Effective treatment of stomatitis at home

Effective treatment of stomatitis at home
Effective treatment of stomatitis at home

Stomatitis sometimes accompanies measles, scarlet fever, blood diseases, dermatological diseases, beriberi. Also, this ailment can be caused by mechanical or chemical effects on the mucous membrane.

Treatment of stomatitis at home
Treatment of stomatitis at home

Thus, as a result of the ingress of acids or alkalis used in the household, stomatitis can easily appear. A similar reaction can be observed due to the intake of too hot or cold food, as well as spicy and sour. But the most common cause of stomatitis is a violation of oral hygiene. The result of this is infectious stomatitis of a bacterial nature, in which bacteria enter the microtrauma of the mucosa and cause inflammation. An equally common type is stomatitis caused by the activation of opportunistic microorganisms inhabiting the oral mucosa due to weakened immunity.

Treatment of stomatitis at home should be started as soon as symptoms are discovered: soreness and difficulty in eating, a decrease in the overall tone of the body. Children may develop a high temperature. Therefore, it is especially important to know what istreatment of stomatitis at home. This disease is easily recognizable by its characteristic symptoms: painful sores, aphthae on the mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips.

Signs of stomatitis
Signs of stomatitis

These are signs of stomatitis. If the disease is fungal in nature, a white coating forms on the mucous membrane.

Treatment of stomatitis at home is aimed primarily at relieving pain and inflammation. There are many folk recipes that, if performed regularly, will quickly get rid of this ailment. In order to get rid of stomatitis, you need to rinse your mouth very often. This must be done after meals, as well as during breaks. Ordinary clean hot water or hydrogen peroxide solution will do.

Treatment of stomatitis at home comes down to lubrication of the mucous membrane with decoctions, infusions. For example, aloe juice. You can just chew the leaves of this plant. If the disease is just beginning, then you need to use propolis tincture. First, the mouth must be rinsed with hydrogen peroxide and dried. Then, using a pipette, a 50% propolis tincture is instilled onto the mucous membrane, and the mouth is dried again until a film forms.

From stomatitis
From stomatitis

An equally effective remedy is garlic with yogurt. This mixture must be kept in the mouth, distributing it throughout the mucosa. The mouth will burn, but such a procedure will reliably relieve stomatitis within a few days. Another proven remedy is a slice of raw potato applied to the site of inflammation.

Carrot and cabbage are also recommended for rinsingjuices. You can infuse St. John's wort with 40% alcohol and rinse your mouth, diluting 40 drops in half a glass of water. You can also brew the flat-leaved eryngium in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with infusion. Chamomile infused in a glass of water and mixed with 4 mg of boric acid helps a lot. This recipe perfectly reduces inflammation and reduces the duration of treatment.

There are many more ways to treat stomatitis at home. But remember, if the disease does not go away, then you need to urgently consult a doctor! Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the nature of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.
