Soda can be attributed to a universal remedy. It is popular in everyday life and cooking as well as in medicine. All thanks to its ability to provide a unique healing and cleansing effect on the human body. All the elements that form this substance are perfectly safe. Therefore, inhalations with soda are so popular today.
Description of the substance
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is a colorless substance consisting of atoms that are arranged in a certain order, which characteristic of crystals. A high degree of hygroscopicity, as well as the ability to melt at 858 degrees. Speaking of baking or drinking soda, it is known as sodium bicarbonate.

Today, baking soda is known to us in the form of a fine powdery substance, white, odorless, easily soluble in water.
Discovery history
The discovery of soda occurred approximately 1500-2000 BC. Then its extraction was carried out from soda lakes and in the form of minerals of thermonatrite, natron, trona.
Confirmation of the discovery and extraction of soda, thanks to the evaporation of water, was the records of the medicinal substances of the Roman physician Dioscorides Pedanias. Until the 18th century, alchemists and doctors perceived soda as a substance that emitted a specific hiss and gas when combined with acetic and sulfuric acids. Today, it is obvious to everyone that as a result of a chemical reaction, gaseous carbon dioxide is released, which provokes a specific hiss.
Nothing was known about the composition of soda even to the contemporaries of Dioscorides Pedanias, since carbon dioxide was discovered only 600 years later by the Dutch chemist Jan van Helmont, who called the discovery forest gas.
Mine attempts
Only in the 18th century did they learn how to extract soda artificially, determining the composition in its pure form. The chemist Henri Louis Duhamel de Monceau, using the method of crystallization, was able to isolate soda in its pure form in 1736, and also identified the element "sodium" in the composition. And in 1737, Duhamel, together with Andreas Sigismund Marggraf, proved that potassium carbonate and soda are different.
The scientist also tried to produce soda artificially by acting on sodium sulfate with acetic acid, but, unfortunately, Duhamel did not assume that sulfuric acid could not be displaced by acetic acid from s alts, since the latter is a weak substance.
And for example, Marggraf, trying to artificially obtain soda, heated combined coal with sodium nitrate, resulting in an outbreak. Thanks to such an attempt, the scientist burned his face with his hands, not suspecting that such a combination of substances allowsreceive GUNPOWDER.
But if we talk about the industrial production of soda, then the discovery belongs to Russia. The discovery took place in 1764 in T altsinsk at the glass factory of the chemist Eric Gustav Laxman, who found that the combination of charcoal with natural sodium sulfate leads to the production of soda. By the way, as a result of such a reaction, a pair of gaseous substances is formed: carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Despite the fact that the scientist managed to get soda, his method did not receive further fame and active use, rather, on the contrary, he was forgotten.

Scientist Lebman was able to extract soda by fusing sodium sulfate, calcium carbonate and charcoal. Thanks to coal, sodium sulfate was reduced, and after the complete burning out of coal and carbon monoxide, the cooled mixture was treated with water. Thus, calcium sulfide remained in the sediment, and sodium carbonate went into solution.
It was this technology that in 1789 Lebman offered his patient, Duke Philippe d'Orleans, who signed an agreement and allocated 200,000 silver livres for the construction of a plant - Franciade - Lebman's Soda.
Unfortunately, during the French Revolution, the duke was executed, property was confiscated, the plant and the patent became the property of the state. A few years later, the plant was nevertheless returned to Lebman, but it was ruined and required huge funding in order to restore production.
And although the scientist was no longer able to resume the production process, his technology became famous inEurope.
Chemical engineer Ernest Solvay is a fateful competitor. He discovered a new method for the production of soda - ammonia. Its main advantages of steel are production efficiency, the best quality of soda, and minimal environmental damage. Unable to withstand such competition, Lebman's factories began to close.

Today, more than 200 million tons of soda are produced annually. The substance has found its way into many industries: detergents, glass, aluminum, petroleum refining, and pulp and paper, and as a source of carbon dioxide for baked goods, sodas, and even fire extinguishers. And the medical scope of soda requires separate consideration.
Properties of baking soda
Perhaps the most important medical benefit of sodium carbonate is its antibacterial and antifungal effects. Everyone knows that pathogenic microflora does not have a chance to develop in an acidic and alkaline environment. If there is an acid-base balance in the human body, then it is difficult for parasites, viruses and bacteria to progress.

