Drugs 2024, October

"De-Nol" and alcohol: compatibility, instructions for use, reviews

"De-Nol" and alcohol: compatibility, instructions for use, reviews

"De-Nol" is a popular drug used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. To be cured, the medicine must be taken for a long time. Therefore, many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to take De-Nol and alcohol in parallel? The compatibility of the first and second, the possible consequences, as well as the effectiveness of treatment with this drug, we will try to analyze in our article

How to take "Trichopolum" for acne? Reviews

How to take "Trichopolum" for acne? Reviews

Today, for the treatment of various skin diseases, including acne, dermatologists prescribe Trichopol to their patients. This is an inexpensive remedy that, in its action, is similar to strong antibiotics. In addition to oral administration, the drug is often used to prepare all kinds of talkers, masks and creams. Let's find out how well "Trichopol" helps with acne, reviews about the drug and the rules for its use

Teimurov's foot spray is a savior from unpleasant foot odor

Teimurov's foot spray is a savior from unpleasant foot odor

Many of us are familiar with the problem of bad foot odor. It is especially relevant in the cold season, when in warm shoes the feet begin to sweat and smell bad in the room. At the same time, over time, the disgusting smell eats into the shoes, which creates an extremely unpleasant sensation. Teymurov's foot spray is a real salvation in such a situation

Ointment "Dermozolon": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Ointment "Dermozolon": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Dermozolon ointment is a combined drug used in dermatology as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antipruritic agent. Today we will learn about how the instructions for use describe Dermozolon ointment, what reviews patients leave about it, and also what substitute drugs the pharmaceutical industry offers

Components and blood products

Components and blood products

Medications that are taken directly from the blood itself are called blood products. The obtained fractions allow to significantly expand the boundaries of hemotherapy, and most importantly - make it possible to use specific components of blood and plasma, which have a targeted effect. Blood products are divided into three groups: complex action, immunoglobulins (immunologically active) and hemostatic

Allergy drops - a panacea of a new generation

Allergy drops - a panacea of a new generation

Allergy is one of the most common diseases. It significantly worsens the quality of life, negatively affects the ability to work and livelihoods. To get rid of the manifestations of allergies, you can use medicines in the form of drops. You can get more detailed information by reading the article

Gel "Floceta": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Gel "Floceta": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

What is Floceta gel? You can find a photo of this drug, as well as instructions for its use in this article

Muscle relaxants in ointments and creams: a review of drugs, composition, indications for use

Muscle relaxants in ointments and creams: a review of drugs, composition, indications for use

Often, acute pains that occur in the muscles cause spasm, which does not pass without a trace for the joints - there is limited movement, and in some cases, a person may experience paralysis. Most often, this symptom is found in osteochondrosis. Due to frequent spasms, muscle fibers cannot function normally, and this requires more time for treatment. You can speed up the recovery of the patient with the help of muscle relaxants

Neurotropic drugs: a list with a description, classification, action of neurotropic drugs

Neurotropic drugs: a list with a description, classification, action of neurotropic drugs

Neurotropic drugs have an effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. This category of drugs includes narcotic and antiepileptic drugs, and in addition, analgesics. These drugs affect the neurotransmitters of the nervous system and the human psyche. Such drugs are widely used in the treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses

"Prostate Forte": reviews of men, composition, instructions for use

"Prostate Forte": reviews of men, composition, instructions for use

Prostatitis is an insidious disease that sometimes affects even young men. It is very difficult to deal with it, so doctors use complex treatment in the fight against the disease. For a long time, not only purely medical preparations, but also biologically active supplements have been on the pharmaceutical market, which have fully earned the trust of both patients and specialists

"CardioActive Taurine": instructions for use, composition and reviews

"CardioActive Taurine": instructions for use, composition and reviews

One of the popular natural medicines for the complex therapy of certain diseases is CardioActive Taurine, manufactured by the Russian company Evalar

"Honda Evalar": reviews of doctors and patients. How to use? "Honda Forte Evalar": reviews. "Honda Drink Evalar": reviews

"Honda Evalar": reviews of doctors and patients. How to use? "Honda Forte Evalar": reviews. "Honda Drink Evalar": reviews

People's he alth depends on how seriously they take their prescribed therapy and the types of medications they take. Today, pharmacies are overflowing with medicines. Many pharmaceutical companies, in pursuit of profits, excel in advertising about the new miracle drugs they are releasing. Among them is the manufacturer of medicines - "Evalar". This article will tell you about the products of this company

