Clogged intestines: symptoms and treatment

Clogged intestines: symptoms and treatment
Clogged intestines: symptoms and treatment

If a person constantly suffers from headaches, suffers from insomnia, feels tired and overwhelmed, and the stool becomes irregular, periodically vomits, rashes appear on the skin, and weight increases, perhaps his intestines are clogged. Why does this situation occur and how to fix it? This will be discussed in the article.

A little about the structure of the intestines

The human intestine consists of two sections:

  • Small - includes the duodenum, small intestine and ileum. In this department, the main digestion of food occurs under the influence of digestive enzymes, hormones, mucus and the absorption of nutrients into the blood. It has a length of 1.7-4 meters, starts from the pylorus and ends with a valve that connects it to the large intestine.
  • Thick - consists of the caecum, colon and rectum. Here, water is absorbed and feces are formed, which, under adverse conditions, can clog the intestines. Its length is 1.5-2 meters, ends with the anal canal, passing into the anus.

The intestine is the mostlarge and important human organ. The diameter of the small intestine is almost two times smaller than that of the large intestine. The small intestine contains a large number of microorganisms; the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the he alth of the whole organism depend on the composition of the microflora.

Why does it fail?

Many different factors affect bowel function, including:

  • Eating high-calorie foods that undergo heat treatment for a long time, contain little minerals, vitamins and fiber, and are poorly digested. As a result, the intestines are clogged with feces.
  • Ecology - industrial waste, s alts of heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, preservatives enter the body with polluted air, water and food. Some of these substances are excreted from the body, and some remain, settling on the walls of the large intestine.
  • Irregular eating, snacking on the go and poor chewing.
  • Persistent stressful situations.
  • Hemorrhoids and rectal fissures.
  • Frequently and deliberately postponing going to the toilet for the purpose of defecation. As a result, the sensitivity of the nerve endings is disturbed, and they become insensitive to the pressure of the feces, the intestines are clogged, and the signal to empty it does not come.
  • Uncontrolled intake of drugs contributes to the violation of microflora.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, disruption of daily routine, change of living conditions.
  • Hereditary predisposition to constipation.
  • Insufficient fluid intake leads to a delay in the excretion of waste products.
  • Availabilitydiseases of the digestive system that impede the progress of food - tumors, helminthic invasions, hernias.
Esmarch's irrigator
Esmarch's irrigator

As a result of these violations, deposits accumulate and fecal stones form. Sometimes the intestines are so clogged with feces that they cease to cope with their functions, and the state of he alth deteriorates sharply.

Different opinions

In scientific medical circles, there is a constant debate about the need for bowel cleansing. Some scientists argue that the human body is a self-regulating balanced system. The intestines work constantly and, if necessary, are cleaned on their own. The term "slag" is used only in industry, and there is no need to clean the intestines like sewer pipes. Others - supporters of the opposite theory - consider the clogged intestine to be the cause of oncology, obesity, and a decrease in immunity (the symptoms of the pathology will be discussed below). They claim that without cleaning it, one cannot achieve success in improving he alth.

For reference: if the diet is enriched with vegetables and fruits, then the daily amount of feces is approximately 500 g, if the meat food is 200 g. When a person is starving, feces are formed in the amount of 30 g daily.

Signs of slagging

Symptoms of clogged intestines are often not associated with abdominal pain, more often patients are worried:

  • appearance of weakness, apathy and lethargy;
  • insomnia at night and daytime sleepiness;
  • appearance of sweating with an unpleasant odor;
  • bleedinggums;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • skin rashes, small pustules;
  • irritability and temper;
  • inability to concentrate, distracted attention;
  • more frequent colds, reduced immunity;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • appearance of puffiness under the eyes;
  • lack of vitamins due to poor absorption;
  • rotten breath;
  • poor body response to medications.
Linex capsules
Linex capsules

The following problems appear on the part of the gastrointestinal tract: frequent constipation or, conversely, loose stools, flatulence, nausea, and aching pains in the abdomen. Such symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases, so it is advisable to consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Consequences of intestinal slagging

For the normal functioning of the human body it is necessary:

  • daily intake of nutrients;
  • timely excretion of waste products.
Stomach ache
Stomach ache

When the imbalance occurs, various pathologies arise. Useful substances cannot be properly absorbed if the intestines cannot cope with their functions as a result of malnutrition. With untimely emptying, the fermentation process begins in it, beneficial bacteria die, poisoning of the body occurs, and the immune system weakens. Organs cease to receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins. If cloggedintestines, what to do? It must be remembered that defecation in an adult should occur regularly, once a day or, in extreme cases, once every two days. If this does not happen, then action must be taken.

How do you know if your gut needs help?

The composition of the intestinal microflora depends on human nutrition. The more plant foods you eat, the faster the beneficial bacteria multiply. And they help maintain a balanced balance in the small and large intestines, inhibit fermentation. The delay in digestion waste occurs when protein products are consumed, putrefactive processes develop, dysbacteriosis occurs, intoxication occurs, which contributes to diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart. How to understand that the intestines are clogged? One of the symptoms of this phenomenon is bad breath. It has been noticed that different foods during intoxication can cause "their" symptoms:

  • acne occurs from an excess of sugar and fat;
  • from meat products - unpleasant foot odor;
  • The wrong combination of products leads to furunculosis.

With the normalization of nutrition and timely cleansing of the intestines, all unpleasant signs of slagging disappear on their own.