It is soda that helps create the necessary alkaline environment. In this regard, sodium carbonate is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases:
- oncology;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- kidney, bladder and gallbladder stones;
- deposits in the joints;
- conjunctivitis;
- fungal hand infectionand legs;
- bronchopulmonary ailments.
In this case, soda can be used both internally and externally, making mushy solutions. I would also like to note a very effective procedure - inhalation with soda.
Sodium carbonate is one of the proven, affordable and cheap analogues of drugs in the period of colds. If the first symptoms are already obvious - a runny nose, cough, but there is no temperature, then you should not immediately grab the medication. Spend a few home inhalations with soda. Relief will come immediately after the first procedure.
Healing effect of soda
By inhaling vapors during inhalation with soda, microorganisms with medicinal substances enter the body. They are able to favorably envelop the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, cleansing the maxillary sinuses, reducing swelling, dryness of the nasopharynx and facilitating the removal of sputum. Very effective inhalation with soda when coughing. The alkaline action of sodium carbonate reduces the acidity in the human body, leading to the death of viruses and bacteria.
How to inhale with soda
The procedure should be carried out one hour before eating, or two hours after eating. The holding time is no more than 10 minutes. In order to carry out inhalation with soda at home, you will need:
- water - only fresh;
- baking soda;
- pot (bowl)
- towel.

Water is heated. It is worth paying attention that the water temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees, sohow high temperature destroys all the beneficial properties of soda, and when you inhale, you can burn the mucous membrane. Next, soda is dissolved in the container in a ratio of 1: 1 (1 tablespoon of baking soda is added per liter of boiled water). Having settled down over the pan, they cover their heads with a towel.
When treating the nasopharynx, the vapors should be inhaled through the nose, slowly and calmly. If the cough is treated, then you need to inhale the vapors through your mouth, while holding the air for a few seconds, then exhale calmly. Don't swallow too deeply.
After the inhalation with soda, you must not go outside for at least an hour. Bed rest will be appropriate. At the same time, you should refrain from talking so as not to overstrain the vocal cords.
You can also do inhalations with soda for children, but only under the close supervision of adults! The procedure time is reduced to 5 minutes.
Inhalations using the machine
It will be much easier to inhale with soda in a nebulizer. The procedure is carried out with a special soda solution "Soda-buffer", which is diluted with saline. Very important: it is necessary to use the solution for inhalation strictly according to the instructions.

The mechanism of inhalation using a neublizer is similar to the standard algorithm: one hour before meals, or two hours after the last meal; bed rest; voice rest.
The advantage of hardware inhalation with soda is the ability to add extracts of chamomile, aminophylline, sage and othersmedicinal plants even at elevated body temperature of the patient. Also, the use of a nebulizer is not forbidden for babies.
Inhalations with soda when coughing at home are completely safe, but there are still some warnings and they should be considered before starting therapy:
- individual intolerance to a substance (allergic reaction);
- patient's temperature is above 37 degrees;
- prone to nosebleeds;
- signs of pus in sputum.
During pregnancy, it is worth carrying out the procedure with extreme caution, as a provocation of a gag reflex is possible. It is also worth completely eliminating iodine.
Inhalation solutions
Inhalations with soda are a proven classic! For various inflammations, it is recommended to carry out steam inhalations by mixing soda with other medicinal substances, for example:
- soda with s alt - such a duet fights inflammation of the larynx;
- soda with iodine - these components are effective for inflammation of the bronchi, dry cough, sore throat and nasal congestion;
- soda with potatoes - perfectly fights wet and dry coughs, warming up the larynx and relieves tickling/hoarseness; loosens accumulated mucus and expels naturally.

You can also add various essential oils that will affect the mucous membranes with a softening and moisturizing effect.
Patient reviews of soda inhalations confirmthe effectiveness of such a procedure. Many note the result even with chronic bronchial diseases. With regular inhalation therapy, the result is not long in coming: the swelling of the mucous membranes decreases; eliminates tickling and tickling; sputum becomes less viscous and easier to expectorate.
The main thing - do not neglect the consultation with a specialist and contraindications before inhalation with soda.