The kidneys fill with urine, the walls of the pelvis become distended, the ureters contract, spasmodic pain occurs. The kidney does not have enough oxygen, as a result, a person feels renal colic. He is disturbed by sharp intensifying pains. The cramping attack is so strong that it is difficult to endure. Such sensations can be compared with childbirth.
Renal colic can occur as a result of many factors and causes, which will be discussed in the article. What to do - colic in the kidneys interfere with a full life? More on that later.
What are the symptoms?
It is not difficult to distinguish an ailment by pain if you know all the symptoms of colic in the kidneys, which women and men can have with such a pathology. If a person has an attack for the first time, and the symptoms of the disease are known to him, he will be able to correctly diagnose and provide first aid to himself, following all the recommendations from the article.
When the disease develops, the patient develops the main symptom - pain, which begins suddenly. There is discomfort in the lumbar region. The pain gradually increases, then descends from the original source of localization to the genitals and affects the intestines. It can be so strong that it resembles a cramping attack. With such an intensifying attack, a person cannot sit in one position for a long time. The pain is so severe that it forces you to get up and walk in circles.

Be aware that symptoms can vary.
The first symptom, apart from the seizure, is difficulty urinating. The patient has little or no urine, and the urge will continue.
In addition to these symptoms, the patient will experience the following phenomena: dry mouth, vomiting, nausea. During this state, the pressure may be elevated.
The patient may suffer from bloating and increased gas formation, such symptoms greatly complicate well-being.
The body temperature rises, the patient may have a fever. Usually during an attack, he experiences shock. Paleness and cold sweat appear on the face.
Initially, the patient has little urine, but after the pain stops, a significant amount of it is excreted. It may turn reddish in color. Small traces of blood are seen.
Causes of disease
It is important to look for the underlying causes of colic in the kidneys. Such a factor cannot arise without certain influencing conditions.
To find out the reasons, it is important to seek help from a specialist. Based on the delivery of special tests, he will be able to choose the rightcourse of treatment.
The main causes of colic in the kidneys are diverse, it is sometimes difficult to understand immediately which factor influenced the irritation.
One of the many reasons for the development of the disease can be called a mechanical obstruction as a result of poor urine flow. This can happen due to the presence of stones stuck in the ureter.
In case of pyelonephritis, the ureter can block a clot of mucus or pus, in case of kidney tuberculosis - dead tissue. Sometimes the ureter can be affected by tumors of the kidneys, the organ itself, the prostate gland, as well as hematomas after injuries or operations.
The cause of colic in the right kidney is inflammation of the urinary tract in diseases such as hydronephrosis and prostatitis. Renal colic in a patient may occur as a result of renal vein thrombosis, kidney infarction, as well as birth defects in the genitourinary system, which could be caused by pregnancy. If the patient's metabolism is disturbed, the water-s alt and chemical composition of the blood has changed, then this is also the reason for the development of renal colic.
In addition to hereditary predisposition, there are characteristic features of nutrition, which are determined by the specifics of national cuisine.
We must not forget about the existing problem of "secondary" stones, which are formed as a result of the outflow of urine. S alt crystals precipitate out.
In addition to the above, drinking water can also cause colic in the kidney (left or right). For example, in some regions of Russia, the incidence is higher than in others. A large percentage of patientsin the Caucasus, in the Volga region.

The reason for the development of renal colic may be a sedentary lifestyle of a person, a lack of vitamins A and group B in food. Factors that are of great importance for the development of the disease can be the use of drugs, as well as injuries and fractures. In addition, chronic bowel disease (ulcer). As we can see, the causes for an attack of renal colic are numerous.
Summarizing the above, the main causes of colic in the kidney area are:
- blockage factor due to poor urine passage;
- inflamed urinary tract in diseases;
- inflammatory process as a result of renal vein thrombosis, kidney infarction and congenital defects in the genitourinary system that were caused during pregnancy.
Additional reasons include other factors: sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, lack of vitamins, injuries, fractures, use of drugs, poor-quality drinking water and much more.
It is important to make a correct diagnosis of the patient. An accurate diagnosis can be made after careful observation and testing. Without these procedures, it is difficult to determine the disease.
At the doctor's appointment, the patient must list all the symptoms that bother him and do not forget to mention the onset of the disease. The doctor writes information on the patient's medical record, indicating information about body temperature and blood pressure, then probes the abdomen, lower back andchest. All complaints are recorded. The specialist determines the development of the disease by the nature of the symptoms: if the patient has pain in the lumbar region, we can safely talk about renal colic. The pain may be severe or slightly moderate. By palpation, a doctor can immediately detect where a person has a pathological process. It is determined by the presence of compaction and muscle tension.

