Drugs 2024, October

"Anaferon" for children: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Anaferon" for children: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Children's "Anaferon" is a popular drug. What effect does it have on the child's body? What reviews do parents of young patients leave about him? Consider in the article

"Combilipen": instructions for use, release forms, composition, analogues, reviews

"Combilipen": instructions for use, release forms, composition, analogues, reviews

What does the instructions for using this drug say about Kombilipen? Who should use it? How effective is it? Read the details in the article

"Codelac Phyto": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Codelac Phyto": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

How effective is Codelac Phyto? Can children use it? Read the details in the article

"Calcemin": reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues

"Calcemin": reviews, composition, indications for use, analogues

What do reviews say about the drug "Calcemin"? Is it worth relying on? Are there any worthy analogues? Read the details in the article

"Normodipine": instructions for use, indications, release form, side effects and contraindications

"Normodipine": instructions for use, indications, release form, side effects and contraindications

What is the drug "Normodipine"? Customer reviews and instructions for its use can shed light on this issue

"Zovirax": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

"Zovirax": instructions for use, release forms, analogues, reviews

What is Zovirax used for? How effective is it? Read the article for details

Candles "Livarol": reviews, instructions, analogues

Candles "Livarol": reviews, instructions, analogues

Why are Livarol candles prescribed? How do patients describe the drug "Livarol" in the reviews? Read the details in this article

The drug "Valdoxan": reviews on the application, instructions

The drug "Valdoxan": reviews on the application, instructions

In what cases is the drug "Valdoxan" used? How do reviews describe the action of "Valdoxan"? You can learn more about this by reading this article

"Dostinex": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Dostinex": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

How effective is the drug "Dostinex"? Instructions for use of the drug and reviews about it can shed light on this issue. Read the article for details

Drugs: immunostimulating drugs

Drugs: immunostimulating drugs

With the onset of the autumn-winter period, most people begin to actively think about raising their own immunity and protecting the body from various viral diseases. For these purposes, both time-tested folk methods and modern medicines are used - immunostimulating drugs

Good sedative. Sedatives without a prescription. Sedatives - list

Good sedative. Sedatives without a prescription. Sedatives - list

The life of a modern person is filled with a wide variety of events, and not always pleasant ones. People are constantly exposed to stress. Fears and anxieties are accompanied by arrhythmia, nervous tics, insomnia and many other unpleasant symptoms. It is difficult to get rid of this condition without auxiliary means. Therefore, a person turns to pharmaceutical preparations. The question arises - what to choose a good sedative that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms?

What is the most effective medicine for improving memory?

What is the most effective medicine for improving memory?

What is the most effective drug for improving memory? This question is of interest not only to those whose attention, vigilance and learning ability are significantly worsened due to age, but also to fairly young people who have any pathological conditions that contribute to the inhibition of brain activity

Caprylic acid: application, properties, reviews

Caprylic acid: application, properties, reviews

Caprylic acid is a colorless oily liquid with an unpleasant odor. It is extracted from vegetable and some animal oils. It is a monobasic carboxylic acid that has been used in medicine. In the article we will consider its properties and rules of application

Hypertension drugs without side effects. The latest generation of antihypertensive drugs

Hypertension drugs without side effects. The latest generation of antihypertensive drugs

Now pharmacy offers so many drugs for various diseases that I really want to buy drugs for hypertension without side effects

The best diaper rash ointment: list, application, composition and reviews

The best diaper rash ointment: list, application, composition and reviews

Redness, peeling, itching and the formation of weeping "crusts" on the skin are symptoms of diaper rash. Inflamed areas that are in constant contact with a damp cloth, seams of clothing, cause discomfort and provoke the development of dermatitis. Ointment for diaper rash relieves irritation, helps prevent the development of skin diseases. What drugs are used to treat this disease in children and adults?

