How to distinguish eczema from psoriasis in order to start effective treatment? This question is faced by people who have found strange scaly rashes on their skin. It is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to understand the features of these pathologies. But if you know the differences between eczema and psoriasis, it will be difficult to confuse them.
Features of psoriasis
What is this disease? Psoriasis is a skin pathology that manifests itself in the form of rashes of pink plaques with dense silvery scales. This disease is characterized by a chronic form of the course. Psoriasis is a severe type of dermatosis, during the period of exacerbation of which almost all internal organs and systems suffer.
If you do not deal with the treatment of this defect, over time, its symptoms will worsen, take on a more extensive form. For people suffering from psoriasis, even the onset of disability is not excluded, and in advanced cases even death.

This pathology can proceed in different ways. Depending on the variety, psoriasis can affect different parts of the body. Emerging papules can also have different sizes and shapes. In some cases, in addition to the skin, the disease affects the nails and even joints. It is because of its versatility that doctors decided to classify pathology.
There are two types of psoriasis:
- usual form and psoriatic erythroderma without pustules;
- large group of species suggestive of pustules.
Causes of psoriasis
What causes this disease? Further tactics of treatment depend on the answer to this question. The causes of psoriasis are:
- malfunctions of the immune system;
- genetic predisposition;
- disturbances in the activity of the endocrine system;
- pathological changes in metabolic processes.
The following factors can lead to such problems:
- various injuries;
- decrease in the protective properties of immunity as a result of diseases;
- unbalanced diet;
- stress, depression, emotional overstrain;
- dramatic climate change.
Although in fact this list is not exhaustive, because psoriasis is such an insidious disease that can appear even because of a common cold. At least this applies to people who already had pathological rashes.
Diagnostic features
What is the difference between psoriasis and eczema? This disease has several features that allow it to be differentiated.
- If the papule that appears on the skin is slightly scraped, it will begin to peel off strongly. itmeans that the dermis is covered with stearin stains.
- When the scales are removed, a smooth pink surface appears - this is how the upper shiny layer of the skin is exposed, it is also called the terminal film.
- If this pink surface is damaged, miniature blood stains will appear on it.

With aggressive exposure, injury and attempts to get rid of rashes mechanically, new papules appear. So don't do that kind of "treatment".
Causes of eczema
This is a pathology of the skin, which is characterized by the formation of inflammatory rashes on the integument. There is an acute and chronic form of eczema. The disease itself is prone to regular relapses. Patients always complain of severe burning and itching in the affected areas.
There are several varieties of eczema, which differ in the localization of foci of inflammation, the nature of the symptoms and the causes of occurrence. Most often, doctors associate the occurrence of this disease with such factors:
- hereditary predisposition;
- endocrine disorders;
- insufficient immune function;
- nervous strain;
- infectious and allergic pathologies.

Most often, damage and inflammation that appear on the skin are the response of the immune system to various stimuli.
Features of eczema
What is the difference between eczema and psoriasis? There are several stagesthe course of this disease, through which most patients with this diagnosis go through.
- Erythematous phase. Swelling, redness, and then severe itching appear on the skin - this is how the disease begins.
- Papulovesicular form. At this stage, clusters of blisters called vesicles appear on the skin.
- Wet phase. Papules rupture, small erosions appear without definite outlines, from which serous exudate oozes. As a result, the skin is constantly wet, and the itching intensifies.
- Cortical stage. Gradually, the exudate dries up, forming serous crusts.

Over time, the acute form of the disease flows into a chronic one, the skin becomes dense. The crusts begin to peel off, however, new vesicles and papules may appear on the integument.
Similarities of pathologies
Psoriasis and eczema are completely different diseases, but they still have some common features:
- both vices are chronic;
- cover skin;
- some locations overlap - both psoriasis and eczema often develop on the palms, scalp, feet and face;
- seborrheic type of eczema is characterized by severe flaking, similar to ordinary psoriasis;
- diseases appear for the same reasons.
Can eczema turn into psoriasis? These are completely different diseases that, although they appear for the same reasons, have different symptoms and nature of origin. So there is no way between eczema and psoriasisunrelated.
If the doctor doubts the correctness of the suspected disease, the patient is additionally prescribed examinations.
What is the difference between psoriasis and eczema
Contrary to popular belief, there are quite a lot of differences between these diseases, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the diagnosis. To determine the pathology, you need to know the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.
Doctors identify several features of eczema.
- When scraping off the crust on the papule, a bright red patch of skin appears.
- Eruption constant wet.
- The development of pathology is accompanied by severe burning and itching in the affected areas.
- Eczema occurs on softer, more sensitive areas of the skin - on the bends of the elbows and knees, on their insides, underarms.
- Scaly detachment is most often accompanied by inflammation and exudate release.
- Leshes are blurred.
- The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of blisters.
- If the pathology affects the hands, it feels like a fungus, but there is no thimble syndrome.