Before prescribing the necessary treatment, the specialist sends the patient for a mandatory diagnosis, which is as follows:
- physical examination;
- undergoing ultrasound;
- excretory urography;
- radiography;
- general urine test;
- computed tomography.
Only diagnostics can help to correctly determine the diagnosis and identify differences from a number of other diseases. After all, kidney stone, sand and other factors provoke renal colic.
For the correct diagnosis of the patient, it is first of all important to take tests. Which ones, we will tell below.
Blood test
With this analysis, you can see the indicators of leukocytes. With renal colic, their growth is usually not observed. In the analysis, you can see the state of urea in the serum, as a result of blockage of the urinary tract, urine can be detected in the blood. In addition to urine analysis, the patient is recommended to do a biochemical blood test to check the condition of the kidneys, acid-base balance, calcium and electrolytes. Evaluation of thyroid function is recommended.
Urine test
The analysis is performed to detect blood clots, protein, s alt, leukocytes. If it is found that leukocytes exceed the number of erythrocytes, then a conclusion can be drawn about the development of a urinary tract infection. If the diseased kidney's ureter is blocked, the urinalysis may be normal because the urine comes from the he althy kidney. If there is blood in the urine after an attack, it means that there is a mechanical obstruction in the ureter. And if the blood appeared before the attack, this indicates that there is a tumor in the body. The acidity level should not exceed 7.5. If there is an increase in the indicator, this indicates the presence of a bacterial infection or stones. If the acidity is less than 5.5, this confirms the presence of stones from uric acid s alts. If there are crystals in the urine, their type may indicate the presence and composition of kidney stones.
Daily urinalysis
Treatment of colic in the kidneys does not pass without passing such an analysis. The daily collection is expressed in the fact that all the urine that was produced by the patient must be drained into one container and sent for analysis to determine which factors caused the appearance of kidney stones and, as a result, renal colic. The study allows you to determine whether stones remained after treatment, to find out their presence or absence in both ureters.
X-ray of the abdomen and urinary system
A doctor can tell by X-ray whether a patient is suffering from various diseases. X-ray is able to reveal acute pathology, disease of the intestinal tract, changes in the kidney, ifthose have happened. If the doctor sees a darker kidney in the picture, it means that it is sick. X-ray allows you to determine if the patient has swelling of the kidney. If the picture shows a clear line that separates the shadow from the kidney, then this indicates puffiness. In addition, the doctor can see the presence of stones in the patient.

Intravenous Urography
What else to do with colic in the kidneys? You must go through the following procedure. When it is carried out, the patient must lie on the x-ray table, where a special substance is injected into his vein, as a result of which it will be possible to see the structure of the organs. Sometimes the patient is asked to stand up and the pictures are taken already in a standing position.
This procedure is important to assess the condition of the kidneys, to determine the various changes in the kidney, the contours of the cups and pelvis, the patency and performance of the ureters. You can identify a variety of diseases that caused an attack of renal colic. In general, the procedure has many advantages. One big disadvantage is that the contrast agent used can cause allergies and impair the functioning of the kidneys. This procedure is prescribed individually.
With this examination, the doctor observes the state of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, bladder and ureters. The patient is given an intravenous injection of a harmless drug that turns the urine blue. Then the doctor watches the time. Paint should appear in the ureter and bladder. At the sight of colored urine, the doctor makes a finaldiagnosis. If the patient's kidney function is impaired, then urine is delayed, if it is delayed for 15 minutes, this may indicate significant disorders in the kidneys.
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder
It is important to undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. As a result of the examination, you can find out what condition the urinary tract is in, the degree of dilation of the ureters, the condition of the kidney tissue, and also find out if the patient has kidney stones and what size they are.
Ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis
Examination is carried out to determine the presence of certain symptoms that indicate the pathology of the disease. The causes may be appendicitis, stomach ulcer, ectopic pregnancy. If the patient has an acute abdomen, they are operated on immediately.
Computed tomography
If no study can determine the presence of stones, a CT scan should be done. In this case, instead of the usual two-dimensional image, a three-dimensional image of the patient's body is modeled, and the doctor can examine the affected area of the organ from different angles.
Determination accuracy is high. Computed tomography is used in difficult cases.
Features of diseases
There are many diseases that are similar to renal colic, and it is easy to confuse them. Let's figure out what ailments are similar and how to distinguish them. It is important to know the characteristic features of pathologies that resemble renal colic.
Acute appendicitis
Renal colic and acute appendicitis are similar in nature. Both diseasesexpressed in acute pain. Many patients with characteristic pain have had their appendix removed. Why were the doctors so wrong? Because the appendix is located close to the right ureter.
How to distinguish renal colic from acute appendicitis? Not difficult if you know the characteristic signs.
A distinctive feature of renal colic from acute appendicitis is vomiting (if it appeared initially - renal colic, after a long time - acute appendicitis).
Hepatic colic
Renal colic is characterized by characteristic features, expressed in severe pain. It appears in one place. To distinguish it from hepatic colic, you should know that pain with renal colic spreads down to the genitals, and with hepatic colic - upward, and can be given to the chest, shoulder blade or right shoulder.
Acute pancreatitis
With the development of a disease such as acute pancreatitis, abdominal pain intensifies and radiates to the back and lumbar region.
The similarity of diseases lies in the fact that the patient has pain in the intestines, flatulence, bloating, and other symptoms: vomiting, nausea. The difference is expressed in blood pressure: in a patient with pancreatitis, the pressure decreases, with renal colic it is normal.

