Miramistin is a local antiseptic preparation. Its use can reduce inflammation, speed up recovery, and also prevent further development when used at the initial stage of the disease. The main advantage of the remedy is a high degree of safety for the body, which allows the use of Miramistin for angina in a child. But, like other drugs, it should be used according to the instructions. Only in this case the efficiency will be maximum.
Product description
The development of this drug began at the end of the last century. The purpose of its creation is a powerful broad-spectrum antiseptic agent for disinfecting the internal surfaces of spacecraft and the skin of astronauts.
As a result, a drug was obtained that is active against most types of fungi, infections and viruses. At the same time, it gently affectsoral mucosa and skin without causing irritation. The effectiveness of "Miramistin" in angina in a child and adults is also confirmed by the fact that it acts even on bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
Now the therapeutic effect and safety of this drug are confirmed by clinical studies. Therefore, it is considered one of the most effective topical antiseptics that can be used in the treatment of tonsillitis, not only in adults, but also in children.
Form and composition

The drug is available as a solution and ointment. The active ingredient is benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate. For the treatment of the throat, only a liquid solution is used, and the ointment is intended for healing wounds, cuts and ulcers of varying severity.
The clear solution is colorless and odorless. When shaken, it foams slightly. Sold in vials. The dosage is from 50 to 500 ml. Small volume bottles are equipped with a spray nozzle, which allows you to dose the affected throat without much difficulty.
Drug action
"Miramistin" contributes to the destruction of the cell membrane of pathogens. This contributes to their oppression.
Main action features:
- reduces throat swelling;
- eliminates inflammation;
- promotes accelerated healing of ulcers and ulcers on the surface of the mucosa;
- strengthens the body's defenses to fight disease;
- absorbs purulent exudate.
Theseproperties give a positive result of Miramistin therapy for purulent tonsillitis in children. At the same time, the drug does not contain active ingredients that can negatively affect he althy tissues adjacent to the focus of inflammation.
How effective is Miramistin for angina?
According to doctors, the use of purely "Miramistin" in case of damage to the oropharynx does not completely get rid of the sore throat. This is because the causative agent of the disease easily spreads to other respiratory organs.
The local effect of the drug can only temporarily reduce unpleasant symptoms and make the child feel better. Also, an increased concentration of toxic components in the body as a result of the vital activity of the sore throat pathogen only exacerbates the inflammatory process, which the drug cannot cope with on its own.
Therefore, to speed up recovery, it is recommended to use the local action of the drug in combination with other drugs for oral administration. The use of "Miramistin" for sore throat in a child and an adult can reduce inflammation of the affected tonsils, destroy the bacteria that have accumulated on them, and remove purulent exudate.
Indications for use

The benefits of the drug allow it to be used to treat various diseases. It is also effective as a prophylaxis in potentially dangerous periods of the year.
Indications for use:
- tonsillitis;
- pharyngitis;
- laryngitis;
- acute, chronic otitis media;
- stomatitis.
How to use Miramistin throat rinse?

One of the ways to treat sore throats in children is gargling. But in order for the procedure to have maximum effectiveness, the child must first rinse his mouth with plain water at a comfortable temperature or with saline at the rate of 0.5 tsp. s alt per 200 ml of water. This will help wash away the purulent exudate and other secretions from the affected tonsils, and will also prepare the baby for the main procedure.
But before that, parents should clarify in the instructions at what age Miramistin is acceptable for use and how much medication is needed in each case.
Allowed dosage according to age group:
- 3 to 6 years - 3-5 ml;
- 7 to 14 years - 5-7 ml;
- over 14 years old - 10-15 ml.
Miramistin for angina in children 3 years old is not used in its pure form, but diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Beforehand, the child should be explained that it is impossible to swallow the remedy.

As soon as the preparation for the therapeutic procedure is completed, you should proceed directly to rinsing. To do this, the child must take the solution into his mouth, tilt his head slightly back and try to say the letter “Y” drawlingly. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. The child should then spit out the liquid.
After rinsing, do not eat for 2 hours. The duration of treatment depends on the severitydisease and stages of its development. This method of using "Miramistin" for angina in children allows you to achieve a tangible improvement already on the 2nd day after the start of therapy. This result is achieved if the child rinses 3-4 times a day.
Mean duration of treatment 3-10 days.
"Miramistin" (spray): instructions for use for children

