Alternative medicine 2024, October

Collection for the pancreas: features, composition and reviews

Collection for the pancreas: features, composition and reviews

Charges for the pancreas are considered an effective remedy for eliminating the inflammatory process in this acute organ. In the chronic course of the disease, this technique will not give the desired effect, therefore, before direct use, it is necessary to take into account all possible nuances

S alt compress: reviews, recipe. How to make a s alt compress? How long to keep the s alt compress?

S alt compress: reviews, recipe. How to make a s alt compress? How long to keep the s alt compress?

An effective way to treat various diseases is a s alt compress. Such compresses often saved seriously wounded soldiers from gangrene, and all thanks to their ability to draw out pus. After 3-4 days of treatment with such dressings, the wound became clean, inflammation disappeared, and body temperature decreased

Celandine from papilloma. Properties of celandine, use at home. Medical celandine: instructions for use, contraindications and results

Celandine from papilloma. Properties of celandine, use at home. Medical celandine: instructions for use, contraindications and results

The spread of HPV causes the fact that today up to 70% of the world's population are carriers of this virus. Represented by dozens of strains of papillomaviruses, such an infection is dangerous only in some cases: certain subspecies of such an infection can cause cancerous tumors. The most dangerous papilloma virus for women

Homeopathy. Treatment of herpes on the lips: principles and preparations

Homeopathy. Treatment of herpes on the lips: principles and preparations

Herpes is a common viral disease. Almost 95% of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of the virus, but not everyone develops the disease. In order for the virus hidden in the body to begin to actively act and manifest itself, special conditions are necessary

Propolis for throat - application features, recipes and reviews

Propolis for throat - application features, recipes and reviews

Unpleasant perspiration, sore throat - such symptoms of an incipient disease are probably known to everyone. They appear with the development of a viral disease, against the background of allergic reactions, as a result of injuries, with ligament overstrain. Diseases of the larynx in severe form complicate the intake of food and liquids, which significantly worsens the general condition of the patient. To prevent such consequences, at the initial stage of the disease, gargling with propolis should be used

Soda for burns: a recipe for preparing a solution, treatment and contraindications

Soda for burns: a recipe for preparing a solution, treatment and contraindications

Fine-crystalline white powder baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is well known to many housewives. It is used in the preparation of dough, for medical purposes, as a cleaning agent. However, not everyone knows that a soda solution for skin burns is an effective and fast remedy. How and for what injuries is sodium bicarbonate used?

How to remove a wart with celandine: benefits and harms, cauterization rules, timing, indications and contraindications

How to remove a wart with celandine: benefits and harms, cauterization rules, timing, indications and contraindications

Such benign neoplasms on the skin as warts and papillomas can appear in any person, regardless of age and gender. They look rather unattractive, and sometimes cause discomfort. The hero of this article will be well known to many, including the townspeople, weed - celandine

Grass upland uterus: properties, uses and contraindications

Grass upland uterus: properties, uses and contraindications

This herb, unique in its medicinal properties, has many names - borovinka, wine grass, hare s alt, hog uterus. All of them belong to the same plant - ortilia lopsided. Its healing properties have been known to herbalists since ancient times. It has long been used in the treatment of many gynecological problems, and drugs based on it have been prescribed to women who dreamed of experiencing the joy of motherhood

Hirudotherapy in Moscow: where to go. Prices for hirudotherapy in Moscow clinics, reviews

Hirudotherapy in Moscow: where to go. Prices for hirudotherapy in Moscow clinics, reviews

Which clinics practice hirudotherapy in Moscow. Where can you learn hirudotherapy? Reviews of treatment with leeches

Therapeutic exercises for the spine

Therapeutic exercises for the spine

If you often have pain in your neck, back, lower back or have certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then therapeutic exercises for the spine will help get rid of this pain or reduce it. And now we will tell you about it and various exercises for the back

Olive oil: benefits and harms

Olive oil: benefits and harms

The main and still unattainable dream of mankind at all times has been and remains a cure for all diseases. However, neither technological progress nor incredible computing power has yet been able to help us achieve this goal. Therefore, the most effective way to improve the body is still traditional medicine and he althy products donated to us by nature itself

