Drugs 2024, October

Pharmacy remedies for wrinkles and swelling

Pharmacy remedies for wrinkles and swelling

Age wrinkles are the problem that sooner or later affects every person. The beautiful half of humanity is most puzzled by the problem of sagging skin on the face, therefore, by all available methods, they are trying to deal with this problem

Medication "Minirin". Instruction

Medication "Minirin". Instruction

The instruction refers to the drug "Minirin" as a drug with a vasopressin-like effect. The active substance is desmopressin, a structural analogue of arginine-vasopressin, a human pituitary hormone

Preparation "Amiksin": analogues are cheaper. How to replace the antiviral drug "Amiksin"?

Preparation "Amiksin": analogues are cheaper. How to replace the antiviral drug "Amiksin"?

In the autumn-winter period, an epidemic of viral diseases develops. Both adults and children get sick. And if one person falls ill in a family, then all its members are often infected. Among the variety of antiviral drugs, you can often get lost. But are they all as effective as advertised? And is it possible to replace the drug prescribed by the doctor with a more affordable counterpart?

Acne cream "Tretinoin": reviews. "Tretinoin" how effective?

Acne cream "Tretinoin": reviews. "Tretinoin" how effective?

Skin problems are a concern for many people. They not only spoil the appearance of a person, but can also lead to more serious diseases and complications. To effectively deal with them, you need to choose the right tool

"Baneocin" (ointment): instructions for use, reviews, description, price, analogues

"Baneocin" (ointment): instructions for use, reviews, description, price, analogues

In the treatment of various inflammatory processes on the skin or for the rapid healing of wounds, antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are often prescribed, which are designed to stop the development of the process. One of these means is "Baneocin". Instructions for use, annotation, description of the action of the drug - this is what you should read before using it

Vascular preparations for the brain. The latest vascular drugs

Vascular preparations for the brain. The latest vascular drugs

Various pathologies in the work of blood vessels are the cause of most serious diseases. Most often, elderly people suffer from this, in which the walls of the vessels are no longer so elastic, and many arteries are clogged with toxins. But now, even at a young age, many have various vascular disorders. Vascular drugs can help to cope with these problems. They are designed to restore the tone and elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clots

Drops for eye injury: a list of drugs, instructions for use and reviews

Drops for eye injury: a list of drugs, instructions for use and reviews

Eye injury is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to sad consequences, including blindness. If it happened to you, do not postpone a visit to the optometrist. Go to his appointment. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment and prescribe special eye drops for eye injury. About what they can be, read further in the article

Antibiotic penicillin semi-synthetic broad spectrum

Antibiotic penicillin semi-synthetic broad spectrum

Semi-synthetic penicillin is the most common antibiotic that helps get rid of many diseases and practically does not harm the body. But it has some features that you just need to know

How to choose tonics: recommendations and reviews. Herbal tonics

How to choose tonics: recommendations and reviews. Herbal tonics

Lack of energy and constant fatigue are familiar to most people in the modern world. Sometimes in the morning there is a lack of energy. There may be several reasons for this condition, but often tonics can become the best helpers

Carbolic acid

Carbolic acid

Carbolic acid, or phenol, is a colorless, transparent liquid with a peculiar smell. It is highly soluble in oils and water. This acid has bactericidal, antiseptic and antiparasitic properties

Eye drops "Taufon": analogues of the drug and instructions for use

Eye drops "Taufon": analogues of the drug and instructions for use

A person deprived of sight loses the opportunity to receive most of the information from the outside world. The drug "Taufon" will support the eyes suffering from stress. Analogues of the drug, as well as the original itself, can be purchased at the pharmacy network without a prescription. But they should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. The drug is produced in the form of 4% eye drops in vials of five and ten milliliters or a solution intended for subconjunctival administration

Substitutes for the drug "Artra", analogues. Artra: reviews and prices

Substitutes for the drug "Artra", analogues. Artra: reviews and prices

Diseases of the joints and spine are very common in the modern world. Moreover, not only the elderly, but also quite young people suffer from them. The reason is sedentary work in offices at the computer, inactivity, lack of physical activity