"Potential forte": reviews, prices, instructions

"Potential forte": reviews, prices, instructions

Many men, chasing big money, success, fame, stop noticing how they lose their former ability to satisfy the woman they love in bed. As a result, their wives make lovers, relationships deteriorate, families collapse. In order to prevent such unfortunate consequences, even successful people need their sexual function to normalize, and the excellent Potential Forte tool can help them in this

Pills to lift the mood: list, composition, purpose, dosage, rules of administration, indications and contraindications

Pills to lift the mood: list, composition, purpose, dosage, rules of administration, indications and contraindications

The list of such drugs is quite extensive. Means that can lift a person’s mood, tone them up, reduce irritability, restore appetite and improve sleep, do not have to be powerful. It is possible to change the condition for the better with mild sedatives and plant-based antidepressants

Tablets "Cyclodinone": reviews of women, instructions

Tablets "Cyclodinone": reviews of women, instructions

It is a herbal remedy that regulates the menstrual cycle, eliminates tension in the chest, pain, reduces the symptoms of menopause. It is made in Germany. It is used by patients of different age categories with defects in the female cycle, early menopause and amenorrhea. The phytopreparation helps to restore the hormonal background, thereby smoothing out the signs of menopause, the process becomes less noticeable

Antibiotics for flu and colds: what you need to know

Antibiotics for flu and colds: what you need to know

Antibiotics are a very popular remedy for bacterial infections these days. And since the last century, nothing much has changed in the minds of ordinary people. As they were considered a panacea for all ills, so it is happening now. But is it really so? Can antibiotics cure, for example, a cold? What about the flu? In this article, we will try to understand this topic

Drug "Analgin": composition, instructions

Drug "Analgin": composition, instructions

Surely everyone knows such a drug as "Analgin". The composition of the drug, its form of release and features are presented below

Antimicrobial drugs: review, use and reviews. The most effective antimicrobial agent

Antimicrobial drugs: review, use and reviews. The most effective antimicrobial agent

Medicines are used to treat various diseases. And also for their prevention. Medicines are obtained from plant materials, minerals, chemicals, etc. Potions, powders, tablets, capsules are prescribed in a strictly defined dose. This article will focus on antimicrobials

Ointment oflocaine: description and instructions

Ointment oflocaine: description and instructions

Oflocaine ointment is produced by the company "Darnitsa" and is included in the group of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of skin diseases. The drug very quickly gained recognition among patients and doctors due to its high efficiency combined with affordable cost

Citrate mixture: recipe and instructions for use

Citrate mixture: recipe and instructions for use

Citrate mixture is a complex of chemical compounds capable of dissolving some types of conglomerates formed in the kidneys, bladder, ureters. The article will tell about what is included in the composition of such medicines, how to prepare them according to folk recipes

Abortion pills: contraindications, benefits and reviews

Abortion pills: contraindications, benefits and reviews

Pills for medical abortion at home. Names of drugs and their action. Contraindications and side effects from abortion pills. Recovery after the procedure and drugs used after an abortion. Patient reviews

Immunobiological drugs: list, application features

Immunobiological drugs: list, application features

The main means of protecting the human body from viral and bacterial infections is the immune system. But due to the wrong way of life, it often does not fulfill its functions in modern people

Pegylated interferons: types, composition, properties, indications and contraindications for use

Pegylated interferons: types, composition, properties, indications and contraindications for use

PEGylated interferons: a general description of drugs and their preparation, varieties and indications for use. Release form and storage conditions. Composition and pharmacokinetics. Features of treatment. Contraindications and side effects

Beta-lactam antibiotic: mechanism of action and classification

Beta-lactam antibiotic: mechanism of action and classification

Antibiotics are a group of drugs with an etiotropic mechanism of action. In other words, these drugs act directly on the cause of the disease (in this case, the pathogen) and do this in two ways

Vitamins to improve memory

Vitamins to improve memory

Memory is different for everyone: some remember better, others worse. It depends not only on natural data, but also on the mental state and he alth of the body as a whole. An important role is played by nutrition, as well as vitamins to improve memory, since their deficiency impairs brain function. This is especially true for vitamins A, C, D, E and group B

Homeopathy, "Podophyllum" (drug): instructions, indications for use and reviews

Homeopathy, "Podophyllum" (drug): instructions, indications for use and reviews

Homeopathy is a type of medicine that uses low dose therapies. And without fail the law of similarity is used. This suggests that the active components of such therapeutic drugs cause symptoms in patients that are similar to the manifestations of the disease, and thus they cure the patient. Thus, what is the cause of the disease, it also cures. But that's just one point of view

