Drugs 2024, October

Drugs for fractures for rapid bone fusion: rating of the best, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Drugs for fractures for rapid bone fusion: rating of the best, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

After a trauma-related fracture, a person has to wear a cast. This is done in order to form a regenerate and bone fragments to grow together. Often this brings a lot of inconvenience, due to prolonged immobilization in the damaged limb, venous congestion occurs, and muscle atrophy develops. To date, drugs are actively used in medicine for fractures for the rapid fusion of bones. Their use allows minimizing the recovery time after a fracture

To strengthen blood vessels drugs and products. How to strengthen blood vessels

To strengthen blood vessels drugs and products. How to strengthen blood vessels

How to maintain your he alth, what drugs to strengthen blood vessels exist? The answers to these questions can be found in this article. It should be noted right away that all the drugs mentioned below can only be prescribed by a doctor to adults, they are not used at all in pediatrics

Effective cures for varicose veins

Effective cures for varicose veins

Increasingly, young people have to deal with a disease that a few decades ago was considered age-related. It's about varicose veins. It should be noted that the lower extremities are most often affected. Sometimes a person can see a vascular network or protruding veins in the upper half of the body, but this is far from a sign of varicose veins. This article will tell you about what are the cures for varicose veins

Anti-diphtheria serum: instructions for use, description and composition

Anti-diphtheria serum: instructions for use, description and composition

Anti-diphtheria serum - a drug obtained from the blood of hyperimmunized horses, purified and concentrated by the method of enzymatic hydrolysis

Berberine bisulfate: composition, instructions for use, analogues

Berberine bisulfate: composition, instructions for use, analogues

Violation of the outflow of bile today occurs in many people, the reasons for this phenomenon can be different: liver pathology, high lithogenicity of bile, and so on. When choosing a choleretic drug, its pharmacodynamics must be taken into account. One of the effective means is "Berberine bisulfate"

Prescription drug policy

Prescription drug policy

According to the article of the Federal Law No. 55 “On the Circulation of Medical Devices”, the rules for the sale of prescription drugs in pharmacies for their use in hospitals and clinics that are licensed to engage in pharmaceutical activities have been approved

Universal remedy "Potassium alum"

Universal remedy "Potassium alum"

Alum is nothing but natural natural s alt crystals. In this case, potassium and aluminum. They don't have a smell. Alum quickly dissolves in hot water (in a dilution of 0.5% - 1.0%) and is not able to do this in alcohol. They are produced most often in the form of a powder and are sold in almost all pharmacies. The shelf life of this product is unlimited (if stored unopened)

Condoms: which is better to choose in a given situation?

Condoms: which is better to choose in a given situation?

To avoid disappointment, you need to choose the right condoms. Which are better for vaginal and which are better for anal sex? Should I choose models with ribs or fruit flavor? Understanding

Dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol: trade names, instructions for use

Dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol: trade names, instructions for use

The pharmacology market is overflowing with drugs that have an antiseptic effect. They are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious throat diseases, eliminate negative symptoms. Some of these drugs contain dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol, so they are called combined. Such drugs have a disinfectant and antiseptic effect

Drug "Opatanol": reviews of doctors

Drug "Opatanol": reviews of doctors

In Russia, the drug "Opatanol" has appeared relatively recently. Many patients write that drops stop allergic manifestations well and have a preventive effect when used prophylactically. Read about how "Opatanol" is evaluated by doctors' reviews in this article

Boric powder (boric acid in powder form): instructions for use

Boric powder (boric acid in powder form): instructions for use

Preparations based on boric acid have long been known and popular. This is a long-familiar antiseptic and antiparasitic agent that is used externally. An alcohol solution, boron vaseline, and other ointments based on this substance are produced. The basis of all these funds is boron powder. It is in this form that boric acid exists, which is used, in addition to medicine, in agriculture and industry

Bladder neck: causes of inflammation and treatment features

Bladder neck: causes of inflammation and treatment features

Inflammatory process in the neck of the bladder is characteristic of cervical cystitis. This problem is inherent mainly in women, but in rare cases it also occurs in children and men. Painful urination, uncontrolled discharge and urinary incontinence are the main symptoms of the disease. To avoid the transition of pathology into a chronic form and regular unpleasant relapses, it is important to start treatment during the acute phase of inflammation

