This amazing plant is used for a wide variety of ailments. Celandine in folk medicine is used for skin diseases, liver disorders, flu, gout and rheumatism. It has the ability to slow down the division of cancer cells, so it is widely used to treat oncology of the skin and internal organs. Like other popular medicinal herbs, celandine has many names.
As people call celandine
The scientific name of the plant is great celandine. Its most popular name - celandine, chistoplot - the grass acquired from the ability to treat skin diseases: rash, scrofula, lichen, acne and pimples, eczema and even skin tuberculosis.

For the ability to get rid of warts, the plant is sometimes called a warthog, and for helping with unexplained disorders in the liver - jaundice. Another name - yellow milk or red milk - celandine in folk medicine received because of the characteristic milky juice of a dark orange or orange-red color. OurFor ancestors, the juice of the plant was replaced by iodine, it was used to lubricate wounds, disinfect dishes for milk and fumigate livestock from the case. Its use in some eye diseases explains the name "seer".
Other plant names - yellow grass, chistukha, cow grass, golden grass, bloodthorn, dog soap, witch grass, yellow spurge, swallow grass. By the way, the Latin name of celandine (Chelidonium majus L.) is translated as "swallow". The plant blooms precisely during the arrival of the first swallows, and withers and dries up during their departure.
Plant characteristics
Celandine is a perennial. It is a herbaceous plant with bright yellow or orange milky sap. Belongs to the poppy family. The leaves are alternate, pinnatipartite, with large set aside pairs of leaflets. From above they are painted green, and from below the surface is bluish. Quite large, 15-20 cm long, 5-10 cm wide. Flowers on long stalks, bright, yellow. They have four rounded petals and many stamens. The fruits are thin pod-shaped boxes with two valves, their length is about 5 cm. The seeds are arranged in two rows. They are dark in color and egg-shaped.

Plant height from 30 to 100 cm. Stem erect, hollow, covered with small hairs, moderately branched.
The range of weed covers almost the entire European part of the former Soviet Union, Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Celandine prefers lands rich in humus. Widely distributed in the forest zone, grows in abundance in gardens,shrubs and ravines, near houses. In the steppe zone, he settled on the slopes and along the banks of the rivers.
Celandine blooms at the end of May and blooms until September. The fruits ripen from July to September. For medicinal purposes, the whole plant is used: stems, flowers, leaves, celandine juice and roots. The roots of celandine are taprooted, branched, with a short rhizome. They are brown-red on the outside, yellow on the inside.
Grass is harvested at the time of flowering, in June - July, and the roots - in the fall. Dried in the shade, raw materials are stored for three years in cardboard boxes or thick paper bags. The room should be dry, cool and well ventilated.

Chemical composition of celandine
All parts of the plant contain alkaloids (roots - 1, 90-4, 14%, grass - up to 1, 87%), chelidonine and its derivatives, sanguinorine, protopine, berberine, chelidamine, chelirubine, spartien and a number of others potent substances.
Be careful! Celandine refers to poisonous plants. All parts are dangerous, especially the roots
The celandine also contains organic acids (chelidonic, malic, succinic, citric), vitamins A and C, essential oil, flavonoids and phytoncides.

Due to such a complex composition of celandine in folk medicine, it is used to combat malignant tumors and in the treatment of liver diseases of unknown etiology.
Useful properties
Celandine extract has many wonderful properties.
- Slows down the growth of malignantneoplasms.
- Has a pronounced sedative and analgesic effect.
- Local anesthetic properties.
- Removes warts, corns and calluses.
- Relieves convulsions and spasms of smooth muscles, has a bradycardic and hypotensive effect.
- Heals wounds.
- Increases urination.
- It has an irritating and choleretic effect.
- Used as a laxative
- Has antimicrobial and insecticidal action.
The plant contains many alkaloids, some of which have contradictory effects. Therefore, before using celandine, be sure to read the contraindications.
Contraindications for use
You should be careful to take celandine inside. Since the plant is poisonous, this method of treatment requires medical supervision. In case of overdose or prolonged use, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory depression and even death are possible.
Also, celandine can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines, lower blood pressure and, in rare cases, provoke loss of consciousness or hallucinations. At the same time, under the influence of the alkaloid protopine, severe convulsions can develop.
Who should not use celandine? In folk medicine, the following groups of people are not recommended to use the plant:
- When pregnant and breastfeeding.
- Children.
- Patients with epilepsy.
- Persons suffering from mental disorders.
- For bronchial asthma.
- With angina pectoris and cardiac decompensation.
Pure juice is not used for wound injuries of the skin - it is irritating and can cause inflammation.
Decoction and infusion of celandine: external use
Decoction of the plant is used to lubricate the affected areas of the body and in the form of lotions for psoriasis, lichen, eczema. The crushed raw materials in the amount of 20-25 g (for dry raw materials) are placed in an enamel pan, poured with 250 ml of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain into glassware. Store a decoction of celandine for two days.
Also, for the treatment of eczema and dermatitis, an infusion in the form of baths is used. Twenty grams of grass is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for about half an hour. For baths, a warm infusion is used (temperature 37 ° C), the duration of the bath is about 15 minutes. Do it daily until the signs of inflammation disappear. For the treatment of acne and acne, wash your face with diluted juice twice a day. After the first application, the skin condition may worsen, but after a few days, all inflammation disappears.
With extensive damage to the skin, celandine baths are taken. They are especially effective for furunculosis, weeping eczema and wound skin lesions. To do this, use the roots of celandine. They are crushed and infused in cold water for two hours, then boiled for twenty minutes. Strain and add to the bath, which is taken at night. The temperature of the water is approximately 37°C, in total, the course of treatment includes about 10 baths.

