Teeth ache: causes, treatment, dentist consultation

Teeth ache: causes, treatment, dentist consultation
Teeth ache: causes, treatment, dentist consultation

Toothache? Then you need to see a dentist immediately. Only a specialist will help get rid of these unpleasant sensations. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

If your teeth hurt, the reasons can be very diverse. And this is not a good sign at all. Most likely, the patient suffers from caries, pulpitis, gum disease. The simplest option is the increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. It is very important to find out the problem as soon as possible in order to fix it.

Clinical picture

aching tooth
aching tooth

Teeth ache can be very diverse: aching, sharp. It often appears intermittently. Most often, this phenomenon occurs when a person is sleeping. At this moment, blood flow to the jaw increases, all sensations in this place become more saturated.

If the cause of aches is pulpitis or periodontitis, then the pain will be throbbing, even unbearable. Often this happens after taking too cold or, on the contrary, hot food. These feelings can pass quickly.

Reason for limited aches

Why does your teeth hurt? If the problem is limited, that is, one or only a few single teeth suffer, then the reasons may be as follows:

  • mechanical damage to enamelway;
  • carious process in progress;
  • gum disease;
  • the presence of a defect (damage to the enamel);
  • the tooth was turned to install a crown.

Causes of system aches

break teeth causes
break teeth causes

If the aches are systemic, all teeth suffer at once, then the reasons may be completely different:

  • Erosion of tooth enamel due to the consumption of large amounts of citrus fruits or due to mechanical aggression (whitening, use of tooth powder, use of a brush with hard bristles).
  • Abrasion of teeth of a pathological nature. May be due to malocclusion or weakened dental tissue.
  • Heavy load on teeth.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Problems with periodontium.
  • Improper hygiene.
  • Hormonal disorders of the body (menopause, pregnancy, taking appropriate drugs).
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Improper diet leading to mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Infections of the oral cavity or ENT organs.

It is very important to identify why the teeth hurt. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get rid of this problem.

How to reduce discomfort?

why do you break your teeth
why do you break your teeth

First aid to reduce aching teeth (before visiting a specialist) may be to use methods such as:

  1. Rinse "s alt + soda". This is an excellent disinfectant. Better inAdd a few more drops of iodine to the solution. In this case, the drug will be most effective. Preparing the solution is easy. In a glass of warm water, mix 2 small spoons of the main ingredients. Rinsing is best done 2-4 times a day.
  2. Decoctions of medicinal herbs. Medicinal plants with a healing and anti-inflammatory effect are suitable. These include sage, chamomile, lemon balm. Preparing a decoction is quite simple. For 1 liter of water, a large spoonful of chopped grass is taken. Everything is put on fire so that the composition boils. Further, the agent is infused for at least 2 hours. Now you can rinse with warm decoction.

In addition to folk recipes, if you have a toothache, you can take a painkiller pill. It could be Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Baralgin, or other conventional medications.


broken teeth what to do
broken teeth what to do

How to be treated if your teeth hurt? The causes of this phenomenon determine its therapy. Only a doctor or even several specialists will help to identify them. The problem does not need to be triggered. If the first symptoms appear, you need to go to the hospital.

If the lower teeth break, you can make special lotions from toothpaste. The agent is applied for 10-15 minutes, then you need to spit it out, but do not rinse your mouth. Such treatment should last at least 2 weeks.

Often, dentists prescribe a special paste that can block nerve sensitivity. If a tooth breaks, then these discomforts will immediately disappear after its application.

If the reason is problems indamage to tooth enamel, then the doctor may suggest undergoing a laser procedure to restore it. It will take no more than 30 minutes, and the effect will be amazing. The aches will pass quickly.


Both the lower and upper teeth will stop whining and breaking if a number of preventive measures are followed:

  1. Go to the dentist every six months for a professional teeth cleaning.
  2. Always rinse your mouth after eating.
  3. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.
  4. The brush should have soft bristles.

Special Diet

It is important to follow a certain diet if your teeth break. What to do with your menu?

  1. Food should not be cold or hot.
  2. Foods rich in vitamin A will benefit. These include liver, eggs, carrots.
  3. It is recommended to include as much calcium in your diet as possible. This means you will have to eat a lot of cabbage, dairy products, greens.
  4. Finally, teeth really need fluoride. Nuts and seafood in sufficient quantities should be present on the menu.

In this case, you will have to exclude or limit in use:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • citrus fruits;
  • seeds;
  • all kinds of sweets;
  • sour foods.

Because they can make your teeth hurt.

Breaking a tooth during pregnancy. What to do?

breaks lower teeth
breaks lower teeth

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman. And what to do if a tooth starts to break? All the discomfortwhich the expectant mother feels is transmitted to her baby. The resulting pain must be immediately eliminated. This will help folk remedies. If they do not help, you will have to resort to medication. Pregnant women are allowed:

  • take Drotaverine;
  • drink "No-shpu";
  • use Grippostad during the first trimester;
  • use the Tempalgin pill;
  • use Pentalgin.

A good remedy for aches during pregnancy is Kalgel. This is a special drug that relieves pain and discomfort in infants during teething. With a slight freezing effect, the pain will subside.

No matter how intense the pain in the teeth, it is important to see a doctor. Only a dentist is able to correctly determine the cause of this disease. Based on this, he will prescribe the right treatment. It is not recommended to endure and self-medicate. After all, this can lead to unexpected and very unpleasant consequences.