"Zinaprim": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Zinaprim": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Zinaprim" is a popular antibacterial drug used in veterinary practice to treat a wide range of infectious diseases in domestic and farm animals. Available in the form of a solution for injection or a fine powder to be diluted with water and taken orally

Eye drops "Hilo-Komod": instructions and reviews

Eye drops "Hilo-Komod": instructions and reviews

Hylo-Komod (eye drops) is a so-called artificial tear preparation. It is used as an ophthalmic solution when wearing lenses, to relieve eye fatigue during prolonged work at a computer, corneal irritation, dry eye syndrome and in the postoperative period

"Candibiotic", analogues and their comparison

"Candibiotic", analogues and their comparison

"Kandibiotic" is a medical product used in ENT practice. In addition to a pronounced anti-infectious effect, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and is one of the leaders among drugs that treat ear diseases. A balanced combination of multidirectional components is what makes the Candibiotic preparation unique. It is extremely difficult to find an analogue of this remedy, since none of them has such a complex versatile action

"Capecitabine": instructions for use, reviews, analogues, release form, manufacturer. "Capecitabine-TL": instruction

"Capecitabine": instructions for use, reviews, analogues, release form, manufacturer. "Capecitabine-TL": instruction

Capecitabine (lat. Capecitabinum) is a substance that is a derivative of fluoropyrimidine carbamate. It belongs to the group of antimetabolites - special compounds that can inhibit the growth of malignant tumors

Immustat: instructions for use, description of the drug, reviews

Immustat: instructions for use, description of the drug, reviews

"Immust" is an antiviral drug with immunomodulating effect. An effective remedy for the treatment of seasonal manifestations of colds and flu, as well as for prevention during epidemics. Suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of adults and children. Eliminates the cause of the disease, not its result

Lithium preparations: instructions, application and reviews

Lithium preparations: instructions, application and reviews

What are lithium preparations used in medicine for? How can medicines made using this metal help to cope with the disease?

"Imunofan": reviews and description

"Imunofan": reviews and description

Immunity is the body's main defense system. But not everyone is strong. Therefore, in this case, people turn to medicine for help. New immunostimulating drugs can work wonders. What are the reviews about the drug "Imunofan"?

"Dufaston": instructions for use, reviews

"Dufaston": instructions for use, reviews

It often happens that the desired remains out of reach. In particular, when a woman desperately wants to have a baby, her wait is prolonged. She goes to the doctors, undergoes a complete examination of her body

Mass gainer: good or bad?

Mass gainer: good or bad?

Of course mass gainers are perfect. But do they harm the body? There are different opinions here

Which drug thins the blood?

Which drug thins the blood?

The state of the blood has a fundamental influence on the he alth of the body. This fluid determines the quality of most of the processes occurring in the human body. When it thickens, the blood supply to the internal organs is disturbed, the redox reactions in the kidneys, liver, brain change, and blood flow through the vessels is generally difficult. To normalize the situation, you should take blood thinners

Gels and ointments for mastopathy: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Gels and ointments for mastopathy: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland of a benign nature, which is characterized by pathological growth of its tissues, as well as pain and purulent secretion. Women have been diagnosed with mastopathy for over 100 years. And until now, this disease remains the most common pathology of the breast

"Formagel" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

"Formagel" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

The problem of excessive sweating is familiar to many. In the professional language of physicians, this problem is called hyperhidrosis. There are many reasons for it, and the problem is difficult to treat. The pharmaceutical market offers only a few really effective remedies for hyperhidrosis, one of which is Formagel from sweat. Reviews about this tool can be found in our article

"Hemofer Prolongatum": instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Hemofer Prolongatum": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Hemofer Prolongatum is a Polish anti-anemic drug. Next, we will consider in detail its instructions for use and find out what composition this tool has. So, let's start with the indications for the use of this therapeutic drug

Vitamins: Complivit. Instructions for use

Vitamins: Complivit. Instructions for use

How to restore your immunity or protect it during the period of illness and infection? Easily! This will help the vitamin preparation "Complivit"

Digestive enzymes for children: a list

Digestive enzymes for children: a list

Enzyme preparations are designed to improve the digestion process. These funds can be found in home first-aid kits not only for patients, but also for he althy people. Sometimes you just can't do without them. In addition to adult patients, pharmacy enzymes are often used for digestion in children. For them, drugs are selected especially carefully, since not every remedy is suitable