Dicycloverine hydrochloride: instructions for use

Dicycloverine hydrochloride: instructions for use

Diccycloverine hydrochloride belongs to the category of antispasmodics that can block muscarinic receptors. It also has anticholinergic efficacy, has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle areas. Due to this, medications with it in the composition well relieve renal, intestinal and biliary colic, significantly alleviate pain during menstruation, are used in the development of spastic constipation, pylorospasm and irritable bowel syndrome

Antibiotics for the kidneys: a review of the most effective drugs, use, reviews

Antibiotics for the kidneys: a review of the most effective drugs, use, reviews

Inflammatory process in the kidneys is a very serious pathology that can be successfully treated with the right selection of medications. The main thing is not to start the disease and not allow it to turn into a chronic form from an acute one. In the inflammatory process, the entire organ is affected, which is manifested, first of all, by pain in the lower back, changes in the analysis of urine samples

Cough tablets "Bromhexine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Cough tablets "Bromhexine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Cough tablets "Bromhexine" is a drug with a powerful mucolytic effect. This drug improves the motility of the bronchial glands and develops its own secret in the lungs, which helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum that clogs the space of the lower respiratory organs

Is it possible for "Glycine" to a nursing mother? Reviews of doctors

Is it possible for "Glycine" to a nursing mother? Reviews of doctors

Many postpartum women experience feelings of anxiety and anxiety. Someone manages to cope with such symptoms on their own, and they gradually disappear. And some have to resort to the use of various medical means, since it is not possible to eliminate tension on their own, and this negatively affects not only the general condition, but also the psychological well-being of the baby

Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin: names, instructions and reviews

Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids with heparin: names, instructions and reviews

Hemorrhoids are varicose changes in the venous plexuses in the rectum, leading to the appearance of hemorrhoids that are prone to inflammation, bleeding and prolapse from the anus. The pathological process is equally often observed among women and men. Doctors distinguish between external and internal hemorrhoids

Migraine pills: a list of effective remedies

Migraine pills: a list of effective remedies

All of us have had a headache at least once in our lives. Sometimes this is a fleeting condition, but in some cases it is a harbinger of serious he alth problems. What drug to choose for quick and safe relief from headaches?

"Fortikarb" for dogs - the he alth of your pet

"Fortikarb" for dogs - the he alth of your pet

Parasites are organisms that live in the blood of their hosts (animals). "Fortikarb" for dogs is an antiparasitic drug. It helps not only with acute, but also with a chronic picture of the course of the disease

Ointment with vitamin C: list, name, instructions for use and reviews

Ointment with vitamin C: list, name, instructions for use and reviews

With its many he alth benefits, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has become a common ingredient in many homemade skin care products. The ointment containing vitamin C effectively promotes the process of collagen biosynthesis, provides reliable photoprotection from ultraviolet radiation, and also brightens skin hyperpigmentation

"Andipal": indications for use with high blood pressure

"Andipal": indications for use with high blood pressure

It is a potent antihypertensive drug used in cases of emergency. This drug is not suitable for regular use. The combination of several active ingredients allows Andipal to have a pronounced and quick effect. The drug is included in the group of emergency medicines, which should be in every home first aid kit

"Propranolol": analogues, instructions for use, description and reviews

"Propranolol": analogues, instructions for use, description and reviews

"Propranolol" is a medicine that belongs to the group of selective blockers. The drug has antianginal action, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of coronary artery disease, thyrotoxicosis, hypertension, etc

Morphine - what is it? Morphine for cancer. Morphine - pain reliever

Morphine - what is it? Morphine for cancer. Morphine - pain reliever

Morphine - what is it? You will find the answer to the question below. In addition, we will talk about what this drug is used for, how it is used, etc

The medicine "Konvalis". Instructions for use and description

The medicine "Konvalis". Instructions for use and description

The drug "Konvalis" is characterized as an anticonvulsant drug. The active substance is gabapentin. After oral administration, the maximum concentration is reached after no more than three hours

Medicine for joints - we treat arthrosis

Medicine for joints - we treat arthrosis

Deforming osteoarthritis or arthrosis of the joints is one of the most common diseases associated with the depletion of cartilage tissue. The disease can occur due to various disorders, for example, a failure in metabolic processes

Substance calcium pantothenate: instructions for use

Substance calcium pantothenate: instructions for use

For many diseases, patients are prescribed vitamin preparations. Calcium pantothenate is often used as part of complex therapy. This is a vitamin of group B, which takes an important part in the functioning of the nervous system and metabolic processes. Pantothenic acid can be produced in the body, but sometimes it is not enough. In this case, it is replenished with tablets, injections or topically. Calcium pantothenate is available separately or is part of complex preparations