Intestinal obstruction
The disease is similar to its symptoms described above: the patient has problems with bloating and flatulence.
Distinctive features of the development of intestinal obstruction from renal colic are expressed inthe nature of the pain, with the latter it is constant, and with the first, contractions occur and depend on the frequency of contractions of the intestinal muscles. The following characteristic feature is expressed in the manifestation of high temperature as a result of obstruction due to peritonitis.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
The disease is characterized by the fact that a person has pain in the abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, as well as bloating, nausea and vomiting. A distinctive feature of the disease from renal colic is low blood pressure.
For this disease, a feature is rashes on the skin. The patient has pain, but the place of its localization does not change, unlike renal colic.
Sacral sciatica of the spine
The disease is similar to renal colic - the pain is severe. But the patient has no other symptoms: vomiting and nausea. No other complaints observed.
Inflammation of the appendages
The pain mainly radiates to the lumbar region, due to which there is a similarity with renal colic. However, a woman may experience pain in the uterine area, which can be detected by a doctor's examination.
As you can see, there are many diseases similar to the one under consideration. And it is not easy to recognize them, for this it is important to consult a specialist and undergo diagnostic measures.
Complications of the disease
It is important to know that complications are possible with renal colic. Which ones, we will find out below.
When a stone passes from the cup system, trauma to the ureter can occur, which contributes to blockage, inresulting in severe pain. As a result, urine stagnates in the kidneys, which can lead to a decrease in the rate of urine filtration by the affected kidney and an increasing load on it.
If the patient has a complete blockage of the ureter, the complication will lead to kidney failure. It is important to treat renal colic, otherwise the consequences will be severe. In addition, if a calyx rupture occurs in a patient, the urine will be surrounded by a fibrous capsule, similar to a tumor. If an infection is found in the kidney, it can lead to pyelonephritis or sepsis, which can result in death of the patient.
As you can see, if treatment is not started on time, the disease can turn into serious complications.

