Medication "Parity" - an effective remedy for men

Medication "Parity" - an effective remedy for men
Medication "Parity" - an effective remedy for men

The medicine "Parity" is a natural remedy of plant origin, part of the group of dietary supplements.

Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

This drug is intended specifically for men who want to restore or increase potency, as well as generally improve the quality of their own sexual life. Taking such a herbal remedy as the medicine "Parity" has a pronounced stimulating effect on the glands responsible for the production of the hormone testosterone, returns its level to optimal levels and stimulates reproductive function. At the same time, the manufacturing company emphasizes that the restoration of potency is noted already in the first days of using this biological additive.

Features of the composition of the product

parity cure for men
parity cure for men

The drug "Parity" is currently being produced in the form of tablets and drops intended for oral administration. PartThese funds as active ingredients include natural extracts of various plants, as well as an extract of young maral horns, vitamins, nicotinamide and zinc oxide. Pantocrine and ginger extract are also contained in the biological supplement Parity. The medicine for men also includes extracts of yohimbe, eurycoma and tribulus. All these components together provide a comprehensive approach to increasing sexual activity. For example, zinc takes an active part in the production of seminal fluid and testosterone, preventing problems with potency and preventing a decrease in the quality and quantity of sperm. Yohimbe bark is excellent at stimulating blood flow to the pelvis, causing sexual desire and thus preventing erectile dysfunction. In turn, the extract obtained from the roots of eurycoma has a pronounced positive effect on the stamina and sexual activity of a man. Ginger root, which also contains the drug "Parity", accelerates the work of the sex glands and the circulatory system, stimulates metabolism. And, finally, deer antlers have a characteristic tonic and restorative effect and are actively used during high physical exertion.

Dosage and regimen

parity medicine reviews
parity medicine reviews

This biological supplement should only be taken by adults strictly one tablet or one tablespoon of the concentrate once a day. Drops must first be diluted in a glass of water,juice, tea or any other drink. As for the duration of taking this biological supplement, for example, tablets should be taken for fifteen days. Drops are used for at least three weeks in a row. If necessary, it is also allowed to re-take the drug "Paritet". The medicine (patient reviews confirm) should not be taken more than three to four times a year. Such a regimen is optimal for most men and allows you to forget about such unpleasant problems as lack of sexual desire and impotence forever.
