"Combilipen": instructions for use, release forms, composition, analogues, reviews

"Combilipen": instructions for use, release forms, composition, analogues, reviews
"Combilipen": instructions for use, release forms, composition, analogues, reviews

Maintaining good he alth is no easy task these days. Many people live in an area where environmental conditions inevitably affect their well-being, and, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. However, there is always the opportunity to correctly select drugs for treatment. To do this, it is important not to try to compose a course of therapy for yourself, but to seek help from specialists. Experienced attending physicians will be able to determine exactly which drugs should be used for treatment. So, for example, some patients do not even realize that the course of their therapy, in addition to the main medications that directly affect the cause of the disease, must necessarily include multivitamin preparations that will give the body the strength to fight the disease and significantly speed up recovery. One of these drugs is Combilipen, which is increasingly appearing in specialist prescriptions.

What is this tool? How does the instruction for use describe the drug "Combilipen"? In what cases would it reallyis it appropriate to use it? When should I choose a solution for injection, and when - tablets? How many times a day to take the drug? And how does the instructions for use recommend injections of Kombilipen? Is the multivitamin in question really that effective? How do reviews describe it? Detailed answers to all the above questions will be provided to you in this article.

Tablet "Combilipen"
Tablet "Combilipen"


According to the release form, the drug in question is classified as a solution for intramuscular injection. However, it is also available in the form of tablets. What is included in the composition of the Kombilipen ampoules? The instructions for use describe it as follows. So, the main active ingredients of the drug in question are lidocaine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride and cyanocobalamin. In addition to these components, which play a key role in influencing the patient's body, the instruction for use includes some auxiliary components in the Combilipen composition. For example, water for injection, benzyl alcohol, potassium hexacyanoferrate, sodium tripolyphosphate, and sodium hydroxide.

Sometimes, for a number of reasons, patients cannot use the drug described in the article. Then the attending physician may decide to replace it with another multivitamin. What analogues of injections "Kombilipen" instructions for use recommend? According to the main active components, the following analogues are distinguishedmedication in question:

  • "Milgamma";
  • "Polivit Baby";
  • "Tetravit;"
  • "Neurogamma";
  • "Alvitil";
  • "Jungle Baby";
  • "Stressstabils 500";
  • "Aerovit";
  • "Macrovit";
  • "Vectrum Junior";
  • "Beviplex";
  • "Pikovit forte";
  • "Antioxycaps";
  • "Heptavit";
  • "Compligam B";
  • "Trigamma";
  • "Benfolipen";
  • "Sana Sol";
  • "Pentovit";
  • "Vitabeks";
  • "Multi-tabs";
  • "Jungle";
  • "Angiovit";
  • "Unigamma";
  • "Multivitamin Blend";
  • "Vetoron";
  • "Rikawit";
  • "Vitasharm";
  • "Stress Formula 600";
  • "Vitamult";
  • "Neuromultivit";
  • "Pregnawit F";
  • "Hexavite";
  • "Triovit Cardio";
  • "Multivita Plus";
  • "Gendevit";
  • "Vibovit";
  • "K altsevita";
  • "Pikovit";
  • "Undevit";
  • "Vitacitrol";
  • "Polybion";
  • "Dekamevit";
  • "Foliber";
  • "Neurotrat forte";
  • "Revit".

What does it recommend to remember in the process of selecting an analogue of "Combilipen" instructions for use? Tablets or solution for injection, whatever you want to use, please do not change one drug for another without consulting a specialist. Your attending physician is well aware of the nature of the course of your disease, as well as the peculiarities of the impact of each of the described analogues on the body. That is why only a doctor can make the correct prescription.

Injection "Combilipen"
Injection "Combilipen"

Indications for use

When does the instruction for use call appropriate the use of "Combilipen"? As a rule, the drug in question is not prescribed as a single drug. It is used as part of the complex therapy of a number of diseases. For example, the following:

  • lumboischialgia;
  • mononeuropathy (regardless of the cause of the disease);
  • plexopathies;
  • polyneuropathy (regardless of the cause of the disease);
  • radicular syndrome resulting from a series of degenerative changes in the spine;
  • dorsalgia.

The decision on the need to use Kombilipen should be made by a specialist. Only he can competently determine how effective the described drug will be in your particular case. Therefore, before starting any treatment, consult your doctor.


