Alternative medicine 2024, October

Caustic soda and its uses

Caustic soda and its uses

Caustic soda, otherwise known as sodium hydroxide, caustic soda or caustic, is known to chemists as NaOH. Almost 57 tons of caustic are consumed every year in the world

Urbech: benefit and harm. Useful properties and contraindications

Urbech: benefit and harm. Useful properties and contraindications

Dagestan dishes are very nutritious, enriched with useful elements. These products include vegetable paste - urbech. Benefits and harms are still of interest to scientists. She will be discussed in the publication

Fir - useful properties, uses, recipes and effectiveness

Fir - useful properties, uses, recipes and effectiveness

Fir is a plant that has many beneficial properties for humans. Fir-based recipes have been used since ancient times for youth, beauty and he alth. Needles, resin, bark and fir oil help to cope with inflammation in the body. Fir is rich in essential oils and tannins, as well as vitamins. And it can be used to improve the appearance and he alth of the skin and hair, to ease the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, as a remedy for pain in muscles and joints

Chicory flowers in folk medicine. What are the benefits of chicory flowers and how to use them?

Chicory flowers in folk medicine. What are the benefits of chicory flowers and how to use them?

The scientific name of chicory is mentioned for the first time in the writings of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, Greek philosophers who called this plant Kichorion

Comfrey officinalis: description, composition, use for joints, recipes, reviews

Comfrey officinalis: description, composition, use for joints, recipes, reviews

Comfrey is a unique plant that heals fractures, abrasions and dislocations, accelerates tissue regeneration, and has an anti-inflammatory and protective effect on the skin. An ointment from a plant can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home

What a miracle this green walnut is! Beneficial features

What a miracle this green walnut is! Beneficial features

A walnut tree can bear fruit for hundreds of years, giving people a tasty and healing product. But not only its ripened fruit is valued, but also the green walnut, the beneficial properties of which have been known since the time of the Old Testament. You can learn about them from this article

Osokor, or black poplar: description, medicinal properties and use of black poplar buds

Osokor, or black poplar: description, medicinal properties and use of black poplar buds

The well-known black poplar tree (black poplar) is associated with light fluff and summer days. This long-liver is famous for its phytoncidal properties, as it cleans the air of pollution and pathogens. In this tree, almost every part of it is valued

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies at home. Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies at home. Traditional medicine recipes

Everything happens in lifeā€¦ It may also happen that a wrong lifestyle or other factors will lead to hemorrhoids. Find out in this article what it is and how to deal with it

Medicinal vodka tinctures

Medicinal vodka tinctures

Various tinctures on vodka occupy a separate place in alcoholic beverages. But in Russia, which is the birthplace of this alcoholic product, the situation is the opposite, it is rather difficult to find a good tincture of vodka on store shelves

Rules of conduct in the bath and sauna

Rules of conduct in the bath and sauna

Everyone knows that baths and saunas are the best means not only for relaxation and recreation. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the overall he alth of the human body: it cleanses of toxins, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the skin, internal organs

Tincture - hemlock: medicine and poison

Tincture - hemlock: medicine and poison

A valuable medicinal and at the same time poisonous and deadly plant is hemlock. It was known back in the days of Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Avicenna as a killer herb and an antitumor agent. And in recent years, interest in this plant has increased significantly. It has been established that it is a very strong immunostimulant, which activates and strengthens the body's defenses. In this regard, many herbalists advise adding it to herbal preparations intended for the treatment of various diseases

Features and medicinal properties of leuzea safflower

Features and medicinal properties of leuzea safflower

Nature has endowed us with a variety of lifeguards, which can be found at every turn, walking in nature. Truly, under our feet we have a priceless treasure! These are medicinal plants. Some of them are ubiquitous, but this does not lose their value and charm. Others, like safflower-like leuzea, are extremely rare and therefore highly valued. Why does this beauty attract seekers of natural treasures?

