Today we will tell you about what fasting (healing) is, why it is necessary and how to adhere to it. In addition, you will learn how to properly prepare for such a procedure, whether it can be done at home and how to get out of this state.

What is fasting?
Therapeutic fasting is a very powerful spiritual practice that has come to us from time immemorial. There is not a single religion that does not use a complete rejection of food for the purpose of self-purification.
Fasting gives people strength and he alth. After all, this is an innate instinct that is bestowed on us by nature. Voluntary refusal to eat leads a person to amazing changes in his body.
Fasting (medical) helps well with diseases of the heart, spine, allergies, bronchial asthma, skin diseases and joint ailments, with duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers, obesity, benign tumors, the initial stages of diabetes, and so on. It should also be noted that the complete cessation of food intake is noticeableimproves a person's mental he alth.
What do you need?
Having heard about therapeutic fasting for the first time, people very often think about why, with the current development of medicine and science, it is necessary to refuse food? There are a lot of reasons for a modern person to use this method of treatment. We eat a lot, move little, use foods that are saturated with pesticides, preservatives and various additives, drink poor-quality water, breathe polluted air and suffer from stress. All these factors regularly reduce our quality of life and worsen our he alth.
Problems of mankind
Fast treatment allows you to do what modern medicine is unable to do. By the way, it is the regular intake of pills that further worsens the condition of an already unhe althy person. Believing in the omnipotence of medicine, modern people began to completely shift the care of their bodies to numerous doctors. As a result, a paradoxical situation develops: we drink, smoke, eat and move little, and then we go to the doctor and try to solve our problems with expensive pills. Of course, nothing good ever comes of it. After all, a medicine is just a chemical substance that cannot do anything in our body. But starvation (therapeutic), on the contrary, without material costs can quite effectively contribute to the fight against a variety of harmful factors. How to do it right?

What can I eat?
Therapeutic fasting at homeconditions are especially popular with those who have abandoned the services of modern medicine and decided to take their he alth into their own hands.
What can you eat during this cleansing? This strange question is often asked by many people who are starting to fast for the first time. In fact, it is quite difficult for a person to get used to the idea that his body can do without food for a long time.
The main rule of fasting is the complete absence of food. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use juices, coffee, tea, sucking sweets, and even more so use chewing gum. Only in the complete absence of food can a person switch to internal nutrition. Having used up its own fats, the body will provide itself with everything it needs. If you keep even the slightest intake of food, then this transition will not happen, and the person will begin to suffer from exhaustion.
Can I take pills?
The use of drugs during the complete refusal of food is strictly regulated. Those who constantly use pills for heart ailments and drugs that reduce blood pressure, as well as hormones, insulin, etc., should definitely contact a doctor who can send the patient to the Fasting Therapy Center, where he will be under the strict supervision of highly qualified specialists.

Can I drink water?
Returning to the question of what you can eat during fasting, it should be noted that during such a fast it is allowed to drink only spring, melt, boiled, distilled or well water. And it must be clean. The amount of liquid that can be consumed at this time is strictly individual. For those who first begin to fast, it is better to drink more water. After all, this will help to avoid intoxication and make it easier to transfer the whole process.
Fasting at home
Today there are a lot of medical institutions that specialize in this technique. For example, the Maikop fasting clinic annually receives hundreds of people who have decided to take care of their own he alth and cleanse the body of all existing sores. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to apply to such a center. That is why therapeutic fasting at home is so popular.
You don't need to be an expert in this field to stop eating on your own. After all, this requires only the presence of common sense and your great desire. And before using this technique, you should definitely familiarize yourself with some principles of fasting. Consider them in more detail.

Four rules of fasting
Any fasting clinic adheres to strict rules for getting a person into and out of this process. Those who decide to self-medicate at home should adhere to the same principles.
Firstly, you should familiarize yourself with the very essence of the presented method. To do this, you can purchase books by such famous authors as G. Shelton, P. Breg and Y. Nikolaev. Therapeutic fasting for them is not just a physical cleansing ofslags and fats, but a spiritual practice that visibly brightens the mind.
Besides this, you can learn how other people refuse food. To do this, you can find like-minded people on various sites, forums, etc.
Secondly, when fasting at home, you should not refuse food for a long time. At the initial stage, it is recommended to use this technique for 1-3 days. Fasting for a period of 7-10 days is allowed after several shorter food refusals. Fasting for a period of 14 to 21 days is recommended only after the successful completion of several previous methods, as well as in the absence of contraindications. In this case, it is desirable that the patient be under the strict supervision of a specialist or an experienced starving person.
Third, be sure to be careful. Despite the fact that fasting is a completely safe method of healing and treatment, some complications are still possible when using it. If in the process of such a procedure you encounter unforeseen situations, then it should be stopped.
Fourthly, in the presence of serious illnesses, regular intake of hormonal drugs, insulin, etc., fasting is allowed only under the strict supervision of a highly qualified specialist and only in the appropriate clinic.
Proper preparation for the first fast