Gynecological suppositories containing calendula. Calendula in gynecology. Candles with calendula in gynecology

Gynecological suppositories containing calendula. Calendula in gynecology. Candles with calendula in gynecology

Extracts of medicinal plants are widely used in both folk and official medicine. Natural anti-inflammatory drugs are low toxic, have practically no contraindications, but at the same time they have a therapeutic effect and are combined with other methods of treatment. To date, almost 40% of pharmacological preparations are made on the basis of medicinal herbs. The share of herbal remedies compared to synthetic analogues is steadily growing

The most effective remedy for lice and nits: reviews

The most effective remedy for lice and nits: reviews

According to the data, every third person has been infested with lice at least once in their life. In medicine, the condition of lice is called head lice and, like any other disease, it needs to be treated. Pharmacies today offer a wide range of remedies for lice and nits, and it can be difficult to choose the most effective of them, since it is important not only to get rid of parasites, but also to keep your hair he althy

Can I use the drug "Bioparox" while breastfeeding

Can I use the drug "Bioparox" while breastfeeding

In this article you will learn about Bioparox. This antibiotic is not recommended while breastfeeding

Low molecular weight heparins: drugs, indications for use

Low molecular weight heparins: drugs, indications for use

Therapy of thrombosis and thromboembolism is not complete without anticoagulants, which include low molecular weight heparins. These substances in the composition of medicines change blood clotting, thereby restoring vascular patency

Gum balm: reviews and applications

Gum balm: reviews and applications

Gum balm from Diveevo attracts many, because it is a completely natural product. As its creators assure, it is made according to recipes that have been preserved for a long time. According to the numerous reviews (and there are indeed a lot of them!), This product is liked by almost everyone who uses it. Balm multipurpose

Drops "Zodak": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

Drops "Zodak": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

The latest WHO data showed that the number of allergy sufferers in Russia has increased by 20%. The figure is serious and requires the adoption of appropriate measures. Of course, with the development of medicine, allergy becomes an easily eliminated ailment; recently, positive reviews about Zodak drops have been encountered with enviable regularity. Is the drug really so effective and what is its peculiarity? Read a detailed review of Zodak allergy drops in this article

Overdose of painkillers: symptoms, indications and treatment

Overdose of painkillers: symptoms, indications and treatment

Sometimes everyone needs analgesics. After all, everyone can experience discomfort. Unpleasant sensations in the head, tooth or muscles lead to the need for medication. It happens that a person takes an excessive amount of pills in order to enhance the effect. An overdose of painkillers is a dangerous condition that poses a threat to life

Reviews about "Immunoro Kedrion". Is it worth using?

Reviews about "Immunoro Kedrion". Is it worth using?

"Immunoro Kedrion" - a drug that is prescribed for Rh-conflict of the child and mother. But before you find out if it is safe for the unborn baby, you should study the instructions for use in more detail - more on this in the article

"Ceftriaxone": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues

"Ceftriaxone": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues

Instructions for the use of "Ceftriaxone" for pneumonia and other diseases indicates that its bactericidal effect is achieved by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls (gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic, gram-positive aerobic microorganisms)

"Baclosan": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, side effects

"Baclosan": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, side effects

Instructions for use for "Baklosan" indicates that this drug is quite effective for pain and spasms

Tablets "Troxevasin": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Tablets "Troxevasin": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Venotonics and angioprotectors are a category of substances that make it possible to strengthen and restore the walls of blood vessels. Such pharmacological substances include, according to the instructions for use, Troxevasin tablets, the price of which is 650 rubles. The drug has been famous for a long time and is widely used for diseases of the legs, in particular varicose veins

Drug "Kontrykal": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Kontrykal": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Instructions for use "Kontrykal" indicates that this drug is used not only for bleeding. Used for both humans and animals. Basic physical and chemical qualities: the active element is white or almost white in the form of a lyophilisate in vials. In ampoules: colorless, transparent mixture

"Nolpaza": side effects, instructions for use, composition and effectiveness

"Nolpaza": side effects, instructions for use, composition and effectiveness

The article below discusses in detail a drug called Nolpaza. Its indications, contraindications, side effects, method of administration and dosage, as well as cost, analogues and patient reviews were studied

