Fungal diseases are quite common in modern society. According to statistics, about 40% of all dermatological lesions are caused by mycotic infections. As a result of infection with a fungus, a person begins to feel itchy. The sore spot is flaky, covered with spots. If skin mycoses are diagnosed, treatment is extremely necessary for the patient. Otherwise, intoxication of the body may occur.

Risk factors
Due to the widespread prevalence of fungal spores in the environment, almost everyone can get this disease. In people with weak immunity and those who ignore hygiene standards, skin mycoses are often diagnosed. Treatment of this pathology is often required for children. After all, they love to have close contact with animals.
You can get infected with mycosis when:
- close contact with an already sick person;
- contact with animals,infected with disease;
- using someone else's shoes and personal hygiene items (towels, washcloths);
- using manicure instruments that have not been sterilized;
- visiting public baths, swimming pools.
Infection with the disease most often:
- older people;
- persons suffering from excessive sweating in the palms and feet;
- people with microtraumas (scratches, small cuts) on their arms and legs.
Varieties of disease
Classify the disease according to the site of the lesion. So, there are mycoses:
- leg skin (feet);
- scalp;
- hand;
- body skin;
- nails;
- facial skin.
In the initial stages, the disease has practically no symptoms. That is why it is very difficult to detect skin mycoses in a timely manner. Early treatment is much more successful.
In this regard, it is necessary to examine the skin frequently in order not to miss any change indicating infection. And if you have any suspicious symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. The importance of these measures is dictated by a fairly well-known rule - any disease is easier to cure in the early days.
Symptoms of disease
What are the signs of mycosis of the skin? Symptoms, treatment of pathology is best discussed with a doctor. This will allow not only to identify the problem in a timely manner, but also to solve it correctly.
So, in the initial stages of skin mycosis, the treatment of which shouldbe taken immediately, are manifested by the following signs:
- redness of the integument;
- swelling;
- dry skin;
- foot cracking;
- puffiness.
If you start the disease, the following symptoms may appear:
- crumbling nails;
- skin burns when using shoes and tight clothing;
- skin irritation occurs;
- there is constant itching in the area affected by the fungus.
When the first symptoms of the disease occur, treatment should be started immediately. In the future, in the absence of therapy, a fungal infection can spread in the body. As a result, new lesions will appear.

When a scalp fungus is infected, the following symptoms are observed:
- The appearance of the hair is deteriorating dramatically.
- Dandruff appears.
- Hair becomes brittle and dry, begins to fall out.
- Scalp itches, reddens. Pink pimples with grayish scales may appear on it.
- Sometimes there are ulcers.
It should be borne in mind that changes in the structure and quality of the hairline and scalp can occur as a result of stress or after the use of inappropriate hygiene products. If the shampoo has not changed and there have been no big worries, then if these symptoms suddenly appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
When infected with a fungus, the following additional symptoms may occur:
- dizziness;
- a state of weakness in the morning;
- when wearing shoes, there is a feeling of discomfort;
- skin burns while washing.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. Pay attention to how the photo demonstrates mycosis of the skin. Treatment of this disease should begin immediately. After all, he is able to quickly hit new areas. In advanced stages, this disease is quite difficult to cure.
Diagnostic Methods
Already by the appearance of the affected area and based on the patient's complaints, the doctor may suspect mycosis of the smooth skin. Treatment will be prescribed after the examination. Doctors who treat fungal infections are dermatologists and mycologists.
Recommended for the patient:
- Laboratory studies of skin, nail or hair particles. Samples of materials are examined using a microscope, combining them with reagents.
- Also use the culture method of analysis. It allows you to determine the type of pathogen. During this study, a fungus is grown in a nutrient medium. Thus, mycologists determine which of the varieties struck the patient.
Based on the measures taken, therapy is prescribed.
Treatment measures
Therapeutic actions are carried out in each case individually. There is no single scheme to cure mycosis of smooth skin. Treatment is selected by doctors based on the tests received. In addition, doctors at the appointmentmedicines take into account many points.
Methods of therapy are prescribed taking into account the following factors:
- duration of illness;
- type of fungus;
- size of skin lesions;
- does the patient suffer from any chronic ailments;
- immunity level;
- allergic reactions to medications;
- age of patient;
- physiological characteristics of the organism.
Complex therapy is usually used. It allows you to effectively deal with extensive lesions. While taking medications, the body accumulates active substances. They enter the bloodstream and are carried to the skin, nails, hair.
Fungus treatment
Therapy begins with a series of preparatory and preventive procedures. They involve cleansing the site of exposure, removing puffiness and removing keratinized integuments.
For these purposes, apply:
- Compress with vaseline, salicylic and lactic acid. The bandage is applied to the infected area for 2 days. Then the top hardened layer is easily removed.
- Salicylic vaseline. If mycosis of the skin of the legs is diagnosed, treatment will take a longer time. After all, the covers are rougher here. It is necessary to lubricate cracks and rough skin for 1 week. After such procedures, you should lower your legs into a soda bath. The hardened layer falls off.
- Medicines with corticosteroids, sulfuric and tar ointments can relieve inflammation.
- Ureaplast tool is used to completely exfoliate the nail.

