Painkillers for osteochondrosis

Painkillers for osteochondrosis
Painkillers for osteochondrosis

Many people who are faced with a disease such as osteochondrosis are interested in what painkillers for osteochondrosis are effective in combating this problem? No matter what stage the inflammatory process is at, what cause caused the pathological reactions in the body, you need to remember that self-medication is unacceptable. Any drugs and dosages should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist after a preliminary examination and accurate diagnosis.

painkillers for osteochondrosis
painkillers for osteochondrosis

Peculiarities of prescribing therapy

So, which pain reliever for osteochondrosis to choose?

Depending on the affected area, osteochondrosis is divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Painful sensations are the most pronounced symptom of this disease, so all therapeutic measures should be prescribed in a timely manner and in combination. The key methods in eliminating the symptoms of the disease are anesthetics andanti-inflammatory drugs.

All medicinal painkillers for osteochondrosis are available in the form of tablets, patches, rectal suppositories, injections, blockades. For each specific situation, the most effective drug in complex therapy is selected.


Depending on the type of pathological process, on the form and stage of development, on the location of painful sensations, and on what additional problems are present, the doctor selects the optimal drugs. All medicinal substances for the treatment of osteochondrosis are classified into categories that are determined by the method of influence on the body.

Pain pills

Painkillers for osteochondrosis:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Non-narcotic pain medications.
  • Muscle relaxants.
  • Drugs that are designed to improve blood circulation.
  • Sedative drugs.
pain reliever for cervical osteochondrosis
pain reliever for cervical osteochondrosis

Often, the doctor prescribes analgesics. These medicines have an antipyretic effect, stop inflammatory reactions, and neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. These drugs include: "Analgin", "Ketanol", "Butadion", "Baralgin". Another effective drugs are products containing in their composition active substances called "paracetamol" and "phenacytin", derivatives of propionicacids. This category of drugs includes: Paracetamol, Citramon, Askofen, Flutabs, Strimol.

Non-steroidal drugs

Painkillers for osteochondrosis are most often non-steroidal drugs used to stop inflammatory reactions that develop in cartilage structures. Such substances in parallel help relieve pain. Such medicines include: Ibuprofen, Nise, Nimesil, Ketorol, Diclofenac, Nurofen. To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in the muscular apparatus, muscle relaxants are used. The most common is Mydocalm. Thanks to such remedies, spasms in muscle fibers are quickly stopped, the entire apparatus relaxes, thus, pain sensations become much less.

painkillers for osteochondrosis
painkillers for osteochondrosis

In addition to pills, in order to neutralize pain, sedatives are prescribed in complex therapy. Thanks to them, the activity of the pain signal is significantly reduced, the functioning of the nervous system is being improved. These funds include valerian, Novopassit, Persen.

Injection treatments

In the event that a person suffers from intense pain, the doctor prescribes drugs that are administered by injection. This form of drug release has a therapeutic effect after two or threeminutes after entry. An anesthetic for cervical osteochondrosis makes it possible to significantly increase working capacity within a short period of time. Analgesic compounds, vitamin substances belonging to category B, glucocorticosteroids, antispasmodics are considered key medicines for eliminating intense pain sensations.

In what cases can injections be necessary?

Injectables are used in these situations:

  • If the pain is intense, it is unbearable.
  • With intense manifestations of the disease that affected the cervical region.
  • With a strong pathological process in the tissues of the lumbar.
  • If the disease is in an acute stage.
painkillers for osteochondrosis
painkillers for osteochondrosis

If painful sensations appear in the thoracic spine, they are usually not pronounced, so injections are not prescribed. If osteochondrosis develops in the cervical or lumbar region, usually the discomfort is too intense, so injections can not be dispensed with. For injection, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, drugs that help eliminate nerve pinching or hyperemia of the affected area are prescribed.

Painkillers for osteochondrosis in injections are designed to reduce or completely stop pain, but they are not an independent medicine, they are usually prescribed only as an adjuvant in an integrated approach to therapy.

Use of blockades

To anesthetizeduring the development of osteochondrosis, blockades are often prescribed. Such manipulations are performed directly in the affected and painful place. The blockade is applied at certain points that are in close proximity to the spinal column. An injection is made into the soft tissue that is located around the nerve root, or into a depression located in the area of the intervertebral discs. An epidural blockade is performed directly into the intervertebral disc. This procedure is complex and should only be performed by a qualified technician.

how to anesthetize osteochondrosis
how to anesthetize osteochondrosis

How to anesthetize osteochondrosis at home?

For the blockade, it is advisable to use "Dexamethasone" or "Novocain". Thanks to this procedure, pain is eliminated, the intensity of the inflammatory process is reduced. If osteochondrosis of the cervical region is diagnosed, the procedure should be performed very carefully, since a large number of arteries, veins, and nerve fibers are located in this area.

Use of anesthetic drugs

Painkillers for osteochondrosis have a quick effect. Plasters and ointments are used locally, treating the affected area. They neutralize the severity of pain, regulate microcirculation, and accelerate metabolism. The most common ointments are: Fastum Gel, Menovazin, Kapsikam, Finalgon, Apizartron. All of them are designed to reduce the intensity of symptoms. If used correctly, in a comprehensivetherapy, you can achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.

Anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, warming agents, complex ointments, chondroprotectors are used. All of them should be prescribed only by a specialist after a preliminary examination, examination, diagnosis.

One of the most common drugs is "Fastum gel". It reduces pain, improves the functioning of the articular apparatus. It contains active ingredients that perfectly penetrate deep into the structures, reducing swelling, the intensity of the inflammatory reaction.

painkillers for lumbar osteochondrosis
painkillers for lumbar osteochondrosis

Gel "Dolobene" is considered a universal medicine. It is used to neutralize symptoms, to reduce the pathological process, it is an antimicrobial, antithrombotic, restorative agent. It is absorbed deep into the skin, and has an effect within a short period of time.

Another effective medicine is the gel "Capsicam". Thanks to him, the microcirculation of the blood fluid improves, the metabolism in pathologically altered places improves, and the functions of the muscular apparatus are restored. The drug "Chondroxide" stops the inflammatory process, helps to strengthen cartilage structures.

We have listed which painkillers are used for lumbar osteochondrosis.

what pain reliever for osteochondrosis
what pain reliever for osteochondrosis

Using medical patches

For treatmentosteochondrosis of the cervical region, warming patches have proven themselves well. They anesthetize, eliminate other unpleasant clinical manifestations of the disease. Effective is the patch "Dorsaplast". It is glued to the site of pain, without affecting vital places (for example, lymph nodes).

Patch lasts up to five days. If lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed, anesthetic and warming patches are applied directly to the painful area. It is better to stick at night, before going to bed. Wearing such a tool is permissible for 12 hours, after which it is recommended to change the patch with a new one.

Pepper plaster is very effective in the complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Thanks to the active components in its composition, there is a significant improvement in the microcirculation of the blood fluid, and nerve tissues begin to recover quickly. Thanks to the right approach, timely access to a specialist, you can achieve a stable remission and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. This pain reliever for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is quite effective.