Not all patients with indicationsto treatment with the drug in question can use it. This may be due to the presence of certain contraindications, which are described in the instructions for use of Kombilipen. It should not be used on patients who:

  • suffer from heart failure (whether acute or chronic in decompensation);
  • have a personal hypersensitivity to certain components of this medication.

Also, according to the instructions for use of "Kombilipen", a direct contraindication to its use is the child's age of the patient (it is strictly forbidden to use in the treatment of minors due to the lack of data on the safety and efficacy of the drug for this group of patients). The situation is similar with the use of medication during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. At this time, treatment with the drug in question is contraindicated. If there are indications for this type of therapy, a specialist will be able to select a suitable therapeutic agent.

Vitamin complex
Vitamin complex

How to use

Experts recommend injections of "Combilipen" intramuscularly. Instructions for use, reviews focus on the fact that injections should be carried out deep enough. The working dosage is usually prescribed by a specialist. However, the instructions for use still provide some recommendations regarding the use of the Kombilipen solution. So, for example, whenin the presence of acute pain syndrome, doctors advise starting therapy with the introduction of 2 ml of the drug per day. Such treatment can last from 5 to 10 days. After that, the doctor may recommend switching to tablets or reducing the number of injections (to 2 or 3 injections in 2 or 3 weeks). It all depends on the current state of the individual patient. However, switching to tablets is essential as soon as possible. The term of such a transition will be determined by the doctor. He should monitor the patient's condition on a weekly basis and adjust the current treatment regimen according to the intensity of the symptoms.

Instructions for use "Kombilipen" is not recommended for children. This is due to the absolute absence of any data confirming the efficacy and safety of the drug in question for this group of patients.

Blister "Combilipene"
Blister "Combilipene"

Side effects

According to the instructions for use, the medicine "Kombilipen" is not absolutely safe. This means that it has a number of side effects that may occur if this medication is used incorrectly (for example, if the working dose is exceeded or the recommended duration of treatment is not observed):

  • dizziness;
  • skin rash;
  • vomit;
  • bradycardia;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • arrhythmia;
  • itch;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • acne;
  • shortness of breath;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion;
  • tachycardia;
  • urticaria;
  • irritation in the area of the skin where the drug was injected;
  • excessive sweating;
  • Occurrence of systemic reactions, including a number of the symptoms listed above.

As soon as you notice any of the symptoms listed above, especially if the patient's condition continues to worsen, tell your doctor immediately. This is also true if any other adverse reactions occur that were not previously described in the instructions. This will help you get rid of unpleasant effects as quickly as possible.

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation


It is important to follow exactly all the instructions of the specialist regarding how much and how often injections of "Combilipen" intramuscularly should be given. Reviews, instructions for use talk about a number of possible negative reactions that may occur as a result of an overdose. The following are especially notable:

  • convulsions;
  • bradycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • vomit;
  • confusion.

How to deal with the described symptoms? It is necessary to consult with a specialist who can correctly assess the patient's condition and select the appropriate symptomatic treatment. At the same time, the use of Kombilipen ampoules is recommended to be stopped immediately.

You should also take into account the characteristics of the body's reactions to the combination of the actingsubstance of the medicinal product in question and other substances. Lidocaine can have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and is also not compatible with norepinephrine or epinephrine. B vitamins should not be used simultaneously with ascorbic acid, iodide, riboflavin, heavy metal s alts, isoniazid, acetate, metabisulfite, levodopa, mercuric chloride, phenobarbital, carbonate, penicillamine, tannic acid, cycloserine, benzylpenicillin, ammonium iron citrate and dextrose. Therefore, the appointment of any additional drugs should be carried out by a specialist who will be sure that the patient will not experience any discomfort from the prescribed combination of substances.

Pack of "Combilipene"
Pack of "Combilipene"

Positive Feedback

In addition to the instructions for use, reviews of Kombilipen tablets or injection solution can provide a lot of additional information about the drug. Patients freely express their opinion about this drug on the Web. After analyzing all the available reviews, we were able to highlight the main advantages of the drug described in the article. So, in a special way, patients highlight the following points:

  • Low cost (cheaper than its counterparts).
  • Allows you to achieve the expected effect.
  • Noticeable cosmetic effect.
  • Rare adverse reactions.
  • Gives an excellent effect as a component of complex treatment.
  • Helps prevent disease exacerbations.

