Extracts of medicinal plants are widely used in both folk and official medicine. Natural anti-inflammatory drugs are low toxic, have practically no contraindications, but at the same time they have a therapeutic effect and are combined with other methods of treatment. To date, almost 40% of pharmacological preparations are made on the basis of medicinal herbs. The share of herbal remedies compared to synthetic analogues is steadily growing.

The scope of many medicinal herbs is not limited to one group of diseases. As a rule, plants have a complex effect, and some forms are exclusively local. One of these broad-spectrum natural medicines is calendula, or marigold, for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.the flowers of the plant are used.
Healing properties of calendula
The healing properties of the plant are due to biologically active substances that are part of calendula:
- Carotenoids, which turn marigold flowers bright orange, are essential for the synthesis of vitamin A.
- Alcohols similar to cholesterol (sterols) lower blood levels of this fat-like substance.
- Anti-inflammatory triterpenoids help improve nerve transmission.
- Flavonides promote healing of injuries, relieve spasms of smooth muscles, eliminate or prevent neoplasms, stimulate the production of bile and urine in sufficient quantities.
- Essential oils that have antimicrobial effects inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms.
- Coumarins that enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of flavonoids and triterpenoids.

In addition, calcium, potassium, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, magnesium, iron and other minerals are found in the medicinal plant. In general, marigolds help strengthen the immune system, have antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
Medical uses of calendula
In medicine, calendula is used as part of complex therapy or as a prophylactic. Decoctions and tinctures of marigolds are taken orally for coughs, hypertension, neurosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver andgallbladder. Calendula tea is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestion. Externally, the infusion is used for rinsing the throat and mouth, treating skin lesions, douching.

The variety of dosage forms makes this plant almost universal. Not only decoctions directly from dried flowers are used, but also oils, ointments, candles. Calendula is used in gynecology and proctology, various emulsions are made from it.
Suppositories with marigolds in gynecology: topical application
Suppositories with calendula in gynecology are used as an anti-inflammatory agent that has a local effect. The main advantage of the dosage form is the safety for the female body and the speed of the suppositories. Due to the special base, which melts at the temperature of the human body, the patient's improvement is noted, as a rule, after the first application. For various ailments, candles with calendula are used. Instructions for use of a particular drug indicate indications more specifically, depending on the presence of additional components. Usually a doctor prescribes a medication for the following diseases:
- Vaginitis (colpitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which is accompanied by discomfort, itching and burning, secretions of a different nature, pain during urination. The disease has a viral or bacterial nature.
- Endometritis - inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, resulting from penetrationinfections from the urinary system, violations of the microflora of the vagina, after gynecological manipulations or childbirth. Endometritis is manifested by general weakness, fever, menstrual irregularities and uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.
- Endocervicitis is an inflammatory process localized in the cervical canal, which is often combined with vaginitis due to a common infectious occurrence. Signs of the disease are usually not pronounced.
- Salpingoophoritis is an inflammation of the uterine appendages that occurs due to the penetration of pathogens or the activity of opportunistic microorganisms. Also, the disease may be a consequence of inflammation of the appendix.

In addition to direct indications, vaginal suppositories (calendula and other medicinal plants) can be prescribed to normalize the microflora, with irritation or cracks, dryness or fungal diseases of the vagina.
Using calendula suppositories during pregnancy
Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication to the use of marigolds for irritations. Candles with calendula in gynecology can be prescribed by a doctor during the period of gestation (at any time) and breastfeeding according to indications. A medicinal plant is an effective remedy when most pharmacological drugs can have a negative effect on the baby.

In addition, during the bearing of a child, suppositories with calendula are prescribed for hemorrhoids. unpleasantthe problem often overtakes women in the later stages due to the constant pressure of the fetal head on the venous plexus, which disrupts blood circulation and contributes to the formation of nodes. Another important benefit is a significant reduction in soreness, which is noted by many women who use calendula suppositories for hemorrhoids.
Using calendula candles for menopause
Menopause in many women is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, including:
- vaginal dryness, itching and burning;
- irregular periods;
- insomnia and fatigue;
- hot flashes characterized by rising heat in the upper body;
- increased blood pressure;
- irritability and frequent mood swings.
Candles with calendula, the instructions for use of which, as a rule, describe the method of application for each specific case, are able to effectively cope with some conditions characteristic of menopause. Decoctions are used that relieve attacks of hypertension, and baths that facilitate the extinction of the reproductive functions of the female body. Homeopathic suppositories (calendula is their main component) or douching during menopause eliminate dryness and discomfort in the vagina.
How to use calendula candles
Even such a natural and safe remedy as calendula suppositories should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition and the appearance of concomitant symptoms that complicate the process of establishingaccurate diagnosis.

Suppositories, in which calendula is the active ingredient, other medicinal herbs or synthetic preparations are inserted into the vagina in a horizontal position. Before you should thoroughly wash your hands with warm water, and after the introduction, lie down for about half an hour. A daily pad will also come in handy, as some of the liquid from the suppository may leak out of the vagina even when inserted correctly.
Rectal suppositories with calendula during pregnancy or hemorrhoids caused by other causes are administered after a bowel movement, preferably at bedtime. The tip of the candle can be lubricated with a small amount of Vaseline, and then inserted in a horizontal position: you should lie on your side, one leg is fully extended, the other is bent to the stomach.
Reviews on the use of phytocandles with calendula
Rectal or vaginal suppositories (calendula), patient reviews of which are mostly positive, are fast acting. Many women notice a significant improvement in their condition after the first application. Naturalness, low cost, ease of use (often one candle per day is enough) and high efficiency of calendula-based medicines are appreciated by patients.

Main contraindications to the use of suppositories
Universal medicinal plant has only one contraindication for use - individual intolerance. Also undesirable is the combination of calendula and alcohol or other suppositories. With all the efficiency andlow toxicity rectal or vaginal suppositories (calendula, chamomile, sage, linden and others) require prior consultation with a doctor, adherence to the therapy regimen and dosage.