Diseases of the joints are difficult to treat and periodically require its resumption. With an exacerbation, it is recommended to undergo a treatment course of anti-inflammatory injections and tablets, combining them with ointments. In some cases, when the pain is caused by excessive physical effort, a change in the weather, or a slight cooling of the body, it is enough to apply an ointment for joint pain.

Conditionally, these drugs are divided into anti-inflammatory and warming.
The first group is ointments containing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance in their composition. They are characterized by the fact that they are quickly absorbed through the skin and act for a long time. Due to the absence of a warming (burning) effect, they are well suited for people with sensitive skin and allergies.
Ointments for joint pain "Indomethacin", "Diclofenac", "Voltaren" have a combination of inexpensive price and good therapeutic effect. Recommended for arthritis, gout.
Means "Bystrum", "Fastum", "Ketonal" have one active ingredient - ketoprofen, but are produced by different manufacturers. Possess a powerfulanti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It is not recommended to use them more than 2 times a day. They have a high therapeutic effect on injuries, bursitis, deforming osteoarthritis, radiculitis.

Dolgit joint pain ointment contains ibuprofen. With a decongestant effect, it is indispensable for increasing range of motion, reducing morning stiffness, as well as for rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, gout.
Ointment "Nise" is produced on the basis of a new generation of non-steroidal compound nimesulide. Indications for use are rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, deforming osteoarthritis.
The second group is ointments that act due to a warming, irritating and distracting action. Their active substances, by dilating blood vessels, cause flushing of the skin and activate metabolism. These ointments must be used with caution to avoid adverse reactions such as rash, itching, or hives. To do this, first apply a microdose to the skin and rub it gently.
Ointment for pain in the joints "Finalgon" provides a long-term expansion of skin vessels. It is used for joint and muscle pain of various nature, as well as for sports injuries.
Drug "Ben-gay" - a combined drug that has analgesic and local irritating effect. It gives a good therapeutic effect in diseases of the joints, injuries, lumbago, and is also used by athletes for a warming massage.

Ointment for pain injoints "Viprosal" is made on the basis of gyurza poison. Its variety - the drug "Viprosal-B" - is based on viper venom. Both drugs have a strong analgesic effect that lasts up to 18-20 hours.
The action of Apizartron ointment is based on the healing properties of bee venom. Indications for use are arthralgia, rheumatism, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints.
Some people prefer homemade joint pain ointment. Recipes based on birch buds, ammonia, a mixture of eggs and vinegar, therapeutic mud, medical clay and bee products are known.