Alternative medicine 2024, October

Diadynamic currents in physiotherapy

Diadynamic currents in physiotherapy

Diadynamic currents are considered one of the most effective methods of treatment. They are successfully used for pain relief, relaxation, restoration of elasticity and functionality of muscles. After reading today's article, you will find out who is shown and how this procedure is carried out

Celandine in folk medicine: a universal remedy

Celandine in folk medicine: a universal remedy

As soon as people do not call celandine: warthog, seer, jaundice, chistuha, dog soap and even witch grass. The plant has unique properties: it is used to treat about 250 skin diseases, eliminate problems with the liver and biliary tract, it is used to treat cancer

Zalmanov's baths: description and photo

Zalmanov's baths: description and photo

Zalmanov's baths based on turpentine are currently gaining more and more popularity. This is a special type of capillary therapy, which gives amazing results. Helps to get rid of many diseases and cellulite. Contribute to the acquisition of harmony. Effective during colds. Charge the body with strength and energy. Transform the condition of the skin, making it smoother, more beautiful and more elastic

What is Irish moss and how is it useful? Characteristics and properties of a unique plant

What is Irish moss and how is it useful? Characteristics and properties of a unique plant

Irish moss, or as it is also called “carrageenan”, is an amazing plant that has long been used in medicine as an antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. In China, it has been used in medicine for over a thousand years. It can be purchased at regular pharmacies or grown on your own. It is described in detail in the article

Potentilla goose: medicinal properties and contraindications

Potentilla goose: medicinal properties and contraindications

Today we will consider one of the traditional medicine, which is also used in medical practice. Its name is quite funny - goose cinquefoil. The paw in the sense of "hand" has nothing to do with it, except that it is reminiscent of the forms of roots and processes. The article will describe in detail its properties and application in the treatment of diseases

Products against cancer will help reduce the risk of disease. What Foods Can Help Avoid Cancer?

Products against cancer will help reduce the risk of disease. What Foods Can Help Avoid Cancer?

Cancer is a serious and severe disease that is difficult to treat even with the use of all modern technologies and drugs. At the same time, everyone is at risk without exception. If you want to reduce the likelihood of this disease appearing in your own medical record, look at anti-cancer products, it is advisable to include them in your diet throughout your life in order to stay he althy and active into old age

Dandelion root for oncology: how to use and treat cancer

Dandelion root for oncology: how to use and treat cancer

Medicinal plants are becoming more and more popular every day, as scientists manage to discover more and more of their beneficial properties. Dandelion root is in great demand for oncology. In this article, we will look at its beneficial properties, as well as recipes on how to use it correctly. You can read all this information further

Aloe in folk medicine. Aloe juice - reviews, recipes, properties

Aloe in folk medicine. Aloe juice - reviews, recipes, properties

Since ancient times, people have used aloe in folk medicine. And today this medicinal plant is popular. The healing properties of aloe are recognized by official medicine

Chamomile officinalis and its properties

Chamomile officinalis and its properties

Chamomile officinalis is a herbaceous annual plant with a branched stem and double pinnately divided leaves with narrow linear lobes. The flowers are collected in medium-sized baskets, the petals consist of reed white marginal and median tubular yellow petals

Onion from the common cold: recipe. Onion juice. Medicinal properties of onion

Onion from the common cold: recipe. Onion juice. Medicinal properties of onion

Rhinitis is primarily an inflammatory process. Onion treatment is aimed at its elimination. Onions can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. Therefore, as soon as nasal discharge begins, you do not need to run to the pharmacy to buy medicines with a bunch of side effects

What is the use of cudweed marshmallow?

What is the use of cudweed marshmallow?

Phytotherapy is the oldest and youngest science, returning us to the origins and roots. She is gaining more and more popularity. Today we will talk about herbal treatment, in particular, the subject of consideration will be cudweed

Sweet clover (herb): medicinal properties, application, indications

Sweet clover (herb): medicinal properties, application, indications

On the territory of our vast country, you can notice thickets of a field plant with yellow flowers. Many do not even realize that this nondescript weed called sweet clover (grass) is a very useful medicinal plant

How is s alt water used for he alth?

How is s alt water used for he alth?

