Drugs 2024, October

Antiasthmatic drugs: main types. Therapy of bronchial asthma

Antiasthmatic drugs: main types. Therapy of bronchial asthma

Antiasthmatic drugs: main types. Therapy of bronchial asthma. Symptomatic therapy and basic therapy of bronchial asthma. Which drugs are used in symptomatic therapy, and which - in the basic

Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

The following article will talk about a disease such as a fungal infection of the skin and nails. The causes and routes of infection will be studied. Separately, antifungal sprays, their advantages and disadvantages are considered, the most popular of them are analyzed, the issue of cost and patient feedback on the application is highlighted

Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages

Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages

Erysipelas is a problem that anyone can face. This disease has the status of recurrent and can manifest itself at any age. To combat the disease in question, specialists in the field of medicine most often use antibiotics. Let us further consider a list of the most popular and effective of them, as well as recommended dosages

"Itraconazole": instructions, cheap analogues, reviews and release form. Analogue of "Itraconazole" in tablets. "Itraconazole" (ointment): analogues

"Itraconazole": instructions, cheap analogues, reviews and release form. Analogue of "Itraconazole" in tablets. "Itraconazole" (ointment): analogues

The drug "Itraconazole" (tablets, ointment, cream, solution or capsules) is used to treat various fungal infections. At the same time, it is equally effective for the treatment of diseases localized in different parts of the body

Ursodeoxycholic acid: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Ursodeoxycholic acid: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Recently, ursodeoxycholic acid has been increasingly used to treat various liver lesions. Instructions for use of this chemical compound indicate its effectiveness in many serious diseases

What antibiotics are there for bronchitis?

What antibiotics are there for bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. With this pathology, there is difficulty in breathing, the development of a cough with sputum. This is not a simple disease, and it is impossible to get rid of it in a few days of self-medication. Antibacterial drugs are recommended for adults and children at temperatures above 38 degrees, difficulty breathing (shortness of breath), severe general intoxication

Zinc sulfate: use in medicine

Zinc sulfate: use in medicine

Most of the "civilizational" diseases are caused by a lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in our body. One of the vital doctors call zinc, which is indispensable for the proper functioning of most internal organs. The normal content of zinc in the human body is about 3 grams. There are a number of indications for prescribing zinc supplements

"Supraks": instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews

"Supraks": instructions for use, indications, release form, reviews

"Supraks" belongs to the third generation of cephalosporins, which is now one of the most popular groups of antibiotics due to its wide spectrum of action and high efficiency. This strong antibiotic drug can be used in both adults and children

Antibiotics for children: list, names, application features and reviews

Antibiotics for children: list, names, application features and reviews

Many parents consider antibiotics almost a panacea, others are afraid like hell. They are produced under beautiful names, in bright packages, and widely advertised. But what diseases do you really need to drink antibiotics for and is it worth giving them to children?

Antibiotics for angina in children: a review of drugs, choice, recommendations

Antibiotics for angina in children: a review of drugs, choice, recommendations

With sore throat in children, antibiotics are sometimes the best way out. However, it should be remembered that they are not used for all types of this disease. Only a narrow profile doctor - an ENT or a pediatrician - should decide whether a child should take antibiotics. Incorrect prescription can harm the he alth of the child

Hop extract: useful properties, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Hop extract: useful properties, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Hop extract has been used for medical purposes since ancient times, as this plant is a valuable storehouse of nutrients. Hops are used to treat nervous disorders, improve the functioning of the genital area in women, and also as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent

Where to find an effective cure for depression?

Where to find an effective cure for depression?

Problems at home and at work, a frantic pace of life, constant stress, poor environment, dissatisfaction with the financial situation - all this slowly but surely leads to the development of a depressive state. In no case should you let everything take its course, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor and take medicine for depression

Ibuprofen for HB: instructions for use and effects on the baby through mother's milk

Ibuprofen for HB: instructions for use and effects on the baby through mother's milk

The condition of a woman during lactation greatly affects the child. Medicines and products that she uses during lactation, to varying degrees, affect breast milk and its composition. In this regard, most women steadfastly endure fever and pain, refraining from the use of pharmaceuticals, fearing to harm the baby. However, some analgesics and fever reducers may be used while breastfeeding

"Nobivak" DHPPI - a modern vaccine for dogs

"Nobivak" DHPPI - a modern vaccine for dogs

The article provides a brief instruction for the drug "Nobivak", written in an accessible and understandable language for every reader

Flucostat and alcohol: interaction and compatibility

Flucostat and alcohol: interaction and compatibility

It is common for a person to take medications for various diseases and ailments. Sometimes a course of treatment falls on an important celebration or feast. Then there is doubt about whether it is possible to combine alcoholic beverages with the prescribed medicine

"Afobazol" and alcohol: compatibility, body reaction, doctors' opinion

"Afobazol" and alcohol: compatibility, body reaction, doctors' opinion

The modern rhythm of life does not give a break. Many people experience stress as a result of this. Nervous tension, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep - that's what provokes depression. One of the over-the-counter drugs that help cope with this condition is Afobazol

How many days to inject "Ceftriaxone" with bronchitis?

