Tea tree oil and its unique properties

Tea tree oil and its unique properties
Tea tree oil and its unique properties

The tea tree grows exclusively in Australia and belongs to the myrtle family. It is from it that tea tree oil is made, known and widely used both in aromatherapy and in the production of various cosmetics. Its leaves are rich in essential oil, which smells somewhat like camphor and has numerous medicinal properties.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil

Tea tree multipurpose oil is used as an antiseptic, antifungal and bactericidal agent, as well as an antiviral and strong anti-inflammatory natural drug. In addition, it has a sedative and expectorant effect, clearing the airways of sputum and facilitating the general condition of the patient. Most often, it is used externally (through an aroma lamp) to strengthen the immune system, gargle, mouth, nose for dental and ENT diseases, or in the form of lotions on the affected areas. For skin diseases, insect bites, wounds and other injuries, the oil helps relieve pain and promotes rapid healing.

tea tree for acne
tea tree for acne

In cosmetology, tea tree oil is one of the constituent ingredients of many products designed for healing and skin care. With the help of its healing qualities, it effectively heals, rejuvenates, nourishes and protects it. A cream based on this oil is more suitable for sensitive and oily skin.

Effectively relieves tea tree from acne, boils, eczema, acne and other infectious diseases. To do this, on cleanly washed skin, gently lubricate (only pointwise) each pimple with a cotton swab. The procedure must be performed several times a day, it will quickly dry out acne, relieve redness, irritation, stop the further spread of infection and accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells. The substances that make up the tea tree destroy the bacteria that cause the causes of the rash, so it is often recommended to dilute it with other essential components or a simple base of glycerin, vegetable oil. For prevention, owners of problem skin are advised to take a bath by adding oil to it tea tree. It also helps with bruises, burns, psoriasis and abrasions, is used to treat colds, SARS, herpes and flu.

How much does tea tree oil cost
How much does tea tree oil cost

A similar procedure is widely used for gynecological diseases such as thrush, trichomonas vaginitis, cystitis, etc. In general, it cannot be said that this is a panacea that will cure all diseases, but you should not deny all the benefits this natural gift. To the question abouthow much does tea tree oil cost, if it is so useful, you can answer that it is relatively inexpensive, and depending on the volume, the price may vary. For example, a bottle of 15 milliliters will cost you about $20. Given all the virtues of this ethereal miracle, it deserves to be in your first aid kit.
