What is Sustanon 250? Instructions for this medication will be presented a little further. From the materials of this article, you will also learn about what indications the mentioned medicine has, whether it has contraindications and analogues, what will happen in case of an overdose, and so on.

Release form, description, composition of the drug
The composition of the drug "Sustanon 250" includes such active ingredients as testosterone propionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone decanoate. As for additional ingredients, they use peanut butter, benzyl alcohol and nitrogen.
In what form is Sustanon 250 produced? Reviews of experts indicate that this medication is on sale in the form of an oily solution for intramuscular injection.
The drug is yellow (slightly colored) and comes in white glass ampoules.
Pharmacological characteristics
What is the principle of action of the drug "Sustanon 250"? The instruction says that this medication isandrogenic.
Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone that promotes the growth and development of the genital organs of the stronger sex and their secondary sexual characteristics.
As you know, throughout the life of men, testosterone plays an indispensable role in the normal functioning of the testicles, prostate and seminal vesicles. This hormone supports sex drive, erection and well-being.

Taking the drug "Sustanon 250" with hypogonadism increases the concentration of androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol in the blood. In addition, the indicators of globulin, which bind sex hormones, as well as follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, decrease. Their levels are returning to normal levels.
From the foregoing, we can safely conclude that in the process of treatment with the drug in question, all signs of testosterone deficiency are significantly reduced. After therapy, patients may notice an increase in muscle mass and bone mineral density. That is why this medication is actively used in bodybuilding. By the way, in people with increased body weight, its decrease is observed.
Features of the drug
What features does Sustanon 250 have? Reviews of experts say that as a result of therapy, sexual functions are normalized in patients. Also, the concentration of low and high density lipoproteins and triglycerides in their blood decreases. In addition, the concentration in the human body increaseshemoglobin and hematocrit.
This remedy does not cause any change in prostate specific antigen or liver enzyme levels.
During treatment, some men may experience an enlarged prostate without any change in its function.
Hypogonadal diabetic patients often experience decreased blood glucose levels and increased insulin sensitivity when taking the drug.

Acceptance of a hormonal drug by boys with growth retardation and puberty promotes the stimulation of secondary sexual characteristics. If the drug was used by transgender women, then they experience masculinization.
Pharmacokinetic properties of the oil solution
The drug "Sustanon 250" contains several testosterone esters. According to experts, they have different duration of action. Once in the bloodstream, they undergo a hydrolysis process.
When using a single dose of the drug in the blood of a man, the level of total testosterone begins to gradually increase. Its highest concentration is observed after 1-2 days. At the same time, testosterone levels return to the lower limits after about 21 days.
The connection of testosterone with plasma proteins is very high (more than 97%). To dihydrotestosterone and estriol, this hormone is metabolized naturally. The drug is excreted from the body with urine.
Indications for use
For what purposeuse the drug "Sustanon 250"? This drug is used during testosterone replacement treatment of the stronger sex, who have pathological conditions associated with secondary and primary hypogonadism.
It should also be noted that the drug can be used to treat acquired or congenital hypogonadism.

Contraindications for use
Sustanon 250 is not prescribed in the following cases:
- in children under three years of age;
- if breast or prostate cancer is suspected or already diagnosed;
- with high sensitivity of the patient to any of the components of the drug.
Use this remedy with extreme caution in pre-pubertal boys (necessary to avoid epiphyseal closure and premature puberty).
In addition, Sustanon 250 is used with extreme caution in chronic heart, liver or kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, prostate hypertrophy with urinary retention, chronic lung pathologies and obesity.
How to take Sustanon 250?
According to the instructions, such a solution should be administered deeply, intramuscularly. The dosage of "Sustanon 250" should be determined only by an experienced doctor. As a rule, it depends on the patient's response to treatment.
Most often, experts prescribe the following dose - one milliliter once every three weeks.

In bodybuilding, this drug can be used both solo and in combination with other drugs. For example, the Sustanon course is often practiced along with Deca Methane, Methane Sustanon and others.
Overdose cases
Now you know how to inject Sustanon 250. When using high doses of intramuscular solution, the patient develops priapism. In this case, it is necessary to stop using the medicine until this symptom completely disappears. It is required to resume the administration of the drug already in smaller doses.
Side effects
What adverse events occur when using the drug "Sustanon 250"? A side effect can only occur if the medication has been used in high doses. These reactions include the following:
- polycythemia;
- Occurrence of neoplasms (malignant, benign or indeterminate);
- high blood pressure;
- prostate cancer or deterioration in prostate cancer patients;
- nausea;
- fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema;
- nervous irritability, depression, mood changes;
- reduced or increased sex drive;
- myalgia;
- liver dysfunction;
- itching, skin rash;
- oligospermia, gynecomastia, decreased sperm count, prostate hypertrophy, priapism;
- hypercalcemia.

It should also be noted that afterintramuscular injection, the patient may experience unwanted local reactions (itching, pain, redness).
Special recommendations for the use of the medicinal product
Patients who have been prescribed the drug "Sustanon-250" should be regularly monitored by a specialist. Doctors are required to conduct control through a digital examination in order to exclude the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
People with kidney, heart and liver disease may experience complications such as acute heart failure and edema while taking the medication.
If the medication was prescribed to elderly patients, then it must be borne in mind that treatment with Sustanon-250 may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy.
Similar means and price of "Sustanon-250"
Analogues of Sustanon-250 are Omnadren 250, Sustaver from Vermoge, Testosterone Propionate solution and others.
The price of the medicine in question is not very high. One package with a solution can be purchased for 250-300 rubles.
Reviews of patients about the drug
Most often reviews about the drug "Sustanon 250" are left by athletes. The popularity of this medication among athletes is growing every year more and more. They note its effective and fast action. The use of intramuscular injections at the recommended dosage leads to increased male strength and active muscle building.

According to athletes, forto achieve greater effectiveness in bodybuilding, Sustanon 250 must be combined with such means as Boldenone, Winstrol and others.
Despite the popularity of the drug among athletes, experienced experts strongly discourage the practice of taking androgens in order to build muscle mass. This is due to the fact that this drug has a large number of serious side effects (up to the development of malignant neoplasms).
It should also be noted that there are quite a lot of positive reviews about this drug, which are left by patients who use it to improve their he alth in testosterone replacement treatment.