Among the many drugs that stimulate skin regeneration, Eplan stands out noticeably. The tool has several forms of release, among which there is a liquid solution. It has an affordable cost, and the versatility of use makes the drug indispensable in a home first aid kit. But in order for the action of the remedy to be effective and safe, you should read the instructions for using the Eplan solution.
Medication description

"Eplan" (solution 20 ml) is available in dark dropper bottles, hermetically sealed, with a dispenser cap, which simplifies use. A colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. The tool is sold in a cardboard box with the name of the tool, release date and expiration date. In addition, the kit includes an annotation with recommendations for use.
The active ingredient is glycolan, its concentration in the solution is 8.5%. Asadditions the following substances are present: triethylene glycol, glycerin, ethyl carbitol, water. This composition of the Eplan solution contributes to the uniform distribution of glycolan and enhances the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.
Pharmacological action
Solution "Eplan" is a fast-acting dermatotropic agent for protecting and restoring damaged skin. It combines the following properties:
- bactericidal;
- anti-inflammatory;
- regenerating;
- wound healing;
- painkiller.
The product is intended for external use only. Eplan solution is effective at all stages of wound healing, as it has a protective, moisturizing, softening effect.

The main properties of the drug:
- inhibits the development of bacteria and microbes;
- prevents pathogens from entering an open wound;
- prevents purulent lesions;
- relieves pain;
- eliminates itching;
- prevents the appearance of a dry scab on the wound;
- reduces puffiness, redness;
- limits further death of epidermal cells;
- activates the regeneration process;
- promotes rapid healing;
- Protects against exposure to toxic and chemical substances.
According to the reviews and instructions, the Eplan solution can also be used as a "biological gloves". The duration of the antibacterial action is 4 hours.helps to destroy vegetative forms of microorganisms, is a preventive measure against household infections and skin pathologies in contact with objects of common use in transport and everyday life.
Balanced formula ensures quick absorption of the solution. "Eplan" is intended for all age categories of people. In this case, long-term use of the drug is permissible, since the active component of the drug is not able to accumulate in the body.
Residues and waste products are metabolized in the liver and the remains are excreted in the urine.
Indications and contraindications for use

The use of the Eplan solution, according to the instructions, is possible with negative changes in the upper layer of the skin and in case of lesions of various properties.
Main readings:
- pimples, boils;
- eczema;
- psoriasis;
- dermatitis of various etiologies;
- abrasions, cuts, cracks;
- chemical, thermal, sunburn;
- insect bites;
- trophic ulcers;
- acne vulgaris;
- bedsores;
- herpes;
- frostbite.
The drug is also recommended as a prophylactic against the unpleasant smell of sweat.
Means has only one contraindication - individual intolerance, at least one of the components included in its composition. In addition, there are no restrictions on the use of the tool.
Instructions for useEplan solution

Using a liquid solution does not cause any difficulties. But before applying the product to the skin, you should rinse it from dirt, and then dry it. After that, the wound should be abundantly moistened with a solution, applying it directly to the skin from a bottle or with a cotton swab.
Adults are advised to use the medicine 1-3 times a day. And with a large area of skin lesions, the frequency of application per day can be increased up to 5 times. More accurate information is provided by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. If long-term use is necessary, the course of therapy is 3-6 weeks, after which you should take a break for 14 days, and then resume treatment.
Children apply the product 1-2 times a day. But since the skin of the child is more sensitive, then when using the product, you should control the reaction of the body. Treatment should be discontinued if rash or irritation occurs.

