According to the data, every third person has been infested with lice at least once in their life. In medicine, the condition of lice is called head lice and, like any other disease, it needs to be treated. Pharmacies today offer a wide range of products for lice and nits, and it can be difficult to choose the most effective of them, since it is important not only to get rid of parasites, but also to keep your hair he althy.

Next, we will consider the most effective drugs that are used in the fight against these parasites. We will also find out what people write about these funds in their reviews.
Effective pediculosis shampoos and reviews about them
Let's figure out which lice remedies in the form of shampoos today help most effectively:
- Nock Shampoo is made on the basis of permethrin and is recommended for use by children over two years old. This product must be applied topreviously washed head, the strands should be wet. Head treatment is carried out in a well-ventilated area.
- Pedilin lice remedy is a cheap shampoo, but its effectiveness is not inferior to expensive analogues. The active ingredient is malathion. People write about this shampoo that they do not like its pronounced unpleasant smell. The product should be evenly distributed over the hair and washed off after ten minutes. According to reviews, in order to completely destroy lice, it is necessary to carry out three treatments with mandatory subsequent combing. "Pedilin" is contraindicated in children under two years of age. This should be taken into account when choosing a remedy for lice and nits for children.

- Chigia shampoo is a good remedy not only for head lice, but also for pubic lice. Contains permethrin. You can use this tool from the age of five. About this shampoo, people report that it has an economical consumption. It is noted that for short hair, one bottle is enough to make up to six treatments. The shampoo is kept on the head for twenty minutes. The second procedure can be repeated no earlier than after seven days.
- The remedy for lice "Paranit" is made in Belgium. This shampoo has an oily, oily texture. It does not contain any insecticidal substances, its composition is represented primarily by the composition of various oils. It can be used for medicinal purposes for babies from three years old. The processing time is ten minutes. According to consumer reviews, sixty percentpeople, thanks to this remedy, cured pediculosis in just one time.
What other shampoos should I pay attention to for head lice?
In addition to the products already presented, the following shampoos are considered no less effective, according to consumers:
- Veda Shampoo is effective and inexpensive. Shampooing takes only ten minutes. In case of severe infection, the procedure should be repeated after ten days.
- Tar shampoo is an excellent natural remedy that belongs to the category of folk remedies. The main disadvantage, according to consumers, is its specific smell. This tool kills adults without having a devastating effect on nits. People write that the drug greatly dries the skin, helping to get rid of dandruff. It can be used as part of the prevention of head lice.
- Shampoo "Nyx" is produced complete with a professional comb for combing. The tool is effective, but people complain about its high cost, which is seven hundred rubles. In addition, this German-made drug is extremely rare in Russian pharmacies.
- Nit Free Lice and Nits Remedy is a high-quality and safe shampoo made from natural ingredients. It is perfect not only for the fight against parasites, but also for daily use. About this tool in the reviews, people write that it does not foam well due to the oily composition. But, subject to the correct technique for combing out nitswell eliminates annoying parasites in just one procedure. This shampoo is used to treat pediculosis even in one-year-old children. According to the manufacturers, a series of products of this brand is actively used by specialized clinics that deal with the removal of lice.
- Means "Sumitrin" is a shampoo based on the potent component of phenothrin. The treatment of the head is carried out in rubber gloves. The duration of the session should not exceed ten minutes. Unfortunately, as people write in their reviews, this remedy causes side effects in the form of a rash or itching, but it is effective. If necessary, a second procedure is carried out after a day.

Fight against pediculosis: the use of sprays and reviews about them
Lice sprays are very popular. At the same time, the processing process is quite simple: the agent should be sprayed onto the hair, then after some time specified in the instructions, it is washed off and the nits are combed out. The most effective means in the reviews people call the following drugs.
Pair Plus
Effective remedy for lice "Para Plus" is a preparation of French manufacturers. This spray is suitable for combating any kind of parasites. The product is produced in the form of an oily substance and has almost no odor. The spray is sprayed on dry hair for ten minutes, after which it is washed off with any shampoo. The reviews note the effectiveness of this tool.
Means "Lavinal" - Ukrainian spray for the treatment of head lice. ATThe composition included the composition of essential oils. Directly in the kit of the drug includes a comb designed for combing out parasites, as well as a cap. People write about this tool that it is very effective, and thanks to its economical consumption, one bottle is enough to process a whole family of four. This product is completely safe and does not contain any toxic compounds.

So this lice remedy for children over two years old is perfect. The spray is sprayed onto dry hair, after which the head is covered with a cap and kept for half an hour. After treatment, it is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo from the same series. Such a shampoo will help heal wounds, moisturize the skin and facilitate easy combing of nits.
What other remedies are considered effective?
In addition to the above remedies, people in their reviews also advise using the following sprays and aerosols:
- Pediculen Ultra is a head parasite spray. Its composition is presented in the form of ingredients such as anise oil, alcohol and various additives. Dry hair should be abundantly moistened with this remedy, then with the help of massage movements the drug is rubbed into the skin, and washed off after half an hour. The spray kit includes a comb, as well as a special design for use. As people write, for short hair, one bottle will be enough for twenty treatments.
- Effective remedy for lice and nits "Nyuda" is an aerosol based on dimethicone, blockingthe entry of air into the respiratory system of parasites, due to which they die. People write about this remedy in reviews that it is quite effective, but several procedures are required for a complete cure.
- The drug "Paranit" is produced together with a comb for combing. The processing time is fifteen minutes. With regard to this drug, consumers complain about its excessively oily consistency, in connection with this, the product is extremely difficult to wash off.