What is the difference between psoriasis and eczema? This disease also has a number of characteristic features that allow you to accurately determine the diagnosis.
- When the scales are scraped off, pink skin appears, on which small spots of blood appear.
- Psoriasis is usually localized on the rougher areas of the skin - directly on the knees and elbows.
- Scales on papules alwaysstay dry.
- Patients rarely complain of burning and itching at the initial stage of the disease.
- The first signs of psoriasis are tiny papules.
- Dead particles of neoplasms rise slightly above the covers.
- The main difference between psoriasis and eczema on the hands is inflammation of the nails with the occurrence of thimble-pit syndrome.
- The outlines of the affected areas almost always remain clear, as they are limited to a pink stripe.
Features of therapy
The causes and treatment of psoriasis and eczema are very similar. So, therapy for both diseases is aimed at:
- eliminate irritants and root causes;
- relieve emotional stress;
- allergic relief, especially for eczema.
But in all other respects, the methods of treating these diseases differ significantly.
How to treat eczema
Therapy for this pathology is aimed primarily at eliminating the pathogen, symptoms and inflammation.
How to treat eczema? During therapy, the patient is prescribed:
- hyposensitizing agents for the relief of signs of allergy;
- to reduce itching, antihistamines are used - "Fenistil", "Tavegil", "Diprazin";
- immune correctors - "Likopid", "Imudon", "Ribomunil";
- antibiotics to stop bacterial inflammation;
- antifungals fight againstfungal infections;
- B vitamins;
- diuretic drugs - Lasix, Trifas, Uregit;
- corticosteroids are used for severe forms of the disease.

Among other things, patients are allowed to use traditional recipes to alleviate their condition.
Psoriasis therapy
The treatment of this pathology requires the use of more sophisticated techniques. And all because a wide variety of forms and varieties needs individual complex therapy. In addition, if a patient has metabolic disorders, autoimmune failures and joint damage, he needs additional correction.
- To eliminate itching, inflammation and flaking, local preparations with tar and salicylic acid are used. By the way, ointments for psoriasis and eczema can be the same. The most commonly recommended drugs are: "Picladol", "Super Psori Cream", "Kerasal", "Gemozol".
- You can strengthen immunity with the help of vitamin complexes.
- The patient must be prescribed antihistamines - Peritol, Diazolin, Suprastin.
- The uncontrolled growth of epithelial cells can be stopped with the help of retinoids and cytostatics.
- Non-steroid drugs help reduce inflammation.
- Steroid drugs have anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects, are necessary to stabilize metabolic processes andrelief of inflammation.
- If a patient has a psoriatic form of arthritis, he is additionally prescribed chondoprotectors.
- After the acute stage is removed, the patient is recommended to take physiotherapy measures.

Among other things, both psoriasis and eczema require adherence to a number of rules during treatment:
- power control;
- avoiding stressful situations;
- keep up the good mood.
These conditions also play an important role in curbing the progress of skin diseases.
Alternative Medicine
It's worth saying right away that folk remedies are not able to completely rid you of problems such as eczema and psoriasis. Alternative medicine can only help you eliminate some of the unpleasant symptoms and external manifestations of these diseases. By the way, many of them effectively fight not only eczema and psoriasis, but also other types of dermatitis. Just remember that you can’t dwell on traditional medicine alone - therapy should be comprehensive. This is the only way to get rid of eczema and psoriasis.
Folk remedies can greatly alleviate the patient's condition and bring good results, especially when combined with traditional methods.
- Collection of herbs for dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It should include nightshade and nettle leaves, soapwort and valerian roots, violet flowers and mint. All ingredients should be taken in equal proportions. Pour the collection with three glasses of hot water and boil under the lid. Boil the remedy on low heat for 5 minutes. The strained broth should be taken hot, half a cup 3-4 times a day.
- There is another, no less effective collection of herbs from skin pathologies. It consists of immortelle, succession, rose hips, chicory roots and hawthorn berries. The decoction should be prepared in exactly the same way, and it should be taken half a cup 2-3 times a day.
- For eczema and pathologies, you can use compresses with fermented baked milk and orange peels. It is advisable to leave them all night.
But even if you know the difference between eczema and psoriasis, you should not self-medicate - entrust this matter to a specialist. He will not only determine the exact diagnosis, but also select the optimal therapy tactics.