The popularity of this drug has recently been growing, which means that its action is quite serious and requires detailed consideration. According to some evidence, it is used and actively advertised by big stars, such as, for example, Madonna. So, the additive "Astaxanthin" - what is this drug? To fully understand the situation, you should deeply understand the terms and study some facts.
Terminology and explanations of some commonly used terms

First you need to understand the terminology. BAD - biologically active additives. That is, this is not a medicine, but a composition of components useful for the human body, most of which are of natural origin.
Free radicals are atoms that do not have one electron in the outer electron orbital, which means they constantly strive to return it (a natural process), attracting electrons from other atoms. The latter donate electrons, and bonds in molecules in which thesethe elements were constituents, destroyed or rebuilt. At the same time, they turn into the same free radicals and thus start the process along the chain. From here, premature aging, chronic diseases, wrinkles, oncological diseases appear, with which astaxanthin fights. Reviews of doctors about the need for this antioxidant emphasize that a small amount of this element is produced by the body due to natural processes. In addition, he receives from the outside a pretty good “feed” with food. But in modern life, free radicals began to enter the body in much larger quantities, but antioxidants do not increase their level.
Antioxidants are substances that can block the action of free radicals. The most powerful of them are representatives of the group of carotenoids. The carotenoids themselves are divided into subgroups: carotenes and xanthophylls. Partly produced by the body, partly supplied with food.

Main Ingredients
The main component of the drug "BioAstin Astaxanthin", as you might guess, is a representative of carotenoids from the xanthophylls subgroup - astaxanthin. This is a red element, a fat dissolver. Due to its properties, which will be described below, it is tacitly considered the "king of carotenoids". It was first isolated in 1933 from salmon meat.
Characterization of some components. Their content in nature
An element of natural origin - astaxanthin. What does this mean? This means that it is calmly perceived by ourorganism and interacts with it in a positive way. At the moment, there is synthetically derived astaxanthin, but the beauty complex of the Swedish company Wellness uses its natural form. In nature, this element is found in seafood such as salmon, salmon (and the entire Salmon family), red caviar, crabs, shrimp, some types of algae, plants and even birds. The list is very long, but the content of this antioxidant in the same salmon is very small, almost scanty. This justifies taking dietary supplements.
The role of these components in the human body
What does astaxanthin do in the human body that supplements based on it have gained popularity even among famous people like Madonna? Of course, it is stupid to consider the drug "Astaxanthin", the price of which ranges from 400 to 600 rubles, as a panacea. However, some studies show a rather serious effect from its use.
The drug itself, or rather, the element that is included in it (astaxanthin), has one distinctive feature of the internal structure - two additional oxygen molecules. This allows not only to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, but also to stop destructive reactions in molecules and molecular structures in the body. Also, this antioxidant interacts with its other "relatives" and thus enhances their action! What is more interesting, it can penetrate the cell and "settle" on its surface, providing comprehensive care and "care". So, you have decided to purchase the Astaxanthin supplement. Where to buy this drug?You can buy it in almost any pharmacy!
About the developers of dietary supplements and its "predecessors"

The developer of dietary supplements is the Swedish company Oriflame, whose products are not worth talking about, since their quality and competitiveness are extremely high. She has been on the market of dietary supplements and cosmetics for a long time. The drug is sold by the Wellness organization, which has a lot of beauty complexes in its assortment. It is in active partnership with many leading manufacturers. As a result of long experiments of professionals, the Astaxanthin remedy appeared. Oriflame, as mentioned above, transferred this product to a trusted partner for sale. So it can be said that the supplement is marketed and developed by two very prestigious quality-conscious companies.
Environment and its impact on human he alth
In our world, the conditions for the existence of the human body have changed beyond recognition, when compared with the beginning of the last century. Free radicals are produced in the body upon contact with heavy air, water, poor-quality food, and alcohol. Synthetic components in products cause a sharp increase in free radical production. The number of microstresses per day in our world is simply impressive, and every, even the most imperceptible, stress is the release of free radicals by the body. Also, the amount and intensity of physical activity affects the amount of the above substances produced. For athletes, the drug "Astaxanthin" (reviews themselvesathletes are very positive) it is advised to use regularly to relieve tension after training and overwork.
Often all these factors, imperceptibly for us, begin to act simultaneously on the body, which spontaneously releases into its environment an overwhelming amount of free radicals. Of course, the body is simply defenseless in front of so many harmful elements produced by it. It is unable to generate the amount of antioxidants needed to extinguish the “fire” that has begun as quickly. This is where astaxanthin-based drugs come to the rescue. The instructions for this product describe in more detail in which cases it should be used. We will consider only the most important points.

What does Astaxanthin fight against?
The drug fights the consequences of an incorrect, unhe althy (and almost all people in our world have it) lifestyle. It stops and absorbs the effects of free radicals on the body, fights the consequences of their actions (restores broken bonds between molecules), strengthens the immune system, and provides a high level of cell protection from the negative effects of destructive elements. Not being a medicine, this drug strengthens the body, preventing diseases from arising. Above, we examined the basic facts about the drug "Astaxanthin": what it is and why it is needed. It should be noted that it has several characteristic features that make the product unique in its kind.
Some interesting facts about itBAD
Firstly, it is a high permeability through biological membranes, which allows more active interaction with cells and other antioxidants.

Second, anti-inflammatory action anywhere in the body.
Third, the ability to penetrate the retina and create an active antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect there.
Fourthly, the dispersion of the substance throughout the body and the performance of the above functions there.
And good tolerance of Astaxanthin. Reviews of people who take it report that during the entire period of use, not a single allergic reaction or incompatibility with other means was noticed. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body. This fact makes it one of the safest drugs. This product has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
Use Tips
Means "Astaxanthin" in the pharmacy, although it is sold, but it is not a medicine and by no means a panacea. There are no specific recommendations for use, but there are certain recommendations on when it will be most appropriate.
Most often, its use is advised to people with severely impaired vision and / or eye diseases, skin diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infectious diseases associated with weakened immunity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatoid arthritis, ailments associated with the digestive and genitourinary systems, with cancerousdiseases.

Specialists about Astaxanthin supplement
Reviews of doctors about the drug are mostly positive. Negative comments, if any, are very rare. Nutritionists note that free radicals really accelerate the aging process and destruction of the body at the cellular level. Only antioxidants can stop or completely neutralize their action. Also, experts say that today, among a large number of drugs and dietary supplements, vitamins and enzymes, as well as, for example, carotenoids, deserve close attention. Astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant carotenoid. Immunologists add that the action of this substance is 10-15 times more effective than vitamin A, and also 100-500 times more effective than vitamin E.

We hope this article was useful and answered the question about the drug "Astaxanthin" - what it is and what it is eaten with. Approach this product responsibly, as it is quite important for the functioning of the body. And it is imperative to take care of your he alth. Stay he althy!