How many days to inject "Ceftriaxone" with bronchitis?

Antibiotics are given to people to treat bacterial infections. Unfortunately, there is no other way to get rid of such diseases. To date, there are many drugs that have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. Ceftriaxone has become a popular medicine for adults and children

Candles with celandine: indications, instructions for use

Candles with celandine: indications, instructions for use

Since ancient times, mankind has been using natural resources to treat various diseases. The celandine plant is valued for its qualities. Medicinal properties, contraindications, recipes for its preparation should be discussed with the doctor. Only a doctor who knows about your problem can recommend individual schemes and ways to use the herbal preparation

Metressa - what is it? Medicine "Metressa"

Metressa - what is it? Medicine "Metressa"

The meanings of some words are not quite clear to people. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are interested in what this or that name means. For example, do you know the word "metressa"? Is it a symbol of a person or an act? Maybe that's the name of some kind of medicine? Let's try to figure it out

"Nervo-Vit": reviews, instructions for use, description and composition

"Nervo-Vit": reviews, instructions for use, description and composition

Today, every consumer can choose a suitable vitamin complex for himself. Some drugs help to increase immunity, others improve performance and have a positive effect on the nervous system, others regulate the work of individual organs

Instructions for use, composition and analogues of "Vancomycin"

Instructions for use, composition and analogues of "Vancomycin"

Bacterial infections of different localization can affect every person. Nobody is safe from them. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a wide variety of antibiotic drugs that can cope with such pathologies

Naproxen Akri: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Naproxen Akri: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Naproxen Akri is an anti-inflammatory drug. Tablets are produced by the Russian company Akrikhin, which produces a lot of other medicines. In today's article, you can learn about the features of the drug, consumer reviews and similar medicines. It should be reminded to each potential consumer that self-administration of medicines can result in the most unexpected consequences for him

Gel "Piroxicam": instructions for use and analogues

Gel "Piroxicam": instructions for use and analogues

Statistics show that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are by far the most sought-after drug among buyers of different age groups. These drugs help patients feel better. They are taken for symptomatic treatment for various pathologies. Some NSAIDs must be taken orally or administered rectally, while others are meant for external use. Today's article will introduce you to one of these remedies: Piroxicam Gel

Cream "Lomexin": instructions for use, analogues

Cream "Lomexin": instructions for use, analogues

Representatives of the weaker sex, due to the structure of their body, are often forced to use a variety of vaginal products. Some drugs protect against unwanted pregnancy, others contribute to the maintenance of microflora, and others have a therapeutic effect, eliminating pathogenic microorganisms

"Metronidazole" for cystitis: instructions and application features

"Metronidazole" for cystitis: instructions and application features

Cystitis is a very unpleasant disease from which no one is immune. Most often, pathology occurs in women due to the structure of their body, in particular the small pelvis. Expectant and newly-made mothers are especially affected by this, since in the new position immunity is reduced, and it is impossible to take any medications. Despite this, men are also not immune from the appearance of a sore. Cystitis can also affect the stronger sex

Vasoconstrictor eye drops: application and drug names

Vasoconstrictor eye drops: application and drug names

In everyday life, the organs of vision take the brunt of the blow. They are negatively affected by heating and cooling appliances, polluted air, sun, dust and allergens. In women, the condition of the eyes is aggravated by cosmetics. It happens that the eyes turn red, swell and look tired. What if you need to be in shape? Vasoconstrictor eye drops will help you. Today they are sold in every pharmacy without a prescription

"Monural" during breastfeeding: application features, instructions and reviews

"Monural" during breastfeeding: application features, instructions and reviews

Many of the fairer sex experience he alth problems after giving birth. During pregnancy, the body becomes especially vulnerable, it needs time to recover. Even the observance of a proper lifestyle and a he althy diet does not guarantee the absence of disease. Cystitis especially often worries new mothers. One of the effective means for its treatment is the drug "Monural"

"Nimesil" - what is it? Instructions, analogues, reviews about the drug

"Nimesil" - what is it? Instructions, analogues, reviews about the drug

"Nimesil" is a powder that is produced by a German pharmacological company. It contains the medicinal substance nimesulide. The drug is packaged in sachets, each containing 100 mg of the main component and 2 grams in total

Milgamma and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

Milgamma and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

Medicine with the trade name "Milgamma" is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The latter is more popular, since its action comes faster, and the result of therapy becomes noticeable in the first days. Neurologists prescribe the drug "Milgamma" in order to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins of group B. Can it be used and drink alcohol at the same time?

