Hypoacid gastritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Hypoacid gastritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs
Hypoacid gastritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Everyone knows about the existence of such a disease as gastritis. But few people know that there are several types of it. Consider a form such as hypoacid gastritis: the symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment and preventive measures will be discussed in detail below.

Characteristics of hypoacid gastritis

This type of disease does not occur suddenly, but is the result of prolonged inflammation of the stomach. There is usually some time between the start of these two processes.

hypoacid gastritis
hypoacid gastritis

Hypoacid gastritis is characterized by a decrease in acidity in the stomach. As a result, there is an atrophy of its cavity and an inability to absorb vitamins and nutrients. In addition, growths and other formations on the mucous membrane may appear.

What is the danger of chronic hypoacid gastritis?

When there is discomfort in the abdomen, problems with stool or discomfort after eating, but there is no pain, few people are in a hurry to visit a doctor. And very in vain. Indeed, at this moment the development of the disease had already begun, and in the future, in the absence of the necessary treatment,it will only progress.

abdominal discomfort
abdominal discomfort

Hypoacid gastritis is characterized by a decrease in the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, which are simply necessary to ensure the proper process of digestion of food. The onset of pain is not typical for the early stage of the disease. But if you delay a visit to the doctor, the disease can move to the next stage, during which hydrochloric acid is no longer produced in the stomach.

Another serious complication of hypoacid gastritis is the appearance of a duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer. These diseases are accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms, and their treatment will take a lot of time and effort.

Clinical picture

Symptoms directly depend on the stage of the disease.

hypoacid gastritis symptoms
hypoacid gastritis symptoms

At the very beginning of the development of the pathological process, there may be discomfort in the abdomen and heaviness in the stomach. After some time, there are periodic pain sensations. Most of all, they are noticeable after taking spicy or fatty foods that irritate the stomach, as well as alcoholic beverages.

In addition, hypoacid gastritis can be accompanied by digestive disorders in the form of diarrhea or constipation, nausea, bad breath and belching, loss of appetite or a complete refusal to eat. With the progression of the disease, periodic vomiting is observed.

As a result of poor digestion and assimilation of food, beriberi can occur, which is characterized by weight loss, hair loss, peeling of the skin and the appearance offissures, development of anemia with severe weakness and dizziness.

Diagnosis of hypoacid gastritis

You can diagnose the presence of the disease at a consultation with a gastroenterologist. To do this, you will need to go through several procedures.

lemontar price
lemontar price

First, this is a gastroscopy. With it, you can explore changes in the gastric mucosa and its epithelial layer.

Secondly, gastric intubation and examination of gastric juice is a must. These processes will help to accurately determine the level of acidity, which is very important for a correct diagnosis.

In the presence of hypoacid gastritis, it is necessary to check for the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body. This can be done in many ways, starting with a breath test and ending with the determination of antibodies in the blood.

The main goal of all research is to establish the correct diagnosis and exclude diseases such as pellagra, stomach cancer, pernicious anemia, etc.

Medicated treatment

What are the ways to get rid of such a nuisance as hypoacid gastritis? Treatment involves taking medications and following a specially designed diet. At the same time, it is possible to achieve results only by combining these two types of therapy.

hypoacid gastritis drugs
hypoacid gastritis drugs

For the treatment of a disease called hypoacid gastritis, drugs are selected simultaneously from several categories. At the same time, each of them performs its function and is part of the overall therapy.

  1. Drugs to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. The most common among them are Wobenzim, Gastrin, Abomin, Pantoglucid, Limontar. Their prices are relatively low. However, they differ in their effectiveness. For example, you can take "Limonar", the price of which is within 100 rubles per pack.
  2. If the drugs from the previous group did not bring the desired result, the patient is prescribed replacement therapy. It is carried out using such means as "Penzital", "Pepsin", "Festal", "Panhinorm", hydrochloric acid solution or gastric juice.
  3. To eliminate pain and spasms, as well as to normalize the activity of the stomach, it is necessary to take one of the preparations: "No-shpa", "Drotaverine", "Spazmol".
  4. If the tests showed the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, antibiotics are prescribed. Most often it is "Amoxicillin", "Tinidazole", "Doxycycline", "Omeprazole".
  5. As an additional therapy, vitamins can be prescribed, for example, "Panheksavita" or "Oligovita".
  6. To stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, normalize the metabolic process and restore the mucosa, the use of folic acid is recommended.

Additionally, you can use folk remedies. It is recommended to drink fresh juice from potatoes, cabbage, carrots before each meal. This will helpproduction of gastric juice and increased appetite. In this case, the juice can be replaced with a glass of medicinal mineral water (Mirgorodskaya, Essentuki, Borjomi will do).

Diet for sickness

As mentioned above, getting rid of such a disease as hypoacid gastritis involves following a special diet. It excludes the use of fried, fatty, spicy, s alty foods, as well as spices, sweets, black bread, rich products, marinades and alcoholic beverages.

hypoacid gastritis treatment
hypoacid gastritis treatment

Food should be sparing and include foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice. It can be pureed oatmeal, rice, buckwheat porridge, vegetable soups, lean meat and fish. At the same time, they must be steamed, baked or boiled in water. To improve the production of gastric juice, it is necessary to introduce sour berries and fruits, vegetable and meat broths, fruit drinks, fresh tomato and orange juices into the diet.

Bread can only be eaten white and slightly dried.

Meals should be fractional and consist of 5 meals, every day at the same time.

Prevention Methods

To avoid such a disease as hypoacid gastritis, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • set the diet and diet;
  • give up bad habits;
  • treat stomach diseases in time;
  • if Helicobacter pylori is present, get timely antibiotic therapy.

Be he althy!
