lyoton is quite popular. Analogues of this remedy, the price of which is much lower, also have a tangible effect and are sold in every pharmacy. One of them will be discussed in this article

Boric acid (alcohol): instructions for use

Boric acid (alcohol): instructions for use

A drug such as boric acid (alcohol), the instructions for use for which allows its use for otitis media and skin diseases, is a rather outdated drug. Nevertheless, it is available, and sometimes effective enough, which keeps its popularity among the population. The main thing is to use boric alcohol with caution

Formic alcohol: application, price

Formic alcohol: application, price

Formic alcohol, which can be used in medicine, cosmetology and everyday life, contains the same name acid as an active ingredient. In nature, this organic substance is found in the secret of ants and bees, in nettle and sorrel, as well as some fruits. On an industrial scale, formic acid is synthesized artificially

Cheap analogue of "Gastala": description, composition, instructions for use, reviews

Cheap analogue of "Gastala": description, composition, instructions for use, reviews

Heartburn - an extremely uncomfortable burning sensation in the esophagus, accompanied by belching and nausea - is a fairly common phenomenon in our time. This is not surprising, given the increased pace of modern life, the abundance of harmful substances and allergens in food, constant stress

"Urolesan": analogues, action, contraindications

"Urolesan": analogues, action, contraindications

Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder is accompanied by an extremely uncomfortable condition for the patient. Quick relief can bring herbal preparation "Urolesan". Its analogues are also effective

Analogue of "Laktofiltrum" is cheap for the skin. "Laktofiltrum": analogues are cheap for children

Analogue of "Laktofiltrum" is cheap for the skin. "Laktofiltrum": analogues are cheap for children

It happens that with constant troubles with the skin: acne, high fat content - cosmetics alone cannot help, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug "Laktofiltrum" (cheaper analogues can also be effective) in this case normalizes the intestinal microflora and at the same time improves skin condition

Abisib drug: instructions for use, reviews

Abisib drug: instructions for use, reviews

Since ancient times, mankind has been using the gifts of nature in the fight against various ailments. Siberian fir, an evergreen tree, occupies a leading position among medicinal plants, on the basis of which unique healing products are created. One of them is the drug "Abisib". Instructions for use, reviews will tell you what kind of drug it is and how effective it is

Sea buckthorn oil from hemorrhoids: application features, effectiveness and reviews

Sea buckthorn oil from hemorrhoids: application features, effectiveness and reviews

Today, almost everyone faces the problem of hemorrhoids. Most often, this disease affects people after 40. The pharmacy chain offers many different creams, ointments and suppositories against hemorrhoids. In addition, there are many folk remedies aimed at eliminating the disease. One of them is sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids, the features and effectiveness of which we will discuss later

Safe candles for pregnant women in the treatment of various diseases

Safe candles for pregnant women in the treatment of various diseases

As you know, pregnancy is a period when a woman is forbidden to take most medications, as they can adversely affect the bearing and development of the fetus. However, just during pregnancy, many ailments begin to appear that a woman has never encountered before. Often, in order to treat diseases, doctors recommend suppositories for pregnant women intended for rectal and vaginal use

"Morenazal" with chamomile - a new generation nasal spray

"Morenazal" with chamomile - a new generation nasal spray

Everyone knows that a runny nose is an extremely unpleasant symptom that accompanies colds and allergies. In order for the mucous membrane to be able to cope with diseases, various drops and sprays are used. One of these medicines is Morenasal nasal spray with chamomile. It is designed specifically for children and adults who are often exposed to colds and are prone to allergies