Medication "Sonapax" (instructions for use, analogues of the drug) is of interest to readers who want to learn about it not only for themselves, but also for relatives and friends. Many consumers leave reviews about this medicine, which do not hurt to read before using the pills. "Sonapaks" is an antipsychotic agent (neuroleptic). It is used to treat mental disorders. All neuroleptics have a strong effect on the mental background of a person: they calm, reduce the negative response to external pathogens, fight aggression, remove fears.

Quick guide and drug features
How is Sonapax different from other therapeutic agents? Analogues, the description of this medicine requires careful study. Like other antipsychotics, Sonapax is able to suppress auditoryhallucinations, a stream of uncontrollable thoughts. He copes with the signs of schizophrenia and other diseases that are associated with mental disorders. It should not be classified as a sleeping pill, because it enhances the effect of sedative medications and has a calming effect on the body.
This drug, like any analogue of Sonapax, is distributed in the form of tablets. Each pill contains 25 mg of thioridazine hydrochloride. This substance has a depressing effect on the central nervous system and has a positive effect on the brain, having an inhibitory effect. Additional elements of the product are corn starch, silicon dioxide, elements of lactose, gelatin, stearic acid, talc, sucrose.
What distinguishes Sonapax? Analogues, indications for use, contraindications must be carefully studied before purchasing a medication and consult with a specialist. It differs from other antipsychotics in that it has antiemetic properties. The positive property of the drug is that it does not have any side effects and does not negatively affect motor skills.
Thioridazine, found in these tablets, is called an adrenolytic, which lowers the tone of the central nervous system. Often it is prescribed to remove alcoholics from hard drinking, whose condition is accompanied by aggressiveness, anxiety, and poor sleep. Any analogue of Sonapax, and the medication itself, is a good tranquilizer, antidepressant, and exhibits antipruritic features.

Under whatailments generally recommended?
This drug and any analogue of "Sonapax" is attributed in the following cases:
- as a second category medication for severe schizophrenia when other medications fail;
- when signs of premature dementia appear;
- for the treatment of psychotic disorders marked by agitated and hyperactive behavior;
- with a hangover syndrome;
- to treat poor concentration;
- for the treatment of alcoholism and substance abuse, to eliminate the absentee syndrome;
- with adult and childhood neuroses, which are accompanied by fears, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, aggressiveness;
- to eliminate depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, nervous tics, psychosis, skin diseases.

What does the instruction warn about? "Sonapax" (analogues, contraindications, dosage - important information, without which you should not start using the drug) should be prescribed by a doctor. Cases in which this medication is not recommended:
- with pronounced depressive manifestations;
- for persons in comatose states;
- in cases of severe depression of the central nervous system;
- simultaneously with other psychotropic substances;
- for liver problems;
- people with cardiac arrhythmias;
- children under 5;
- Fructose and lactose intolerant people with injurieshead, blood diseases.
Can expectant mothers take Sonapax? Instructions for use, reviews, analogues make it possible to answer this question. It is worth noting that pregnant women should be very careful about taking these pills. This can harm the development of the fetus, but if you can not do without "Sonapaks", then the application is possible. Breastfeeding while taking the medication must be stopped.

Alcohol Compatibility
The drug "Sonapax" (analogues, including) cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and substances contained in the drug enter into a chemical reaction, which leads to an increase in side effects, such as:
- puffiness;
- drowsy state;
- impaired coordination of movements;
- allergic reactions;
- dry mouth.
Receiving "Sonapax" is possible when alcohol is removed from the body. If the patient takes alcohol during therapy with this medication, he is at risk of a hepatoxic reaction and CNS disorders. It can also cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, possible fainting and memory lapses. Sometimes such a reckless use of an intoxicating drink along with a medicine can cause the following complications:
- various brain disorders;
- muscle numbness;
- hyperpyrexia;
- increased heart rate;
- strong increase in pressure;
- shortness of breath and shortness of breath;
- lost orientation;
- development of psychosis.

Overdose cases
The described drug, like any analogue of Sonapax, must be taken with caution, because an overdose can lead to negative consequences:
- cases of arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia are becoming more frequent;
- hypotension observed;
- pupils dilate, vision deteriorates, nasal congestion appears;
- lungs swell, breathing stops;
- constipation or diarrhea occurs;
- problems with urination;
- confusion occurs;
- sleep is disturbed;
- sometimes there are signs of anorexia or, conversely, weight gain;
- there are allergic reactions and skin rashes;
You should take Sonapax very carefully. The composition and analogues should be studied thoroughly. Sometimes the body can accumulate a toxic dose of the drug, which leads to death. This occurs if the blood contains 30 mg or more of this agent. The first aid in such cases is ventilation of the lungs. Then they do an ECG and a complete examination of the body. Then an experienced specialist conducts therapeutic actions.