Black hawthorn: recipes, medicinal properties and contraindications

Black hawthorn: recipes, medicinal properties and contraindications

Nature has given man a treasure trove of useful vitamins. Plants, berries - all this keeps not only taste and aroma, but vitamins that can cure a person or improve his he alth

Strengthening blood vessels: folk remedies. How to strengthen blood vessels

Strengthening blood vessels: folk remedies. How to strengthen blood vessels

With age, the vessels become weaker, clogged, the blood can no longer flow in the right amount to all systems, so failures appear in the body. The first signs of problems with blood vessels are mood deterioration, poor he alth and fatigue, hypotension. Timely cleaning and strengthening of blood vessels with folk remedies will allow you to avoid going to the doctor and feel great again

Bee pollen - a miracle cure

Bee pollen - a miracle cure

The list of diseases that bee pollen will help cure is quite large. After all, pollen is a clot of the life force of a plant, its concentrated energy, in which a new life is programmed

Sea buckthorn oil at home everyone can cook

Sea buckthorn oil at home everyone can cook

There is hardly a person who has never heard of the existence of sea buckthorn oil. After all, sea buckthorn berries contain a huge amount of various trace elements, vitamins and organic acids. Oil from sea buckthorn berries is traditionally used in the treatment of wounds, burns, stomach ulcers

When to collect viburnum? All about berries

When to collect viburnum? All about berries

For many Slavic peoples, viburnum has long symbolized (and symbolizes) girlish beauty, love and happiness. In pre-Christian times, there were whole rituals for collecting ripe viburnum berries. According to some legends, our ancestors, with the onset of time, when it was the right time to collect viburnum, waited for the night and made large fires not far from the bushes

Dubrovnik plant: medicinal properties, uses and recipes

Dubrovnik plant: medicinal properties, uses and recipes

What is the dubrovnik plant? What useful properties does this plant have and for what diseases is it used? Recipes for infusions and decoctions. Dubrovnik varieties and their properties

This amazing tree - mulberry: benefits and harm?

This amazing tree - mulberry: benefits and harm?

The medicinal properties of mulberries have long been used by representatives of the so-called alternative medicine. The fruits of this tree contain a huge amount of nutrients. These are fructose and glucose, traditional for berries, and higher acids, and essential oils, and carotene, and macronutrients. Even official medicine has recently begun to pay tribute to the mulberry: do not be surprised if, along with raspberry jam, you will be recommended mulberry

Guaiac tree: medicinal properties

Guaiac tree: medicinal properties

Guaiac tree, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a plant up to 15 m in height. Belongs to the parnolistnikovye family. This tree is native to Western India, South and Central America

Plantain chastuha: description, use in traditional medicine

Plantain chastuha: description, use in traditional medicine

Plantain chastuha is a medicinal herb common in swampy areas. It has a pronounced diuretic effect. In folk medicine, it is used to treat kidney diseases, hemorrhoids and other ailments. So what are the useful properties of the plantain chastuha? For a description of the beneficial qualities of this plant, read this article

Medicinal plants. Home first aid kit list

Medicinal plants. Home first aid kit list

Along with the usual for everyone, it is recommended to make first-aid kits in which medicinal plants would be collected. The list of essentials is below

Shrub cinquefoil: photo, medicinal properties, indications and contraindications for use

Shrub cinquefoil: photo, medicinal properties, indications and contraindications for use

The plant, which is known to many as Kuril tea, is called the cinquefoil shrub in botany. He is also a shrub cinquefoil, and among the people he is called "mighty". It is part of the rose family

Pine gum: he alth benefits

Pine gum: he alth benefits

Pine oleoresin, being a natural preparation, is widely used in alternative treatment. As an external remedy, it is recommended for getting rid of skin ulcers, as well as for rubbing with muscle pain, rheumatism and arthritis

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies

How to lower cholesterol folk remedies

Cholesterol is a substance that is the main component of our cell membranes and a catalyst for the synthesis of bile, hormones, vitamin D. It has a lipid nature and constantly circulates in the blood stream. The term "cholesterol" comes from the Greek words "bile" and "solid" ("chole", "stereo")

Vladimir Frolov - chiropractor

Vladimir Frolov - chiropractor

Frolov Vladimir Alexandrovich - osteopath, professor, academician and associate professor of the department. His contribution to alternative medicine is undeniable, he has written many scientific papers, confirmed by years of successful practice

Shichko-Bates method: description and reviews

Shichko-Bates method: description and reviews

At the beginning of the last century, the world heard a sensational statement made by the American eye doctor William Bates