An infusion of the plant is rubbed into the scalp to get rid of dandruff.
In the same way, you can rid the dog of fleas: celandine has an insecticidal effect. After processing, the infusion must be washed off so that the animal does not lick it off, otherwise poisoning is possible.
Fresh juice
Juice and extract of celandine is extracted from fresh stems and leaves. They are passed through a meat grinder and squeezed thoroughly. Then the juice is placed in the refrigerator for three days, filtered through cheesecloth into a glass container with a lid. For about three weeks, the juice ferments, a hole needs to be made in the lid for the release of gases. After the end of fermentation, the resulting extract can be stored in the refrigerator until the next harvest. Before use, the juice is diluted with water in equal proportions.
Without fermentation, the juice can be diluted with alcohol (25 ml per 100 ml of juice) or vodka (50 ml per 100 ml of juice). This tincture will keep for a long time.
Celandine juice is used to treat herpes, burns, acne and pimples, scabies and flaking, wound skin lesions, non-healing ulcers and fistulas, polyps, warts and about 250 other skin diseases.
Celandine from nail fungus is used in the form of juice - rubbed into the nail plate in the morning and evening or warm baths with decoction are made. The treatment is long, as with any fungal infection, so be patient.

Juice from a freshly cut plant is smeared on spines and warts until they disappear. For skin cancerssmeared with fresh juice three times a day. With mastitis, the inflammation zone is treated.

When applied externally, the juice is applied twice with an interval of 1-2 minutes. In this case, the extract affects not only the superficial, but also the deep layers of the skin
With hemorrhoids, a swab of cotton wool or a bandage soaked in a decoction of celandine or diluted juice is inserted into the anus. At the same time, it is recommended to take an infusion of herbs inside 100 ml per day.
For the treatment of eye diseases, juice is prepared as follows. The settled and strained celandine juice is mixed with honey in equal parts. Add 2% pure table s alt and boil the resulting mass in a water bath for 20 minutes, stirring and removing the foam. The result is a concentrate that can be stored for several years. When instilled into the eye, dilute in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 with distilled or boiled water. Drip 1-2 drops three times a day for ten days. Then they rest for 10 days and spend another course. Used to treat conjunctivitis, barley, walleye, to improve visual acuity and relieve eye fatigue.
Celandine: how to take it inside
When taken orally, celandine has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anti-cancer effect. For the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, an infusion of celandine herbs is used. One st. l. flowering herbs are brewed into a glass of water. They insist one hour. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
The same patternused to treat neuroses and vegetovascular dystonia, whooping cough, gout, rheumatism.
How to drink celandine in the form of a decoction? For oral administration, it is prepared as follows. For 500 ml of water take 30 g of celandine, boil for five minutes. Then insist for 50 minutes and filtered. Drink 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, half a glass.
For malignant tumors of internal organs, skin cancers, diseases of the rectum, an infusion is prepared: 1 tbsp. l. celandine put in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Withstand for 1-1, 5 hours. Take 1-2 tablespoons before meals.
Another scheme for the use of celandine juice in oncology: taken with milk. They start with a minimum - one drop - then add it drop by drop every day and bring it up to 20. Then reduce it drop by drop every day, returning to one. In case of liver cancer, they drink celandine juice with vodka (diluted in equal proportions) 3 times a day, 10-15 ml, washed down with water.
Decoction of the roots is used to treat dysentery. One st. l. crushed root pour 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes, then insist for one hour. The broth is filtered and drunk 25-50 ml three times a day.
Celandine tincture
Ethyl alcohol dissolves well in itself most of the active substances contained in the grass and plant roots. Therefore, tincture is a stronger drug than decoctions and infusions. It can be purchased at the pharmacy chain, or you can make it at home.
Use fresh or dried grass. Raw materials are placed in glassware. If athe grass is dry, then fill half the volume, if fresh - then the whole. Fill with vodka to the top of the jar. Insist in a dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally. Before using celandine on vodka, you need to dilute it: add another 350 ml of vodka to a half-liter jar of tincture.
Another proportion for making a tincture is 20 g of celandine per glass of vodka.
Tincture is taken for violations of the liver and gallbladder: 3 times a day before meals, 10 drops for three months.
For the treatment of tumors of the female reproductive system, they drink according to the following scheme: for 21 days, half a teaspoon three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Then rest 10 days. After a break, the second stage - one tablespoon 3 times a day for 14 days.
With periodontitis, an alcohol tincture of celandine 30% is used. It is mixed with sunflower or olive oil and applied to the gums for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.
Plant cultivation
Infusion of large celandine is used for spraying plants from pests. In this regard, many summer residents cultivate celandine and other medicinal herbs in their area. The plant reproduces only by seeds. They are sown before winter or early spring in a place protected from direct sun, lightly sprinkled with earth. Seeds withstand frost down to -30°C. Row spacing is about 50 cm. Celandine is a weed, so it does not require special care. The first shoots need to be weeded and watered, then loosen the ground. The plant is cut during the flowering period, laid out in a thin layer to dry orused fresh.
Celandine is an indispensable tool for combating skin diseases. In summer, you can use the fresh juice of the plant, and prepare raw materials or tincture for the winter. It can be used in the form of infusions and decoctions, dry raw materials, extracts and tinctures. In case of skin diseases, lubrication, lotions are effective, and in severe cases, baths with infusion or decoction of herbs. Celandine is widespread throughout Russia, it is unpretentious to growing conditions, so we can say that it is at hand all the time. Remember that the plant is poisonous, so you should be careful when taking preparations from it.