Doses and administration of pills
The main part of triodazine, which is the drug, binds to blood proteins. active in the liveran exchange process occurs, as a result of which mesoridazine and sulforidazine appear. Later they are excreted through the work of the kidneys and intestines. Before use, you need to carefully study the dosage of Sonapax. Analogues and reviews about the drug also do not hurt to know.
For the selection of doses of Sonapax, the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism are taken into account. The dosage for each case is as follows:
- Schizophrenia cases. The initial dose for adults is 50-100 mg 3 times a day. Gradually, the dose increases and can reach 800 mg per day. As soon as the therapeutic effect occurs, the dose is reduced to the minimum.
- In mental disorders that are accompanied by agitation and hyperactivity, severe behavioral changes, aggressiveness, lack of attention, up to 400 mg per day is prescribed. For those who are treated in a hospital, the dosage can reach up to 800 mg per day. Therapy begins with small doses (25 mg), then they are gradually increased, and in a week the dosage reaches its maximum. This treatment is carried out for several weeks.
- For elderly patients, a medication or analogue of "Sonapax" is prescribed with a low dose (40-80 mg per day). These pills are being canceled in stages.
- Patients with neurosis with emotional and cognitive changes are prescribed 30-80 mg per day.
- Withdrawal syndrome begins to be treated with 10 mg of the substance per day. The dose is gradually adjusted to 400 mg.
- For children with impaired psychomotor mobility and behavioral changes, 10-20 mg per day is prescribedday for patients under 7 years old, 20-30 mg - for children under 14 years old. This daily dose is divided into three doses.
This is the exact dosing that Sonapax requires. Instructions for use, drug analogues should be well studied. Do not take the product without a doctor's prescription.
Patient reviews of Sonapax
How did the remedy "Sonapax" prove itself? Instructions for use, reviews, analogues - everything is important for people who are going to be treated with this remedy. Many note "Sonapaks" as a good tool for the treatment of childhood hyperactivity. Some patients have been prescribed this medication to get rid of insomnia caused by depression. Many have noted a long-term quick effect from Sonapax, but sometimes unwanted side effects remain. This drug is considered the most harmless antipsychotic, so it is prescribed to many patients. Well suited medicine for adolescence in cases of hysterical breakdowns and as a prophylactic.
"Sonapax": analogues, description of medicines
Many identical medicines have the active ingredient triodazine. How to replace "Sonapaks"? Instructions for use, analogues are accurately described in this article. An analogue can be called a drug that has an international non-proprietary name or ATC code.
One of these substitutes is Ridazin. It is prescribed in cases of emotional and mental disorders with fears, tension, increasedexcitability. Often "Rizadin" is prescribed to elderly patients with confusion. It is also suitable for the treatment of the consequences of alcoholism, mental disorders in children's behavior.
Another commonly prescribed medication is Thioril. It is prescribed for emotional and mental disorders that come with fears, excitement, tension. "Thioril" has proven itself in the treatment of schizophrenia, organic psychoses, psychomotor activation, manic-depressive illness, neuroses, alcohol abstinence syndrome, mental disorders of children's behavior, confusion in the elderly. An analogue of "Sonapaks" can cost differently (depending on the drug), the cost starts from 130 rubles. Also excellent substitutes for this tool are "Melleril", "Malloril", "Mallorol", "Tison", "Thiodazine", "Thioridazine".
What else can replace "Sonapax"? Analogues, indications for use, reviews of drugs are available described in this article. A good analogue of "Sonapax" is the drug "Melleril". It is a mild neuroleptic that does not have a hypnotic effect, but has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.
"Melleril" is prescribed for patients with schizophrenia, organic psychosis, anxiety-depressive states, asthenia, neurasthenia, neurosis, increased irritability. "Melleril" is produced in the form of tablets of 0.01g, 0.025 g. For children, a liquid 0.2% suspension is practiced. Before you start taking this medication, you need to consult a doctor about the dosage, because an overdose threatens with various side effects. It is strictly forbidden to take "Melleril" to patients who are unconscious, have glaucoma or damage to the retina.

What else can replace the drug "Sonapax"? Analogues, reviews of doctors are topics of interest to many patients. It is worth dwelling on such an analogue of this therapeutic agent as "Thiodazine". It is produced in the form of tablets coated with a special film. The main active substance of "Thiodazine" is thioridazine hydrochloride. The additive substances of this drug are starch, lactose, elements of magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, polyethylene glycol.
"Thiodazine" stands out from other drugs in this group in that it has a low ability to cause very severe disorders, a more pronounced sedative ability and anxiolytic orientation. The drug has antiemetic and blood pressure lowering effects. It is widely used to treat minor depressions as it relieves tension and anxiety.
Already 3-4 hours after taking this remedy, it enters the bloodstream. The drug is excreted from the body through the intestines and kidneys. Contains approximately 12 hours in plasma.
"Thiodazine"prescribed to patients suffering from schizophrenia, depression, anxiety. It is also practiced to take "Thiodazine" as an antipsychotic, neuroleptic substance. It relieves hallucinations, anxiety, hostility after alcoholic binges. Sometimes taken as an antiemetic.
"Thiodazine" is not prescribed for children under 3 years old, people with individual sensitivity to thioridazine hydrochloride. The drug is also contraindicated for patients with severe heart disease: arrhythmia, tachycardia.
How does the central nervous system respond to "Thiodazine"? Sometimes there is a strong calming effect, you constantly want to sleep, dizziness, confusion occurs. There are cases when taking the medication is accompanied by hallucinations, psychomotor excitability, severe irritability, pain in the head. Sometimes the autonomic nervous system also reacts to the reception of "Thiodazine". This is expressed by dry mouth, nasal congestion, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc. This medicine is sold by prescription and all warnings should be read before taking it.