How to treat the disease?
How to relieve kidney colic? Many people are concerned about this issue. Let's try to figure it out.
It is important to start urgent treatment. Each patient is treated individually.
To urgently remove stones and mucus from the ureter of a patient, a specialist prescribes drugs that promote the advancement of a foreign body to the bladder. Medicines help relieve spasms of the urinary tract and help to end the pain attack soon.
In addition to medicines, the patient is advised to drink plenty of pure water, as well as exercise.
In order to radically get rid of this disease, it is recommended to use a remote shock wave procedure, as well as surgery.
If the cause of the kidneycolic is a blockage of the ureter, then this can be eliminated with medications (forcing the stone to come out). You can use the remote shock wave procedure. If the patient's kidney has fallen, as a result of which the ureter is bent, then at the very beginning of the disease, the patient is recommended to wear a bandage. In addition, the patient needs to strengthen the muscular frame, which is why it is so important to choose free time every day to perform physical exercises. If the treatment measures taken are ineffective, the patient must be prepared for surgery. The structure of the ureter can only be corrected by surgery.
If the patient has a tumor, as a result of which the ureter is bent or twisted, then the treatment is also carried out surgically. If the mass is not cancerous, it can be removed. If a severe tumor - only with the help of surgery and radiation therapy.
Possible outpatient treatment. The patient can be treated at home and visit the doctor as prescribed if his condition does not cause any concern.
How to relieve the pain of colic in the kidneys?
In addition to drugs, there are several ways and means that can alleviate the patient's condition during an attack and characteristic pain.
You can improve the patient's condition if you use the right tools. It is worth knowing how to provide first aid for colic in the kidneys, how to relieve pain.
Therapy begins with the use of heat (heating pad, bath temperature 37-39 ° C), antispasmodics and painkillersdrugs. The seizure can be stopped by intramuscular injection of 5 ml of Baralgin solution in combination with its oral administration of 0.5 g 3 times a day or subcutaneous injections of 1 ml of 0.1% atropine solution in combination with 1 ml of 2% Promedol solution or 1 ml of a 2% solution of Pantopon (or 1 ml of a 1% solution of morphine). With a prolonged seizure, novocaine blockade of the spermatic cord (round ligament of the uterus) from the side of the lesion is advisable. Renal colic, accompanied by fever, is an indication for hospitalization in the urological department, where ureteral catheterization can be performed for therapeutic purposes.
Prognosis with timely and adequate treatment is positive.
Heat treatments
If the patient has a kidney stone (colic), you can do a thermal procedure in the form of a compress. Lie down in a calm state with a heating pad on your stomach or spine. This heat treatment can provide relief.
But if the patient has inflammatory processes, then it is better not to carry out such a procedure.
What to drink with colic in the kidneys? To reduce spasm of the urinary tract, you can recommend "Baralgin M", "Drotaverin", "Ketoralak". Remedy for colic in the kidneys will quickly relieve pain.
Ureteral catheterization
If the drugs did not help the patient, then ureteral catheterization is indicated. It is used to treat colic in the kidneys. Bring the catheter to the blocked ureter and bypass it. So you can remove the accumulated urine, whichimmediately alleviate the patient's condition.
Painkillers for 3-4 hours can help the patient.
Thus, in order to relieve the attack, the patient must take urgent measures: painkillers and a thermal procedure in the form of a heating pad. There are other options than treating colic in the kidneys. But these are the most common.
Disease prevention
To prevent the disease so that it does not return and cannot ruin the life of the patient, it is important to follow preventive measures.
Many patients do not think about the consequences of the development of pathology and ignore advice, which ends for them not very positively.
In order to preventive measures, the patient is recommended to follow the following tips. With colic in the kidneys, you can:
- eat well;
- drink plenty of clean water;
- limit s alt intake;
- eliminate alcoholic beverages;
- avoid overheating;
- introduce herbal preparations into your diet daily, as well as cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks.
It is important to eat a balanced diet. Be sure to drink enough fluids, which will reduce the concentration of s alt in the urine. In the diet, it is important to reduce the amount of animal proteins, glucose and fats. Treatment table No. 10 or No. 6 is recommended. The patient is advised to exercise.
If the patient is on an outpatient basis, it is important to pay special attention to the genitourinary system, go to the toilet more often, wash hands with soap and water. The patient is recommended for a long timemonitor the state of your urine, look for the presence of stones.
It is not recommended by doctors to take several analgesics at once, they can increase side effects. If the patient has urine retention in the body, do not drink a diuretic, this can provoke a new attack.

Recommended diet
It is important for the patient to follow a special diet for colic in the kidneys.
At the same time, exclude s alt, proteins and fats. The menu should include carbohydrates, plant foods. It is allowed to eat all vegetables and fruits, watermelons, melons, zucchini and pumpkins are especially useful.
Without sand in the kidneys, colic, it is necessary to use a variety of cereals, which contain a huge amount of carbohydrates. They provide the body with energy. You are allowed to eat pasta. The patient should include lean meat and fish in his diet, seafood (mussels, shrimp) is very useful. The patient most of all needs to eat soups, preferably on secondary broths. Vegetarian and dairy products are best. Eggs are allowed to be used in the form of omelettes, as well as soft-boiled. You can use no more than 2-3 eggs per day in dishes. It is allowed to add a small amount of butter to food, use olive, linseed and sunflower oil, because it is in them that there are many plant substances that are important for the body. The patient's diet should contain cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, mild cheeses.
Eat 4-5 times a day. Consume as a steamstewed, boiled and baked dishes, fried foods are strictly prohibited.
If renal colic developed against the background of urolithiasis, then the menu should be adjusted. The patient's diet should be varied and dietary.
If a patient has had kidney stones removed by crushing, a strict diet is not required. However, the first time is best to stick to the right diet. Introduce easily digestible food into the menu. Steam meat and fish, exclude fried. You should remove drinks containing gases from your diet. Drink more than 1.5 liters of water per day. During illness, it is better to drink 2 liters of pure water.
If a patient has a repeated attack of colic in the kidney area, do not endure and wait for everything to pass by itself! Urgently call an ambulance.
At the end of the article, we recommend that you take into account and follow all the advice of a specialist and do not ignore the prescribed methods of treatment! Take care!