Folk diuretics: herbs, drinks, decoctions, berries, products

Folk diuretics: herbs, drinks, decoctions, berries, products

Excess fluid in the body is harmful to humans. Signs of excess water are swelling, impaired water-s alt metabolism, and more. To get rid of excess fluid, you need to take diuretics. These can be medications or folk diuretics

Upland uterus in gynecology: medicinal properties, doctors' reviews

Upland uterus in gynecology: medicinal properties, doctors' reviews

Upland uterus is a medicinal plant that has become popular and in demand due to its unique medicinal properties. It is actively used in gynecological practice. Thanks to preparations based on this plant, many women managed to get rid of serious ailments, avoiding surgical intervention

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies. Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies. Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies provides a very good result, especially if you approach this issue comprehensively. For therapy, agents for internal use are used, as well as various compresses and ointments that are applied to the chest area

Effective folk treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies - features and recommendations

Effective folk treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies - features and recommendations

Diseases of the digestive tract, according to statistics, occur in every second Russian. This is facilitated by irrational nutrition, stress, irregular working hours. The most important thing is not to start the disease and start treatment on time

Bee death: for what diseases is it used?

Bee death: for what diseases is it used?

Bee products have been valued by mankind since time immemorial. It's not just honey or pollen. Even dying, the bees continue to save people and treat numerous diseases. The tincture on their bodies is called dead bee. According to its medicinal properties, it overtakes even propolis. Today we will consider the features of preparation, as well as use for the treatment of various diseases

Breast collection: numbers, composition, instructions for use, indications, reviews

Breast collection: numbers, composition, instructions for use, indications, reviews

Colds, accompanied by cough, chills, high fever, usually overtake us suddenly. For a long time, traditional healers have used medicinal herbs to alleviate such conditions. Cough treatment using natural ingredients is still relevant today

Chokeberry: useful properties and contraindications

Chokeberry: useful properties and contraindications

Chokeberry is a he althy berry that is widely used. It has a tart specific taste and a pleasant smell. Chokeberry has useful properties that are used in the treatment of many diseases. Its use must be coordinated with a specialist due to the existing contraindications

Male fern (male shield): description, properties, use in traditional medicine

Male fern (male shield): description, properties, use in traditional medicine

Fern is a perennial plant that belongs to the Shchitovnikov family. It is poisonous, but is actively used in folk medicine and is indispensable for the treatment of many ailments. Medicinal raw material is the rhizome of the shield plant, the harvesting of which should be carried out in early autumn

How can I lower hemoglobin

How can I lower hemoglobin

What is hemoglobin and why is it needed in the body? What could be the cause of its deficiency or excess? How to lower hemoglobin? You can read about all this in this article

Chronic sinusitis: how to cure without surgery completely at home?

Chronic sinusitis: how to cure without surgery completely at home?

On our planet, a huge number of people suffer from respiratory diseases. One of these common ailments is sinusitis. It is believed that the treatment of this disease at home is impossible. But it's not like that

Rose oil in cosmetology

Rose oil in cosmetology

Rose has been worshiped all over the world since ancient times, in many nations it appears only as the Queen of Flowers. This title is well deserved, because it is hardly possible to find a flower that can compete with it not only in beauty and fragrance, but also in its usefulness. Take at least rose oil. Much has been said and written about it, but even so, it is impossible to describe in a nutshell the uniqueness of this product

Aspen bark: medicinal properties, recipes, methods of application and contraindications

Aspen bark: medicinal properties, recipes, methods of application and contraindications

The basic information about aspen is given, how it is useful and for whom it is suitable. Indications for use and contraindications are listed. Several common recipes for cooking aspen bark at home are given

Wheat germ: a real gift from nature

Wheat germ: a real gift from nature

The pantry of nature is full of many amazingly useful remedies that are far superior to artificial chemicals in their safety and effectiveness. In this article we will tell you how ordinary wheat germ can be useful

That horrible hemorrhoid. Treatment at home

That horrible hemorrhoid. Treatment at home

One of the popular diseases of this century is hemorrhoids. Home treatment for this disease can be effective, but not always

Common flax: application, photo, description

Common flax: application, photo, description

Common flax is a plant that is not used in official medicine at all, but is actively used by healers and herbalists. It turns out that this herb has multiple beneficial properties: it actively helps with digestive problems, treats many diseases of the skin, and is effective in the treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. And interestingly, being a poisonous plant, common toadflax has an antidote effect

What bee products are good for?