Chamomile extract: composition, application, benefits

Chamomile extract: composition, application, benefits

Chamomile is one of the most common plants that have healing properties. It has been successfully used in medicine since ancient times. Where and how chamomile extract is used today, this article will tell

Keratolytic agents: names and methods of application

Keratolytic agents: names and methods of application

Keratolytic agents help to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin or heal the epidermis from skin ailments accompanied by the process of hyperkeratosis. These are external medicines used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. This term comes from the merger of two words: "keratin" - the main structural protein that forms the epidermis (including calluses and corns), hair and nails, and "lysis", meaning "dissolution and decay"

How to increase blood clotting?

How to increase blood clotting?

With a lack of a specific protein, clotting performance deteriorates. This may indicate the presence of pathology and a deterioration in the functioning of the whole organism. In order to increase blood clotting, first of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination and establish the cause of the disease. After that, the specialist will select the optimal method of treatment

Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews

Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews

Stress is often so strong that it is impossible to cope with it without conservative treatment. What drugs can help in the fight against this problem?

Alcohol solution of iodine: instructions and use

Alcohol solution of iodine: instructions and use

What is an alcohol solution of iodine for? We will tell you about this in the presented article. You will also learn how this medication works

Types of tablets in pharmacology

Types of tablets in pharmacology

You can see a lot of medicines on the pharmacy shelves. They are produced in the form of tablets, drops, syrups, sprays, capsules, etc. Let's try to decide what types of tablets are and what they are for

The best drugs for obesity

The best drugs for obesity

One of the current problems for some people is overweight. Often, pathology occurs against the background of a violation of metabolic processes in the body, but there may be other reasons. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, an anti-obesity drug is prescribed, which helps to reduce body weight to normal levels

"Liquid coal for children": instructions for use, reviews

"Liquid coal for children": instructions for use, reviews

Children are most prone to diseases such as food allergies, helminthiasis, and various infections. At a younger age, it is difficult to drink tablets and capsules. "Liquid coal for children" is a sorbent in the form of a powder for the preparation of medicinal syrup

Anabolic hormones: drug list

Anabolic hormones: drug list

Everyone who comes to the gym and works hard, hopes for a return. In bodybuilding, the result is an increase in muscle mass. Stimulate the growth of muscle cells and contribute to an increase in the mass of muscle fibers, special substances synthesized by the endocrine glands. Increase the secretion of anabolic hormones allows a special diet and training

Antineoplastic antibiotics: list and action

Antineoplastic antibiotics: list and action

Antitumor activity is possessed by antibiotics produced by various actinomycetes. An example is Olivomycin, along with Rufocromomycin, Reumycin, and other agents. Next, we will talk in more detail about antitumor antibiotics and find out what their mechanism of action is

Effective weight loss products in pharmacies: consumer reviews

Effective weight loss products in pharmacies: consumer reviews

People who are dissatisfied with their appearance seek to lose extra pounds in any way. Recently, we are often looking for weight loss products in pharmacies. Reviews about this method of dealing with extra pounds are quite contradictory. Such drugs should be chosen only on the recommendation of a medical specialist. Remember, unjustified drug weight loss can have very serious he alth consequences

Sulfuric ointment: reviews. Sulfur ointment for scabies: reviews

Sulfuric ointment: reviews. Sulfur ointment for scabies: reviews

There are a lot of funds on the shelves in pharmacies. Despite the huge number of new products that appear every day, some old simple drugs do not lose demand. Apparently, their effectiveness has been tested by time, so they are still relevant today. The article will focus on such a preparation as sulfuric ointment. Reviews, description and scope must be studied before using the tool

Effective and safe choleretic agents

Effective and safe choleretic agents

Cholestasis is a reduction in the flow of contents in the gallbladder, which occurs as a result of all kinds of liver diseases, as well as due to improper nutrition, infections or pathologies of the endocrine system. Cholagogues, which are used for stagnation of bile, help get rid of the disease and thereby free the patient from unpleasant symptoms