What is taken with antibiotics for dysbacteriosis: a list of drugs for prevention

What is taken with antibiotics for dysbacteriosis: a list of drugs for prevention

In the article, we will consider what should be taken with antibiotics for dysbacteriosis. Antibacterial treatment, unfortunately, inevitably adversely affects the intestinal microflora. Simultaneously with dangerous pathogens, helpers that inhabit the digestive system and contribute to the digestion of products are also destroyed

Sea buckthorn candles for constipation: instructions for use, indications and reviews

Sea buckthorn candles for constipation: instructions for use, indications and reviews

Do sea buckthorn candles help with constipation and how to use them correctly? Everything you need to know about the drug: mechanism of action, useful properties, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, features of use during pregnancy, as well as user reviews

"Allopurinol": instructions for use, reviews

"Allopurinol": instructions for use, reviews

Instructions for the use of "Allopurinol" says that this is a fairly effective remedy for gout. And, judging by the reviews, it is. For those who suffer from this disease, this drug is indispensable. After all, this is almost the only remedy that helps with gout

"Octolipen 600": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Octolipen 600": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The drug "Octolipen 600" - a brief and understandable instruction for each reader, written in an accessible language

Effective drugs for diabetes: list, instructions for use and reviews

Effective drugs for diabetes: list, instructions for use and reviews

Diabetes is now affecting more and more people. Both adults and children suffer from it. In most cases, this disease is incurable and requires lifelong use of special drugs. There are different medications for diabetes, they work in different ways and often cause side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to take only those drugs prescribed by the doctor

Calcineurin inhibitors: purpose, form of release, features of administration

Calcineurin inhibitors: purpose, form of release, features of administration

Calcineurin inhibitors presented in modern pharmacies are lactones belonging to the macrolide type. The main features are depressing qualities of the immune system. Among the most famous, the first place rightfully belongs to cyclosporine. It is thanks to the A-type of this substance that organ transplantation became possible

From urticaria ointment: types and methods of application

From urticaria ointment: types and methods of application

Sometimes a rash appears on the skin. It resembles traces of "bites" of nettles. It is these rashes that are symptomatic of an allergic disease known as urticaria. They are not only unaesthetic, but also cause serious discomfort. The rash causes swelling and intense itching. However, such manifestations are almost always reversible. The main thing is to choose the right ointment for hives

Brilliant green: composition, instructions for use, storage conditions

Brilliant green: composition, instructions for use, storage conditions

Everyone is familiar with the well-known in Russia Zelenka. However, few people read the labels on the jars with this coloring and healing solution. Well, Zelenka and Zelenka - everyone already knows her. Meanwhile, if you look closely at the packaging, you can read the following: "Brilliant Green"

What kind of burn remedy can be used

What kind of burn remedy can be used

Burns are bullous skin inflammation. The top layer of the cover dies. Due to the large histamine release, a certain amount of fluid is released, as a result of which blisters are formed

Antibacterial ointments: a list of drugs

Antibacterial ointments: a list of drugs

Antibacterial ointments are drugs that effectively kill pathogenic microflora or stop its further development. They have been used in medicine for many years. Such funds are easy to obtain at any pharmacy, and often the attitude towards them is not as wary as for drugs in the form of tablets

"Gedelix": instructions for use, indications, analogues, composition, reviews

"Gedelix": instructions for use, indications, analogues, composition, reviews

Thick liquid from yellow to yellow-brown, odorless, turbidity and precipitation are possible, which does not affect the quality and effect of the drug. Means of plant origin, has an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect due to the presence of saponins

Drug "Lopedium": analogues and substitutes

Drug "Lopedium": analogues and substitutes

"Lopedium" helps to remove the symptoms of diarrhea after taking medications that can provoke loose stools. Thus, this drug is an effective medicine that eliminates the symptoms of the systematic occurrence of the disease

Tablets "Renny": what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Tablets "Renny": what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

Rennie tablets are known to many thanks to advertising. People who take them to relieve symptoms and get rid of heartburn are also familiar with them. This article will expand knowledge about the drug or introduce it to those who do not know