Slags and toxins accumulate in the human body for many decades. Such waste can cause intoxication, which will eventually lead to the development of various diseases

Ginger tincture: an old Tibetan recipe, reviews

Ginger tincture: an old Tibetan recipe, reviews

One of the popular he alth drinks is ginger tincture. It is used to treat colds, to relieve spasms of smooth muscles, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a means of promoting weight loss

Rinse with s alt: purpose and application features

Rinse with s alt: purpose and application features

S alt is a vital food for humans. Lack or excess of this substance in the body can greatly harm he alth. Quite often, to eliminate various diseases, they resort to rinsing with s alt

Manchurian Aralia: instructions for use, price, reviews

Manchurian Aralia: instructions for use, price, reviews

Manchurian Aralia, whose use in classical medicine began relatively recently, grows in the northeastern regions of China, the Far East, and northern Japan. In the people it is called "thorn-tree" or "devil's tree"

Harm and he alth benefits of raspberries

Harm and he alth benefits of raspberries

Probably, there are no people who in childhood would not be fed raspberry jam for a cold. After all, this is a wonderful tool that knocks down high temperatures. And unlike many medical drugs, it tastes very good. It is noteworthy that the harm and benefits of raspberries are shown not only through the fruits, but also through the leaves

Useful properties of cranberries, contraindications for use

Useful properties of cranberries, contraindications for use

Cranberry is a medicinal berry, indispensable for the human body. Red fruits are successfully used in the fight against many ailments. Useful properties and contraindications of cranberries for women, men and children, we will consider in the article

Linden flowers: medicinal properties and uses

Linden flowers: medicinal properties and uses

Linden flowers have been famous for their healing properties for centuries. They allow you to cope with a runny nose and sore throat. Linden blossom tea should be drunk when the first symptoms of a cold appear. In addition to the treatment of colds, plant raw materials of the tree are used for skin care

Dandelion tea: recipe, useful properties, method of application

Dandelion tea: recipe, useful properties, method of application

Dandelion is familiar to everyone since childhood. But the fact that this is a useful plant and you can make a tasty and healing drink from it is a novelty for many. This article will be useful to those who decide to make dandelion tea for the first time

Fasting is curative. The Miracles of Fasting. Therapeutic fasting at home

Fasting is curative. The Miracles of Fasting. Therapeutic fasting at home

Today we will tell you about what fasting (healing) is, why it is necessary and how to adhere to it. In addition, you will learn how to properly prepare for such a procedure, whether it can be done at home and how to get out of this state

Tea tree oil and its unique properties

Tea tree oil and its unique properties

Having many medicinal properties, tea tree oil is increasingly used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. This natural antiseptic destroys infections, strengthens the body's defenses and regenerates damaged cells

Cocklebur: medicinal properties and contraindications, application

Cocklebur: medicinal properties and contraindications, application

Cocklebur: medicinal properties and contraindications. This plant is known for its characteristics, thanks to which it is actively used in medicine

Protium water: benefits, preparation, use

Protium water: benefits, preparation, use

Water is vital for all life. Every cell in our body needs it. What kind of water do we really need? The tale of living and dead water is not quite a tale. From this article you will learn how to prepare your own "living" water

"Female Doctor" - ortilia lopsided

"Female Doctor" - ortilia lopsided

Recently, the once-forgotten herb medicinal ortilia lopsided, better known as the upland uterus, began to emerge from oblivion and become increasingly popular in folk medicine. I must say that this is an old, time-tested remedy

When is a herbal diuretic used? Herbs: Purpose and Application

When is a herbal diuretic used? Herbs: Purpose and Application

Diuretics are of chemical and natural origin. In folk and traditional medicine, in the treatment of certain diseases, a diuretic may be prescribed. Herbs are the most common choice of patients. What are they used for? They relieve swelling and prevent their occurrence. This happens because plants of such action affect the water and s alt metabolism in the human body. In case of poisoning, a diuretic is used to rid the patient of toxins and poisons

Editing the abdomen: description of the procedure and reviews

Editing the abdomen: description of the procedure and reviews

The belly is the most important place in the human body. In this area are the internal organs, blood vessels and nerve endings. Most diseases are somehow related to the abdominal area, as our wise ancestors knew about

Meadowsweet, meadowsweet, or whitehead: medicinal properties and contraindications. When to collect, how to take

Meadowsweet, meadowsweet, or whitehead: medicinal properties and contraindications. When to collect, how to take

Meadowsweet meadowsweet, also known as meadowsweet, or whitehead, is a perennial plant with unique medicinal properties that people have long known about. This plant is widely distributed in the CIS

What is the substitute for alcohol during stress or at a holiday?