It is obvious that, according to reviews and instructions for use, the Kombilipen vitamins are truly effective. When used correctly, they can save the patient from many he alth problems. However, it is always useful to consider the other side of the coin, namely the negative customer reviews about this drug. We'll talk about them later.

Negative reviews

Patients were dissatisfied with some of the points associated with the use of the drug in question. Let's describe the main ones. Among them are:

  • Pretty painful injections.
  • The smell of the vitamin lingers off the skin for a while.
  • Not suitable for every patient.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to open the ampoule.

Obviously, there are few negative reviews, and their content cannot be called serious. Only a few will decide to refuse treatment, taking into account such negative responses. Nevertheless, it is still worth thinking about the described features. For example, if you have already experienced allergic reactions while taking similar drugs, there is a certain chance that the medication in question will not work for you either. In this case, the likelihood of unpleasant side effects increases. Or perhaps you are not ready to endure the pain that you may experience during the process of injecting the drug intramuscularly. If this is the case, your doctor will probably recommend that you take the medicine in the form of tablets in a certain dosage, or even prescribe a different medicine.

Storage conditions

How does the instructions for use advise storing the medicine "Kombilipen" so that it does not lose its useful properties ahead of time and remains effective until the very end of its expiration date? The place where the medication will be located must be reliably protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Moreover, the temperature in it should be in the range from 2 to 8 degrees. It is important that children do not have free access to the storage area of this medicinal product. According to the instructions for use, Kombilipen can be used for two years from the moment it was made. After the specified period is over, it is strictly forbidden to use the drug, as it may not have the expected therapeutic effect or even harm.

You can buy a medicine only with a prescription written by your doctor. This mechanism helps to protect patients from uncontrolled drug intake. After all, it may seem to some that a multivitamin complex cannot harm he alth. Unfortunately, this is not so. And a trip to the doctor is necessary not as a formality, but in order for a specialist in his field to be able to assess the functioning of your body and prescribe exactly the medication that will bring the greatest benefit, while remaining generally safe for your he alth. Therefore, in no case should the described mechanism be neglected.

Conversation with the doctor
Conversation with the doctor


"Combilipen" -a multivitamin preparation that is recommended for use as a component of complex therapy in the fight against a number of diseases, including the following: dorsalgia, radicular syndrome and others. The drug described in the article is available in the form of tablets, as well as an injection solution. Injections are recommended to be done at the very beginning of treatment, and as soon as the expected therapeutic effect occurs, you should immediately switch to the use of tablets. Only a doctor can choose the correct treatment regimen that is suitable specifically for your case. Therefore, instructions for use, reviews of doctors "Kombilipen" are recommended to be taken exclusively as directed by a specialist. This will help to significantly reduce the risks associated with such treatment.

The drug in question generally receives positive feedback from patients. Its effectiveness is, in principle, not disputed. Other positive aspects associated with its use are low cost compared to analogues, the ability to prevent an exacerbation of the disease and even get a certain cosmetic effect, which not all medicines of this kind can boast of. At the same time, negative reviews highlight a number of negative points, for example, the pain of injections, the smell of a vitamin emanating from the patient's skin, and the difficulty in opening the ampoule. In general, there are no complaints about tablets. Obviously, there are very few negative points. This says a lot about the quality of manufacture of the drug in question.

It is important to remember that in the fight against any diseasenot only the effect of drugs, but also the efforts of the patient himself play a significant role. So, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of medicines by adhering to or developing the habits characteristic of people leading a he althy lifestyle. For example, it is important to get enough sleep (even if this means changing your bedtime to earlier), drinking enough clean water (at least 2 liters daily), doing at least 2.5 hours a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, and attention to the culture of their food. All this will help to significantly increase your chances of success.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist as closely as possible regarding the order of taking the drug in question and its dosage. By acting in this way, you will not only demonstrate confidence in the doctor, but also significantly speed up your own recovery, while avoiding any negative consequences, which is important in the treatment of absolutely any disease. Do not make any prescriptions yourself and in any case do not change the dose that the specialist has determined for you.

Pay due attention to your own he alth and the he alth of your loved ones. Take care of them by giving them only the best treatment. And always be he althy!
