Reviews about "Immunoro Kedrion". Is it worth using?

Reviews about "Immunoro Kedrion". Is it worth using?
Reviews about "Immunoro Kedrion". Is it worth using?

The drug is a lyophilizate for making a solution for intramuscular injection, usually the powder is white or light yellow; thinner is a colorless transparent liquid. The prepared solution will be clear or light yellow in color.

Image"Immunoro Kedrion (300 mcg)"
Image"Immunoro Kedrion (300 mcg)"

Indications for use

Indications for "Immunoro Kedrion", reviews of which are mostly positive, are as follows:

  • Prevention of a negative Rh conflict in girls who are not sensitized to the Rho(D) antigen during the first pregnancy and the birth of an Rh-positive baby, if the blood matches the mother's ABO.
  • In case of artificial interruption, when the woman during pregnancy is Rh-negative, and her husband's blood is Rh-positive.
Rh factor negative
Rh factor negative


Contraindications to the drug looks like this:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of "Immunoro Kedrion".
  • Rhesus-negative pregnant women sensitized toantigen, in the blood serum of which Rh antibodies were detected.
  • Not suitable for newborns.
Image"Immunoro Kedrion": testimony
Image"Immunoro Kedrion": testimony

Use during pregnancy and lactation

"Immunoro Kedrion", reviews of which are positive, are used during pregnancy and within three days after childbirth. No cases of any harmful effects on the child during pregnancy or lactation have been recorded.

Image"Immunoro Kedrion": reviews
Image"Immunoro Kedrion": reviews

Side effects

Sometimes there is pain at the injection site, but this can be avoided. It is necessary to inject the drug in small volumes - less than 5 milliliters in several different sites.

Judging by the reviews, "Immunoro Kedrion" can cause the following side effects:

  • rarely - fever, dermatological reactions, shivering;
  • very rarely - dyspepsia (vomiting and nausea), lowering blood pressure, tachycardia, rash or other allergic reactions.
Image "Immunoro Kedrion": instructions for use
Image "Immunoro Kedrion": instructions for use

Dosage according to the instructions for use "Immunoro Kedrion"

2 hours before the injection, the ampoules with the drug should be at room temperature. The product in the opened bottle is not subject to storage, it must be disposed of. The drug must not be administered intravenously.

Intramuscularly, the medicine is prescribed (one-time): to a woman in labor - during the first two to three days afterlabor activity, with artificial termination of pregnancy - after the completion of the procedure.

The dose of the drug is prescribed individually by the doctor, since it all depends on how much blood of the unborn child was in the bloodstream of the pregnant woman. In 1 dose of "Immunoro Kedrion" (300 mcg) there is a sufficient number of antibodies to avoid sensitization to the Rh factor (if the volume of red blood cells that enter the bloodstream of the expectant mother is not higher than 15 ml).

Dose increase

When it is suspected that more RBCs have entered the bloodstream of a pregnant woman, a fetal RBC count should be performed using validated laboratory technology (e.g., converted Kleihauer and Betka acid wash-stain) to determine the required dose of the drug. The calculated volume of fetal red blood cells that enter the mother's bloodstream is divided by 15 (the calculation is carried out in ml) and the number of doses of the substance to be administered is obtained. If during the calculation of the dose a non-integer number is obtained, it is necessary to round the number of doses up (for example, when receiving a result of 1.4, 2 doses of the substance must be entered).

For prenatal prophylaxis, another dose of the drug should be administered, this should be done approximately at the 28th week of pregnancy. Next, it is imperative to introduce another one, it is advisable to do this for two to three days after childbirth, but only if the newborn baby turns out to be Rh-positive.

Afterspontaneous or induced abortion, getting rid of an ectopic pregnancy for more than three months, it is recommended to introduce a dose (300 mcg) of the substance (or more if there is a suspicion that more than 15 ml of fetal erythrocytes have entered the woman's bloodstream).

If the pregnancy was terminated before 13 weeks, it is recommended to administer a mini-dose (approximately 50 mcg) once. After performing an amniocentesis, or in the fourth or fifth month, or during the third trimester, or if the abdominal organs are injured during the second or third trimester, it is recommended to administer one full dose of the drug. If more than 15 ml of a child's red blood cells have entered the woman's blood, then the dose should be determined based on the calculation presented above.

In the event that organ damage, amniocentesis or any other unfortunate circumstance requires administration of the substance at 4 months' gestation, a second injection will be required at 6 months' gestation.

To ensure the safety of the expectant mother and baby throughout pregnancy, you should regularly do tests, check the number of Rh-positive red blood cells in the fetus.

If the baby was born Rh-positive, then the mother must be given "Immunoro Kedrion" within 2-3 days after birth.

If a woman gave birth within a month after the injection of the drug, then the "postpartum" dose is allowed not to be administered, but only if less than 15 ml of Rh-positive got into the mother's blooderythrocytes.

Judging by the reviews of Immunoro Kedrion, the drug helped many mothers not only endure pregnancy normally, but also maintain it. Therefore, you should not refuse this medicine if it is prescribed by a doctor, because the expected benefits for the mother and child are much higher than the possible risks.