After preventive preparation, the main course of treatment is prescribed. During therapy, special antifungal ointments and creams are used. The range of such medicines is extensive. But choosing the most suitable means, one should take into account the type of fungus, the degree of development of the disease and the extent of the skin lesion. That is why it is not recommended to practice self-medication. Entrust your he alth to a specialist doctor. In this case, you can be sure that you will be prescribed the right one, with a diagnosis of skin mycosis, treatment.
Drugs (external agents), which are most often included in the therapy of the fungus:
- Nizoral;
- "Lamisil cream";
- "Fetimin";
- "Nitrofungin";
- Clotrimazole;
- "Ketoconazole";
- Exoderil.
As an additional measure, a dermatologist may prescribe the use of powders and antifungal varnishes. During treatment, infected areas of the skin must be treated with such means: "Iodine", "Lugol's Solution", "Vokadin". They help in the fight against mycosis baths with the addition of ammonia, copper sulfate and "Chloramine".
Sometimes a patient may need more serious (if the deep layers of mycosis of the skin has been affected) treatment. Drugs in such cases are prescribed for internal use.
Medications are most commonly used for systemic therapy:
- "Orungal",
- "Fluconazole",
- Terbinafine.
Fungus treatment is not a quick process. The course of therapy lasts from one month to six months. Recovery is considered complete.removal of fungal cells from the body and restoration of the skin.
It is also necessary to disinfect objects that have come into contact with affected tissues. Subject to this procedure: shoes, clothes, furniture.
Features of scalp treatment
Depending on which area is affected by the fungus, therapy may vary slightly. If mycosis of the scalp is diagnosed, treatment includes the use of special shampoos.
Effective in the fight against fungus such detergents for hair:
- Nizoral;
- "Keto Plus";
- "Mycozoral";
- Sebozol.

For the treatment of mycosis of the scalp, doctors prescribe external and internal remedies:
- Preparations for local use: Termikon and Terbizil ointments. They are applied in a thin layer to the area of infection. It is recommended to resort to the help of this tool from one to two times a day. After application, the ointment is easily rubbed. The course of using ointments is from two weeks to a month.
- Drugs for internal use: the drug "Griseofulvin". The medication is taken with meals, 3-4 times a day. For better absorption, this medicine is consumed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The course of admission is up to two months.
Treatment of mycosis of nails
Onychomycosis is one of the most common types of fungal diseases. We are talking about the defeat of the nails.
At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be. If you do not fight onychomycosis, then allergies may appear, chronic illnesses may worsen, and the protective functions of the body will decrease.
Dermatologist at the reception examines the affected nail. The doctor determines its thickness and structure, takes scrapings of the nail for laboratory tests. Based on the tests done and the examination, the doctor determines the disease. It identifies the type of fungus and prescribes the most effective treatment.
If a patient is diagnosed with mycosis of the skin and nails at the initial stage, the treatment consists in the use of topical preparations. Such medicines (antimycotics) are produced in the form of a solution, cream or ointment. Apply them twice a day to the affected plate and the nail bed.
But before using these medicines, it is necessary to carry out special preventive and cleansing procedures:
- Taking a foot or hand bath with baking soda and soap. 1 tablespoon of soda and 50 g of laundry soap are dissolved in hot water poured into a basin. Lower the limbs into the solution for 15 minutes. Such baths are also used if mycosis of the skin of the hands is diagnosed. Treatment with a soda-soap solution effectively removes the upper stratum corneum.
- After taking a bath, treat the nail layers with manicure tools. It is important not to damage other areas. Doctors recommend not using the same manicure supplies for he althy and diseased nails.
Topical drugs used at the initial stage of the disease:
- Canison;
- Clotrimazole;
- "Exoderil";
- Nizoral;
- Lamisil.