Recommendations for use, depending on the nature of the lesion:
- First aid for burns and frostbite. Apply the drug regularly. Repeat the procedure as it absorbs and dries. Apply the Eplan solution until the damaged area is completely restored.
- With a large area of damage. Apply a gauze swab to the wound, abundantly moistened with the agent. Overlay a fixing bandage or patch. Further use of the treatment solution is discussed with the doctor.
- Treatmentdermatitis, eczema, fungal and viral infections. Treatment is carried out according to the general principle. Cleaned wounds should be abundantly moistened with a solution of 1 to 3 times a day. There is no need to apply a bandage over it. Therapy is carried out until complete healing.
- Treatment of acne, blackheads, ulcers. When these skin manifestations appear, as well as as a preventive measure, it is recommended to lubricate problem areas daily. The procedure should be carried out on cleansed skin daily in the evening before going to bed.
- When cracks and various injuries of the feet appear. The solution is recommended to be used daily in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Apply the product should be on pre-washed and dried skin. On the treated feet, you can wear socks, shoes, but after the product dries.
- As a preventive measure against exposure to low temperatures and wind. Treatment of exposed areas of the skin should be carried out for 20 minutes. before going outside. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated upon returning home. Apply the product regularly for a dangerous period of time.
- Chemical protection for professional use. The solution should be applied to areas of the skin that potentially fall into the area of influence, should be 20 minutes before. to direct contact. Use medication as needed.
- Hygienic and antiseptic hand treatment. To achieve complete sterility, it is recommended to wet hands after washing. If there is no opportunity to wash your hands, then the solution is applied liberally. This eliminates the possibilitytransmission of infection. The effective effect lasts 4 hours. Processing should be done every 3 hours.
- Moisturizing, softening and cleansing the skin. To carry out a cosmetic procedure, the skin of the face should be treated in the same manner as with the usual lotion. Regular use of the Eplan solution cleanses the pores, provides complete hydration, smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft and elastic. To carry out a cleansing procedure, it is recommended to dilute the preparation with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, and then moisten a cotton pad in the resulting mixture and wipe the face.
- Prevention of bad breath. To do this, it is recommended to regularly wipe the problem areas - the feet and skin folds. It is recommended to wear clothes and shoes after the solution has been completely absorbed.
Eplan solution for babies
Skin rashes in newborns are not uncommon. According to the instructions, the Eplan solution has no age restrictions on use. Therefore, pediatricians recommend using the drug in the treatment of skin pathologies in infants. The dosage and duration of use is determined by the specialist, based on the form and severity of the lesion.
The use of "Eplan" in newborns gives the following results:
- relieves pain;
- eliminates puffiness;
- creates bactericidal protection;
- promotes rapid recovery of the damaged area of the epidermis;
- relieves itching;
- prevents dry crusts.
Use during pregnancy and lactation

The active ingredient of the drug is not able to overcome the placental barrier, so its use during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus. But its use during this period requires caution, which excludes any self-treatment. Use "Eplan" the period of gestation should only be recommended by a gynecologist.
There are also no objective reasons for interrupting treatment with Eplan during lactation. But with regular use of the product, you should pay attention to any skin changes in the child and mother. If alarming symptoms appear, treatment should be stopped and reported to the doctor.
Why can Eplan help?
Despite the versatility of the Eplan solution, in some cases it is completely useless. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance when you should not use this tool:
- Papillomas and warts. The drug is not able to eliminate these skin defects, it only helps to soften the growths, as it attracts moisture. This feature helps to enhance the healing properties of the main means of therapy. Also, the Eplan solution can be used as a healing agent after surgical removal of papilloma and warts.
- Bruises. "Eplan" is not used to treat hematomas. This is due to the fact that it is not able to improve blood microcirculation, metabolism in the damaged area. In addition, this drug has the ability to thin the blood, so if the solution is applied to a bruise, then the arealesions and the severity of hemorrhage will only increase.
- Acute form of chicken pox. In the active phase of the development of the disease, it is forbidden to use Eplan. This is due to the alcohol content in its composition. You can use the drug for chickenpox at the stage of attenuation of ulcers, which will speed up recovery and prevent the appearance of scars.
Special Instructions
Eplan solution can be used for long-term therapy, as the active ingredient does not accumulate in the body. In addition, the product is perfectly combined with other drugs without affecting their action.
Apply the healing fluid to the affected areas as it is absorbed into the skin.
Side effects
Studies have shown that the likelihood of side effects when using this tool is minimal. But according to the annotation attached to the drug, after application, the following negative changes may appear on the skin:
- redness;
- flaking;
- rash.
Reviews and opinions

Numerous positive reviews about the Eplane solution confirm its effectiveness and versatility. At the same time, opinions converge both among consumers and doctors. And the affordable cost of the product (from 116 rubles) only increases its popularity.
Judging by the reviews, the Eplan solution for acne is an indispensable drug that not only effectively copes with these skin defects, but also prevents themappearance.
The balanced composition of "Eplan" allows you to see a positive result of therapy after just a few applications. And the absence of contraindications makes it popular among all age categories.