Modern living conditions force most of us to be in a state of constant stress, which cannot but have a negative impact on he alth, both physical and psychological. Increasingly, the tension becomes so strong, and the condition is so severe that the situation forces the person to seek professional help, as he is no longer able to cope with stress on his own.
Alarming symptoms, which, as a rule, do not go unnoticed, are disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, extreme manifestations of emotions, inability to lead a former lifestyle. It is important to consult a doctor in time, who will be able to provide the necessary assistance, drawing up a competent treatment regimen and prescribing the necessary medication. Many consider the drug "Valdoxan" to be effective. Feedback from people about how they feel after using this drug will be described in detail in this article. Among other things, it will answer the following questions: what is the principle of action of the drug in question? In what cases would it be rational to use it? What are the potential side effects? be carefuland don't miss a beat.
The main active ingredient of the drug "Valdoxan" reviews and instructions for use are called agomelatine. In one tablet, the content of this substance reaches 25 mg. This is enough to ensure that the drug in question is effective enough and does not interfere with the normal course of the patient's life.

Instructions for use and reviews of people "Valdoxan" is described as an antidepressant. Its action is aimed at stimulating the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, in particular in a certain area of the cerebral cortex - the prefrontal zone. Despite this, it does not affect the level of extracellular serotonin in any way. The active substance of the drug in question stimulates melatonin receptors. This contributes to the restoration of circadian rhythms and directly the structure of sleep.
Usually, specialists include this drug in the treatment of major depressive disorder in adult patients.

Instructions, reviews of "Valdoxan" recommend paying special attention to what contraindications the medication in question has. In some cases, the use of this drug is undesirable or even prohibited. It is important to know for sure if you are also at risk so that treatment with the drug in questiondidn't hurt you. So, in what cases do the reviews of doctors and instructions prohibit the use of "Valdoxan"? The following are distinguished:
- personal intolerance or allergy to the main active ingredient of the drug agomelatine;
- childhood;
- patient lactose intolerance;
- if some strong CYP1A2 inhibitors such as ciprofloxacin or fluvoxamine are used concomitantly;
- in the presence of liver failure (including active liver disease or cirrhosis);
- breastfeeding period (if it is still impossible to do without treatment with the drug in question, then breastfeeding should be stopped).
In some cases, the use of this drug, although possible, should be carried out with caution under the supervision of an experienced physician. These are the following options:
- the patient is in old age (meaning people over 65);
- previously there have been suicide attempts;
- the patient abuses alcohol or is prone to such excesses (as reviews notice, Valdoxan and alcohol are incompatible);
- treatment also includes mild inhibitors of CYP1A2 (we are talking about substances such as grepafloxacin, propranolol or enoxacin);
- presence of dementia in an elderly patient;
- previous manic or hypomanic episodes;
- developing pregnancy;
- use of any hepatotoxicdrugs;
- for major depressive episodes in patients who have moderate to severe renal impairment.
If you know you have one or more of the conditions listed above, tell your he althcare provider. This will help him to correctly draw up a treatment regimen that would take into account all your individual characteristics. Such an appointment will become truly effective.

How to use
How do experts recommend taking Valdoxan? The reception scheme is quite simple. The tablets should be taken orally, swallowed whole and never chewed. There is no need to navigate the meal time.
Doctors recommend taking only one tablet per day, containing 25 mg of the active substance. Do it better in the evening. If within two weeks the specialist has not noted positive dynamics, then he may decide to increase the therapeutic dosage to 50 mg (you will have to drink 2 tablets once a day - in the evening).
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no exact data on the dangers that an overdose of the drug in question entails. However, it is possible to describe the expected symptoms that are most likely to characterize an overdose of this drug. Among them are the following:
- malaise;
- drowsy;
- anxiety;
- blueness of the skin (or cyanosis);
- dizziness;
- pain in the supragastric region;
- weakness;
- general voltage;
- alarm;
- strong emotional arousal (or agitation).
There is no one universal antidote for Valdoxan overdose. If the patient notices the development of one or more of the symptoms described above, he should immediately contact his doctor. Only a specialist can properly bring the patient out of this state. As a rule, treatment is prescribed symptomatic. And the patient is under the supervision of doctors in highly specialized departments for some time.