Another topical medicine - Mycospor - is sold with a waterproof patch. Using a dispenser, the product is applied to infected nails. Then close with a band-aid for a day. After such an event, a soap and soda bath is made and the affected nail particles are removed with a manicure file. The final stage is rubbing the medicine into the nail bed.
The duration of treatment with all drugs continues until new he althy plates grow.
Also special varnishes are available for local action:
- "Lotseril". They need to cover their nails once or twice a week. The duration of treatment is up to a year.
- Batrafen. Varnish is used during the first month of treatment every other day. Next month, twice a week. Then 1 time for 7 days. Therapy continues until complete recovery.
Anti-fungal polishes can be used under regular manicures.
For internal use
If the initial stage of the development of the disease is missed, then local medications may be powerless.
In such situations, general antifungal drugs (systemic) are prescribed:
- "Lamisil", "Fungoterbin", "Onikhon", "Exifin", "Terbizil";
- "Orungal", "Rumikoz", "Irunin";
- Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikomax, Mikosit, Forkan;
- Nizoral, Mycozoral.
When using thesedrugs, you must familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications. Some drugs should not be taken by lactating and pregnant women, people with kidney and liver diseases.
Special attention deserves mycosis of the skin in children. Treatment of pathology should not be undertaken without consulting a doctor. Most drugs are intended for the treatment of adults. They cannot be used for boys.

This is a prerequisite if skin mycosis is detected. Treatment at home should begin with disinfection. You can buy a disinfectant solution at a pharmacy, on the recommendation of your doctor.
The first disinfection is carried out before starting therapy. The solution is treated with shoes, gloves, socks. During therapy, disinfection should be carried out once a month.
Procedure for treatment with disinfectant solution:
- Wipe the inside of shoes with disinfectant cotton.
- Put swabs with solution in gloves, stockings, socks.
- Put shoes and clothes in a plastic bag. Leave overnight.
- Dry processed items.
- Air out clothes and shoes for 3 days.
Mycosis of the skin: treatment with folk remedies
Fungus can be fought with alternative medicine. But remember that you should definitely coordinate the treatment with folk prescriptions with your doctor.
The following remedies are effective:
- Pine tincture. 250 g of needles and cones put in a jar, pour alcohol. Close the container andinsist in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain the tincture and store in the refrigerator. Lubricate the infected parts of the skin and nails 2 times a day.
- Vinegar baths. Dilute a spoonful of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Keep the infected area of skin in this solution for 20 minutes. Then lubricate the skin with camphor alcohol.
- Ointment from egg, vinegar and oil. Raw chicken egg (right in the shell) put in a saucepan. Pour in vinegar (100 ml). Add 200 g of oil. After a week, the egg dissolves. The resulting ointment is applied to flaky skin areas.
- For the treatment of mycosis of the hairline, the following folk recipe is used. Mix garlic, lemon juice and olive oil (components are taken in equal proportions). Apply the resulting solution to the infected parts. Keep the mixture on your head for an hour, wearing a plastic cap. Wash your hair with shampoo after 60 minutes. Rinse with vinegar solution (2 tbsp. vinegar to 1 liter of water).

Mycosis of the skin is a rather unpleasant disease. However, if correct and timely therapy is undertaken, it is completely curable.