Eucalyptus oil: the benefits of nature itself

Eucalyptus oil: the benefits of nature itself

Healing properties of eucalyptus were known to the natives of Australia. Today, various diseases are treated with the leaves of the evergreen mighty giant. Eucalyptus is cultivated on the Black Sea coast, in California, Brazil and China. Significantly expanded not only the area of growth of this tree, but also the scope of the use of its leaves, and all thanks to the essential oil contained in them

Animal therapy: effect and treatment examples

Animal therapy: effect and treatment examples

The main direction of animal therapy is working with children and adolescents who have communication difficulties or impaired motor-motor functions. Adults turn to the official method less often, but more often act as initiators of "home", non-targeted treatment

Herbal collection "Altai Key": negative reviews, composition, indications for use

Herbal collection "Altai Key": negative reviews, composition, indications for use

Herbal collection "Altai key" has a lot of conflicting reviews. Why are some enthusiastic about this drug, while others scold him for what the world is worth? And what are the reviews of doctors about the herbal collection "Altai Key"? Let's try to objectively understand what consumers and experts say

Thyme for men: medicinal properties and contraindications

Thyme for men: medicinal properties and contraindications

Thyme for men is simply necessary in the treatment of certain pathologies. Herbal medicine may even be more successful in dealing with some problems than synthetic drugs

Propolis oil: cooking recipes, useful properties, application, reviews

Propolis oil: cooking recipes, useful properties, application, reviews

What is propolis oil? How to make it? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Propolis, like honey, is a natural product produced by bees. It is a valuable beekeeping product with a lot of useful qualities. It has a rich brown color, a slightly bitter taste and a light, unobtrusive aroma

Inelecampane roots - a remedy for many ailments

Inelecampane roots - a remedy for many ailments

Inula roots contain substances such as polysaccharides, inulenin and inulin, some alkaloids, essential oil, saponins and vitamin E. These roots have a spicy, burning and bitter taste and a peculiar smell. Elecampane improves digestion, stimulates appetite, normalizes the secretory function of the intestines and stomach and improves metabolism

Aspen root: medicinal properties and contraindications

Aspen root: medicinal properties and contraindications

Looking for an alternative to pharmacological agents? Then pay attention to preparations based on aspen root. It is an excellent natural antiseptic that will help to cope with a number of diseases. Read the article for details

Peach oil: application in cosmetology

Peach oil: application in cosmetology

A real storehouse of vitamins - peach oil. Its use in medicine and cosmetology, as well as in cooking, confirms this. It is quite fatty; it is obtained from the seeds of this wonderful fruit by cold pressing

Black cumin: use in medicine and cosmetology. Black cumin oil: properties

Black cumin: use in medicine and cosmetology. Black cumin oil: properties

Black cumin seed oil has unique healing properties. The peculiarity of this plant is that in order to achieve the best result, it should be used in very small doses, drop by drop. After a monthly course of internal use, not only the appearance of a person improves significantly, but also his well-being and mood

Aronia chokeberry: photo, medicinal properties and contraindications

Aronia chokeberry: photo, medicinal properties and contraindications

In many summer cottages and gardens you can see this light-loving, unpretentious, temperature-resistant plant. With the well-known mountain ash, it has a very distant relationship. This is black chokeberry. The medicinal properties of this plant are well known and have been successfully used since ancient times. Today we will tell you more about them

Types of body hardening

Types of body hardening

Hardening is a system of preventive procedures necessary for the body's resistance to negative environmental factors. Activities can increase a person's endurance, strengthen the nervous system, immunity and improve resistance to various diseases. There are several types of hardening, which will be discussed in the article

Young pine shoots: medicinal properties and contraindications

Young pine shoots: medicinal properties and contraindications

Pine shoots. Many have heard of their excellent medicinal properties. What diseases can they cure and what are the rules for harvesting this unique raw material used in traditional medicine?

Alternative clinic in Vladimir - a new word in medicine

Alternative clinic in Vladimir - a new word in medicine

Today, there are many painless, less expensive and effective treatments for a variety of diseases. This is exactly what the Alternative Clinic in Vladimir does. Treatment methods, which have practically no analogues in Russia, give excellent results in a short time without a rehabilitation period. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, early wrinkles, scars - this is not the whole list of problems solved by the clinic's specialists