Side effects
The use of the drug "Valdoxan" can lead to the development of certain side effects. Some of them can be extremely unpleasant, while others can even be dangerous. It is important not to neglect the fact of their appearance and seek help in time. To do this, you need to know exactly what to look for. The most common side effects include:
- decrease in clarity of vision;
- development of excessive drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
- appearance of obsessive nausea;
- noticeable abdominal pain;
- severe back pain;
- migraines;
- heavy sweating;
- liver problems (such as hepatitis, jaundice, or liver failure);
- feelinganxiety;
- feeling uneasy;
- occurrence of suicidal thoughts;
- committing suicide attempts;
- development of constipation or diarrhea;
- recurring nightmares;
- dizziness;
- itching of the skin;
- irritability;
- occurrence of unusual dreams;
- headaches;
- constant fatigue;
- noticeable aggressiveness;
- paresthesia;
- occurrence of hallucinations;
- a sharp decrease or increase in the patient's weight;
- a state of intense emotional arousal (or agitation);
- eczema;
- development of mania or hypomania;
- appearance of an erythematous rash.
Don't ignore the appearance of these symptoms. Timely assistance from a specialist will help to significantly reduce their manifestation and avoid negative consequences for the patient's he alth. Be especially mindful of how you feel while using the drug in question.
Positive customer reviews
Reviews "Valdoxan" receives a variety of. This is due both to the fact for the correction of which particular disorder he was appointed by a specialist, and to the extent to which the body of a particular person is sensitive to the action of the main active component of this medication. Patient reviews of Valdoxan are traditionally divided into two camps: those who are completely satisfied with the effectiveness of the drug in question, and those who consider it absolutely useless or even harmful. Next, we will discusswhat are the main benefits of this drug.
Positive reviews about "Valdoxan" describe the following positive features of the drug:
- Rare occurrence of side effects.
- Patients talk about the disappearance of tearfulness and excessive emotionality as a result of taking Valdoxan tablets. Reviews also note a significant improvement in the quality of sleep for those taking the medication in question.
- No addictive effect or withdrawal.
- Obvious positive result from the use of the drug.
- Proper packaging design (separation by individual days of the week is provided for ease of use).
- Improve performance.
- Positive effect on mood.
For many, the use of the drug in question has become a real salvation in the fight against their ailments. The advantages described above for such patients turned out to be enough to start treatment with the Valdoxan medication. Reviews of people, however, show that the drug in question also has a number of significant drawbacks. What exactly are we talking about? More on that later.

Negative customer reviews
As the reviews of "Valdoxan" show, the well-being of people after its use does not always improve significantly. Some do not notice any positive changes, while others even suffer from the manifestations of numerous side effects. Feedback on the use of "Valdoxan" allows us to highlight the following negative aspects of its use:
- Some patients, as the reviews show, the drug is not suitable. Such people do not notice any positive effect from the use of the drug.
- May affect satiety and consequently affect weight.
- Often not effective in irritable bowel syndrome.
- Not always helps to eliminate anxiety.
- The drug is relatively expensive.
- Judging by the reviews, "Valdoxan" can change the sense of perception of the surrounding reality.
- A lot of possible side effects.
- Increased anxiety that develops at the beginning of the drug.
- Sometimes causes insomnia.
Since one of the significant drawbacks of the drug in question is its high cost, many ask their doctors to prescribe cheaper medicines - analogues of Valdoxan. Reviews highlight the following drugs in this group: Neuroplant, Azafen, Venlafaxine. Their cost is much more attractive to patients. The effectiveness of such analogues is evaluated individually. Remember that changing the appointment yourself is not recommended. Such adjustments can only be made by a treating physician who is intimately familiar with your medical history and the development of your disorder.
Having so many negativeside makes many seriously think about whether to start treatment with its use. If you have such doubts, hurry up to get expert advice. A competent attending physician will be able to check the rationality of the appointment and, if necessary, prescribe a more appropriate medication.

Storage conditions
Reviews, instructions for use "Valdoxan" notice that there is no need to create special conditions for the storage of the drug or its transportation. However, it is important not to remove the tablets from their original packaging until the moment of direct use. The shelf life of the medicinal product in question is three years from the date it was produced.
Parents should take care of the safety of their children in advance and limit their access to the drug in question. Uncontrolled intake of the medication in question can lead to detrimental he alth effects.

In closing
Above, the features of the use of the drug "Valdoxan", people's reviews of well-being after it were discussed in detail. Many consider the drug in question to be extremely effective. So, some patients call it a real salvation, because only this drug helped them get rid of the mental disorders that tormented them so much. Others, on the contrary, find it overrated, ineffective, or even harmful (because their condition is not justimproved, but, on the contrary, worsened). In order for the drug to have the desired effect, it must be prescribed in accordance with all the prescribed rules. Such an appointment cannot be made on its own, since the patient does not have the opportunity to give an objective assessment of his condition and does not have enough knowledge to make a diagnosis and choose a treatment regimen. By entrusting your he alth to a specialist, you will be able to receive qualified assistance and, more likely, to fully restore your mental and emotional balance.
It is important to carefully monitor your well-being during the treatment process. Do not forget that the side effects of taking the drug can be no less inconvenient than the disease itself. Therefore, it is extremely important to immediately respond to any unpleasant symptoms. How quickly the patient receives the necessary assistance depends not only on his current state of he alth, but also on the effectiveness of the entire course of treatment as a whole. You should not try to level the manifestations of side effects on your own. Likewise, you should not arbitrarily substitute one antidepressant for another, even if you think it works great for your condition and has few side effects. Illiterately chosen treatment can soon lead to aggravation of symptoms, which will require the use of more powerful drugs that have a much stronger effect on the patient's body, which, of course, is undesirable.
Be attentive to your he alth. Many problems can be avoided without neglectingnecessary rest and having a he althy daily routine. If difficulties still arise, take the treatment prescribed by your doctor seriously. Learn as much as you can about the drug, its effectiveness and strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist.