At present, kidney disease is a rather serious problem for medicine and humanity. You should know that you should not start the pathological processes that occur in organs such as the kidneys. Also known is the fact that diseases of this kind can pass without any symptoms for a person.
There are the following pathologies of the kidneys:
- Urine syndrome.
- Nephrotic character syndrome.
- Hypertension.
- Acute kidney failure.
- Chronic kidney failure.
- Tubular disorders.
The picture of the disease can have detailed symptoms. This category includes such an ailment as nephrotic syndrome.

There are cases when the signs that appear indicate a unilateral form of kidney pathology. It also happens that the patient feels and feels someor symptoms of the disease at the initial stage, and then they disappear. With such a course of the disease, attention should be paid to its history. This is an important point. Since the onset of the disease, namely the moment it began to develop in the body, can tell a lot about the nature of the disease and its manifestation in humans.
For what reasons can pathology develop
To make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment regimen, it is necessary to establish the reasons for which a particular symptom arose. As a rule, kidney pathologies occur due to the fact that any negative impact is exerted on the human body. For example, an infection or any bacteria and microorganisms can enter the body. In addition, a virus can become the cause of kidney pathology.
If for some reason urine does not pass well in a person, this can also lead to the development of the disease. Formations such as cysts and tumors also negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, a violation of metabolic processes in the body leads to impaired kidney function.
Such dysfunctions include:
- Pathological processes of an autoimmune nature.
- Violation in the structure of organs of an innate nature. Pathology of kidney development.
- Disruption of kidney tissue.
- Nephroptosis (meaning bilateral)
Another cause of abnormal kidney function is the formation of stones.
What symptoms indicate that the kidneys have some kind of pathology?
Symptoms of presencepathological processes in the kidneys can be divided into two types. The first type includes general symptoms. And the second type is characterized by renal manifestations. In the case when a person feels a general deterioration in the condition and assumes that this is due to painful processes in his kidneys, he should contact a specialist in a medical institution. Here he will be examined, prescribed the necessary treatment and will take all measures to normalize the patient's condition.
Leading Syndromes
What are the known leading syndromes in kidney pathology? The general deterioration associated with these ailments is characterized by the following features:
- Patient gets chills.
- Increased fatigue and tiredness.
- A person with pathological processes in the kidneys has pain in the area of these organs. A feature of this pain is that it does not have a sharp manifestation. It comes on gradually.
In this condition, it is recommended to drink plenty of hot liquids.

If the patient does not take any action to treat his body, his condition will continue to deteriorate. He has:
- Fever sets in.
- There is an increase in body temperature.
- There is pain in the lower back, it has a stronger character. The back area hurts where the diseased organ is located. It is possible that the pathological process occurs in only one kidney. In this case, the pain will be present withone side.
- The pressure is rising.
- Swelling appears. They can appear on the face, around the eyes. Also, the whole body swells, including the legs.
- Urine is difficult to pass. Urination can occur frequently, or vice versa rarely. Also, patients may experience burning and itching during the process. There may also be no urination. This is a clear sign that kidney function is impaired.
- Urine changes color and consistency. Namely, it becomes cloudy, and blood discharge may also be present in it
Women have increased swelling during childbearing. It is also associated with kidney pathologies.
A reason to see a doctor
When a person has the above symptoms, or several of them, he should immediately consult a doctor. Because the consequences can be severe. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a medical institution for an accurate diagnosis. Next, a treatment will be prescribed, which should be followed.

In no case should you self-medicate. Since taking any medications can lead to a worsening of the condition. You should also take into account the fact that each organism has its own characteristics. And what helps one person can hurt another. When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of each organism.
Pathologies of a chronic and hereditary nature
There are cases when kidney pathologies are diagnosed in newborn babies. In this case, it is necessary to check the possibility of transmission of the disease by inheritance. If the kidney disease is hereditary, then a person throughout his life will need to take special measures to maintain these organs in a normal state. That is, the patient needs to lead a he althy lifestyle, consume vitamins and minerals. If the pathological process worsens, special medications should be taken. These medicines will keep your kidneys functioning properly.

It may also occur that the acute course of the disease will not be treated appropriately. Then such a pathology becomes chronic. Chronic kidney disease can occur in both women and men. In order to prevent the appearance of an ailment in the body, measures should be taken to treat the pathology immediately after its detection. Do not delay a visit to the doctor, and if the condition worsens, report it. Perhaps the regimen of the prescribed treatment should be changed.
A doctor who deals with diseases of the kidneys is called a urologist. If there are any suspicions of pathological processes in these organs, you should contact him.
When you see a urologist, a special examination of the patient will be carried out.
First of all, the doctor conducts a conversation with the person. During it, he finds out which patient is concerned about the symptoms, for how long, and other concomitantinformation. Next, the patient is examined.

What tests are done for kidney pathology? A referral is issued for tests such as blood and urine donations.
The patient is sent for a kidney examination via ultrasound. The pathology of the kidneys is detected on ultrasound. An ultrasound of an organ such as the bladder is done. Urography is also performed.
Other measures are prescribed if they are necessary for the diagnosis. After a complete examination of the patient has been carried out and the doctor has no doubts, the person is diagnosed. Then appropriate therapy is prescribed. The treatment of a person is made by a doctor, he takes into account the characteristics of the patient's body.
What predictions can be in the treatment of kidneys
When predicting recovery, parameters such as the stage of the disease, when the diagnosis was made, how the doctor's recommendations were followed during treatment, are taken into account. For example, in diseases such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, the prognosis is favorable. Here we are talking about acute forms of these pathologies.
In the case of the presence of chronic kidney diseases in the body, F treatment can last for several years. With a disease such as kidney failure, the prognosis for recovery may be unfavorable.
Preventive measures should also be taken.
In order to avoid pathological processes of the kidneys, hypothermia of the body should be prevented. If any inflammation occurs,take steps to improve. It is recommended not to drink alcohol and substances containing toxic substances. You should also eat right. Those people who are at risk need to follow a special diet.
Pyelonephritis is a bacterial disease. This disease is a nonspecific pathology. The disease affects the pelvis, calyx, parenchymal tissue. Now consider how pyelonephritis manifests itself in women. Symptoms and treatment of this disease are two important topics, which we will also consider further.
This pathology can be present in the body in both acute and chronic forms. This disease can be present in both sexes. However, it is much more common in women.
For what reasons does pyelonephritis occur
Usually pyelonephritis occurs due to cystitis. What it is? Cystitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the bladder. The cause of inflammation is bacterial in nature. Why is cystitis most often diagnosed in women? The reason for this is their physiology. In women, the anatomy of the body is such that the urethra is much shorter than in men. In this regard, various microorganisms penetrate much faster. When infected bacteria enter the bladder, they travel to the kidneys. This disease also has another name, namely ascending pyelonephritis. Another feature of female pathology is that the urethra is located close to the anal. Suchthe structure of the body contributes to the occurrence of pathology.