"Aspirin" ("Bayer"): instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Aspirin" ("Bayer"): instructions for use, composition and reviews

Modern pharmacology has many companies producing drugs for daily consumption. Such medicines are usually sold without a prescription and are popular. In today's article we will talk about "Aspirin" ("Bayer")

The drug "Naproxen": analogues, their comparison and reviews

The drug "Naproxen": analogues, their comparison and reviews

Naproxen is available in the form of tablets and gel for external use. One pill contains 250 or 500 mg of active ingredient. The gel is available in a concentration of 10%. Both drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have an analgesic, antipyretic effect, are able to eliminate inflammation

Gel "Baby Doctor": feedback on the application

Gel "Baby Doctor": feedback on the application

Gel "Baby Doctor First Teeth" reviews are good and neutral. Before you learn about them, you should familiarize yourself with the product. The tool is developed and produced by an Israeli company. The manufacturer promises that the composition of the drug will be natural and safe

Drug "Timalin". Reviews of patients and doctors about the natural immunomodulator

Drug "Timalin". Reviews of patients and doctors about the natural immunomodulator

The main defense of the human body is, of course, immunity. It is this complex system that protects us from diseases, helps to resist infections, etc. But if a person’s natural “shield” weakens, a lot of sores begin to haunt him. To cope with such problems and support your body, doctors recommend undergoing treatment with the drug "Timalin". Reviews of experts confirm its high efficiency as a natural immunomodulator

"Oftan Katahrom". Eye drops "Oftan Katahrom": application, analogues

"Oftan Katahrom". Eye drops "Oftan Katahrom": application, analogues

Cataract, myopia, inflammation of the membrane of the eye - all these unpleasant diseases can affect any person. However, do not despair - you need to choose an effective drug and start treatment! An ophthalmic remedy has proven to be excellent - drops "Oftan Katahrom". Long-term therapy has a positive effect and helps to avoid surgery for cataracts and other diseases

BAA "Verbena - clean vessels": customer reviews and product description

BAA "Verbena - clean vessels": customer reviews and product description

Vessels should pass blood well, which saturates each cell with oxygen and carries useful substances. Human he alth, well-being and even life expectancy depend on such a complex process. However, due to many diseases, the state of the circulatory system can deteriorate significantly, and then our body will not receive the necessary substances. An effective remedy that can cleanse arteries and veins can be called dietary supplement "Verbena - clean vessels"

Drug "Tazalok": reviews of gynecologists and women

Drug "Tazalok": reviews of gynecologists and women

Every woman should carefully monitor her he alth, because a violation of the genitourinary system can lead to sad consequences. Menstrual irregularities, cysts, inflammation of the lining of the uterus, and many other conditions can be treated with natural remedies. One of the effective analogues is the drug "Tazalok". Patient reviews confirm its directed action compared to other drugs

Review: Teraligen. How to take the drug: instructions. Feedback from doctors and patients

Review: Teraligen. How to take the drug: instructions. Feedback from doctors and patients

Stress, neurosis, insomnia - all these phenomena can overtake a person unexpectedly. In such a situation, the help of a professional doctor is necessary, otherwise the situation may worsen and cause many serious diseases. Patients who used this drug left both positive and negative feedback about it. Teraligen has a quick effect on the body and copes with nervous disorders

"Imedin": reviews, instructions for use

"Imedin": reviews, instructions for use

"Imedin" is a series of biologically active preparations, which includes such additives as "Classic", "Perfect renewal", "Time of perfection". Each of the above biological agents helps to minimize age-related changes in the skin, as well as correct them. After using the "Classic" skin care preparation, the tone increases and the skin tone, the condition of the nail plate and hair improves

Injections of "Progesterone": indications, instructions for use, reviews

Injections of "Progesterone": indications, instructions for use, reviews

Progesterone is a female hormone, the lack of which leads to many types of irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Often, synthetic analogues of this substance are introduced artificially into the body in order to correct the hormonal background due to the lack of menstruation. About how this hormone is used during pregnancy, how soon menstruation comes against the background of a course of Progesterone injections and how to use it correctly, we will tell further

Droppers for the liver: composition, preparations, instructions and dosage

Droppers for the liver: composition, preparations, instructions and dosage

How to clean the liver after drinking with a dropper? Treatment of the liver with cirrhosis and hepatitis. What is included in the composition of droppers, and to whom are they contraindicated? Recovery of liver cells with the help of medications. How to prepare for a drip? Signs of diseases