Today we will consider one of the traditional medicine, which is also used in medical practice. Its name is quite funny - goose cinquefoil. The paw in the sense of "hand" has nothing to do with it, except that it is reminiscent of the forms of roots and processes. The article describes in detail goose cinquefoil, its medicinal properties and its use in the treatment of diseases.
What is this plant?

Potentilla goose outwardly vaguely resembles a fern, with the only exception that the size of the leaves is much larger. When it blooms, it blooms yellow small inflorescences. The bush itself has a thin mustache (remember strawberries). In the common people, the plant is also often called goose foot, soft grass, roadweed and spruce branches. It is a wild herb, meaning it grows wherever moist clay soil is found, so it is easy to find. They stock up on the plant, as a rule, from May to August, when the goose cinquefoil begins to bloom. However, the roots and rhizomes are allIt is best to harvest between September and October. By this time, the plant has time to stock up on nutrients for the coming winter. All its elements are used for blanks: leaves, roots, rhizomes, as well as flowers and seeds.
How to properly process a plant
Treatment methods for further use vary depending on the goals and type of treatment. At home, they make tinctures, decoctions and squeeze out juices. You can prepare homemade ointments or creams, dry.
Potentilla goose is freely sold in pharmacies in any form. Its price is low. The advantages of buying are obvious - everything you take will be certified and, accordingly, of high quality.
Indications for the use of Potentilla
We got an idea about the plant itself, now it's useful to know what it cures. Let's start with a description of the useful properties. So, goose cinquefoil contains many components. Here are some of them:
- tannins;
- choline;
- starch;
- quinic acid;
- vitamin C;
- zinc;
- protein;
- fatty oil.

Medications from this plant are very effective in treating symptoms, ailments and diseases such as:
- diarrhea;
- bleeding;
- profuse mucous discharge;
- bleeding gums;
- cracks in the tongue;
- high cholesterol;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- scurvy;
- hernia;
- gastrointestinalailments;
- liver disease;
- kidney stones;
- painful menstruation;
- wounds and cuts;
- eczema;
- exchange violations;
- convulsions.
Now it is clear what the goose cinquefoil helps from. Like any substance containing many ingredients, it has a very extensive list of contraindications.
When not to take?

No matter how good the goose cinquefoil is in its properties, it still has its own contraindications. The most common problem is individual intolerance to the components. Considering that preparations based on it, as well as simply dried grass, do not have a strict restriction on the categories of people (pregnant, lactating, children), it is still better to consult a doctor before starting use. A strict ban on the use of this herbal remedy is imposed on patients who suffer:
- blood clots;
- constipation;
- colitis;
- large kidney stones;
- low pressure.
Tips for preparing and drinking decoctions and juice

To prepare a decoction of the roots at home, you need to boil the essence. This should be done within an hour, and raw materials should be used at the rate of 20 g of root per liter of water, after which the broth should be filtered. Drink the resulting mixture in two or three glasses during the day or use it for other purposes (for example,rinse your mouth if your gums bleed).
If you have a herb of this plant at home, then the decoction is prepared for two hours in a water bath. Raw materials are taken at the rate of 20 g per 200 ml of liquid.
Infusion of roots (10 g per 200 ml) is boiled for 15 minutes, after which it is infused for another 20 minutes. Consume two tablespoons four times a day.
Seeds are cooked based on the same proportion, but boiled in milk for five minutes.
Other uses
Potentilla is also consumed mixed with other ingredients - with nettle, knotweed, mint, yarrow, wheatgrass and shepherd's purse. One hundred grams of this mixture is boiled for fifteen minutes, after which it is insisted for another thirty. You can take a bath with the addition of such a decoction, after stirring it in warm water.
Here, to get juice (it is more nutritious), you will have to work hard, since it will be problematic to make it in sufficient quantities. Each ingredient of the plant is separately ground to a soft, fine slurry, after which it is simply squeezed out. This grass nectar is consumed one tablespoon four times a day. It helps very well with the appearance of acne.
Fresh grass should be singled out separately, as the way it is used is different from others. A mixture of finely chopped cinquefoil is mixed at the rate of one to one with green rye juice, which greatly increases the effect. The dosage is quite usual: one tablespoon three times a day.
Other ways to use cinquefoil

Not worth itforget that from any infusion you can make lotions for treating scratches, cuts, burns, and also just clean the skin with it for prevention. This is due to the fact that the plant has high antiseptic properties. Both for treatment and for the purpose of preventing diseases, you can drink healing tea. You can both brew dried herbs in their pure form, or experiment with adding other medicinal herbs to change the taste. To do this, you just need to pour two teaspoons of raw materials with boiling water. To increase the beneficial properties of tea infusion, it is recommended to add peppermint and lemon balm. Putting sugar in large quantities is not recommended. For a beneficial effect on the body, it is enough to drink two or three cups of delicious tea a day.
The plant has gained great popularity in veterinary medicine due to its easy availability and properties. If your animal suffers from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, then the use of preparations of this herb is almost no different from how it is used for a similar treatment of a person. The proportions also do not change. Just do not force the pet to forcefully drink the decoction (by the way, it must be cooled before that). Cats can simply be allowed to chew green grass or add ground plant to a bowl of food.

The herb "Potentilla goose", the use in medicine of which is approved by doctors, is a fairly effective remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, it is not possible to buy an ingredient for a he althy a lot of work. In the season, the plant can be collected completely free of charge in the forest. But even in pharmacy chains the price is low, it does not exceed seventy rubles. In the article, we examined in detail what is useful and when, what goose cinquefoil is used for. The formula of the flower, roots and leaves, as well as their correct use, are also mentioned in the text. This plant deserves the attention of those who prefer traditional methods of treating diseases. But note that cinquefoil (crow's foot otherwise) also has contraindications, so it does not hurt to consult a doctor before using it.