"Vita-Yodurol": cataract drops

"Vita-Yodurol": cataract drops
"Vita-Yodurol": cataract drops

Cataract is a disease, the fight against which most often ends with a surgical replacement of the lens with an artificial lens. But at the very beginning of the disease, vitamin complexes fight it very effectively, which improve the supply of cells with oxygen and activate metabolic processes in them. It is to such drugs that Vita-Yodurol should be attributed.

Vita Yodurol
Vita Yodurol

Composition of drops

The composition of these eye drops is complex, it includes cysteine and glutathione (they effectively cleanse cells from free radicals and other harmful substances), as well as vitamins useful for the lens (nicotinic acid, adenosine triphosphate, thiamine chloride) and compounds (magnesium chloride, calcium iodide). The composition also includes some components for stabilization.

The Vita-Yodurol (drops) is produced by the French company Siba Vision For Laboratories. It is packaged in 10 ml plastic bottles with a dropper.

Vita Iodurol drops
Vita Iodurol drops

How the drug works

The action of eye drops is due to their combined composition. Nicotinic acid and adenosine improve the metabolism of the lens, which helps to reduce the risk of formation of seals, inhibit the processes of clouding that have already begun.

Chloride compounds saturate cells with oxygen, improve their nutrition, inhibit the formation of turbidity, remove toxins. Vitamins improve the blood supply to the eye as a whole, thereby improving its nutrition, slowing down degenerative processes in the lens and throughout the eye.

Indications for use

"Vita-Yodurol" (eye drops) is designed as a targeted drug for the prevention and primary treatment of lens opacity. Ophthalmologists recommend this vitamin complex for all types of cataracts:

  • senile;
  • traumatic;
  • concussion;
  • myopic.

But they warn that it is most effective in the initial stage with a moderate decrease in vision (up to 0.5 D). In later forms, "Vita-Yodurol" will significantly improve the patient's condition (reduce pain, remove lacrimation), but will not be able to cure cataracts.

Another condition for the use of these eye drops will be a consultation with an ophthalmologist before using them. In any treatment, it is important not to harm your body, and for this, it is better to consult a specialist before using the medicine (this drug is no exception to the rule).

Vita Iodurol eye drops
Vita Iodurol eye drops

When Vitu-Yodurol should not be used

Prohibitions onthe use of these eye drops is primarily associated with the presence of individual intolerance to the components. So, if allergic reactions occur: itching, redness, swelling of the eyelids - instillation should be urgently stopped and consult a doctor.

The instructions for use do not describe the interaction of this drug with other drugs, but warns against taking it orally or injecting it.

If it is necessary to use several eye preparations at the same time, instill Vita-Yodurol (drops) after an interval of 20-25 minutes (preferably the last).

Vita-Yodurol drops
Vita-Yodurol drops

Among the prohibitions on the use of children's age will be mandatory.

But for pregnant or lactating mothers, it is recommended to use it only in cases where the expected benefit should exceed the possible harm.

Those who wear soft lenses are recommended to refuse them during treatment, and those who wear hard lenses should remove them before the procedure and put them back no earlier than 20 minutes later.

The instruction states that the developers are not aware of the presence of side effects when instilling this drug.

However, there is a possibility of temporary blurred vision, therefore, when instilling Vita-Yodurol for the first time, you should refrain from driving a car or working with complex mechanisms for at least 30-40 minutes.

Vita Iodurol drops price
Vita Iodurol drops price

How to drip and how to store the drug

The drug is dripped intoconjunctival sac (slightly pulling the lower eyelid, into the space between the cornea and the eyelid). For convenience, it is good to do this while sitting, slightly throwing your head back. After instillation, it is better to close the eyes and lightly press on the eyelid (for 3-4 seconds). Then you need to blink.

The multiplicity of instillation can be from 2 to 7 times a day.

When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene: hands must be clean, the pipette must not touch the eye or third-party objects. Be sure to tightly close the bottle after each instillation. Store it in a carton.

Use an open vial for no more than 14 days at a temperature of 15 to 25 C. Hermetically sealed medicine is stored for up to 3 years.

According to the reviews of patients, in the treatment of the initial stage and in the prevention of cataracts, one of the most effective is just the drug "Vita-Yodurol" (drops). The price for it is quite high - from 280 rubles / 10 ml.

However, drops are good not only for the treatment of cataracts, they effectively relieve side symptoms: patients note that their eyes are less tired from working at a computer or watching TV. Symptoms such as tearing and pain are significantly reduced, and often disappear altogether. The drug brings significant relief. In general, the quality justifies the price.
