Red and dark spot under the arm: causes and methods of getting rid

Red and dark spot under the arm: causes and methods of getting rid
Red and dark spot under the arm: causes and methods of getting rid

A spot under the arm can not only become an aesthetic problem, but also cause a person great physical discomfort. Indeed, quite often such irritation begins to itch and itch. That is why it is extremely important to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. But in order to remove the stain under the arm, you should first understand why it appeared in the first place.

Dark spots: causes of occurrence

stain under the arm
stain under the arm

Many young girls and women are embarrassed to wear T-shirts and T-shirts with short sleeves in summer just because they have ugly armpits with large and dark spots. Indeed, such a problem does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Experts believe that the presented deviation is the result of post-inflammatory melanosis. The so-called "hyperpigmentation" most often occurs after chronic inflammation, which is a consequence of conventional depilation, as well as exposure to any aromatic substances and certain chemical compounds that are part of antiperspirants and deodorants.

How to get rid of darkspots?

itchy spot under armpit
itchy spot under armpit

But what to do if a dark spot under the arm has already appeared? The answer to this question can only be heard from experienced dermatologists. Most often, experts suggest abandoning the use of hygiene products containing such aggressive substances as alcohol, etc. In addition, it is necessary to choose exactly the method of depilation that causes the least inflammation. It is also worth noting that today it is quite common to find recipes for bleaching mixtures, after the application of which the named problem allegedly disappears. However, it is not. You can get rid of spots only by reducing the aggressive effects on this part of the body.

Red Spots

how to remove underarm stains
how to remove underarm stains

If dark spots resulting from pigmentation become only an aesthetic problem, then red ones cause great physical discomfort. This is due to the fact that such a deviation most often occurs as a result of a fungal infection or superficial mycosis. As a rule, this disease occupies an increasing area every day, moving to the mammary glands and back. Most often this happens during hygiene procedures, when the patient begins to rub the affected areas and spread the infection.

How to remove underarm stains?

The treatment of such an ailment should be prescribed only by a doctor. After all, before prescribing certain drugs, the doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe a suitable therapy. If the spot under the arm itches, and also has a number of othersymptoms that correspond to fungal diseases or erythrasma, then these deviations are treated with special ointments (sulphur-tar or erythromycin). If the redness has become widespread and has spread not only in the indicated places, but also in other parts of the body, then the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, and in some cases, ultraviolet treatment. It is worth noting that the latter method not only quickly eliminates the stain under the arm, but also prevents further recurrence of the disease.
