Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
One day everyone can find lice in their hair. Unfortunately, pediculosis cannot be insured against. They can get sick even the most well-groomed and we althy people. With pediculosis, the hairline is affected by blood-sucking insects (lice)
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Drotaverine has been in high demand among patients for a long time. The effective work of the drug, proven in multiple clinical trials, allows it to be used as a fast-acting and easily accessible drug. Means "Drotaverin" (injections or tablets) can be used both once and in the complex course of therapy for many diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The drug, which will be discussed, scored quite conflicting reviews. "Ginipral" during pregnancy is prescribed by a doctor to prevent excessive activity of the uterus and treat hypertonicity. Repeatedly it can be prescribed to eliminate the threat of premature birth. Important! The drug is not prophylactic, and tablets should be taken strictly in the prescribed dosage
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Solidol ointment is the first assistant in the treatment of a rather unpleasant disease called psoriasis. This drug has been tested for many years of use and has proven itself from the best side. Despite the fact that the disease cannot be cured completely, grease helps to forget about its manifestations for a long time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Today we will tell you about such a disease as psoriasis, and also present a drug that helps to significantly reduce the signs of this disease
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In Vietnamese pharmacies, tourists may notice that on the shelves next to traditional drugs are local medicines. Pharmacists often speak Russian and can advise tourists. Vietnamese drug manufacturers strive to use the centuries-old experience of Oriental medicine in their work, so many drugs are made from completely natural ingredients
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In childhood, a runny nose, colds and viral infections quite often occur. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating pathologies of an infectious and inflammatory nature. True, not all and not always turn out to be really effective
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The need to put a dropper from binge at home or in the clinic occurs if a person consumes alcoholic beverages for a long time. Binge is not only excessive drinking of alcohol, but also a number of processes dangerous for mental and physical he alth that occur in the body - general poisoning occurs, mental deviations can gradually develop
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Ointment "Sinaflan" was synthesized by scientists several decades ago, but its use is still relevant in dermatology. The low content of the active ingredient makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of systemic manifestations. But at the same time, this amount is enough to quickly eliminate the symptoms of a skin disease. The presented drug can have a diverse positive effect on the condition of any layer of the epidermis
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Monastic ointment refers to those inventions of ancient medicine, which treated more than one generation of people. In this article, we will tell you with all the details about this tool and its benefits
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A powerful sleeping pill is a reliable remedy that helps a person escape from insomnia. Practice shows that if there is a problem, a person prescribes a medicine for himself, although this is not entirely correct - a doctor should deal with such issues and only after an examination. However, among the population of many countries of the world, potent sleeping pills without prescriptions are very popular, which can be purchased freely at almost any pharmacy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In the case of dehydration, the child's body undergoes various changes, which are indicated by a number of characteristic symptoms, depending on the severity. Oral rehydration agents are called to combat such an ailment. They are available without a prescription, and it is not difficult to prepare an analogue of Regidron, which is widespread
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
What is acetylsalicylic acid? "Analgin", "Paracetamol", "Aspirin" - characteristics, contraindications and indications. Is the combination of acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol and Analgin safe? "Analgin" and "Paracetamol"? "Aspirin" and "Analgin"? Indications for the use of the complex, dosage and warnings
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In every home first aid kit you can find plasters designed to close the wound. Unfortunately, they are not always convenient to use. They have many disadvantages. More modern is a liquid patch, which is a film
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Medicine research started in 1948. Due to certain difficulties in the synthetic preparation of drugs, today they are created using biosynthesis
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Terramycin Spray is a broad spectrum antibiotic with high activity against a variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria that cause skin infections in horses, cattle, rabbits, goats, sheep, pigs, cats and dogs
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It's hard to imagine a chemical laboratory without special cones, test tubes, chemical reagents and so on. One of the dangerous but necessary substances is crystalline iodine
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Tetracycline eye ointment for children and adults is a drug that is used for the purpose of antibacterial treatment. This tool blocks the reproduction of various microorganisms. The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the failure of the synthesis of microbial proteins, which leads to the lysis of bacterial cells. Next, get acquainted with the instructions for using this ointment for treatment
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Universal solution iodinol belongs to the category of the most common medications used for effective disinfection of damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The drug is suitable for both external and internal use
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The treatment of an allergic reaction always involves the use of several drugs. To get rid of the cause of the ailment, it is necessary to cleanse the body, eliminate the pathogen and exclude the formation of histamines. Remove toxins will help you tool "Polysorb"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Quite often, some diseases are accompanied by swelling of the legs and face. In this case, you will definitely need decongestants, which the doctor should prescribe