Miracles of fasting! This is how those people who have completely passed this technique and have noticeably improved their body assess their condition. If you decide to self-medicate, then to facilitate the procedure, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules.
- Cleansing procedures. Before moving on to fasting, you should cleanse your intestines. To do this, you can use the usual enemas. By cleansing yourself, you will not only ease your own well-being, but also help your body quickly and easily switch to internal nutrition, reduce hunger and intoxication.
- Compliance with a dairy-vegetarian diet. Exactly seven days before the scheduled date, fatty, meat and heavy foods, as well as various spices and seasonings, alcohol, etc. should be abandoned.
- Choose the right time. The best period for self-purification is the end of July, August or the beginning of September. After all, it is at this time of the year that it is warm enough, there is a huge amount of vegetables and fruits, and there is also the opportunity to walk in the fresh air.
Difficulties during complete refusal of food
“The Miracles of Fasting” is the most accurate description of the condition that is observed in a person who has undergone a 3-, 7-, 14- or 21-day technique. However, such an effect can be observed only after fasting and its proper observance. After all, in the process of fasting, a person faces a lot of unpleasant problems and difficulties.
According to those who are not the first time using this technique for self-purification, this is a rather complicated method of treatment. After all, not every person can withstand the test of hunger.
People using this technique usually experience the same sensations as during an exacerbationany disease. In the first 2-3 days there is a huge discomfort. This is a feeling of hunger, and discomfort in the stomach, and regular headaches, and a deterioration in mood, and dizziness, and so on. It's especially hard for beginners. However, after 3-5 days the body completely switches to internal nutrition, and the state of he alth noticeably improves. So, some people may feel a sharp surge of vivacity. Although even with this, the movements and speech of the starving person remain slow. In addition, a person's gait or perception of time may change.
According to experienced starving people, at such a time their body begins to work in an economical mode. And the longer the fast lasts, the stricter it is about energy costs.
Thus, if you decide to use this technique to improve your body, you should be prepared for such difficulties and sensations.

Problems when coming out of fasting
What is the difference between home and inpatient therapeutic fasting? A sanatorium or clinic that uses these techniques is good because the patient is under strict control and supervision of specialists. After all, when leaving this state, there are also a lot of unpleasant moments. So, after 5-7 days of complete refusal of food, the human body is already completely switched to internal nutrition, and therefore the products taken may not be immediately absorbed and processed. In this regard, experts recommend that those who are starving at home start eating food in small portions, chew wellsolid foods and dilute concentrated drinks. If you neglect these tips, then you are guaranteed indigestion. It should also be noted that with long periods of fasting, a sharp and voluminous consumption of food can be dangerous to human life.
Experienced starving people claim that the exit from cleansing should last the same period as the technique itself.
Recovery period
Having completed the process of starvation, the human body does not immediately return to its original state. So, within 1-2 months, various changes can occur in it. It is this time that you need to be extremely careful and not violate the rules of nutrition, slipping into the usual gluttony. Indeed, otherwise, the useful thing that starvation gave a person can simply be lost. In this regard, it is recommended to make some efforts for self-control.
Weight loss by fasting
During fasting, the human body completely switches to reserve nutrition, the basis of which is its fat deposits. For a normal existence during the day, with a complete rejection of food, 300-400 grams of fat is enough for a person. When so many accumulations are broken down, glucose is formed, which is the basis of the body's vital activity.
Let's look at the approximate values of how a person's weight will decrease during water starvation:
- from 1 to 7 days - about 1 kg per day;
- from 7 to 10 days - approximately 500 grams per day;
- from the 10th day and the entire subsequent period - about 300-350 grams per day.

Starting the process of fasting, a person must clearly understand that this is not a simple entertainment procedure, but a very complex, difficult, and sometimes even unpleasant task, for which one should prepare in advance (both physically and mentally).
Despite all the difficulties that await the starving on such a path, this is a very worthwhile thing. If you are not afraid of difficult tasks and you have great willpower, then you can safely start fasting. After all, it is this technique that allows you to restore youth, beauty and he alth. The main thing to remember in the process of fasting is that all the good things in life only happen when people put their best effort into it.