Acute pyelonephritis occurs due to pathogens such as:
- E. coli.
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- Proteus. It's a parasitic amoeba.
- Enterococcus.
- Staphylococcus.
Besides this, there is another factor in the occurrence of pyelonephritis. It includes the introduction of infection into the kidneys through the blood. This disease is called descending pyelonephritis.
Other causes of the disease
Besides this, there are a number of reasons why this pathology may occur in the body, namely:
- Hypocooling of the body. You should take care of yourself and prevent the body from getting cold.
- Stress or nervous shock.
- Venereal diseases that are present in the human body.
- Insufficient work of the immune system. For example, due to antibiotics.
- Urine outflow dysfunction.
- Tired and overtired.
- Impaired blood circulation in the kidneys.
A disease such as diabetes can cause pyelonephritis. Also, this ailment can be a congenital pathology of the kidneys.
You should also know that pyelonephritis in the weaker sex is a manifestation of a secondary pathology. In other words, this ailment occurs as a result of another disease that is present in the body of a woman. Therefore, before prescribing a particular treatment, doctors find out the cause of thispathology. If it is known on the background of which the disease appeared, then the treatment will become much more effective. There is a chronic form of pyelonephritis, it depends on what stage the disease is at. Perhaps there is a period of remission, or vice versa, an exacerbation.
Pyelonephritis in women. Symptoms and treatment
What are the symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis?
- Pain in the back. The character may be different. But, as a rule, pains are aching. A feeling of discomfort is present in the lower back. Pain may be uneven. This is due to the fact that only one kidney can be affected. There is also such an effect when pain appears on the opposite side. Unpleasant sensations in the back area can intensify with a certain load. For example, when walking or any physical impact.
- Patients with this pathology are constantly worried about the state of cold. Even if the air temperature is not conducive to freezing, people are cool, they want to warm up.
- In addition to back pain, there are discomfort in the abdomen. They usually occur in children.
- Frequent desire to go to the toilet. Constant urge to urinate, especially at night.
- The patient may have a fever for no apparent reason. Most often this happens in the evening.
- The pressure is rising.
- A person feels disorganized, overwhelmed, tired even in the early hours.
- Pain in the head.
- Bad mood, irritation without anyor reasons, indifference to what is happening around and other signs of mental instability.
- The patient has swelling. The mechanism of development of edema in kidney pathology: most often they occur on the face under the eyes and on the legs. On the face they become noticeable. And you can press on your feet with your finger and leave a trace. This indicates that edema is present. Also, this may be indicated by the fact that the shoes become tight.
When the period of exacerbation goes away and remission sets in, the above symptoms do not bother a person. The only thing left is general malaise and weakness. High blood pressure may also be present.
How to treat pyelonephritis? The patient needs not to burden his body with great physical exertion.

He should drink more liquids, namely water, cranberry juice, etc. Antibiotics are also prescribed. Usually these drugs are prescribed for a week. After that, they pass a control urine test. If everything is normal, then the person drinks antibiotics for another week. Otherwise, the course of treatment, of course, will be delayed for another two or three weeks.
What complications may occur
It is worth knowing that if you start kidney problems, an abscess may occur. What is this disease? An abscess is the presence of pus in the tissues of the kidney. Increased symptoms such as pain and fever. When examining the patient's urine and blood, an elevated level of white blood cells is detected. In addition to an abscess, the human body cansuffer diseases such as:
- Jade apostematous. With this disease, purulent foci appear under the capsule of the kidney.
- Bilateral nephroptosis. This is the omission of both kidneys. A bruise and pathology of the kidneys can provoke a similar ailment. The main symptoms of bilateral nephroptosis are dull pains in the kidney area. There is also nausea, dizziness, vomiting.
- Carbuncle. This is a purulent focus of a necrotic nature in the kidney tissue. These are very serious diseases that are life-threatening. Therefore, when they are diagnosed, emergency hospitalization is carried out and surgery is prescribed.
Signs and causes of kidney failure
With improper or untimely treatment, women may experience such an ailment as kidney failure. What other known causes of kidney failure?
- polycystic disease;
- recurrent urinary tract infections;
- obstacles to the outflow of urine.
What are the known symptoms of this disease? It is accompanied by a bad mood. Also, with renal failure, irritability increases. Another pathology is accompanied by an apathetic mood.
How is kidney disease treated? First of all, after the diagnosis is made, complex treatment is prescribed, which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms. In the case of an acute form of the disease. Further measures are taken to eliminate the causative agent of the pathological process. The dosage forms are usually prescribedthat contain antibiotics.
When it comes to the chronic course of the disease, it is necessary to direct therapeutic measures to eliminate the cause of this pathology. As a rule, antibiotics that belong to penicillins are used to treat kidney diseases. Although it is possible to use other groups of drugs. Medications are prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body.

In addition to antibiotics prescribed:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Medications aimed at stimulating blood flow.
- Vitamins.
- Adaptogens.
Now you know the signs of kidney disease. We also looked at known ailments. We have described their symptoms. The topic of diagnosis and treatment of kidney pathologies was slightly touched upon. Kidney pathologies in systemic diseases were also considered.