Tea for weight loss in a pharmacy: reviews, prices

Tea for weight loss in a pharmacy: reviews, prices

Today, many people are asking the question: "How to effectively and quickly lose weight?" There are many ways to achieve the desired result. However, it often happens that the lost kilograms return to the person again

Growth-norm drug: instructions, composition, reviews

Growth-norm drug: instructions, composition, reviews

The main reasons for the lack of calcium in the body are poor nutrition and various pathological changes in which its absorption in the intestine is disturbed. And when, with a small intake of this trace element with food, hypovitaminosis D also occurs, then this condition develops at an even greater rate

What is dioctahedral smectite? Instruction

What is dioctahedral smectite? Instruction

What is dioctahedral smectite? Instructions for use of the drug containing this component will be presented below

Antibiotics for sore throat. topical antibiotic for throat

Antibiotics for sore throat. topical antibiotic for throat

Most of the time, a sore throat is caused by a viral infection. The treatment of such a disease is mainly symptomatic and passes without the use of serious drugs. But if bacteria are the cause of inflammation, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. Which antibiotic from the throat is better to drink, only a doctor can decide

Paracetamol for a child: indications, dosage and instructions for use

Paracetamol for a child: indications, dosage and instructions for use

Pharmacy stores sell a lot of antipyretics intended for children and adults. One of them is Paracetamol. It is given to a child to restore temperature and eliminate pain of various localization. For children's use, the medicine is released in the form of a suspension and suppositories. But ordinary tablets are also used. The rules for using the drug are described in the article

"Vinilin" for stomatitis: instructions for use, features and reviews

"Vinilin" for stomatitis: instructions for use, features and reviews

The drug also has a different name - "Shostakovsky's Balm". It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and regenerating effects. A common area of application of the drug is the elimination of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. The medical name of the balm is polyvinyl butyl ether. The main active ingredient is polyvinox

"Sodium thiosulfate": application for cleansing the body, reviews

"Sodium thiosulfate": application for cleansing the body, reviews

Over a period of time, a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in the body, which prevent individual systems from working normally, and also cause various failures. To get rid of toxins and toxins, official medicine suggests using special medications. One of these is sodium thiosulfate

Gel for gums with inflammation and teething: reviews, prices, application

Gel for gums with inflammation and teething: reviews, prices, application

How does gum gel work on teething and inflammation? What gels for gums exist? What medicine for teething gums to choose?

The use of "Miramistin" for burns

The use of "Miramistin" for burns

Miramistin is an antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunoadjuvant drug. It is used in the fight against viruses, fungi, bacteria. It is effective for burns, as it has a local immunostimulating effect. Due to the impact of the molecules of this drug on the outer shell of microbes, the destruction and death of pathogenic cells occurs

What are the properties of the corn patch

What are the properties of the corn patch

Medical plaster is used at home and in medical institutions for external use. It is used for diseases of the skin: corns, calluses and corns

Which drug is better for thrush?

Which drug is better for thrush?

All remedies for candidiasis are divided into medicines for oral and topical use. Which drug for thrush is best for a woman is determined by a specialist after a diagnosis

Inexpensive antibiotics: examples and instructions for use

Inexpensive antibiotics: examples and instructions for use

Colds can be caused by more than just viruses. Quite often, the cause of poor he alth is bacteria, which can only be fought with antibiotics. Many low-cost antibiotics are older and target pathogens selectively

CNS stimulants: a review of drugs, features of use, reviews

CNS stimulants: a review of drugs, features of use, reviews

Scientists have developed a kind of doping for better brain function. To process an incredible amount of information received, a person lacks the usual means in the form of strong coffee or tea. Next, consider the various CNS stimulants that are sold in pharmacies. It is also necessary to mention drugs that are supplied to Russia by exporters, and natural remedies

Cream "Provocation": reviews of specialists and customers

Cream "Provocation": reviews of specialists and customers

Does the "Provocation" cream really help to solve intimate problems? Reviews about it will help you find the answer to the question and draw a conclusion

Bust cream Bustex: reviews

Bust cream Bustex: reviews

Butex cream has gained immense popularity today. Reviews about him are different, they are presented on various sites, but based on them it is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion. And all buyers are still worried about the question, does breast enlargement cream help or not?