Women's he alth is a particularly fragile thing. The body of the fair sex and its good functioning are so closely dependent on the hormones produced that any, even the most, at first glance, minor failure can cause significant harm. Therefore, it is important to always carefully monitor your he alth and select only the best drugs for its restoration. One of the most popular solutions to a common female problem (hyperprolactinemia) is the drug Dostinex. What is this drug? What do doctors and patients think of him? How will its effect on the state of your body? Everything you need to know before starting treatment with the Dostinex drug: instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews, will be discussed in the most detailed way in this article. Be careful.
Issue form
Instructions for use "Dostinex" describes as a drug that is available in dark glass vials. Each vial may contain 2 or 8tablets. In the package with the drug you will find one vial and instructions for use of the drug in question.

Instructions for the use of "Dostinex", price, reviews of this drug - everything suggests the high quality of the product in question. For the most part, it's a matter of composition. The main active ingredient is cabergoline. Each tablet contains exactly 0.5 mg. It also contains some supporting ingredients, including leucine and lactose anhydrous.
Reviews, instructions for the use of "Dostinex" draw attention to the fact that for some patients, for certain reasons, this particular drug may not be suitable. In this case, it is recommended to choose the appropriate analogue of the drug. Such a substitute drug for the drug in question is Alaktin, which is available in the form of tablets (2 per pack). This analogue of "Dostinex" instructions for use and experts call it the most suitable, since "Alactin" has an identical main active ingredient, which means that the effectiveness of treatment will not decrease. However, it is important to remember that only a qualified doctor who is well acquainted with your state of he alth can prescribe any drug instead of the originally selected drug. Only in this case, the correct treatment regimen will be drawn up for you.

Indications for use
So, in what cases does the Dostinex instruction for use recommend using the drug? To stop lactation (relevant both in order to prevent the development of the physiological process of lactation immediately after childbirth, and in order to suppress lactation that has already been established). In what cases does such a need arise? This may include the following situations:
- after an abortion or miscarriage, when lactation is not necessary;
- after the birth of a child, the mother, on her own initiative or as prescribed by a doctor (if the process of breastfeeding is not possible due to the presence of certain contraindications in the mother or her newborn child), decides to stop breastfeeding;
- the need to treat a variety of disorders that are associated with hyperprolactinemia (amenorrhea, galactorrhea, oligomenorrhea, anovulation are among them);
- Treatment of prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas (also known as micro- and macroprolactinomas), empty sella syndrome with hyperprolactinemia, and idiopathic hyperprolactinemia.
So, Dostinex is prescribed to stop lactation. Instructions for use focuses the attention of patients on the fact that it is forbidden to make a decision on taking the drug in question. Experts insist that patients taking drugs of this kind be under the supervision of the attending physician, who can providenecessary assistance in case of unwanted side effects.
Not every patient who has indications for the use of the drug in question can use it in their treatment. As a rule, this is due to the presence of certain contraindications. The drug "Dostinex" (0.5 mg) instructions for use do not recommend using in the following cases:
- If there is a personal hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of the medication in question or its other components, as well as to any ergot alkaloids.
- Valvulopathy of the heart valves (only if it is anatomically proven, eg confirmed by echocardiography).
- Pericardial, pulmonary, or retroperitoneal fibrotic changes present in the patient's history.
If you know that you have one or more of the contraindications described above, be sure to tell your doctor about them before starting treatment. In such cases, even with increased prolactin, the instructions for use of Dostinex prohibit the use. A specialist will be able to appoint a correct replacement for you.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding
It is important to remember to avoid pregnancy if you have been treated with the drug in question. This must be done at least within the next month after the end of treatment. This is due to the fact that for this drugfunds are characterized by a fairly long half-life. There is also not enough data on exactly how the drug in question affects the fetus. However, the use of the drug in no way increases the risk of miscarriage, the occurrence of any abnormalities of pregnancy, premature birth or congenital malformations of the child.
There is no evidence that cabergoline (the main active ingredient of the drug in question) is excreted with mother's milk. However, this also failed to be refuted. Therefore, while taking this medication, you should not feed the baby with mother's milk. Given the nature of the drug described, it should not be prescribed to those mothers who, although having problems with hyperprolactinemia, still want to breastfeed their children.

