Meningitis: treated or not, methods of therapy, consequences of the disease

Meningitis: treated or not, methods of therapy, consequences of the disease
Meningitis: treated or not, methods of therapy, consequences of the disease

Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. Types of pathology differ in the nature, spread of inflammation, the rate of development, and the severity of the course. When making a diagnosis, the question arises of whether meningitis is generally treated or not, and what consequences may arise, how the pathology proceeds, what leads to it.

How is meningitis treated in children?
How is meningitis treated in children?

Disease classification

Classification of pathology provides for the division of the disease according to a variety of criteria.

  1. By the nature of the inflammatory process. Meningitis is divided into serous, in which a large number of lymphocytes are found in the liquor washing the brain; purulent, in which impurities of pus are present in the cerebral fluid.
  2. In terms of distribution, the pathology can be limited and generalized. In the first case, it affects either the main part of the brain or only one of the hemispheres, in the second case, inflammation affects the entire membrane of the brain.
  3. By speeddevelopment of pathology. Meningitis can be acute, chronic, subacute, fulminant.
  4. According to the degree of severity, a mild form, severe, moderate and extremely severe are distinguished.

Features of pathology

When wondering whether meningitis is treatable or not, it is worth learning as much information as possible about the pathology.

Inflammation can be caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa or fungi. The latter type occurs with reduced immunity.

Most often, the pathology is acute, starting with a high temperature - 39 degrees. The patient has severe headaches, vomiting, which does not bring relief. Later meningeal symptoms join. The most important of these is neck stiffness: the patient cannot reach his chest with his chin, tilting his head forward. Also there is dizziness, drowsiness, photophobia. In some cases, there are convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Bacterial meningitis

Is bacterial type meningitis treated or not? Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must determine which type of bacteria caused the inflammation. If caused by a meningococcal bacterium, then this is manifested by a characteristic skin rash. Other forms of meningitis do not cause a rash unless the inflammation is accompanied by sepsis.

Bacterial meningitis has long been considered a childhood pathology. According to the statistics of the eighties, the average age of patients with this disease was 15 months. In the nineties, statistics changed, the average age of patients with bacterialmeningitis was 25 years old.

Among inflammations of a viral nature, meningitis caused by enterovirus infection most often predominates.

Among the chronic form, the tubercle bacillus is most often the causative agent.

Is purulent meningitis in adults treated?
Is purulent meningitis in adults treated?

Pathology in men

Strong sex most often suffers from inflammation between the ages of 20 and 30 years. Most often, the pathology is purulent. The cause of infection are pneumococci, meningococci, Haemophilus influenzae, tuberculosis bacillus.

Most often, pathology occurs against the background of neglect of various diseases that are perceived by men as frivolous. These can be inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, nasal sinuses, respiratory infections, inflammation of the bronchi, otitis media and other ailments.

Pathology in women

Compared to men, women are less likely to get meningitis, but there are periods when the disease is especially dangerous. These include pregnancy, during which immunity is reduced. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to limit contacts with other people as much as possible, as well as to treat inflammatory foci in a timely manner.

Pathology in children

So is meningitis treated or not in children and adults? Yes, pathology is treated.

Inflammation of the lining of the brain is dangerous for children under the age of 5 years. According to statistics, every twentieth child dies from meningitis. If the baby becomes infected during childbirth, passing through the birth canal, then there is a high probability that he will get a severe form of meningitis, the causewhich become dangerous microorganisms.

At the age of 5-6 years, viral infection most often occurs. In school-age children, pathology occurs extremely rarely. The low level of the disease is associated with the vaccination of the population.

Viral meningitis
Viral meningitis

Viral meningitis

The most favorable form of pathology is considered to be viral meningitis. This variety minimally damages the lining of the brain. How is meningitis treated in adults and what are the consequences of the viral form? This variety leaves practically no consequences, and patients with it quickly recover. In most cases, inflammation is secondary and develops as a complication of an untreated viral infection. Most common viral meningitis occurs:

  • after enterovirus infection;
  • due to the herpes virus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • mononucleosis.

Viral type of inflammation of the lining of the brain can be caused by SARS.

During an illness, the pathogen penetrates to the brain membrane with blood, lymph, through the cerebrospinal fluid. As a result, it causes serous inflammation of the tissues. With this variety, there is no purulent exudate.

Viral meningitis differs from other types of pathology in a short course. The acute stage lasts up to three days and already on the fifth day there is significant relief. Knowing this, we can assume how much meningitis is treated. In adults, viral pathology is not as dangerous as in childhood. Therefore, with vomiting that does not bring relief, the presenceviral infections and headaches, you should immediately consult a doctor.


When tubercle bacillus penetrates the lining of the brain, tuberculous meningitis occurs. In about 75% of cases, the pathology is a complication of the active form of tuberculosis of the bones, lungs, and reproductive system. Less commonly, an ailment occurs in isolation, on its own.