What is the substitute for alcohol during stress or at a holiday?

Alcohol creates a lot of problems for everyone who deals with it. Many lives have been derailed by this insidious substance, many families have been destroyed. However, no negative examples can make an alcoholic give up his favorite poison

Grass gout: useful properties and uses of the plant

Grass gout: useful properties and uses of the plant

This plant is found in our country in almost any territory. A weed, a medicinal crop and a culinary additive - all these definitions have been absorbed by the herb gout. Its beneficial properties are unknown to gardeners, so they are fighting to destroy the plant in garden plots. It also has other names: heart, dedelnik, snytki, yaglitsa. Many do not even know what the grass looks like. This is an inconspicuous and unpretentious plant that can be seen by the road, in the country, in the forest, in the city

Meadowsweet: the use and beneficial properties of the plant

Meadowsweet: the use and beneficial properties of the plant

This is a perennial plant from the Rosaceae family. It has an upright stem, reaching a length of up to 1 m and yellow-white fragrant flowers. Meadowsweet grows in meadows in humid places, in ravines, edges and on the banks of rivers. The use of the plant: traditional medicine, cosmetology, cooking. In another way, the culture is called meadowsweet, borage, lungwort, whitehead

Healing properties of lilac flowers: use in medicine and contraindications

Healing properties of lilac flowers: use in medicine and contraindications

Every one of us is familiar with lilac bushes. In our country, they indicate the arrival of the warm season, as the plant turns green early. Since May, the culture is covered with beautiful and fragrant flowers of white and purple flowers. Pleasant and juicy greenery persists until late autumn. The shrub is most resistant to frost than other plants, less sensitive to air pollution. The medicinal properties of lilac flowers are used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases

Lungwort officinalis: useful properties and uses

Lungwort officinalis: useful properties and uses

Lungwort officinalis blooms from April to May. Favorable habitats are forest clearings, clearings, areas under shrubs

Burdock: useful properties and contraindications of the plant

Burdock: useful properties and contraindications of the plant

This is a perennial culture that is used for medical, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Belongs to the Astrov family and has other names: burdock and dog man. This is a strong and powerful plant that blooms with purple spiky flowers in summer. The leaves of burdock are pale green in color and heart-shaped. The plant has long roots of black and green-brown shades

How to increase the content of leukocytes in the blood

How to increase the content of leukocytes in the blood

A normal white blood cell count is an indicator of good he alth. Their number should be in the range from 4000 to 10000 ml. Test results may show an increase or decrease in these white blood cells. Before you figure out why this happens, you should find out what leukocytes are

Flax seed: contraindications, useful qualities and uses

Flax seed: contraindications, useful qualities and uses

Traditional medicine has long used flax seed to treat various diseases. This remedy gained popularity due to the set of useful substances that it contains

Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications and use. Useful properties of the plant

Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications and use. Useful properties of the plant

Traditional medicine has firmly entered our lives. A separate niche is occupied by the therapy of diseases with herbs. One of the commonly used plants with a set of healing qualities is marsh cinquefoil. Contraindications to the use of this medication exist, but they are minor. In another way, the plant is called dekop, or "Russian ginseng"

Chamomile: useful properties and contraindications. Scope of the plant

Chamomile: useful properties and contraindications. Scope of the plant

Chamomile is an annual plant with small, pleasant-smelling flowers. It has a straight stem up to 50 cm in length. The plant tastes pungent and bitter. Chamomile blooms from May to the end of summer. A photo of the culture can be found in the reference book of medicinal plants. This is an unpretentious plant, and you can find it everywhere: in meadows, fields, pastures

Ayurveda - what is it? Traditional system of Indian medicine

Ayurveda - what is it? Traditional system of Indian medicine

Among the many medical systems, one of the most popular in the last decade has become the Indian Vedic teaching. We have become accustomed to the word "Ayurveda". What it is? Can each person follow the principles of this system in order to live a long life?

Evminov board do it yourself - detailed description and drawing

Evminov board do it yourself - detailed description and drawing

Evminov's spine board only at first glance seems ordinary. In fact, it is a unique and effective tool not only to restore the he alth of the back, but also to prevent the development of many diseases