Drotaverine is an effective myotropic and vasodilating antispasmodic. The main active ingredient of the drug is drotaverine hydrochloride. In terms of its pharmacological actions, the drug is similar to papaverine, but has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.
Composition of the drug "Drotaverine"
Drotaverine hydrochloride is the main component of this medication, each tablet contains 40 mg of this substance. Auxiliary components include:
- lactose;
- potato starch;
- povidone;
- talc;
- magnesium sterat.
Drotaverine is also produced as an injection solution. In this case, the amount of drotaverine hydrochloride in each ampoule is 20 mg.
The solution for injections is available in the form of ampoules, each of which includes 20 ml of the main substance. In the form of yellow tablets with a greenish tinge - each tablet contains 40 mg of drotaverine hydrochloride.
What are the indications for taking"Drotaverine" exist

What is the drug "Drotaverine"? What are these pills for? The remedy is aimed at reducing the tone of the smooth muscles of many internal organs and weakening the peristalsis of the intestinal section. It can expand blood vessels. Often, the medicine is prescribed to eliminate the spasmodic syndrome. Although the medication is not a pain medication, it acts on the cause that caused the pain.
So, indications for the use of the drug "Drotaverine" can be such diseases and conditions:
- Exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
- Pylorospasm.
- Intestinal colic, proctitis.
- Spastic colitis, constipation, tenesmus.
- Painfulness with spasms of the vessels of the head, coronary arteries, endarteritis.
- Pyelitis.
- Biliary dyskinesia.
- Biliary and renal colic.
- Cholecystitis.
- Threatened miscarriage or early labor.
- If the opening of the uterus is delayed during childbirth, as well as during postpartum contractions.
- The medicine is prescribed in preparation for various procedures, for example, when placing a catheter in the ureters, or during cholecystography.
- As part of complex therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Menstruation with severe pain.
In addition, sometimes a spastic headache can be relieved with Drotaverine.
If the tablet form for anyreasons is prohibited, then you can use the medicine in the form of a solution.
It is prescribed to eliminate spasms of smooth muscles:
- In the urinary system. For example, with nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, bladder tenesmus.
- In diseases of the biliary tract. These include cholecystolithiasis, cholangiolithiasis, pericholecystitis, cholangitis, papillitis.
Thus, we can conclude that the drug can be used for symptomatic treatment, when the main symptom of the disease is pain, during certain medical manipulations and procedures, in gynecology and even for preventive purposes with the threat of developing certain diseases. The scope of the drug is extensive.
Contraindications for use
Contraindications include the following:
- Individual intolerance to one or more components of the remedy.
- Severe kidney and liver failure.
- Decreased cardiac output and development as a result of severe heart failure.
- Under 1 year old.
- Glaucoma.
When should the drug be administered with caution

With the following pathologies and conditions, "Drotaverine" is prescribed with caution:
- prostate adenoma;
- atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries in a pronounced form;
- hypotension;
- angle-closure glaucoma;
- prostate hyperplasia.
You will also needadditional doctor's advice on taking "Drotaverine" during pregnancy.
Side effects
Side effects of "Drotaverine", subject to all the rules for taking the drug, are extremely rare. Usually the patient tolerates the course of therapy without complications.
Rarely develop such side effects from "Drotaverine":
- Nausea and vomiting, constipation.
- Pain in the head dizziness.
- Sleep problems, palpitations.
- Hypotension is extremely rare
- Quincke's edema also occurs in rare critical cases.

Some patients notice side effects after taking Drotaverine:
- feeling hot;
- sweating;
- skin rashes;
- swelling in the nose.
In case of an overdose of the drug, the following side effects of "Drotaverine" may occur:
- AV-blockade.
- Cardiac arrest.
- Respiratory paralysis.
Rules for taking pills and solution
Take the pills by mouth with water. Do not chew or crush the medicine before taking it. An exception may be children who cannot swallow a whole tablet. In this case, you can grind the medicine into a powder and dilute it in a small amount of water.
The instructions do not indicate when to take the remedy - before or after meals. But many doctors recommendtake medicine after meals. If the meal was made a long time ago, then before you drink the Drotaverine tablet, you can eat an apple, a banana, a small sandwich, etc. That is, there may be little food, the main thing is that the medicine should not be taken on an empty stomach.
The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending physician.
The dosage of "Drotaverine" for adults is as follows: 1-2 tablets three times a day, while the maximum dose per day should not exceed 240 mg.
For kids:
- From 3 to 6 years - 40-120 mg, which are divided into 2-3 doses. A maximum of 120 mg can be taken per day, dividing this dose into several doses.
- From 6 to 12 years - 2-5 tablets, which are also divided into several doses per day. The maximum dose per day - no more than 200 mg.
If we talk about the solution, then it is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at 40-80 mg from one to three times a day. 2-4 ml of medication is injected at each dose.
There are specific instructions for preventing renal or hepatic colic. In this case, the solution must be administered slowly, 40-80 mg intravenously.
All of the above treatment regimens are considered conditional and stereotyped. Only a doctor can determine at what dose the medicine is indicated for the patient, depending on the particular case taken.

There are analogues and substitutes for "Drotaverine", which may be similar in composition or action. The following are drugs with a similar effect"Drotaverina":
- "Platifillin with papaverine".
- "Papaverine Hydrochloride MS".
- "Papazol".

There are also drugs-synonyms "Drotaverine" with the same chemical composition:
- "Spasmol";
- "Bioshpa";
- "Nosh Bra";
- "Vero-Drotaverine";
- "Spakovin";
- "No-shpa";
- "Droverine";
- "Ple-Spa".
Special instructions for use

When the solution is administered orally, to prevent collapse, the patient must be in a horizontal position. During the use of the drug, especially in the form of a solution, people should limit their vigorous activity within 1 hour after the administration of the drug. This applies to potentially dangerous activities that require concentration, fast psychomotor actions, etc.
During the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, the appointment of "Drotaverine" is combined with taking antiulcer drugs.
In addition, while taking the drug as part of complex therapy, you need to know about the compatibility of "Drotaverine" with other drugs. If the patient is simultaneously injected with "Phenobarbital" with "Drotaverine", then the antispasmodic effect of "Drotaverine" will increase.
In addition, the drug has the following effectin some situations:
- The antiparkinsonian effect of levodopa is getting weaker.
- The spasmogenic activity of morphine under the influence of "Drotaverine" is reduced.
- Increases the effect of bendazol and other antispasmodics.
Under what conditions to store "Drotaverine"

You can buy "Drotaverine" in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Tablets are stored for three years from the date of production, injection solution - two years. The place for storing the medicine should be dry and dark, and also inaccessible to small children. Storage temperature should not exceed +25°C.
As soon as the shelf life indicated on the package expires, "Drotaverine" must be disposed of.
In closing
When purchasing any medicine, be sure to read the annotation to it. But you can't just follow instructions. The doctor should prescribe the drug, as well as indicate the dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment. Self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences.
Now you know what "Drotaverine" is and what these pills are for. The medicine really helps, judging by the reviews of patients. It can be used both in the form of monotherapy and as part of complex treatment, but in any case only as directed by a doctor.