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When the body is hypersensitive to certain substances, an inadequate reaction of the immune system occurs - an allergy. To stop the attack, most people use various antihistamines. One of the effective tablets is "Cetrin", which is prescribed for the treatment of both children and adults. The tool has many analogues with different therapeutic efficacy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Allergy medicines are now very popular. They are used to prevent and eliminate all types of allergic reactions that occur in the human body. But the independent use of these drugs cannot eliminate the symptoms of such a pathological process
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Today the ecological state of the environment leaves much to be desired. Being in constant smoke leads to the fact that the eyes are constantly dry and cut. Pharmacies have a wide range of eye products, one of them is Carbomer. Before using the substance, you need to study the instructions and understand what it is - carbomer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Candida infection of the vagina is a common problem among women of all ages. In some cases, it is possible to achieve a complete cure, but more often - only remissions for a period of several months. In order to minimize the symptoms of candidiasis, candles are used to treat thrush in women. A list of the most effective vaginal suppositories is presented in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Hormonal cream is a medication that is used in the local treatment of certain skin lesions. Such drugs are used in cases where, with the help of hormones, a positive therapeutic effect can be achieved, which is not provided by safer drugs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Most often "Mexidol" is used in neurology, narcology, surgery. But this drug is able to normalize the work of almost all organs and systems. Despite these properties, not everyone can use Mexidol in the treatment. Contraindications to its use limit its frequent use. The drug is still little studied, since it has been widely used only since 2003
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
"Naphthyzinum" is a local vasoconstrictor drug, which is often used in otorhinolaryngology. The drug is produced in two dosage forms: nasal drops, nasal spray. Naphthyzinum may have a resorptive effect
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Recombinant interferons: their description and classification. The mechanism of action on the human body. Drugs widely used in therapeutic practice. Diseases in which recombinant interferons are used
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
"Levomycetin" is considered a drug with antimicrobial activity. Tablets are used to treat various infectious diseases that are provoked by pathogenic microorganisms sensitive to this antibiotic
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Candles "Papaverine" belong to the therapeutic group of myotropic antispasmodics. They are used to reduce spasm of smooth muscles of various hollow organs. Suppositories are small in size, as well as torpedo-shaped, white in color. The main active ingredient of the drug is papaverine, its concentration in one candle is 20 milligrams. Suppositories are packaged in contour cells of 10 pieces
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Several decades ago, high blood pressure was considered a disease of the elderly. But today, hypertension can be found even in young people. There are a lot of reasons for this, but the main ones are two: a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet, constant stress
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Let's figure out what sulfuric ointment is used for. Skin diseases are a reality that even in the 21st century every person often encounters, regardless of age, gender and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Several centuries ago, dermatological diseases arose as a result of poor quality and irregular hygiene procedures
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Not every person knows what to do with burns. There are several actions that should be taken as first aid. This will prevent deterioration of the condition. Is it possible to smear burns with Vishnevsky's ointment? This tool is effective and easy to use, as well as affordable. From what Vishnevsky's ointment is used, is described in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
"Dolgit" is a widely demanded drug that has established itself as the most effective and fast-acting medicine. Doctors advise using this cream for joint pain and injuries. What is the composition of the Dolgit ointment? How to take it correctly and are there any analogues?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Antibiotics are available in the form of injections, tablets and syrups. Injections are used for intramuscular injections, for oral administration - tablets. But what if the child is still very small and cannot swallow a pill, but you don’t want to give injections to the baby at all? In this situation, antibacterial medicines come to the rescue in the form of syrups and suspensions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Metoclopramide is an antiemetic medication. The Latin name for this drug is Metoclopramide. It is produced by several pharmaceutical companies - LLC "Ellara", Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Endocrine Plant", CJSC "PharmFirma SOTEKS", OJSC "Novosibkhimfarm", LLC "Promomed Rus", Indian company PROMED EXPORTS, CJSC "PFC Renewal", Belarusian Borisov Plant of Medicinal Products , Polish JSC "Pharmaceutical plant POLFARMA"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Hand tremor is a fine trembling of the fingers and hands. Some people also have trembling wrists. The causes of this condition are different: they can be both in a psychological state and in the presence of various kinds of physical diseases. The medicine for hand tremor helps to relieve discomfort and get rid of trembling. However, it is very difficult to choose an effective drug for yourself. First you need to visit a doctor and make sure what exactly is the cause of hand tremor
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Both "Furosemide" and "Lasix" belong to the class of pharmacological drugs with a pronounced diuretic effect. Under some conditions, the use of such funds is justified. In terms of composition, both drugs are identical. The main active ingredient in both cases is furosemide, the concentration of this substance is also the same. "Lasix" or "Furosemide" - which is better?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
A lot is said and written about the need for blood thinning for the treatment and prevention of many serious diseases. In addition, the number of drugs that effectively perform this task has recently increased. It is not recommended to choose them yourself, only a doctor should select them