Purulent skin lesions, burns or wounds that do not heal for a long time can cause significant discomfort and interfere with a full life. There are a number of topical agents, the action of which is aimed at increasing the regenerative functions of the skin, for example, Konkov's ointment.
Indications for use of the drug
Today, Konkov's ointment is rarely found on the shelves or in home pharmacies. However, the tool has a certain popularity. The ointment is a regenerating drug that catalyzes the necessary processes in the body.

Indications for use are as follows:
- Burns.
- Purulent lesions on the surface of the epidermis.
- Wounds that do not heal for a long time.
The drug is a dermatoprotector that has a good antiseptic effect, while stimulating regeneration processes. Regular use of the product in accordance with the instructions can improve the condition of the skin. Konkov's ointment is used only for minor damage to the surface of the body, if, for example,the burn affects more than 10% of the body, then this drug alone will not be enough.
Composition and instructions for use of the drug
The uniqueness of the product lies in its composition, it is completely natural. The preparation includes the following components:
- Fish oil. Cod liver oil has an antiseptic effect, provoking regenerative processes in the tissues of the dermis. It is this component that contributes to the speedy healing of open wounds.
- Rivanol. Component of natural origin effectively blocks the spread of infections and pathological bacteria.
- Bee honey in Konkov's ointment also has a beneficial, antimicrobial effect on the skin surface.
- Tar (it is important to note that not every manufacturer adds it to the composition) improves blood circulation in the skin.
- Purified water.
Due to the natural composition of the ointment, the patient is insured against additional side effects, but it is important to make sure that there is no allergy to the main components.
The instruction in Konkov's ointment recommends the following application principle:
- The ointment is applied to damaged areas of the skin. A thin layer is sufficient.
- The product must be gently rubbed into the skin, without exerting increased pressure on the damaged areas.
- Use the ointment no more than 3 times a day.
- The duration of the drug is individual, depends on the speed of healing of the skin.
It is important that when using the ointment there is no need to bandage the treatedplace or close with additional compresses. However, experts recommend covering the affected area with parchment for burns, which will accelerate the beneficial effect of the active ingredients of the drug.

Contraindications for use
Medical studies have shown that the use of Konkov's ointment may cause temporary discomfort in the form of burning or itching. If such a symptom does not go away for a long time, then it makes sense to consult a doctor or refuse to use the drug.
Among the side effects also noted the appearance of swelling and redness. Such reactions are strictly individual, they can be avoided by testing the drug on a small area of the skin.
Among the contraindications are the following:
- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- If you have kidney disease.
- If tar is present, additional allergic reactions may occur.
When applying the ointment, it is important not to further injure the wounds, do not try to squeeze out purulent formations.

Similar drugs
There are a number of analogues of Konkov's ointment, which are similar in their effect on the human body:
- Vishnevsky's ointment.
- Levomekol.
- "Levosin".
Which drug to use is determined by individual preferences and financial capabilities of a person.