Therapy in the form of irrigation of the inflamed areas with the drug is also effective. To do this, you need to purchase medicine in a special bottle with a spray nozzle.
The principle of using "Miramistin" for the throat of adults and children is completely identical. The only difference is the dosage of the medication.
The therapeutic procedure is carried out in this sequence.
- Remove the protective cap from the vial.
- Unpack the spray nozzle without touching the tip with your hands.
- Attach it to an open container with a treatment solution, fix it.
- Shake the bottle and make several repeated sprays into the air to activate the atomizer.
- Insert into the child's mouth and direct to the area of the affected tonsils.
- At the end of the procedure, remove the tip, rinse it with boiled water and fold everything until the next time.
Repeat irrigation 3-4 times a day for 4-7 days. But, according to reviews, at the initial stage of a sore throat in a child, it is enough to carry out therapy for 1 day. After that, inflammation is noticeably reduced.
The annotation to the tool contains allinformation on how to use "Miramistin" for the throat, so before you carry out treatment, you need to carefully study it.
For the treatment of sore throats in children, the medicinal spray should be used in the following dosage:
- 3-7 years - one press on the spray, which is equal to 3-5 ml of the product;
- 7-14 years - double irrigation containing 5-7 ml of the drug;
- over 14 years old - 3-4 full sprays, which is 10-15 ml of solution by volume.
Before irrigation, it will also not be superfluous to pre-rinse the oral cavity with plain water. This simple procedure will wash away the pathogenic plaque on the tonsils and significantly improve the access of the medicine to the inflamed areas.
How can I speed up my child's recovery?

To make the child recover faster, you should follow the general rules of therapy. Their precise implementation will enhance the therapeutic effect of "Miramistin" and significantly reduce the duration of therapy.
They include the following.
- Compliance with bed rest throughout treatment.
- To prevent further spread of bacteria to households, only one parent should be in contact with a sick child.
- Drinks and food the baby should consume only in the form of heat. This will eliminate additional irritation of the infected throat.
- Washing or irrigation of the oral cavity with Miramistin should be carried out regularly in agreement with the pediatrician.
- Don't forgetgive the child antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner.
According to the instructions for use, the only contraindication for Miramistin is hypersensitivity to the component.
The medicine also has an age limit. It can be used to treat angina in children only from the age of three. This is due to the following: it is from this age that the child is able to fully gargle. Parents need not worry that he will swallow the solution.
Side effects
Studies have shown that the drug practically does not cause side effects, so the use of Miramistin for sore throat in a child has become widespread.
With prolonged use, a mild allergic reaction may occur. In this case, you should inform the pediatrician about this in order to find a replacement for the drug.
In some cases, when using "Miramistin" with angina, the child has a slight burning sensation in the inflamed areas. This unpleasant sensation passes on its own after 1 minute, so it is not a cause for concern and refusal of further therapy.
Drug Benefits According to Patients
Many parents claim that "Miramistin" has a number of advantages in comparison with other similar drugs. This explains its common use in the treatment of sore throats in children.
Main benefits of this medicine.
- Easy to use.
- Quickly shootsunpleasant symptoms with regular use.
- Not addictive.
- Virtually has no contraindications.
- In combination, it enhances the effect of antibiotics and antivirals prescribed by the attending physician.
- Does not leave stubborn stains on clothes.
- Significantly accelerates the recovery of the child.
- Features affordable price.
- The medicine in the form of a spray contains a convenient nozzle for dosed and uniform irrigation of inflamed areas.
Drug Interactions
According to doctors, "Miramistin" is not only possible, but should be used in complex therapy, as it enhances the therapeutic effect of antibiotics and antiviral agents. This is due to its unique ability to soften the cell wall of pathogens.
As a result, the active ingredients penetrate directly into the focus of inflammation. This allows you to significantly speed up the recovery of a child with purulent sore throat.

There are no equivalent analogues of Miramistin in terms of efficiency and safety of actions. But there are drugs that are characterized by a similar antibacterial effect.
Among them are the following drugs:
- "Chlorhexidine". Universal antiseptic medicine. Characterized by a bitter taste. With prolonged use with angina and stomatitis, it can worsen the color of tooth enamel. When using a solution for therapeutic rinsing, it can affect blood flow, so use it for childrenit is worth it with caution and only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. If we compare which is better - "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine", then the advantages are on the side of the first.
- "Dekasan". The drug is active against various types of viruses, fungi and harmful bacteria. It is used topically, but at the same time it is not absorbed into the mucous membrane, therefore its use for the treatment of children is acceptable. Most often it is used for inhalation and rinsing of the oral cavity. The only drawback is the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.
Positive reviews about Miramistin for angina in children from doctors and parents confirm the effectiveness and safety of this remedy.
But against this background, there are also opinions pointing to the uselessness of the remedy with the advanced form of tonsillitis, with the appearance of abscesses on the tonsils and high temperature. This is due to the fact that initially they tried to cure the disease with purely folk remedies, without resorting to antibiotics and antiviral drugs. And when the state of he alth worsened, they decided to use Miramistin. But such a treatment regimen is unacceptable for purulent sore throat, since the remedy is not able to eliminate extensive inflammation, which has already managed to switch to adjacent organs.
"Miramistin" refers to a group of drugs that are recommended for treatment at the first signs of the disease, as well as as a preventive measure. Only in this case, you can get by with a purely rinsing. But before using the drug, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with what age"Miramistin" is used and what dosage is needed in each case.