Konkov's ointment: composition, indications for use, instructions, analogues

Konkov's ointment: composition, indications for use, instructions, analogues

Konkov's ointment. Description of the drug, the main effect on the human body, possible side effects. Indications and contraindications for the use of ointment. Similar funds available for purchase in any pharmacies of the city

Iodine solution: expiration date, storage rules, methods of application

Iodine solution: expiration date, storage rules, methods of application

Iodine solution is a popular medicine in the home first aid kit. How and how much to store the drug, how to use it correctly, what to be careful about, in what cases is it better to abstain? All these questions will be discussed below

Daily Value of Calcium for Women, Men and Children

Daily Value of Calcium for Women, Men and Children

In order for the body to function and develop normally, it must regularly replenish the reserves of valuable minerals. From today's article, you will find out what is the daily intake of calcium for women and children, what are the consequences of an excess or lack of this element

Ointment "Antipsoriaz": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Antipsoriaz": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Chronic skin diseases that occur with the appearance of scaly red spots and noticeable itching are diagnosed as psoriasis. For many years, researchers around the world have been looking for effective means to combat this disease. One of these drugs is Antipsoriasis ointment

"Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate": trade name, price, application

"Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate": trade name, price, application

Each drug has its own trade name and active ingredient. Information about them is written at the very beginning of the annotation. Today's article will tell you about what is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate

"Drotaverine": side effects, indications for use, composition, analogues

"Drotaverine": side effects, indications for use, composition, analogues

"Drotaverine" is an effective antispasmodic of myotropic and vasodilating action. The main active ingredient of which is drotaverine hydrochloride. In terms of its pharmacological actions, the drug is similar to papaverine, but has a more pronounced therapeutic effect

Tablets "Negram": indications, instructions for use, reviews

Tablets "Negram": indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Negram" is an antibacterial drug used for cystitis. It has a bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect, which is due to the concentration of the pathogen and its sensitivity. Its action lies in the fact that by inhibiting the course of polymerization, the synthesis of bacterial DNA is suppressed

The drug "Barium sulfate" is an effective tool for fluoroscopy

The drug "Barium sulfate" is an effective tool for fluoroscopy

Barium Sulfate, or simply Barite, is a radiopaque agent of low toxicity intended for use during fluoroscopy. The latter is provided due to the pronounced adhesive properties of this drug, which is part of the group of alkali metal s alts

"Levomycetin" or "Albucid": what is better to use, composition of drugs, indications and contraindications

"Levomycetin" or "Albucid": what is better to use, composition of drugs, indications and contraindications

Infectious eye diseases are the most common reason for visiting an ophthalmologist. Their causative agents are most often various types of bacteria. Therefore, antibacterial eye drops "Levomycetin" or "Albucid" are used for treatment. Which one is better is worth figuring out, since both drugs are effective for conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes of the eyes

"Miramistin" for sore throat in a child: instructions for use, reviews

"Miramistin" for sore throat in a child: instructions for use, reviews

"Miramistin" is a local antiseptic preparation. Its use can reduce inflammation, speed up recovery, and also prevent further development of the disease when used at an early stage. The main advantage of the tool is a high degree of safety for the body, which allows the use of "Miramistin" for angina in a child. But, like other drugs, it should be used according to the instructions

Does "No-shpa" help with toothache? "No-shpa": release form, indications for use, mechanism of action. Toothache pills are fast and effective, both

Does "No-shpa" help with toothache? "No-shpa": release form, indications for use, mechanism of action. Toothache pills are fast and effective, both

"No-shpa" is a popular pain reliever that can be found in every home first aid kit. The minimum number of contraindications and versatility of use makes it in demand for all age categories and even during pregnancy and lactation. Another advantage of the drug is its affordable cost. It is used to relieve various types of pain syndrome. But does "No-shpa" relieve toothache?

"Eplan" (solution): instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Eplan" (solution): instructions for use, composition and reviews

Among the many drugs that stimulate skin regeneration, Eplan stands out noticeably. The tool has several forms of release, among which there is a liquid solution. It has an affordable cost, and the versatility of use makes the drug indispensable in a home first aid kit. But in order for the action of the remedy to be effective and safe, you should read the instructions for use of "Eplan" (solution)