How to use
As the instructions for use emphasize, the composition of Dostinex tablets is not absolutely safe. So, you can take the drug in question only carefully following the instructions of your doctor. Tablets are taken orally. It is important to drink them with meals.
Abstract, instructions for use "Dostinex" recommends using it to prevent lactation according to the following scheme: one dose on the first day after birth, 2 tablets of the drug, 0.5 mg each (or 1 mg of the active ingredient).
Otherwise, the drug in question should be used if lactation has already been established. How do you recommend using"Dostinex" instructions for use to stop milk? In such cases, you need to take half a tablet (0.25 mg of the drug) every 12 hours for 2 days.
What do doctors' reviews, instructions for using "Dostinex" say about its use to correct disorders associated with hyperprolactinemia? In such cases, the drug in question must be taken in extremely low doses. We are talking about taking 1 tablet (0.5 mg of the drug) per week at a time or two (half a tablet on two different days of the week with a short break between doses). Every month, the weekly dose should be increased by 0.5 mg. It is recommended to do this until the expected therapeutic effect is finally achieved. Typically, patients stop at a dosage of 1 mg per week. However, the range of weekly dosages from 0.25 mg to 2 mg of the drug is considered the norm. In some cases, specialists decide to increase the dose to 4.5 mg of the drug per week, if this is required as part of the treatment regimen and the patient tolerates the drug well. It is important to remember that if you experience discomfort after taking the medication in question, you may need to split your weekly dose into several doses.
In some cases, working doses must be substantially reduced. For example, this is true for patients suffering from severe renal failure.
Instructions for use, description of "Dostinex" do not answer the question of how safe the drug in question is forpatients under the age of 16. Its effectiveness in such cases is also practically unproven and is controversial. Therefore, reviews, instructions for the use of "Dostinex" for the treatment of children are categorically not recommended.
Similarly, no studies have been conducted that would prove the safety of the use of this drug in elderly patients. Therefore, experts prefer to select other drugs to correct conditions associated with hyperprolactinemia in the elderly.
Side effects
It is important to follow all the instructions contained in the instructions for use of "Dostinex" to stop lactation. However, unfortunately, even this cannot guarantee that no side effects will appear. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being and the reactions that appear during treatment. The most common side effects include the following: syncope, leg cramps, hypotension, depression, peripheral vasospasm, sleep disturbances, orthostatic hypotension, increased libido, paresthesia, pathological gambling, headache, increased sexual activity, dizziness, compulsive overeating, decreased hemoglobin levels, irresistible desire to buy or spend, vertigo, hot flashes, pain in the mammary glands, sudden onset of sleep, asthenia, syncope, abdominal pain, vomiting, weakness, dyspepsia, drowsiness, gastritis, transient hemianopsia, constipation, palpitations, nausea,valvulopathy, epigastric pain, pericarditis, epistaxis, pericardial effusion, pulmonary fibrosis, abnormal vision, pleural effusion, asymptomatic lowering of blood pressure, asthenia, dyspnea, hypersensitivity reactions, respiratory failure, delirium, respiratory failure, mental disorder, alopecia, edema, increased levels of blood creatine phosphokinase, rash, liver laboratory abnormalities.
If you notice some of the side effects listed above, contact your doctor immediately. They will be able to give you the care you need and suggest alternative treatment options.

Specialists, having carefully read the composition described in the instructions for use of Dostinex and analogues, can clearly explain what unpleasant or even dangerous consequences a banal non-compliance with the prescribed treatment regimen can lead to, namely, exceeding the prescribed dose of the drug. How to determine that you are experiencing the effects of an overdose of the drug in question? It is important to pay attention to the presence of a number of relevant symptoms. Among them, the following stand out:
- dyspeptic disorders;
- nausea;
- hallucinations;
- orthostatic hypotension;
- psychosis;
- vomit;
- confusion.
If you notice one or more of the symptoms described above on yourbackground of the use of the drug "Dostinex" and analogues of the drug, the instruction recommends not to waste time and immediately seek help from a specialist. In a medical institution, the patient will be able to provide qualified assistance by washing the stomach to remove the unabsorbed drug. Also, doctors will be able to maintain blood pressure at the proper level. Dopamine receptor antagonists may be prescribed as symptomatic treatment.
Features of use
Before prescribing, it is important to remember that the patient should be prescribed the lowest effective dose. To do this in the right way, a thorough examination is necessary. Only after it can you choose the most effective dosing regimen. During the entire course of treatment, the patient must undergo a monthly examination that will allow to control the level of prolactin in the blood serum. As a rule, it takes 2 to 4 weeks to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Patients suffering from severe liver failure should receive lower doses of the drug in question. You should also be careful for those who have been diagnosed with severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, psychosis, gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer, Raynaud's syndrome. In case of prolonged use, the drug may have an antihypertensive effect.
During the course of treatment, patients suffering from Parkinson's disease may develop drowsiness, as well as the occurrence of episodes of sudden onset of sleep. If this happens, the doctor may decide to stop treatment with the drug in question or reduce its dose substantially.
Among other things, patients taking this drug develop certain impulse control disorders that show up clearly in their behavior. We are talking about increased sexual activity, compulsive overeating, increased libido, pathological gambling addiction, as well as an irresistible craving for shopping or spending. It is important to control your behavior during the course of treatment. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. He will reduce the dose or stop the drug altogether.
This drug causes a certain withdrawal syndrome. For example, a relapse of hyperprolactinemia is possible. However, its lasting effect lasts for at least 6 months.
If the drug is used to prevent or suppress already developed physiological lactation, in no case should a single working dose of cabergoline be exceeded, which is usually equal to 0.25 mg. We are talking about patients who are nursing mothers with already established lactation. The purpose of taking the drug in such cases is to prevent the development of orthostatic hypotension.
It is important to carefully examine the pituitary gland before starting therapy with the drug in question. This medication, among other things, is able to restore ovulation and fertility of a woman. Pregnancy in this case can occur even beforehow menstruation will be restored. And therefore, experts strongly recommend doing a pregnancy test every 4 weeks. When the natural process of menstruation is restored, such tests will need to be carried out whenever there is a delay in menstruation by at least 3 days. If a woman does not plan pregnancy, then during treatment she should use non-hormonal methods of contraception. And if pregnancy occurs, the patient should regularly visit her doctor, who would monitor the condition of the pituitary gland in order to respond in time to possible deterioration.
Do not use this drug in children under 16.
It is not known how safe this drug is for elderly patients.
As practice shows, in the case of the drug in question, all side effects are dose-dependent. So, you can control their manifestation by changing the working dosage of the drug. Only a specialist can do this. However, it is important to inform him of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms in time so that he can take the necessary measures.

