Fever on the lips in everyday life is called herpetic eruptions. It is often possible to hear that a person has a "cold" in the mouth area. However, these symptoms are in no way associated with SARS. Herpes is caused by a virus. Hypothermia and colds are not the cause of rashes on the lips, they can only provoke the activity of the microorganism. Skin manifestations of infection, especially on the face, spoil the appearance of a person. Therefore, you want to get rid of sores near your mouth as soon as possible. But the herpes virus is not always easy to treat, and therapy can take some time.
Herpes virus
Fever on the lips is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. Its carriers are about 80-90% of people, since the infection is very easily transmitted. However, not everyone has this microorganism causing skin rashes. The virus becomes active only in the presence of additional adverse factors.

Many patients are interested inquestion: "How to cure a fever on the lip?" Currently, there is no such drug that can destroy the causative agent of the disease. Once in the body, the virus invades the cellular structures and remains there forever. However, with the help of drug therapy, it is possible to suppress the activity of the pathogen. And then the symptoms of the disease disappear. But the virus remains in the body, and fever on the lips can reappear when immunity decreases.
Transmission routes
How is the herpes virus transmitted? This is a rather insidious microorganism that can spread in various ways. That is why many people are asymptomatic carriers of the virus. However, you can only get infected from a person suffering from an acute form of herpes. Infection occurs in the following ways:
- Through a kiss or oral-genital contact with the patient.
- Airborne. The patient can spread the virus to others by coughing or sneezing.
- Infection is transmitted through personal items such as a towel, toothbrush or lipstick.
- Possible infection when using the same dishes with the patient.
- A pregnant woman with acute herpes can infect her unborn child in utero.
- In rare cases, a person can infect himself. During inaccurate application of creams and ointments, the rash may spread from the affected areas to he althy ones.

It is important to remember that the herpes virus is quite stable and can live outside the body for about 4 hours. Therefore, he althy people are easily infected through objects and utensils that the patient has come into contact with. Then this microorganism penetrates through the mucous membrane into the nerve endings and settles there forever.
Provoking factors
As already mentioned, not always when infected with the herpes virus, a fever appears on the lips. The microorganism becomes active and causes skin manifestations when exposed to the following factors:
- frequent colds;
- hypothermia (especially after being in a hot room);
- intoxication;
- excessive sun exposure;
- nervous strain;
- pregnancy complicated by toxicosis;
- coffee abuse;
- too-strict diet, malnutrition;
- avitaminosis;
- smoking and drinking.

All of the above factors lead to a weakened immune system. As a result, the virus is activated, and there are external manifestations of a herpes infection.
Signs of the disease depend on the stage of development of the herpes infection:
- 1 stage. The virus moves along the nerve pathways to the lips. The skin in the mouth area turns red, there is a slight itching and tingling. Some patients experience flu-like symptoms: malaise, slight fever, chills, body aches. Treating at this stage will help prevent the formation of a blistering rash.
- 2 stage. On the affected areasinflammation occurs, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles. The rashes are filled with a clear liquid. Over time, the bubbles become larger. Itching becomes more severe, painful sensations appear in the lips.
- 3 stage. The bubbles burst, and ulcers form in their place. At this time, the patient is especially contagious. There is a high risk of infecting others.
- 4 stage. Crusts form on the affected areas. In no case should they be plucked, as they protect ulcers from infection. Sometimes the crusts break themselves with active movements of the mouth.

Often, patients are interested in: "How to get rid of a fever on the lip in a short time?" It is impossible to quickly eliminate the external manifestations of the disease. It usually takes about 7-14 days from the appearance of the first signs of skin lesions to complete recovery.
It is important to remember that herpes on the lips is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Frequent exacerbations of infection adversely affect the heart and blood vessels. Herpes is especially dangerous for pregnant women. This disease increases the risk of miscarriage and can also lead to infection of the embryo. Because of this, the newborn may suffer from herpetic encephalitis.
Usually, the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. Pathology can be determined already during an external examination of the patient. Characteristic blisters on the lips indicate a herpetic etiology of the disease.
Sometimes requireddifferential diagnosis with herpes zoster and herpangina caused by enteroviruses. In such cases, the doctor prescribes immunological blood tests by ELISA or PCR.
The treatment for fever on the lips is aimed at deactivating the virus. There are special drugs that remove pathogen DNA from skin cells. As a result of such therapy, the manifestations of the disease disappear.
At the first stage of the disease, when there are no blisters yet, antiviral pills are prescribed:
- "Aciclovir";
- "Gerpevir".

These drugs should be taken twice a day for about 3-4 days. In many cases, drug therapy can avoid the appearance of blisters. However, drugs in tablet form are effective only in the first days of illness.
At the stage of the appearance of rashes and the formation of ulcers, it is necessary to apply antiviral ointments for fever on the lips:
- "Zovirax";
- "Aciclovir";
- "Fenistil Pencivir";
- "Gerpevir".
These products must be applied very carefully using a cotton swab. You can not smear the drug on the skin, this will lead to the spread of rashes to he althy areas.

Emollient zinc-based ointments and creams should be used at the stage of healing and crusting.
In some patients, exacerbations of herpes are observed very often,more than 5 times a year. How to treat fever on the lips in such difficult cases? With constant recurrence of infection, a long course of taking immunomodulators is prescribed:
- "Viferon";
- "Cycloferon";
- "Kipferon";
- "Ingarona";
- "Amiksina".
These drugs stimulate the production of interferon in the body and help strengthen the immune system.
In severe cases, after stopping the acute symptoms of the disease, the herpes vaccine Vitagerpavak is administered. It protects against recurrence of the disease. After 6 months, the introduction of the vaccine is repeated to consolidate the results. One of the indications for vaccination is frequent exacerbations of herpes (more than 4 times a year).

Traditional medicine
Folk remedies for fever on the lip should be used together with antiviral tablets and ointments. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. The following home remedies are recommended:
- Applying ice. This remedy is effective in the first days of the disease, when redness of the skin is observed, but there are no bubbles yet. It is useful to make ice from a decoction of chamomile. The compress is applied to the reddened area for 15-20 minutes.
- Kalanchoe. Juice is squeezed out of a leaf of a plant and rashes are treated with it several times a day.
- Tea making. In a glass of boiling water, you need to brew 3 tablespoons of black tea. This tool needs to moisten the rash. Tea is anti-inflammatory and antiviraleffect.
- Lemon. You need to squeeze the juice from the fruit and apply it on the rash. Lemon acts as an anti-itch.
Prevention measures
To avoid the recurrence of herpes, you need to strengthen your immune system. To do this, you need to eat regularly and fully, take vitamins, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.
During an exacerbation of the disease, the spread of infection should be avoided. Bubbles on the skin should never be pierced or squeezed out. It is necessary to touch the rashes as little as possible, and after treating the affected areas with medicines, you should wash your hands thoroughly. After recovery, it is recommended to change the toothbrush and towel.
It is important to take care of the he alth of others, because herpes is very contagious. A sick person needs to use separate dishes and personal items. During the period of exacerbation, the patient should refrain from kissing and oral-genital contact in order to avoid infecting others.