Foods that cause constipation

People suffering from constipation should be aware of the foods that clog the intestines. It is necessary to use them in limited quantities, and sometimes completely abandon such food. These include:

Meat - beef and pork. They require large quantities to digest.gastric juice, enzymes and fluids

Meat and ketchup
Meat and ketchup
  • Sausages - boiled and smoked. They contain a lot of dyes, food additives, lard, skins, lard, soy and very little meat.
  • Yeast bread and confectionery. Especially such food is dangerous when consumed simultaneously with protein products.
  • Fast food - fast food, which is fried in vegetable oil, provokes a malfunction in the digestive tract.
  • Ketchup and mayonnaise are high in cholesterol.
  • Meat preparations - usually made from meat of dubious origin.

These products leave a film of feces on the walls of the large intestine. Over time, it thickens, forming fecal stones in the bends of the intestine, and the process of putrefaction begins, the products of which are carried through the blood with the blood, poisoning it.

What does a colon cleanse do?

If you have irregular stools, bad mood and he alth problems, you should know that these are symptoms of clogged intestines. What to do? It should be cleaned. After all, getting rid of toxins has a positive effect on the body, while:

  • Improves the functioning of internal organs, as well as well-being. The elimination of toxins has a positive effect on the quality of blood, which contributes to the normal nutrition of all organs and tissues, as well as their proper functioning.
  • A good mood appears. There is lightness, sleep, appetite and stool normalize.
  • Appearance becomes more attractive. Removes skin rashesswelling around the eyes, shine of the hair appears, the nails are no longer brittle.

Some say that a person becomes younger and even fine wrinkles disappear.

Natural Cleansing Methods

Clogged bowel treatment can be done at home. To do this, you need:

  • On an empty stomach drink a glass of water with lemon juice.
  • Cook a fiber breakfast in the morning. A porridge made from equal parts of rice and oats in water without oil will do.
  • Make a salad of beets, carrots and fresh cabbage with vegetable oil without s alt.
  • Cook beet pulp balls.
  • Eat apples baked in the oven.
  • Drink a glass of yogurt before going to bed.
  • Give half an hour of exercise daily.
green apples
green apples

All this will help improve intestinal patency, the condition will gradually improve.

Cleansing the intestines with bran

If the intestines are clogged, what should I do? In this case, it is good to clean it with bran. They contain a lot of fiber and swell when water is added. Increasing in volume, they help to move the contents of the intestine, irritating its walls and causing the urge to defecate.

In addition, bran produces a choleretic effect, which also stimulates digestion. Together with them, toxins, toxins, microbes and rotting food are brought out. The method of application is very simple: for this, it is enough to eat two tablespoons of the dry product three times a day fifteen minutes before meals anddrink two glasses of water. The procedure is repeated daily for a month. It is very convenient that bran is easy to buy at a pharmacy or store, they are inexpensive and do not require any cooking.

Intestine clogged with feces: what to do?

There are many ways to cleanse the intestines. If diet and home methods do not help, then you should consult a doctor or purchase laxatives at the pharmacy. All of them are divided into three categories according to their action:

  • Osmotic - Karlovy Vary s alt, Lavakol, Poslabin. They are used in emergency cases for cleansing in case of poisoning or before medical procedures. Medicines interfere with water absorption, so stool softens and defecates.
  • Irritating - have an effect on the receptors of the colon, causing defecation: Senade, Bisacodyl, Regulax.
herbal laxative
herbal laxative

The action of drugs occurs in 6-8 hours. Use is recommended only for acute constipation.

Probiotics - restore the natural intestinal flora, act gently, the laxative effect of "Duphalac", "Lactobacterin" and "Linex" occurs on the third day. Used for chronic constipation and dysbacteriosis

It is allowed to use laxatives for no more than 10 days, otherwise they will become addictive and side effects will appear.

Intestinal cleansing by lavage

If the intestines are clogged and it is not possible to clean it with the above-mentioned means, you can resort to a very effective method - washing with water. Forthis is used:

  • An enema. The procedure is carried out using Esmarch's mug, the volume of which is two liters. Water is poured into it at a temperature of 25-30 degrees, after which it is suspended to the maximum height. The best position for manipulation is the knee-elbow position. The tip is inserted into the anus, after all the liquid has flowed out, it is necessary to roll over on your back, lean on your feet and raise your pelvis. Then lie down on your right side and on your back, then defecate. Instead of water, a solution with lemon juice or herbal infusions is sometimes used. Enema is given no more than three times a year.
  • Hydrocolonotherapy. The procedure is similar to the previous one, but more effective and is carried out in stationary conditions. With the help of a special device, the intestines are washed with a large amount of water (20–30 liters).

These methods are very effective, but have many contraindications. They are not used for intestinal diseases, kidney and heart failure, high blood pressure, while waiting for the baby and during menstruation. In addition, the intestines are cleansed not only of clogging and toxins, but also of beneficial microflora, which subsequently has to be restored.

Prevention measures

In order not to periodically ask the question: "If the intestines are clogged, how to clean?", You must constantly engage in prevention:

  • Be active.
  • Change the order of eating: eat at the same time in small portions, chew thoroughly, do not be distracted by reading books, talking and watchingTV shows, drink enough water.
  • Eat dinner two hours before bed, including fiber in meals.
  • The Mediterranean diet is considered exemplary and should be followed whenever possible.
  • Exclude fast food, smoked meats, fried, s alty, spicy, alcohol and smoking.
  • It is advisable to arrange weekly fasting days, include watermelons, apples, kefir in the diet.
outdoor walking
outdoor walking

To improve the general condition and intestinal motility, daily physical activity is necessary. Walking, Nordic walking, swimming, skiing, cycling are suitable for this. In addition, there is a special set of exercises to improve the digestion of food and promote it to be removed from the body.
