"Cortexin": instructions, reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues

"Cortexin": instructions, reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues
"Cortexin": instructions, reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues

In case of neurological diseases, doctors prescribe the nootropic drug "Cortexin". Instructions for use and reviews of the drug indicate that this tool improves cerebral circulation and brain function. The medicine protects the central nervous system from the effects of adverse factors. The drug is also used to treat children with mental retardation and psychomotor development. This remedy consists of components of natural origin, is well tolerated and has few contraindications.

Composition and action of the drug

The composition of "Cortexin" includes proteins obtained from the cerebral cortex of animals (pigs and cattle). These peptide compounds are the active ingredient of the drug. The drug is produced only in the form of a powder (lyophilisate) for injection. In addition to the active ingredient, Cortexin contains the amino acid glycine. This excipient improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system and complements the action of proteins.

Lyophilisate looks like white powder or porousweight. It is packaged in 5 ml vials. The preparation for adults contains 10 mg of the active substance. Cortexin is also produced for children with a reduced dosage of the medicinal component - 5 mg.

Consider the pharmacological action of this drug. First of all, it affects the brain like a nootropic. This means that under the influence of the active component of the drug, the patient improves mental activity. It becomes easier for a person to remember information, concentrate attention, and also deal with stress.

Vials with "Cortexin"
Vials with "Cortexin"

In addition, the drug protects the cells of the nervous system from adverse factors. Harmful substances accumulate in the human body, which adversely affect the state of neurons. The drug eliminates their negative impact. Instructions for "Cortexin" and reviews of the drug report that this remedy is able to stop the toxic effect on the brain of psychotropic drugs and ethanol.

The drug can also be used as an anticonvulsant. It effectively suppresses foci of pathological activity in the brain. The drug also acts as an antioxidant. This means that it inhibits fat oxidation and prevents the negative effects of free radicals on nerve cells.

Patients are often interested: is Cortexin produced in tablets? Currently, there is only an injectable form of release. However, you can pick up similar drugs in tablet form. Medicines of similar action will beSee below.


This medicine is used in the complex therapy of diseases of the central nervous system in adults. Children's psychiatrists with mental retardation in young patients also use Cortexin. The indications for prescribing the medicine are as follows:

  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • all kinds of encephalopathies;
  • injuries of the skull and brain, as well as their consequences;
  • memory disorders;
  • decrease in concentration;
  • disordered thinking;
  • encephalitis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • children's autism spectrum disorders;
  • delayed development of speech and psychomotor functions;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • infantile cerebral palsy.
Consequences of skull injuries
Consequences of skull injuries

The drug is also used to treat children with severe learning difficulties. It is noted that in young patients memory and the ability to assimilate new information are significantly improved after a course of therapy with Cortexin. Indications for prescribing the drug are also congenital diseases of the central nervous system in infants. In this case, the drug is used as part of complex treatment.


This natural remedy has few contraindications. It is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance to the active ingredient and allergy to the drug. This medication is also contraindicated in pregnant women andnursing mothers. At present, the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied. Therefore, it is better for expectant mothers to refuse to use such a medicine. The active substance may pass into milk. If there is a need for a course of treatment with the drug during lactation, then breastfeeding should be interrupted.

Unwanted effects

Instructions for "Cortexin" and reviews of the drug indicate that injections are usually well tolerated. In rare cases, patients have experienced manifestations of allergies: itching and skin rash like urticaria. To prevent such undesirable effects, it is recommended to use water for injection or saline as a solvent for the lyophilisate. Allergy was most often noted in cases where novocaine was used to dilute the powder.

How to inject the drug

Before using "Cortexin" in ampoules, the powder must be diluted. The following solvents can be used for this:

  • Novocaine.
  • Saline solution.
  • Water for injections.

Each solvent has its pros and cons. Novocaine has an anesthetic effect and reduces the pain of the injection. However, it increases the likelihood of allergies. When using saline or water for injection, side effects are less common, but the injection may cause discomfort. These solutions are not included in the medicine package and must be purchased separately.

To prepare the composition for Cortexin injections, you will need 1-2 ml of solvent. The following algorithm of actions must be observed:

  1. Prepare a sterile syringe and put a needle on it.
  2. Open the solvent ampoule.
  3. Put the needle into the solvent and draw up the liquid.
  4. Remove the foil and pierce the cork of the powder vial.
  5. Release solvent into vial.
  6. Achieve complete dissolution of the powder. To do this, you can slightly shake the bottle from side to side.
  7. Draw the solution into the syringe.
Dilution of the drug
Dilution of the drug

The prepared composition should be used immediately for injection. Instructions for use "Cortexin" prohibits storing the solution. After 20 minutes it becomes unusable. Also, it should not be mixed with other medicines in the same syringe.

Injections of "Cortexin" are done intramuscularly in the following parts of the body:

  • upper third of thigh;
  • upper third of shoulder;
  • into the anterior wall of the abdomen (if the patient is not overweight).

It is important to remember that this drug is not injected into the gluteal muscles. There is too much fat in this area of the body and the medicine will not be absorbed well.

In the instructions and reviews of Cortexin, it is reported that injections of the drug can be quite painful. Therefore, with a new injection of the drug, it is necessary to deviate from the previous injection site by at least 1 cm. Otherwise, the formation of hematomas and subcutaneous hardening is possible.