There was a time when this type of inflammation of the lining of the brain was considered characteristic of adolescents and children, but in the twentieth century everything changed, and the disease began to occur equally often in different age groups.

Bacterial meningitis
Bacterial meningitis

Other types of meningitis

How much meningitis is treated depends on its type and severity. In addition to the above types, the following types are found:

  • fungal;
  • mixed, caused by several types of pathogens at once;
  • protozoan caused by toxoplasmosis;
  • non-infectious type, which leads to cancer metastases, systemic diseases of the connective tissue.

And how is meningitis treated in children and adults in these cases? For each type, the doctor selects an individual treatment regimen, depending on the pathogen, the stage of the disease.

Serous meningitis

Asking the question of whether meningitis is treated without consequences, each doctor will say that the type of disease affects this. With serous inflammation of the membranes, a transparent exudate is released, which contains a large number of lymphocytes. A feature of this variety is the absence of cell necrosis, and withwith proper treatment, full recovery occurs without complications.

Most often, a viral infection leads to serous inflammation - about 80% of cases, the remaining 20% are fungi, bacteria, metastases, etc. Most often, this type occurs in childhood, in adults, it is rare.

And how many days is meningitis treated and when do its consequences pass? The therapy takes about a week, and after a month the patient has no trace of the inflammation.

How long is meningitis treated
How long is meningitis treated

Purulent form

Is purulent meningitis treated in adults, what are the consequences of the disease? This species is considered a severe form. If left untreated, it is always fatal.

A purulent infection is caused by bacteria. Most often, this type is diagnosed in children under the age of five, less often in adults.

In the purulent form, there is pus on the surface of the brain membrane, leading to the death of individual cells. Because of this, even with timely treatment, complications arise.

According to the nature of the course, purulent meningitis is fulminant when the count goes on for minutes; sharp; abortive and recurrent. The first variety is not treatable.

How long does it take to treat other types of meningitis? A bacterial infection is always treated difficult and long. Therapy of inflammation of the brain takes about two weeks, the exact period is determined individually in each case.

How is meningitis treated in children?
How is meningitis treated in children?

Treatment methods

If you suspect inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord,hospitalization is required. The choice of department depends on the cause of the disease. With bacterial and viral infections, patients are sent to the infectious diseases department. If meningitis is a complication of otitis or other ENT organs, then the patient is sent to the otolaryngological department. Tuberculosis infection is being treated in a tuberculosis dispensary.

How long does meningitis last in adults and what drugs are used? The therapy is aimed at removing the clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as at eliminating the cause of the inflammation.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen are used to bring down the temperature.

If the pathology is caused by a bacterial infection, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. Duration of administration, dosage are determined in each case individually. After receiving the results of a bacteriological study, antibiotics are replaced taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to it.

In case of viral pathology, treatment is carried out with antiviral agents, and drugs are also selected that reduce intracranial pressure.

Be sure to prescribe detoxification therapy. The use of drugs is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor of the volume of urine excreted and an assessment of the general condition of the patient. If cerebral edema is suspected, detoxification treatment is not carried out.

Be sure to select medications that help relieve inflammation. Preference is given to hormonal drugs such as Dexamethasone.

Avl if necessary.

If meningitis is secondary, then surgical treatment of the underlying ailment is prescribed, tuberculosis is treated.

How many days is meningitis treated
How many days is meningitis treated

Rehabilitation period

After meningitis, patients are seen by a neurologist for two years. In the first year, it is necessary to conduct an examination at least once every three months, then the frequency of visits increases to once every six months.

Recovery period includes:

  1. Diet. The main task of proper nutrition is to restore strength after pathology. To this end, it is recommended to include in the menu only those dishes and products that will not irritate the digestive tract. Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be heat treated. The diet includes mashed potatoes, stewed, baked vegetables, soups. As an additional source of protein, dairy products are introduced into the menu. From drinks, preference is given to weak tea, kissels, compotes.
  2. Physiotherapy. It includes not only classical massage, but also various hardware techniques. This can be electrophoresis, electrosleep, magnetic laser therapy, magnetotherapy and other techniques that allow you to stimulate or relax different muscle groups.
  3. exercise. The specialist helps to return to normal physical activity.
  4. Ergotherapy. A set of measures designed for everyday adaptation of the patient. Any pathology leads to a change in lifestyle, and occupational therapy helps patients restore coordination, amplitude and strength of movements.
  5. Cognitive treatment. This includes a variety of recovery exercises.logical thinking, memory, attention.

Many factors influence how long meningitis is treated in adults. When choosing a therapy regimen, the doctor takes into account all the results of the diagnostics, assesses the general condition of the patient, the form, type of meningitis, age, individual characteristics of the body, the presence of chronic ailments.

Meningitis is a dangerous pathology that can lead to death. If you suspect this pathology, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, the patient is provided with complete rest, silence, bright light is removed. You can not refuse hospitalization, as this can be fatal - you can effectively fight inflammation only in a hospital and under the supervision of an experienced doctor.
