The woman's uterus is a smooth muscle hollow organ (unpaired) in which the embryo is able to develop and bear the fetus. It is located in the middle part of the small pelvis, namely behind the bladder and in front of the rectum.

A woman's uterus is mobile. Depending on the neighboring organs, it can occupy any position. In the normal state, the longitudinal axis of the uterus is oriented along the small pelvis. At the same time, the filled rectum and bladder can tilt it slightly forward. The surface of the uterus is almost completely covered by the peritoneum (except for the vaginal part of the cervix). This organ has a pear-shaped shape, which is slightly flattened in the anteroposterior direction. The uterus of a woman has the following layers (starting from the inner): endometrium, myometrium and parametrium. Outside, the neck of the organ, or rather its abdominal part (just above the isthmus) is covered with adventitia.
Women's uterus: measurements

The length of this organ in women of reproductive age is on average 7-8 centimeters, the width is 4, and the thickness is 2-3 cm.reach 80 grams, while in nulliparous girls this figure ranges from 40 to 50 units. This difference in weight is due to the fact that during pregnancy the muscular membrane of the organ becomes hypertrophied. The volume of the uterus is approximately 5-6 cubic centimeters.
Parts of the female organ
A woman's uterus is divided into the following parts:
1. The bottom is the convex upper part of the organ, which protrudes above the edge of the fallopian tubes.
2. The body is the most massive part of the uterus, which is cone-shaped.
3. The neck is a narrowed and rounded part of the body. The lowest part of this part passes into the vaginal cavity. In this regard, the cervix is also called the vaginal. The upper region is called supravaginal.

The vaginal section of this organ carries the opening of the uterus, which leads from the vagina to the cervical canal, and then into its cavity. In nulliparous representatives of the weaker sex, this area has an oval shape, and in those who have already undergone childbirth, it looks like a transverse slit. What a woman's uterus looks like can be seen in this article. Photos of the organ and schematic drawings give an idea.
Uterine functions
In this organ, the development of the embryo and its further bearing in the form of a fetus takes place. Due to the fact that the uterus has highly elastic walls, it can increase quite strongly in volume and size. This is also due to overwatering of connective tissues and hypertrophy of myocytes. As you know, this organ has developed muscles, fordue to which the uterus takes an active part in the birth of a child, or rather in the expulsion of the fetus from its cavity.
Currently, there are a huge number of diseases that lead to a change in the position of the uterus, its normal state, etc. (cancer, fibroids, polyps, erosion, endometritis, prolapse, prolapse, etc.). To avoid such pathologies, women should visit a gynecologist 2-3 times a year, as well as undergo a complete examination of the body.