Dandelion tea: recipe, useful properties, method of application

Dandelion tea: recipe, useful properties, method of application
Dandelion tea: recipe, useful properties, method of application

Dandelion is familiar to everyone since childhood. But the fact that this is a useful plant and you can make a tasty and healing drink from it is a novelty for many. This article will be useful to those who decide to make dandelion tea for the first time. To fully understand the benefits of the drink, you need to know what properties the flower has.


Indeed, the dandelion is rightfully called a medicinal flower. You just need to get acquainted with its composition:

  • vitamins (A, C, B4, B2, B1),
  • minerals (iron, potassium, chromium, calcium),
  • organic acids,
  • biologically active substances,
  • bioflavonoids.

And most importantly, all useful substances are stored in tea. But only, of course, with the right preparation.

Benefits of tea

dandelion tea
dandelion tea

Due to its rich composition, dandelion tea is useful for:

  • Colds, there are several recipes for making tea for colds.
  • Skin diseases, decoctions and fresh flowers are suitable here.
  • Cardiovasculardiseases.
  • Renal failure.
  • Anemia, of any severity.
  • Overweight. Tea helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body, without washing out potassium. It also cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Therefore, weight loss is not excluded if there are extra pounds.
  • Edema. Dandelion tea is considered a good diuretic, and does not cause as much harm as medicines, since when removing excess fluid from the body, the necessary s alts are not washed out.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Gout, rheumatism.
  • Hangover.
dandelion flower tea
dandelion flower tea

Also this drink:

  • helps restore the liver;
  • improves brain activity;
  • fights hangover;
  • just an excellent prophylactic against many diseases.

Dandelion root tea is good for cancer. The effect is much better than from chemotherapy. The drink destroys cancer cells. Tea also helps to get rid of constipation and flatulence, as it normalizes the digestive tract. Dandelion juice is good for lightening freckles, age spots and flat warts.

Important medicinal properties of the plant: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic; tonic, hepatoprotective. Also, a drink from this plant improves immunity, cleanses the body and blood from harmful substances.

Therefore, if dandelion tea is added to the main treatment of one of these diseases, then recovery will be faster. For this you needcollect the dandelion correctly and save it.

To make tea, dandelion syrups, flowers, leaves, and roots are used. And depending on this, the drink will have different properties.

benefits of dandelion tea
benefits of dandelion tea

Dandelion collection rules

The most useful will be a young flower. All of its components are suitable for collection. You need to collect dandelion away from the city. It is possible in the forest, garden, where there are less harmful gases and dust. Since dandelion, like any plant, absorbs harmful substances well into itself. And instead of benefit, you can harm such a plant.

Home collected flowers must be sorted out well from debris and insects. Then rinse thoroughly under running, cool water and dry. If the plant is harvested for future use, then it is dried completely, in the shade, without the use of dryers. Flowers, leaves, roots, all this must be dried separately. Drying in the oven at a temperature of 55 degrees is allowed. Flowers are stored in open containers or in bags, but not synthetic.

If the collection is aimed only at the root, then it is best to collect in late autumn, before the snow falls. Pay attention to the root itself. It must be whole, thick, without splits, not damaged by pests. After properly collecting and preserving a flower, you need to be able to cook it correctly.

Easiest recipe

How to make dandelion tea? This drink is easy to make. This is discussed below. First, consider the simplest dandelion tea recipe. For one glass of boiling watertake one tablespoon of raw materials (flower, leaves or root, depending on what the drink is brewed for). Then you need to let it brew for four minutes. Add honey (better) and drink it.

Root roasting to make coffee

Dandelion can be used to make not only tea, but also coffee. It is made from roots prepared in a special way. They are dried in a dry frying pan at high temperature until dark brown. The main thing here is not to burn. The drink is fragrant and tasty. But it contains less useful substances than tea, as some substances are destroyed during frying.

Flower tea

how to drink dandelion tea
how to drink dandelion tea

How to make tea from dandelion flowers? It is best made from fresh inflorescences. For cooking, you will need 2-3 handfuls of the flowers themselves (without stalks) - this is if the drink is prepared in a teapot. We take from the calculation: one handful per glass of water. Pour the contents with boiling water. Then let it brew for no more than five minutes. This tea is useful for common colds, poor sleep, improves immunity, gives vigor.

Dandelion leaf tea

Cooking from the calculation of fresh raw materials. You will need about three handfuls of leaves. They are washed, slightly dried and placed in a teapot. Take 1.5 cups of water. For flavor, you can add lemon (in already prepared tea) or mint leaves (put in a teapot) to dandelion leaves for aroma. The contents are poured with boiling water. After giving time to brew. Tea helps to strengthen the immune system, relieve the body of edema, constipation. Suchdrink is a good antiviral agent. If tea is prepared from dry leaves of the material, then it is better to grind them. So they better give up all the useful properties.

Healing tea

dandelion root tea
dandelion root tea

It is recommended to drink for pain in the joints. To do this, you only need dandelion flowers with a stalk. The drink should be stronger. Take 6-7 heads (medium). All this is poured into a glass of cold water. Next, put the dishes on fire, preferably medium. When the drink boils, it must be left on low heat for another 15-20 minutes. The prepared mixture is filtered and drunk in small portions, up to three times a day, before meals. Additionally, the decoction treats the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, improves the condition of the liver, and is useful for gynecological diseases.

Dandelion tea for kidney treatment

It is not recommended to drink without medical supervision. Tea can cause kidney stones to pass. The main thing here is that they do not block the urinary canal. For cooking, 2 tablespoons of dry stems and flowers are taken (you can use one flower or one stem) and 1.5 liters of water. After boiling, also keep on low heat for about twenty minutes. Then the drink is filtered. Drink freshly prepared.

Tea from plant roots

The root must be crushed before cooking. You will need a tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Strain after cooking. You can add lemon or honey. The drink helps with colds, coughs, well replenishes the body with vitamins.

he alth benefits of teadandelion
he alth benefits of teadandelion

In case of cancer, it is recommended to drink the following drink. Take three tablespoons of the root (previously crushed). Pour two cups of boiling water and put on a slow fire for 20-25 minutes. Drink twice a day, thirty minutes before meals. If fresh parts of the plant are taken for cooking, then two tablespoons of chopped roots per glass of boiling water are enough. On fire, you need to keep twice as long. This drink can be drunk up to three times a day. 100-150 ml each.

Contraindications for use and harm from tea

Here are the most famous dandelion tea recipes. Unfortunately, this drink also has its downsides. But they are insignificant in comparison with its benefits. Tea is not recommended for people with gastritis (high acidity), stomach ulcers, exacerbation of gallstone disease, diarrhea and people allergic to dandelion pollen, diabetes. The presence of heartburn suggests that tea is not suitable. That is, it harms the body. It is also undesirable to drink a decoction of dandelions for pregnant women and while breastfeeding. It is not known how the tea will affect the baby.

When collecting dandelion and processing it, be sure to follow the reaction on your hands. If red spots appear, urticaria, it means that a drink from this plant will be contraindicated. The allergy may not be to pollen, but more to iodine, which is found in dandelion.

dangers of dandelion tea
dangers of dandelion tea


Now you know how to make dandelion tea. The benefits and harms of this drink are twoimportant topics that are discussed in detail in the article. The benefits of dandelion tea are undeniable. The flower is easy to find, collect and dry. It helps to cure many diseases. You just need to know which part of the flower to cook and the recipe for brewing. It is undesirable to use it simultaneously with taking medications (for example, take pills with them), you need to wait a while. Then it will be useful. Well, take into account diseases in which dandelion tea is contraindicated.