What else does the instructions for using the drug pay attention to? "Dostinex" is able to influence how well you can drive your car, as well as other mechanisms. Experts give some advice on this. For example, it is important to be especially careful when engaging in any activity that may requireyou increased concentration of attention in the first days of taking Dostinex tablets. The instructions for use of the drug in question also emphasize that for some groups of patients, in principle, it is strictly forbidden to work with dangerous mechanisms, drive a car and engage in any other activity that theoretically can lead to serious injury or even death to both the patient and the people around him. We are talking about those who, while taking this medication, experience obsessive drowsiness and dispersal. It will be possible to return to normal professional activities only when the above symptoms disappear.
Positive patient feedback
The drug in question is incredibly popular. It is highly appreciated by both specialists and patients. What is its undeniable advantage? Let us consider in more detail the main positive aspects of taking the drug described in the article. Among them, the following stand out:
- efficient;
- acts quickly;
- needs only a few times a month;
- can be taken at any time of the day;
- cannot be purchased without a doctor's prescription;
- allowed for use during pregnancy;
- tablets are small and easy to take;
- safer than its peers;
- helps some get pregnant with high prolactin.
As the reviews show, the drug in question is really incredibly effective and allows you to quickly achieveexpected result. Nevertheless, this medication has a number of disadvantages, which should also not be ignored. Let's talk about them in more detail.
Negative patient reviews
Despite the obvious advantages of using the medication in question, it also has many disadvantages, which should not be ignored either. It is better to know about this in advance, so as not to feel disappointed later. So, what scares patients in using the drug "Dostinex"? Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues and more. Consider further point by point:
- Instructions for use tells about a large number of side effects and contraindications. And, as practice shows, side effects are not uncommon.
- Price. The cost of the drug is quite high.
- Analogues. Some insist on using cheaper, albeit less safe, alternatives.
- May become addictive.
- Do not use with alcohol.
- Sometimes you have to repeat the course of treatment.
If you are concerned about any of the above, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. But if you are optimistic and received an appointment from a specialist, do not delay and start treatment. This will help you get the expected result sooner.

Storage mechanism
How does the instructions for use recommend storing the drug "Dostinex"? It is important to keep it in a place where the air temperature will not exceed 25 degrees, it must beprotected from moisture and direct sunlight. This is required so that this medication retains its beneficial properties for as long as possible and does not lose them before the expiration date declared by the manufacturer. It must be ensured that under no circumstances will children be able to gain unsupervised access to the drug in question. As the instruction notes, "Dostinex" and analogues of the drug, taken by a child in any dose, can be dangerous for the normal functioning of his body. So please be careful.
The shelf life of the drug in question is 2 years. After its expiration, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug. Indeed, in this case, the medicine may not only not have the expected positive effect, but also cause significant harm to the patient's he alth. Therefore, always check the expiration date of the medication. As a rule, it is indicated on the package.
Procedure for the sale of medicines
According to the instructions for use, "Dostinex" can be sold only if the buyer provides an appropriate prescription from a qualified practitioner. It is not possible to buy the medication in question on your own, without prior consultation with a specialist. Which, however, protects patients from uncontrolled treatment and its negative consequences.
Many people like the positive properties that the instructions for use attribute to Dostinex. The price of the drug, however, can hardly be called democratic. So, a package containing 2 tablets will cost the buyer 698 rubles. A package with 8 tablets costs an average of 1777 rubles. This is the price of Dostinex in Russian pharmacies. Instructions for use recommends purchasing the drug only in trusted pharmaceutical institutions, in the integrity of which you have no doubt. Only in this case can you be sure that you are purchasing a quality drug.
You are now armed with the required information. This article reviewed all the necessary information about the drug "Dostinex": instructions for use, price, reviews of doctors and patients, analogues, features of use. This will allow you to make an informed decision about whether or not to treat with the drug in question.
It is important to carefully adhere to the treatment regimen that your doctor has compiled for you. Try not to skip pills. Since they occur relatively infrequently (once or twice a week), it would be wise to set a reminder on your mobile device to help you take your medicine on time. Make a conscious effort to ensure that your treatment is successful. Avoid alcohol, it is incompatible with this drug. Pay close attention to your he alth. If you experience any side effects, contact your doctor immediately. This will allow you to stop unpleasant effects in time and restore the state of your body.
Take care of yourself and your familyand loved ones. And always be he althy!