Antitussive drug "Codelac Phyto" is gaining more and more popularity. Is it really that effective? How safe is this medicine for children? In what cases should it not be used? How exactly should the medication in question be used in order to achieve the best effect? Read detailed answers to all the above questions in this article.

In what form is the drug in question sold? The instruction informs that the release form of the drug "Codelac Phyto" is a syrup. It has a caramel brown color and a pleasant herbal aroma. Each pack contains 1 bottle of medicine of a certain volume (50 ml, 100 ml or 125 ml). A measuring spoon is included with the package. Each milliliter of Codelac Phyto syrup has the following composition:
- thyme extract (liquid) in the amount of 200 mg;
- thermopsis extract (dry) in the amount of 2 mg;
- codeine phosphate in the amount of 0.9 mg;
- licorice root extract (thick) 40mg.
In addition to the active ingredients, the preparation also includes a number of excipients. Among them are:
- nipazol(in the amount of 0.25 mg);
- nipagin (in the amount of 0.75 mg);
- purified water (less than 1 ml);
- sorbitol (in the amount of 600 mg).
If anything prevents you from using this medicine, talk to your doctor. The doctor will be able to choose a suitable analogue. So, "Codelac Fito" has a lot of them. The most popular and similar in therapeutic action are the following:
- "Pektusin".
- "Codeine".
- "Omnitus".
- "Ingalin".
- "Gerbion syrup".
- "Koflet".
However, remember that only a doctor can prescribe a substitute drug. Since the replacement of the main medicine requires a clear understanding of the picture of the disease, the nature of its course and the required treatment, and only specialists have such knowledge.

So, it is important to understand well in which cases it is recommended to use the instructions for its use in the treatment of Codelac Phyto. The main indication for the inclusion of the drug in question in the therapeutic regimen is a dry cough, regardless of what etiology it has and against the background of which bronchopulmonary diseases it manifests itself. However, you should not make a decision on the use of this medication on your own. It is important to be examined by a specialist who can correctly assess your condition and prescribe the remedy that will be most effective in yourspecific case.
Unfortunately, not every patient who has direct indications for the use of the drug in question can take it. So, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of Codelac Phyto in the treatment of cough is prohibited. Remember the main ones:
- children's age (applies to children under 2 years old);
- bearing period;
- bronchial asthma;
- personal sensitivity to drug ingredients;
- simultaneous drinking;
- simultaneous use of drugs that are morphine-like ("Nalbuphine", "Buprenorphine", "Pentazocine").
There is also another group of patients. It includes people who have relative contraindications to the use of Codelac Phyto. This means that they can use the medicine described in the article, but this must be done under the constant supervision of the attending physician. Such contraindications include the following:
- increased intracranial pressure;
- impaired kidney function.
If you know that you have one or more contraindications, do not start treatment with Codelac Phyto. Be sure to discuss your situation with your doctor. He will be able to correctly assess what is happening and choose the medication that will be acceptable and effective in your case.

The drug in question is taken orally between meals. An adult per day of treatment (2 or 3 doses of medication) should drink 15-20 ml of syrup. And how to carry out treatment with the help of the drug "Codelac Phyto" for children? It is enough to adjust the dose. So, the instruction recommends using Codelac Phyto for children according to the following scheme:
- children from 2 to 5 years - 5 ml;
- 5 to 8 years - 10 ml;
- 8 to 12 years - 10 to 15 ml;
- 12 to 15 years old - adult dosage.
Sounds easy to figure out. It is only important to remember that the drug can not be used for more than a few days. This is associated with a high risk of developing drug dependence. Therefore, in no case should you take the drug in question for longer than your doctor has recommended.

Side effects
It is important to remember that Codelac Phyto is not completely safe. Like any other drug, sometimes it can cause certain side effects, often causing a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Among them, the following stand out in a special way:
- drowsy;
- urticaria;
- vomit;
- constipation;
- headache;
- skin itching;
- nausea.
And although none of the above side effects can pose a serious threat to the he alth of the patient, they should by no means be ignored. If you notice a manifestation of suchsymptoms, tell your doctor immediately. You may need to switch medications to be comfortable with your treatment.

You must carefully follow your doctor's dosage instructions. Failure to comply with such requirements can lead to the manifestation of the consequences of an overdose, which bring with them a lot of discomfort. So, among the possible symptoms of exceeding the recommended dosage of the drug "Codelac Phyto", the instructions for use especially highlight the following:
- drowsy;
- bradycardia;
- vomit;
- arrhythmias;
- itch;
- bladder dysfunction;
- bradypnea;
- headache;
- visual impairment associated with impaired coordination of eyeball movements.
In order to relieve the symptoms listed above, it is first necessary to wash the stomach. After this, it is important to carry out symptomatic treatment corresponding to the reactions, which will help restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as breathing. To do this, as a rule, patients with an overdose are prescribed the introduction of a number of drugs that are selected by a specialist, and stay under the supervision of a doctor for a certain time.

Positive Feedback
The drug "Codelac Phyto" is being actively discussed on the net. He receives a lot of feedback of a different nature: both positive and negative. But, as practice shows, the number of fansof the drug in question significantly exceeds the number of those who were dissatisfied with its action. So, what are the main advantages of this drug called reviews? Particular attention should be paid to the following:
- Taste good.
- Affordable price.
- Kids love it.
- Effective for dry coughs.
- Plant ingredients in the composition.
What else is required to evaluate a remedy well? Indeed, it just needs to be efficient, affordable, and enjoyable to use. An additional advantage, of course, is the presence of plant components in the composition. For many of the items listed above, it is enough to immediately begin treatment. Nevertheless, we recommend that you pay attention to the negative aspects associated with the use of this tool. We will discuss them further.
Negative reviews
Patients who took the drug discussed in the article were able to identify several of its shortcomings. Among them are the following:
- Cannot be used by children under two years of age.
- With frequent use, it gradually loses its effectiveness.
- Having a significant number of potential side effects.
- Developing addiction to this drug.
- Inconvenient dispenser.
It seems that with proper application and following all the instructions of a specialist, none of the above points will become an obstacle to your quality treatment.

"Codelac Phyto" is a high-quality herbal preparation intended for the treatment of cough. Use it only as prescribed by your doctor and carefully follow all recommendations received. In this case, you can achieve the best therapeutic effect.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Be always he althy!