Treating head lice: an overview of lotions and liquids
Anything that cannot spray or not foam is called lotion. In reviews, people most often leave positive comments about the following products:
- Means "Paranit Sensitive" is one of the few drugs used to treat pediculosis in children from one year old. The liquid is applied to the hair until it is completely moistened, after which it is left for eight hours. People write that this tool does not leave stains and does not stain things in case of contact with them. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed. There is no need to wear a hat. After the time has elapsed, the hair is washed with shampoo, after which the insects are combed out. The only drawback, according to consumers, is the high price of this product, which starts from a thousand rubles.
- Medilis Bio lotion has a clove flavor. The composition includes clove oil, various auxiliary components and alcohol. This tool is able to destroy lice at any stage of their development. The drug is reported tovery effective.
- Full Marx is an oily liquid that suffocates parasites. People write that one bottle is enough for three treatments. Consumers are dissatisfied with the fact that this product leaves stains. Re-treatment should be carried out after seven days.
Medifox is a drug based on permethrin. This emulsion, according to the instructions, must be diluted with water. The working solution should be kept on the hair for twenty minutes.
Fora Plus
"Fora Plus" is a budget drug, which includes permethrin. The death of lice under its influence occurs ten minutes after application. Reviews report that this remedy effectively gets rid of parasites on the head and lathers well.
Means "Nittifor" produced in the form of an ointment or solution. Consumers note that this product has a pronounced and persistent smell. The processing time is ten minutes.

Using lice pills
Pediculicides are not always possible to use, especially when there are skin diseases, as well as various scratches or scratches. In such cases, lice tablets help. They are used when other forms of treatment do not bring the desired result. The total destruction of lice occurs two weeks after the first dose. But there are the following contraindications for taking pills:
- Presence of pregnancy.
- The presence of diseases of the digestive system in an acute form.
- Heart failure.
- Diseases of the excretory system.
It is important to note that the treatment of head lice with tablets is carried out only under medical supervision.
Folk remedies for lice
The most harmless ways to treat pediculosis are folk recipes. Some of them are so affordable and simple that they allow you to get the desired result with ordinary products from the refrigerator or simple home remedies.
- Kerosene is one of the most popular ancient ways to get rid of lice. The hair smeared with the product is wrapped in a towel. After 2 hours, the strands are thoroughly washed and combed with a fine comb.
- Cranberry juice is especially good for killing nits. When rubbing the product into the scalp for a week, lice eggs can be expected to come off the hair.
- Vinegar significantly reduces the activity of parasites. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 cup of water. After thorough wetting, the strands are combed out.

- Mint. 2 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with pomegranate juice (1 cup) and boiled for about 10 minutes. The resulting solution is rubbed into the scalp.
- Black cumin. Cumin seeds, carefully crushed, are dissolved in apple cider vinegar. After filtering, rub into the strands and roots. After the procedure, it is important to stand in direct sunlight for about 20 minutes and do not wash your hair for 5 hours. For efficient manipulationshould be daily for a week.
- Burdock or elecampane. The stems of the plant, along with the leaves, are poured with boiling water. After insisting for 30 minutes and straining the resulting broth, the roots and hair are washed.
- Mask of mayonnaise. The product applied to the hair contributes to the respiratory failure of insects and their death. By holding such a mask all night under a plastic bag, you can hope to get rid of lice. At the same time, you should try to thoroughly clean all the nits.
- Hairspray. A whole bottle of hairspray is sprayed onto the washed head. This is done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. Wrapping the head in a plastic bag, leave the remedy for the whole night. After washing off the varnish, the eggs remaining on the strands are carefully combed out.
- Hair dye. Perfectly cope with the problem of pediculosis coloring strands of funds. It's all about hydrogen peroxide, which is part of their composition.
Lice Remedy Reviews
Reviews of products designed to combat lice are very different. Subject to strict adherence to the instructions, the result can be given not only by expensive, but also by cheap drugs. The result, among other things, depends on the thoroughness of combing.
In the reviews, people really praise the remedy called "Khigia". It is noted that thanks to this shampoo, lice were removed the first time. Consumers also give a positive assessment in the comments to a drug called Medilis Bio. This is a cheap remedy, but as people say, it is very effective for head lice. According to assurancesafter its use, reprocessing is not required.

To combat parasites, they also resort to such a drug as Pedilin. In relation to this product, consumers say that it has an unpleasant odor, which, in addition, still lasts a very long time. And it may take three treatments to completely get rid of parasites.
In reviews of lice and nit remedies, people praise Paranit Sensitive. People write that, having treated their hair at night, in the morning after combing out, not a single insect was found. Many people are delighted with this tool and are very grateful for his help. True, as noted earlier, this drug is quite expensive.
Thus, manufacturers are now offering people a variety of all kinds of drugs to combat pediculosis. Lice and nits are no longer a serious problem for humans, since even with the help of the cheapest drug they can be effectively eliminated. Everyone can choose the best remedy for lice.