Energy metabolism is the most important component of the functioning of living cells, because without this substrate not a single chemical reaction can take place, which means that tissues will not receive nutrition, the heart will stop, and the brain will die from starvation. That is why the most important source of energy in our cells, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (otherwise the "citrate cycle" or "Krebs cycle"), is activated every microsecond of the present, and the metabolic drug "Riboxin" has appeared in medicine. Why it is prescribed and what is its mechanism of action, we will understand further.
Energy value

And for the implementation of energy metabolism, a constant circulation of substances is necessary, because a person receives substrates for reactions with breathing (primarily oxygen) and nutrition (all organic and inorganic compounds). Therefore, changes in these most important turnovers affect the state of our body, and vice versa. So, this happens in severe diseases that have led to damage to internal organs, primarily the heart and liver. Therefore, in addition to the treatment of the underlying pathology, drugs are needed to improve metabolism in cells, one ofsuch is the tool "Riboxin". What is he appointed for? To improve metabolism, since its active substance - inosine - is a precursor of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), practically the only energy molecule in our body.
Indications relating to the heart

The "first row" organs responsible for metabolism are the heart and liver. The first is because the rate of blood circulation in our body depends on the level of its work, and as a result, its saturation with oxygen in the lungs, filling with nutrients in the small intestine, neutralization of toxins in the second most important organ in metabolism - the liver. And if the heart has undergone dystrophic changes, then improvement of its work is required due to the drug "Riboxin". On what it depends, we will understand further. Firstly, the myocardium (the muscular membrane of the heart) of its three layers suffers much more often and more easily from external influences, since it works tirelessly every second of our life. Therefore, its dystrophy occurs after frequent heavy physical exertion, severe infectious diseases, it undergoes heart attacks, myocarditis, changes due to lung pathology (the so-called "cor pulmonale"). Therefore, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease and reinforce the effect with the Riboxin drug, for which it is prescribed even if the patient has congenital or acquired heart defects.
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In addition, pronounced metabolic disorders in ourThe body also occurs in endocrine pathologies, diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Some of them are also indications for the use of the drug "Riboxin". Why is it prescribed in this case? The indications remain unchanged - the restoration of metabolism, which is disturbed by cirrhosis of the liver, its alcoholic or drug damage, as well as fatty degeneration, in addition, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, urocoproporphyria, poisoning with medicines, chronic alcoholism, the effects of radiation and operations, associated with the temporary isolation of the body from the general circulation. As a rule, the drug "Riboxin" is administered intravenously, but there are other forms of it - capsules and tablets (more for outpatient use).
Pharmacological properties

The main effects of this drug are antihypoxic, antiarrhythmic and metabolic. Due to this, it significantly improves the own blood circulation of the heart (in the coronary arteries), as a result of which the myocardium becomes more resistant to stress, increases its relaxation in diastole and the number of contractions. In the case of hypoxia or ATP deficiency, when the body experiences oxygen and energy starvation, the Riboxin preparation is also recommended, for which and how it works in this case, we will understand a little more. The fact is that the main source of ATP is glycolysis, the exchange of glucose in cells. And this drug affects directly it, activating and acceleratingits enzymes, pyruvate metabolism, xanthine dehydrogenase triggering, nucleotide synthesis. In addition, it "thinns the blood" by reducing platelet aggregation, and also improves tissue regeneration, especially the myocardium and mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
Special occasions

In addition to therapists, obstetricians and gynecologists also often recommend Riboxin to their patients during pregnancy. Why and what is the effect of this, let's figure it out together. First, it must be remembered that during the development of the fetus, its tissues are provided with oxygen and nutrients exclusively from the mother's body. And therefore, if a mother has anemia or diseases of the internal organs, her own metabolism cannot cope with the needs of both of them - her and the baby growing inside. And then it is worth resorting to the drug "Riboxin" during pregnancy, for which doctors recommend it. Since, first of all, it is necessary to provide comfort for the correct laying of organs and the development of the child, because it will depend on how he will be born and grow up. And therefore, if the obstetrician-gynecologist allows you to take this drug and sees your indications for its use, then you should not be afraid, because the he alth of the baby is in your hands, especially when it is still developing inside you, dear expectant mothers.
In general, the drug is quite safe, but it is necessary to stop taking it if the patient has hypersensitivity to its components, kidney failure and gout. Sooccurs because the side effects even when taking a therapeutic dose (and even more so when increased) are allergic reactions (hyperemia and / or itching of the skin), hyperuricemia (increased amount of uric acid in the blood), which leads to exacerbation of gout and kidney damage. In other cases, the drug is safe and is actively recommended by doctors.