Shoulder injection
Shoulder injection

Dosage for adult patients

"Cortexin" for adults is prescribed 1 vial (10 mg) daily. The course of treatment is 10 days. If it is necessary to repeat the therapy, then take a break for 3-6 months, and then resume the ten-day course.

If stroke and post-stroke condition are being treated, then injections are made twice a day, 10 mg each. The course of therapy also takes 10 days. This is followed by a break for 10 days, after which the treatment is repeated. Usually two courses of therapy are enough to improve the condition.

Injections of the drug are best done in the morning or afternoon. Taking the medicine in the evening can cause insomnia as it stimulates the nervous system.

The use of the drug in the treatment of children

"Cortexin" for children weighing more than 20 kg is prescribed in the same dosage as for adult patients. If the child's body weight is less than 20 kg, then the doctor calculates the amount of the drug individually for each small patient. The recommended dosage is 0.5 mg of medication per kilogram of body weight.

This drug can be prescribed even to newborns. Instructions for use and reviews of "Cortexin" indicate that children tolerate this remedy well. You just need to follow the correct injection technique. It is better to take thin needles for a syringe and inject the solution very slowly. Then the child will not feel pain from the injection.

Special Instructions

Instructions for the use of "Cortexin" does not report on the interaction of this drug with other drugs. This nootropic is often used as part ofcomplex treatment. It combines well with other drugs and does not weaken their effect.

Also, the instructions for "Cortexin" and reviews of the drug indicate that its use does not reduce concentration. Therefore, driving a car and performing complex work during treatment is not contraindicated. On the contrary, this medicine increases alertness and improves a person's performance.

Storage, price and analogues

Lyophilizate is recommended to be stored at a temperature not exceeding +20 degrees. It has a shelf life of 3 years.

The cost of the drug in pharmacy chains ranges from 700 to 1300 rubles. Patients are often interested in analogues of the drug "Cortexin". It is impossible to find a drug with a completely identical composition. However, there are nootropics with similar therapeutic effects.

Some patients find the injectable form of Cortexin uncomfortable. The following analogues of the drug are produced in tablets:

  1. "Mexidol". It is a synthetic antioxidant drug. It has similar indications for use. However, the drug is contraindicated in children and may adversely affect concentration. The price of the medicine is from 243 to 580 rubles.
  2. "Armadin". The drug is a structural analogue of Mexidol. However, it can also be used in the treatment of children.
  3. "Cytoflavin". The composition of the drug includes succinic acid, inosine and vitamins. The purpose of the drug is indicated for encephalopathies, post-stroke andpost-traumatic states, as well as in acute disorders of cerebral circulation. This is a fairly safe remedy that can be taken even during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. "Actovegin". This is a natural preparation, its active component is a protein from the blood of calves. It is prescribed for VVD, encephalopathies and other lesions of the nervous system. However, it is less effective in the treatment of speech delay in children. This drug, according to indications, can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The price of the medicine is from 500 to 1700 rubles.
Image "Actovegin" - analogue of "Cortexin"
Image "Actovegin" - analogue of "Cortexin"

All of the above drugs are produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of solutions for injections.

The drug "Cerebrolysin" is also produced in injectable form. This drug has a similar composition, it is also made from pig brain proteins. This tool can be prescribed even to newborn children. Indications for use are the same as for "Cortexin", however, with epilepsy, the drug is contraindicated. Its price in pharmacy chains ranges from 650 to 1000 rubles.

Image "Cerebrolysin" - analogue of "Cortexin"
Image "Cerebrolysin" - analogue of "Cortexin"

Reviews of doctors

You can find a lot of good reviews from doctors about this drug. Experts prescribe it as a neuroprotector for adults and as a nootropic drug for children. Patients generally tolerate this remedy well. One course is often enough to improve the condition.treatment.

There is a positive experience with the use of "Cortexin" in autism. Experts note that after a course of treatment, such children gradually acquire the ability to pronounce words, interest in the world around them increases, and mental development improves. The behavior of autistic people becomes more calm. However, with such a complex pathology, the drug is used together with other nootropics. To achieve a positive result, classes on the development of speech in a child are also necessary.

Autism in a child
Autism in a child

To the disadvantages of the drug, doctors attribute the fact that it is available only in injectable form. Intramuscular administration of the drug is often painful, and many children are afraid of injections.

Patient testimonials

You can meet positive reviews about the drug from the parents of children. Reports indicate that the effect of the drug occurs within a short time. Children with developmental delay began to speak, with time their vocabulary increased. Schoolchildren had no learning difficulties, they began to memorize and assimilate new material better. Hyperactive children improved sleep, increased concentration, and disappeared excessive excitability.

In reviews of the use of the drug for adult patients, positive results are reported in the treatment of the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, headaches and manifestations of VVD. After a course of therapy, patients quickly recovered their working capacity, dizziness, fainting and nausea disappeared.

Negative feedback mainly concernsallergic reactions in children. Such phenomena were noted when using novocaine as a solvent. If the drug is used in childhood, then it is better to take saline or water for injection for dilution. This will help reduce the chance of allergies.