What bee products are good for?

For thousands of years, a bee lives next to a person and is closely connected with him. The beneficial properties of bee products have been studied since ancient times. Even the healers of Egypt, Greece, China widely used them in the treatment of many ailments

Silicon water: benefits and harms to the body, reviews

Silicon water: benefits and harms to the body, reviews

The benefits of flint, a mineral containing silicon, have been known for a long time. Its use in traditional medicine is effective due to its bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Water based on this mineral was used in the treatment of wounds, cuts, scratches. Now it remains in demand because of its valuable properties, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The benefits and dangers of silicon water are described in the article

Folk healing methods: antler baths

Folk healing methods: antler baths

Not so long ago it became fashionable in Russia to go on vacation to the Altai. Beautiful pictures of nature and mountain air are two features that make this region of the country so attractive. And in Altai you can take antler baths. Let's talk about their miraculous power

Creole massage with bamboo sticks: technique, basic techniques, tools

Creole massage with bamboo sticks: technique, basic techniques, tools

Today, the beauty industry is overflowing with all kinds of services that help not only maintain appearance. There are many wellness procedures aimed at achieving a state of inner harmony. Creole massage rightfully belongs to them. It is somewhat similar to other techniques, but at the same time significantly different

The disease is chronic tonsillitis. Treatment with folk remedies

The disease is chronic tonsillitis. Treatment with folk remedies

Inflammation of the tonsils is a very common disease today, which is a prolonged inflammation of the tonsils, which affects people of all ages: from children to adults. Of course, if a child has chronic tonsillitis, treatment with folk remedies seems to be more preferable in many ways

Soda baths: reviews and recommendations

Soda baths: reviews and recommendations

Losing excess weight, as we know, is not easy. From a scientific point of view, for this purpose it is necessary to break down incoming fats. Soda, on the other hand, has a unique property - it prevents their absorption

Balm "Root": reviews, prices. Balsam "Root", the company "Siberian he alth"

Balm "Root": reviews, prices. Balsam "Root", the company "Siberian he alth"

Siberian He alth has been surprising people for several years now with its products, which are distinguished by high quality, efficiency and, most importantly, general availability. Products created by scientists of the corporation are in great demand, one of which is Root balm

Treatment of multiple sclerosis by folk methods. Multiple sclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Treatment of multiple sclerosis by folk methods. Multiple sclerosis: symptoms and treatment

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects both the elderly and young people. The first signs of the disease may appear in a person already at the age of 20, or they may not make themselves felt until the age of 40. Naturally, the question arises of how to treat multiple sclerosis

Mud applications: indications, application features and patient reviews

Mud applications: indications, application features and patient reviews

Therapeutic mud is called greasy silt, which accumulates at the bottom of s alt lakes and estuaries. It includes a mineral base - earth, sand and clay. It is used for application only to certain areas. During treatment, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor

How to lower or increase acidity

How to lower or increase acidity

The modern rhythm of life makes a person earn money, spin and constantly look for new ideas for their projects. As a result: we do not even have the opportunity to eat properly. Frequent consumption of sandwiches and other unhe althy foods leads to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to various diseases

Velm-leaved meadowsweet: useful properties and contraindications, photo

Velm-leaved meadowsweet: useful properties and contraindications, photo

Which plant is called the "Queen of the Meadows"? Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effect? This is a meadowsweet. The history of its application and use in modern medicine, healing properties and contraindications - below

Highlander multiflorous: medicinal properties, methods of application in traditional medicine

Highlander multiflorous: medicinal properties, methods of application in traditional medicine

Years of experience in the use of various medicinal plants has been passed down from generation to generation. Most of the recipes are still in use today. Collections of herbs that contain highlander multiflora are considered effective. Let us consider in more detail what this plant is special, and in what cases it should be taken

Healing properties of tricolor violet

Healing properties of tricolor violet

There are a lot of medicines currently on sale, but the most harmless way of treatment is traditional medicine. Violet tricolor is a plant that has many useful properties. You can learn about them by reading this article

Milk with soda: recipe, indications for use, reviews

Milk with soda: recipe, indications for use, reviews

As practice shows, milk with soda can eliminate the symptoms of many diseases: cough, pain in the stomach, etc. This is an effective alternative medicine that has been popular for more than one century. Let's take a closer look at its properties